This Will Flip Υour Wοrld Upside Down! Newly Uncοvered Photographs Reveal A World Νever Before Seen

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to talk about some rather amazing things that I discovered this is Tony hope you're all doing well I showed this video over my other channel about a sky train from 1902 as you can see here rather smooth seems like pretty high technology for that time frame you can see that I have nice Bridges beautiful architecture not what you would expect back in the 1900s a Sky Train really how about Skype Skype back in 1928 1935 this here is 1928 this is 1935. I can show you that um let's see where is it at here we go Skype back in 1935 that's kind of weird it's like almost 100 years ago they're pretty much doing what we do for a living now you know if you work from your home you're pretty much using something like that they just don't have a computer they got Skype though I guess they didn't have computers back then that's that's something different right but actually we had more advanced technology than even what we saw a hundred years ago probably two three hundred years ago I'm going to show you a little bit of that as well you can see here the post office using scooters back a hundred years ago to mail and like I said this SkyTrain was from 120 years ago this wasn't 100 this was 120 years ago notice the buildings look a lot better than ours we we don't we got Walmart and Slurpees now folks they got beautiful architecture we got pretty much square boxes we live in right I mean literally uh that's pretty much what it is with a little roof on it you know uh like I said I'm going to be getting into a lot of interesting stuff they had buses back then they even had I mean this wasn't 100 years ago but they actually had some pretty Advanced uh flying Contraptions I would when I watched this video it looks just as good as some of the ones they make today that's all the that's the entire thing right there by the way there's no propeller it's using a jet engine folks this was like 80 years ago they're using a jet engine on this and it looks better than the ones they make today I mean it actually flies better it goes 60 miles an hour like really they actually made it better back then and this actually was uh they actually picked helicopters over this by the way this was the one main thing competing with helicopters back in the early days like the 50s and stuff uh they decided on helicopters and actually abandoned that technology that I just showed you which is kind of curious as you can imagine uh but like I said we're gonna be getting into a lot of stuff here you can see here 1928 1935 just like I said um you could literally Skype someone in another city another state using a Skype a phone a TV sitting at a chair just like you can do today and there's actually other technology that makes you really wonder let me show you this this is what really makes me wonder you have the Crystal Palace that was in Britain which we can't we could they couldn't maintain it after they got automatic manufacturing by the way my background's mechanical engineering I studied all this in college the history of Technology things in this realm automated automated manufacturing was something that came in during the Industrial Age Henry Ford was one of the main people to first pioneer this but what's interesting is even after they had automated manufacturing they had automatic glass making they had machines to make glass they couldn't maintain the Crystal Palace in Britain they couldn't maintain this building either the manufacturing building in Chicago this building look at this building look at this Machinery they're they're supposed to be showing off their Advanced Machinery from the Industrial Age and look at this building itself the building itself is something they couldn't even build with this Machinery they couldn't even maintain these buildings they couldn't maintain the glass structures above it even after they got automatic so just imagine we're told that they didn't hit okay before automatic glass making before automated manufacturing they had horse and buggy and by hand did things right so where did this building come from how did they build this building with horse and buggy in by hand I'm I'm scratching my head here folks this technology inside this building isn't even remotely good enough to manufacture this I think I have a right to say that I'm a mechanical mechanical engineer I even studied architectural design I think I might know a few things okay I'm telling you it doesn't look it doesn't make sense and like I I mentioned before you also have the population growth which is very strange I'm not showing this best on the screen but this is basically 1600 1700 1800 1900 and then we had an explosion of population around 1930 or 40. until now essentially they're telling us that there was no population growth for thousands of years does that even make any sense I I don't really think so it doesn't make tons it doesn't make a lot of sense to me you have these uh water phones extremely elaborate water fountains Versailles France that have been there for hundreds in hundreds of years yet for some reason in this extremely large building in the background there's no Plumbing there's no toilets how is it they're able to move this water and make these magnificent magnificent water fountains as you can see here that even shoot up at different times this is old technology this is not some new stuff they created hundreds and hundreds of years old for some reason they couldn't put Plumbing in this in the in the in the building itself I don't believe that so why didn't they put Plumbing why didn't they put toilets in these castles probably because the people using them didn't need the toilet why would that be the case well maybe because they were not exactly from here they weren't you and I they're a little bit different than you and I what do I mean by that and you're like what are you talking about dude well maybe it's because we don't understand our history very well and I'm gonna get into that after you watch my other video you might know already what I'm getting at but we'll be getting into that actually a lot more in this video as we go along uh first though I gotta mention food supply 25-year shelf life link is in the description three months worth for 5.97 you already spend this much for one month's worth of food at Kroger and it don't have no 25-year shelf life you're going to definitely want to get this folks this is the same price they had four years ago matter of fact it's even cheaper than it was like three years ago three years ago they were like trying to sell this for 800. they're selling it for they're selling it for cheaper than three years ago unlike every other company out there these guys are the ones you want to buy from these guys link is in the description if you haven't already bought that there's also other packages you can even get I think there's like a 49 package even for like one week worth you got 127 for two weeks worth link is in the description of course also this book here the Lost ways how your great great grandfather live without electricity back in the old days in you know 1900s early 1900s 1800s back in the uh the rural areas but actually what's interesting is I think maybe two three four hundred years ago it might not really have been the case in some cases with regards to the rural areas they might have also had electricity back then I'll get into that a little bit in this video but I do think about 150 years ago he'd be hard-pressed to find any electricity out in the rural areas and they were able to live without it you might want to get this book just in case because you might have uh something like that happen to you considering all the stuff that's been going on around us at war that seems to never end it could turn into something much larger who knows it could be whatever reason you can't afford electricity anymore that was an issue for a while particularly in Europe about half a year ago link is in the description hundreds of pages Illustrated how to do things around the house recipes all manner of stuff uh how to build a seller Etc et cetera link is in a scripture for that um same price it's been four years ago as well 37 with shipping also if you want to support us on NOAA VR the gamer designing you can actually get involved and be able to make money in the process four hundred dollars put in and you can get a share of profits you can get the 400 plus more back when we released the game folks leak is in the description if we're even halfway uh successful with this you're going to make multi-fold over the 400 folks link is in the description again we have one of the top programmers in the world we're already halfway done with the game we've been working on it for two years I've been paying the guy the entire time to work on this for me one of the top level VR programmers in the world on top of that we're looking to hire and we already uh thanks to a lot of you we've already gotten a lot of money in already and we're able to already speed up the process we were already able to buy some software that really helped out to speed up the process and cut out a lot of man hours we're also interviewing people right now we're trying to we have a number of guys that we want to bring on board we don't have enough money to bring uh all the ones we want to bring on board yet but if we do raise some more money we will be able to bring on some guys that worked on Assassin's Creed Call of Duty Transformers on the team they actually ask our programmer for advice on how to do VR we're also going to be making a standard version we're using the VR to get our foot in the door with Playstation Xbox after that then we'll have the standard version as well which will probably sell more copies even on top of it and we're going to be releasing it on Steam as well and I mean if we're even halfway successful it could be a 200 million dollars there's one game that made 200 million dollars in one year it started out very similar manner very Grassroots but anyway check that out link is in the description of course my website also a link is in the description if you're looking for more videos like this one here check it out link is in the description for that let's get back to the video so so what was I talking about I'm trying to remember what I was in okay so I was getting into I was getting into oh yeah the water fountains that's what I was talking about so these water fountains are very interesting and they really tell you a story I feel like this architecture in the past tells a story that they don't tell us in the classroom because honestly at looking at this from from an architectural standpoint from a mechanical engineering standpoint this does not make any sense how is it we have buildings back hundreds of years ago that defy explanation here we have an island in Normandy France which is essentially has no roads to it they've they've they've put roads to it now but it didn't have roads to it at one time they have a tide that comes in and it actually fills up the area this absolutely stunning uh Cathedral okay this is Mont Saint Michael unbelievable architecture it makes literally no sense what's going on here why is there this you know this is like the Disney World logo I mean it literally is this is probably where they got their idea from was from this island from Mount St Michael um you look at the architecture inside that thing it's just unbelievable and I didn't have it open but I could show you something it's just really amazing but they they tell us the story behind it doesn't even make sense they claim that Saint Michael the angel told him to build it in in his honor which makes no sense why would an angel tell you to honor him that sounds like a fallen type of Angel not an actual normal angel Michael the Archangel would have not said something like that but they claim this is what he said it's very obvious he wouldn't have said something like that if you understand how how the teaching goes but let me see if I can get inside the inside the building or inside um let's try this inside there we go as you can see here supposedly they built this with horse and buggy they somehow transplanted all this Stone structure and built this on eight a little mountain in the ocean so how did they transfer all this stuff over there how did they build this with horse and buggy tell me that I want to know the answer to that one folks okay it just doesn't make any sense um look at this that's the courtyard right there and we don't build anything like this even if it's in an area easy to get to we don't build anything like this today so my whole point is is that you can see that something different was happening a couple hundred a few hundred years ago they had buildings that we couldn't even maintain that ended up uh going Into Obscurity and essentially being uh taken down like the the Crystal Palace in in Britain or the manufacturers building in Chicago which of course they used in the uh the Chicago World Fair in 1893 but they claim they built it in 1893 and I have a hard time believing that because it housed 300 000 people where is that at I got I got a picture of that around here somewhere where it shows half the building filled with people yeah here we go I've shown this as an icon before I'm trying to think of the best way I could show this here we go this is only half the building here you're looking actually from the halfway point to the one side they supposedly built this with horse and buggy I don't know about you but that that just seems extremely unbelievable I don't I don't believe they built this with horse and buggy I don't even think we could build this today we don't even have a building that can house 300 000 people today we have no building that can house this many people so how did they build it back then if we can't even build it today we don't even have any buildings we I think the biggest one we have is 180 000 housed that's like the biggest we don't have no 300 000 who built this why couldn't they maintain it doesn't even make sense but anyway so we're going to get into how these waterfall water fountains couldn't didn't had Plumbing in this elaborate Plumbing but the the buildings themselves didn't have restrooms it's because they didn't need them why wouldn't they not need him because it because maybe we're living in a time that you don't understand okay let me explain this out um and I did a little bit on the other video I've talked about this guy before the fact that no one knows these things is the problem if in reality if we were living in a in a standard of course world where people could communicate freely and do whatever they wanted these would all be known these would be all well known the fact that there is a pope named six six and another six this literally in Latin means that this term here is the the number six six this is Latin for six three times it says to watch out for this number in Revelation no one knows this guy existed for some reason but what's interesting about it is he was friends with Saint Augustine St Augustine's like one of the most famous people in the church how is it no one knows this guy existed he was friends with Saint Augustine are you kidding me no one knows this guy existed and this is not the only person there's like a ton of these type of things that and what really made me realize that there's something going on here is the fact that I found a number of things that no one knows that everyone should know everyone should know that guy existed I never learned about that growing up I I used to read tons of books when it first became a Believer tons I read like about Pope history back then I remember reading about all the popes I never heard of this guy even when I read about all the popes they never talked about this guy not even once then of course there's a historical event that happened in 8066 that no one knows about you would I used to read tons of reference books I literally had this thick book like this I you're not supposed to read it I was like obsessed with reading stuff it's called the treasury of scripture knowledge it's not a book you read you don't read this book okay it's like a reference book and I was reading it that's how I was I was reading like thick books you're not supposed to read okay as you can see this is only a fraction of the books I actually sold a ton of books I used to have a lot more and I sold a bunch of them and then I kind of regret it now but I actually had more than that I probably had about double that but um you know I used to read a ton of books and I never heard of any of these things no one ever talked no one talks about these why does no one talk about this here you have a historical thing that happened in a historical event confirmed by three professional historians and no one knows about it except for people that follow my channel okay the son of course of man literally seen in the clouds in 8066 confirmed by secular historians secular secular historians secular tacitus is a secular historian Roman historians they don't believe in any of this stuff don't care about any of this stuff saying they saw chariots in the clouds not them thousands and thousands of everybody saw it they couldn't deny the fact that everyone saw the exact same thing in the clouds they couldn't explain it away it was so many people that knew about it and so many people saw it that they had to historically write it down because it was in a historical event that everyone confirms you see what I'm getting at happened in 1866 no one knows about it why why don't you know about it is it because we maybe live in a time of deception could the devil be the one behind this yeah I think so I'm going to show you a little bit more we don't take Jesus's words literal enough sometimes Jesus says something and we just like what he says to these leaders there's like leaders in his time he says you will see me in the clouds and then we read it and we think oh he's talking to us 2000 years later he literally said it to leaders in his time frame saying you you knew the guy in front of me will see me in the clouds he didn't say 2 000 years from now you'll see me in the clouds he said you the guy standing in front of me will see me in the clouds right probably probably have to be near his time frame for it to happen right how about 80 66 does that sound close enough that's pretty close I'm sure plenty of those guys were still around in 1866 he was born in around zero A.D he'll only be like 60 years old right not that old I mean well I mean that is pretty old for that time frame but I'm sure a few of them were still around it says right here he said it to Caiaphas you will see me in the clouds you will see me in the clouds and guess what he did he saw him in the clouds historically referenced by flavius Josephus tacitus he said to his own followers you will see me come for you he said that one of them will still be alive I think it was John yeah I was John uh uh I think I have that or where did I put it I said this one no no no okay never mind I think I have it I think it's actually on this document here I'm looking at I'm sure it's around here somewhere uh uh because I read it earlier on the other video some of you will not yeah okay here I got it oh come on let me look it up this way I can find it there we go where are you at some standing here will not taste this where did he say that folks you would assume it would just pull up the verse apparently not where does it say it at okay Matthew 16 28 there we go truly I tell you someone who are standing here will not taste death before you'll see me coming in my kingdom huh that's interesting and of course there was a movie Indiana Jones that had John sitting in some secret room somewhere Indiana Jones comes up to him and like who are you oh I'm John I've been waiting here for 2 000 years why oh because it says that I won't taste you know death before it comes back so it's funny man that's like a movie Indiana Jones right with uh Harrison Ford yeah so that's not what happened he didn't have to wait two thousand years for him to come back it came back already in 80 66 just no one knows about it of course really kind of interesting why no one knows about it could it be because we're in that short time when Lucifer gets out of the pit he has but a short time it's only been 530 530 years since the time he got out according to my calculations based on what I've researched when did he get out at the end of the medieval times he got out at the time of Joan of Arc is when he got out so actually this might sound you know a little bit of this to most people that are believers but he already came back twice yeah 80 66 and 450. we're waiting for the final one to come back a third time this is the final final one you got the Gog and may you know Gog thing going on soon here that's a war that's the final thing that happens which happens to be a world you know War which happens to align with exactly the group right now that's nawar the ruslons they're supposed to be behind it they're that's the next thing that's supposed to be the next thing that happens and then that's the final final of course end and at that point then it's all over it's all over at that point so did he come back in 450 as well well it's interesting I covered this over my other video I I don't want to try to repeat too much stuff but what's interesting about this Pope 6 is the third was at the time of 440 A.D 440 A.D is the fall of the Roman Empire it's right in the middle of it he had 430 to 470 something was when the fall of the Roman Empire it happened in three separate steps there's three sections of the Roman Empire that fell two Germanic tribes and it's discussed on this article here and it actually fits perfectly what Revelation says it says there'll be a horn okay let me show you this uh uh where is it at yeah here we are while I was considering the horn suddenly another horny little one came up among them the third three of the first horns were uprooted before it and it had a mouth that spoke arrogantly Daniel 7 8. who is this little horn it's called the pope Pope sixtus the third that's his name it says to watch out for this number six six and another six in Revelation you have here the little horn uproots three horns who are the three horns I'll show you who the three horns are according to this the gothic King Alaric was one of them so you had the visigos the vandals and odesir audacious Germanic people these are Germanic tribes that conquered Rome the visigos the vandals and the Odo oasers as I said I'm not even sure how you say it at any rate three rulers of Germanic tribes took over Rome yeah okay the first one was 410 I'm sorry Roma sacked by Alaric king of visigos in ad455 it was sacked Again by the vandals and then the last one was 476. so 410 476 add those two together divided by two you get around 440 A.D that's when Pope six is the third was there the pope was given Power by these three Germanic leaders all three of them gave the power to the pope to control Rome again as it says in Daniel here he spoke arrogantly and he's the one who was given power this was the time of the fall of the Roman Empire the fall of the Roman Empire was at the exact time that the end would come the six thousand year time so what ended up happening is the correct timeline is that six thousand years six thousand was at the fall of the Roman Empire this is from the Encyclopedia Britannica by the way what I'm looking at right now no one really knows about this original timeline if you look at the original timeline here you have one of my favorite teachers the loafius of Antioch telling you the time frame in his days all the years of from creation the world amount to a total of 5698 years odd months and days dilophus of Antioch 8169 subtract 169 from 5698 you get about 5530 this was around the time that the king of kings was born it predicts this in a numerous texts I've shown it before I can show it right now if I can find the document where are you at come on where are you at is it this one yeah here we go so you can see it predicted here in the book of Adam five thousand and a half thousandth year he will come the sun will come upon the Earth you have here another one second Adam and Eve at the end of great five days and a half concerning which I've made the promise to DNA father I will send my word you have here first Adam and Eve only one 5 500 years are fulfilled at that time I'll give you the fruit of the Tree of Life and you have another one down here that tells you the same thing also 5 500 years this one is Nicodemus and then you got another one that says what happens at the year six thousand that's when Elijah and Enoch the two olive trees come which is at the fall of the Roman Empire 5500 with zero A.D at 500 years you get 500 A.D that's approximately the time frame of fall the Roman Empire these olive trees must have been there at that time frame at the time frame of Pope sixth is the third and what's interesting about that is Pope 6 is the third was friends with Saint Augustine everyone knows everyone knows who St Augustine is pretty much but no one knows who's Pope 6 is the third is Saint Augustine is the father of teaching for both the Protestant and Catholic Church that's kind of interesting considering his friends with Pope Texas III he was around 400 A.D with Saint Augustine actually let me look at the exact time frame of Saint Augustine let's go look at that real quick uh Saint Augustine and I'll show you how he's friends with them but he was friends with a young he was friends with the young Pope 6 to the third before became Pope uh hippo apparently wants to talk about everything else okay Augustine of Hippo what were you uh 354 to 430 75 years old so 430 A.D so he lived almost to the time of the end follow Roman Empire again Pope 6 is the third became Pope around 4 30 whatever to 440 or fourth board he was like 440 A.D or something he was he was friends with him before that before his Pope Saint Jerome as Saint Augustine both try to convince everybody that there is no Millennial of course Kingdom coming this was what they were spending their time doing St Jerome was the one who wrote the Latin Vulgate he said that women were the root of you know of all evil which is a ridiculous statement but that's what he said I think he was the one who said that I'm pretty sure he was the one that said that I think I'm right I'm pretty sure I'm right I have I have I know I know it's one of those fathers that said that I'm pretty sure it was him though um he thought that way I can tell you that whether or not he said it he thought that way I can guarantee you that much um but uh yeah so the Medieval Times the Thousand Years called the medieval times was exactly the millennial of course Kingdom this was the time frame that they were trying to convince everyone everyone like all the Believers thought this is what it was that the medieval times that were coming forward coming soon were the millennial of course Kingdom and Saint Jerome and Augustine spent their time trying to convince everybody otherwise that it's not the case and I can show you that okay where is it at yeah here we go here it is at the beginning of the fifth century 5900 a.m this is the actual original timeline by the way 5900 am 100 years before the end Jerome and Augustine perceiving the danger of apocalyptic millennialism or believing there's a thousand years coming soon which actually did happen the Medieval Times developed a new and more stringent ways to oppose it Jerome introduced a new set of calculations am2 that placed the Incarnation roughly 300 years earlier thus allowing Latin chronographers to ignore the Advent of 6000 am1 so Jerome purposely lied about when the king of kings was born he literally changed the numbers 300 years it says in Daniel he shall speak great words against the high one it shall and he shall think to himself able to change times and laws where is this coming from Jerome following a very false Spirit Changing Times and laws he doesn't want anybody to know and isn't it interesting no one knows today no one knows this stuff I'm telling you right now when was the Vatican Library created 1475 oh that's interesting that's exactly after the Medieval Times almost like they want to put history in a little library and no one can read it that's kind of weird isn't it yeah kind of a little a little bit weird Joan of Arc I had a dream about all this I had a dream about Joan of Arc and I didn't know it was her I had a dream and there was a number of little markers in my dream and I looked up all the stuff and I ended up figuring out who it was about it's about Joan of Arc and about her friend killius was the win is essentially the time frame when Lucifer got out of the bottomless of course pit so he was in it during the millennial during the medieval times he was in the pit and this is why they weren't successful the Devils during that time frame during that thousand years is because their leader was in a pit and couldn't tell him what to do because he knew more Mysteries than they did how did he know more Mysteries because he used to be sort of like the top dude that knew all the Mysteries next he was he was one of the highest angels so he knew a lot of the Mysteries which of course the other ones didn't know so when he's in the pit they weren't able to essentially do much during the Thousand Years of course another religion was created around that exact time frame I think you can guess which one that is exactly at the fall of the Roman Empire a religion was created exactly at the time anyway I'll let you guess on what it might be but the fact is we had uh Joan of Arc and she was being used by gilias as a pawn and that's another thing that I'm going to be discussing over on my website jira videos is how this is how the devil started coming back into power and what he did he used someone innocent Joan of Arc to bring about something okay and again like I said Lucifer knew more Mysteries than any of the other Angels because he was essentially the the announcer the top top level dog I guess you would say under god um and of course he fell but he still had the Mysteries but of course he's lost a lot because he fell he lost a lot of his powers he's lost probably a lot of his knowledge even he still remembers some of it obviously but you know as you get more and more corrupt you become more and more this as time goes on and so he's trying to hold it together right now and trying to bring about his last two raw which I don't think is going to work out too well for him but anyway I'm going to get into all that uh on my website gr videos I'm going to get into what's going on with Joan of Arc and galeas because it's a little complicated but it it shows you how how the devil works and how he's trying to bring about stuff today even I kind of want some of you guys think let me know in the comment section below thanks for watching
Channel: Godrules 2 - Sons of Thunder
Views: 105,598
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Id: JzQ22LVqoWA
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Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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