This wasn't as easy as we expected! Visiting 10 iconic Glasgow pubs, all in a single (rainy) day...

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good morning folks we're in Glasgow this morning we had all these Grand plans to bring you a nice video but then the weather has kind of put a bit of a dampler on that if you ask any YouTuber deepest January is the worst time to be making videos but not to worry because we've got a plan b or should I say a plan p because we're going to try and visit as many Glasgow pubs as we can today if the pub has got a bit of History tradition something unique about it then we're going there so did you fancy joining us for a pint let's go [Music] we've not got too far to go to the first Pub just down at the end of this Lane but to be honest with you we're both feeling a bit rubbish today so I don't think we're going to be drinking in every Pub we might have a couple of drinks today but I think it'll be on the soft drinks a bit eh yeah right oh yeah yeah are turning on a Drury Street right in the heart of Glasgow and our first Pub is possibly the most famous and iconic Pub in all of Glasgow sorry I'm just having to squeeze in beside the bins here but we've got a bit of trivia outside before we even go in you know it's saying the Horseshoe is possibly the first Pub to introduce an island counter and it's saying it's got the longest bar in the UK I think these days it's about the second longest it's about 104 feet long [Music] two is fine perfect I'll look there's even a horseshoe fireplace cool look out for all the horseshoes in here there's a few of them [Music] [Applause] just an orange juice but um hi we've got a long way to go today haven't we you're sticking to the oranges for now yeah [Music] folks I forgot actually I've got these cards here right you can record me so the Horseshoe is opened in 1846 probably the most famous pub in Glasgow taken over by John scour in 1884 and he named it the Horseshoe in keeping with the equine names of his other pubs so that makes sense and as it says one of the longest bars in Britain right where are we going next next Pub Sloans most of the pubs we've got in the list today are fairly Central but I'll be honest I don't think I've ever been out in Glasgow apart from going to a concert or something I've never been going around the pubs so I don't really know where they are unfortunately this one's in charge of the map oh no that's a big responsibility okay so we're at the argyle arcade and I think Sloans is pretty much attached to it it's hidden away somewhere look at this place it's absolutely gorgeous and I've actually got it in my notes here that the tradition was that couples would get engaged here by the ring in Argyle arcade and then celebrate in swans to the hint nice entrance doesn't look very open please head through to the front door ah okay I was a wee bit worried it was closed there but the sign is saying use the other entrance so let's go and have a look well it's still raining folks and it looks like Sloans doesn't open for a few more minutes we're early again but when you see it from outside it looks like one of those kind of generic bars that you would never go into not a historic Pub so let's get a wee bit deeper and have a look uh when you get through the alley it is quite a nice old place isn't it foreign that's the entrance from the arcade okay it's maybe open now or maybe just a wee bit early look at the staircase gorgeous wow foreign key but see when you go up the stair it's like you're on an old ship or something it's absolutely gorgeous I'm not even shooting for me to be up this high this is the old Ballroom looks like you can rent it for weddings or something it'll give us you can hang your coat up and then go for a dance it is a wee bit dark up here though as I say it's not even open at the moment but I might switch over to the phone that'll be a wee bit better foreign [Music] so that's the ballroom on the second floor if you just come into swans for a drink you'd never know it was up there but if you do come here and you get the chance have a way you look at that now let's go and see what's on the first floor I'll look at the old cash desk sorry but you're stuck did you put this across oh no we'll be getting into trouble foreign [Music] s and bars the music's pumping already so we can't really talk for too long but I get the feeling like we're on an old kind of ship or something here and I guess on the cloud side there's some photos of ships as well famous ships that have been built here I guess that's how it's meant to be [Music] Bucky I really don't like the music but the place is stunning hey yeah if we can just sneak out without a drink oh good idea [Music] oh no oh no it's absolutely chucking it down now follow me oh I've got wet feet already the next police were dashing too now is called Wax Seal Corners it's an Irish Pub and they call themselves the best Irish pub in the world that's a big coin just passing Nelson Mandela place we're almost there welcome to wax seal corners oh man [Music] nice this place is actually incredible when you come in it's a bit of a maze I believe it's over three floors there's nine different areas in three different bars you can just imagine when it's absolutely jumping we hear them a day so it's not quite the atmosphere and you would expect from an Irish Farm but when it's through it must be incredible [Music] and she will try and Snoop it again if they find anything so that was waxy's I'm sure you could have a really nice party in there but it's a wee bit kind of flat pack Irish bar you know we're walking down towards the Clyde now we've got the some Enoch Center over there which is so horrible it's almost nice these days but I think we're coming down to a grouping of about three pubs that sit quite close to each other hopefully and what's the first one we're going to School the Scotia bar and there it is over on the other side of the road the Scotia bar it looks like a proper Glasgow pub doesn't it yeah thank you I'll wait to hear this right considered glasgow's oldest surviving Pub from 1792 regulars back then were Sailors and Merchants which makes sense it's really close to the Clyde and it was a hub for glasgow's 60s and 70s folk Revival so the likes of Billy Connolly and Jerry Rafferty quit here how cool is that okay cool and as it says in the same don't just peek in morning let's go okay look at that Scotia bar 230th birthday [Music] I finally got my drink alcohol [Music] come on oh back into this Glasgow weather absolutely chucking it down but thankfully we're going to the Cooper next and that is just across the road next to the Clyde if you think about it this plant is that's quite old isn't it yeah this is horrible [Applause] right the cool thing it doesn't work very open ack well that's our first failure the khufa is well and truly closed they said on Google it was open from midday to 11 pm but that must be out of date we had some information on this one as well Cooper is the Gaelic word for Clyde and we're right on the backs of the kite here it was opened in 1814 it's now a top music venue and tragedy struck here in 2013 when a police helicopter crashed into the pub killing some of the people that were just sitting having a drink so it's quite an interesting historic Pub I'm just sorry we can't show you in sight go to the next one let's go ah there's positive attitude [Music] we're just about a block now from the lauriston I can see it I just hope it's open I'm really nervous with the last place being closed please please please be open I think it's open I like the signs above it the paintings [Applause] just look at this place it's fantastic so let's have a look at the notes I'm so glad I put these in a folder today just look at that exterior but it's when we get inside it's got an authentic 1960s interior so many across the city are gone now history let's get inside [Music] okay sorry neat place it's a new place where are you taking me [Music] um [Laughter] that's awesome thank you this was all close with the close stairs would forget about here yeah go up the stairs upstairs next one what's only cheese garment coleslaw and salad I don't like Gammon oh well there we go do you want it no two packets of crisp Center maybe everybody [Music] thank you could be a movie Set It really could this place is unbelievable it's so authentic so friendly as well but I've got no pies not today [Music] I love these old heavy tables there but when people would amaze people which is my story all right mate take care thanks very much okay so that is the friendliest place I've ever been we got the full tour we're down in the basement and everything absolutely just incredible people in there incredible bar that's got to be number one on our list I think so right that sounds leaving the Waterston behind we're gonna head over the subway jump on the Clockwork Orange and get to our next Pub is it closed oh no the only problem with a lot of stone is it was too good and it's put us way behind time it's after three o'clock now we don't want these pubs getting too busy when we're visiting them and that's why we're trying to get in during the day but what was that lauriston was number five [Music] just behind us here we've got the Kingston bridge and then this big Grand building you always see that when you're on the motorway but I have no idea what it is Glasgow has some amazing architecture does it [Music] the light is so nice this evening you see it against those old buildings it's so sad just to see that one building on its own Kingston Halls where are you taking me foreign next bar and I am not sure if it's open can you see an open door maybe they're just getting ready to open foreign we've made it to the old toolbar but it looks like it's caused now this was established in 1874 but it says re-established in 2016. it does look like quite a trendy place now but according to my notes it's one of glasgow's coolest pubs and it's got a perfectly preserved Victorian interior and it was renovated as recently as 1892 so it's meant to be a bit of a Hidden Gem here but as I say it looks will be a bit closed well we did see a guy behind the bottom or like what changed you open and he was like four o'clock so we're about half an hour early at the moment so we'll pop back because I think that place is worth having a look at I say it's like a remodeled Pub but I think they have retained that old Victorian charm was it Victorian I don't know we'll go back and have a look what we should do just now anyway is get something to eat good idea we haven't eaten yet today no we had some breakfast but that was a long time ago okay we've had our dinner the sun's gone we've come back down to the old tour but it actually looks quite trendy well you told me it's in Victorian Pub but you didn't tell me it's like a vampire Chic Pub let's try it we promised the guy will come back yeah we did through the window welcome to Pub number seven [Music] I do actually yeah foreign [Music] of course it is trendy but it's also utterly authentic Victorian it's gorgeous India the bar is just something else I'd love to see it in daylight it was a wee bit dark I hope you can make out a wee bit of it but well worth a visit we've escaped to South Side we're crossing back over the Clyde into the city center there were a couple of outlying pubs on our list today but we've been having far too much fun so I'm not sure if we're going to make it to those they might have to put a wee replacement energy substitute we'll try and get to 10. that might include that one that was caused yeah I've never given the map over again she's had me walking uphill for about half an hour is this it right this is the one this wasn't on our list but it was recommended to us and you go okay thank you thanks wow [Music] okay yeah nothing about whiskey so we just got a couple of malts of the month they're only three quid each cheers that's all I know um another one ticked off thank you that place is fairly cool when you think it's a proper whiskey place but they're not pretentious about it at all we said we know nothing about whiskey and we were still able to get the whiskey of the month for three pounds three quid for a malt whiskey and it was absolutely gorgeous so warming right where do we go next number nine is next I'm not even joking this is difficult see those kids these days that do what is it they do a golf round or something they go to 18 bars and drink it every one not a chance we run about nine holes and we're almost done you didn't even drink Luke my friends it's almost like Edinburgh here Edinburgh Edinburgh sorry folks it's all getting a bit dark now in more ways than one right here we are at our penultimate bar it could be the last bar depending on how things go and this is the State Bar now I've got some facts here for you it's got a Center eye on counter tick it's an original Edwardian Pub tick and apparently my fact for the day American Secret Service passed on intelligence here [Music] very nice [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we're on the alcohol free let's get ahead on that cheers saw the state of point at the State Bar is that we've got one place left to visit it's called the Lismore it says on the notes that it's a bit of a Highlands Retreat it's all been refurbished transformed but it's a wee bit away and we need to get the subway there but if the subway is not running fingers crossed then this will be our last bar so we'll see what happens after this but we might end up back at the hotel cheers is absolutely gorgeous I think that's the nicest bar we've seen today [Music] okay um [Music] [Music] jump along Hi how are you [Music] so we finally made it to the last pop of the day number 10. this is a Lismore I don't really have much information on it other than uh the major renovation in the 1990s transformed as I say into Highland Retreat lots of beautiful craftsmanship lots to look out for in here but that's us let's go in let's go pick it up [Music] the last one and for me it's about the first one it seems a nice sort of place the drinks are cheap that was only about three quid for a Roman Coke but it's very busy it's not the kind of place we can go around and film too much but I'll try and give you an idea of what it's like it's absolutely beautiful I'm just very very impressive [Music] I'm searching for kebabs thanks very much [Music] cheers that's us on the bus back to the hotel now and when we get to the hotel we'll let you know about how we're going to score today's pops welcome to another damp day in Scotland we were far too tired last night to think about scoring for the pubs but we've decided what we're going to do is we'll just each give each power score and then we'll split it down the middle take the average and that is going to find the winner and that's just going to come up in the notes right now so thank you so much for watching folks we'll see you next week I remember
Channel: SteveMarsh
Views: 267,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glasgow, Glasgow Scotland, Glasgow pubs, Scottish pubs, Scotland pubs, Steve Marsh, Steve Marsh travel review, Steve and Alicja, Steve and Alicja Scotland, Scotland, Laurieston bar, The Horseshoe, The Horseshoe Glasgow, The Laurieston, Sloans Glasgow, pub crawl, Glasgow pub crawl, 10 best pubs in Glasgow, what to do in Glasgow, rainy day Glasgow, Scottish pub crawl, The Clutha, The Clutha Glasgow, what are Scottish pubs like?, Are Glasgow pubs safe?, Drinking in Glasgow
Id: V4ag9-ram6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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