This Vietnamese noodle dish will be as popular as Phở and Bún Bò Huế

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okay back here for another one we're on Le guangdin a really busy street I think we're still we're actually still in Midtown but we're practically in golf I mean we are way out here going for a restaurant that well it's one of the most popular in Saigon I say anytime you get a creeper boom boom a lot of people think of as a stinky dish but I'm telling you it is the next popular dish coming from Vietnam but now I'm telling you Mom it's going to be NYX we got a special version coming from the mintai as well right here at 444 well Mom get in check it out like I said this place has been here for a long time there's a lot of history here you can tell how big the actual restaurant is you're walking here you got them see them making stuff right here but my favorite part is you're like where do you park it's a busy street well come on bring it on into the restaurant right here go ahead and Park it's probably right here you see them cooking we're here about five o'clock he's gonna get here and get busy and not here I think he's a little shy we're gonna try to get the owner I guess what is the owner's son here to ask me some questions all right yeah yeah yeah uh yeah okay okay let's go talk to the real owner yeah foreign foreign thank you foreign sad and right here we actually have the nuclear for the um and you can tell this is a strong coat and boom bomb right here it's so fragrant typically what you're going to have is you're going to have like two types a month when you make boom you're gonna have moment so that's usually the two types here to make the um this is it right here you can see all that flavor you need for Saigon to actually succeed you've got all the lemongrass in here you can see the eggplant and just look how dark and Rich it is so till now yeah so we're getting close to dinner time there's gonna be a huge rush so what we got to do is we gotta start getting some bowls ready you see they got some actual to go orders that's gonna be in the plastic but the ones the orders are here they're going ahead and get ready as well we're gonna blanch some fresh rice noodles real quick just a quick little Branch they're going to get them in the bowl and then she's over here actually gonna actually get all the ingredients in there if I had to guess they're going to make just a typical boom Bowl because they do two types here they do just a typical little bowl and then they'll do their dog bit or was it special in Vietnam you can expect it to have everything it's big it's got a it's just like it's got everything to it it's what I always order it's either Gonna Be A dog bit or a top-com so that's the station of making that then they got another little burner going here they're going to blanch their vegetables they'll call to you want your raw sound or Ralph drama drama just mean they're going to give you a quick flange or some would mean there's gonna be nothing they'll just hand you this plate right here but the last thing you get boom that I really like is right here check it out on the camera it's actually going to be a Tamarind sauce right here now of course you can't do just the hammered sauce you know Vietnam we gotta touch things up a little bit so what they'll normally do it's gonna be like a little bit of mum sugar and then like what they'll call a new Coke man or like a really intense Tamarind do that keep your low ingredients or your boom I'm in that perfect all right so let's head back here like I said it's getting kind of busy here you see lots of people filling in we'll get in the back though we'll sit right here oh my gosh that scared me a little bit so one place the reason I love this because right here green chilies right there but then you got two different types of chili mixtures ready to go this is just going to be purely grind right may have like a little vinegar maybe a little acid in there but not much else in this I do believe it's more like there's that Thai I'll ask a worker when they come over here but this should be oily maybe has a little lemongrass in it as well we'll see everybody does that a little different Vietnam ah oh okay give me a second boom look how it's a much different plate isn't it when you get it like actually blanched versus the the fresh but to me just a little bit of blanching really makes a difference I think a lot of people know that it's this the top part something like that maybe because the best thing goes with it it's just a beard anything tastes good with beer which a lot of Vietnamese food I want it okay let's just check this out let's see what's on here so there's everything she said right here there's that that roasted Fork look at that that's delicious and get the perfect layers you know when you're selling the song you know you got good connections with people making this this is something that's so difficult by itself you need to Source it out Vietnamese food is so strenuous there's so many steps even just to make this boom bomb right here I mean you're cooking a lot of different pots boiling them and bringing them together a lot of flavor should be I do believe like she said she didn't do it style but there should be some type of like a a southern Vietnamese pineapple you get lots of lemongrass like I said those mum products all with the fish and like she's doing the catalog for the snakehead fish right here there's that bitter Rao dang she was talking about that's one of my favorite things to get Mom and just a touch of Lance blanching makes it perfect for me gives it the texture that I want a little soft still crunchy just dry let's just do the right thing and try all that hard work that's going in this when you're making 240 liters in a day we gotta try the broth you can tell they make the broth with the kettle it's really got a lot of cataloupe in it but to me what I love is that Florin is from the lemongrass the mum flavor man it's so rich but it's not too funky for a lot of people I feel like this is something that gets a bad name to it oh it's funky it's pungent but to me it's not it's as rich and full of umami and fish flavor but let's do the real deal I like to get vegetable that's me right there that piece of pork belly with the vegetable I'm gonna actually just put a little bit of The Tamarind right over it and never forget your green chili all right for a country that is so blessed with an abundant noodle dishes I still just don't think it gets much better than boom like this man they really load the the duck bed up in here too there's so much pork belly and so much eggplant here this is actually one of my favorites is the eggplant kind of a hypocrite though because I say that about everything nothing really beats when you get an eggplant low and slow cooked until it's Ultra Soft and chili ah I knew I forgot something love it hate it you just got to respect in the southern part of Vietnam especially Saigon when they just give you that bold strong flavor lots of lemongrass wow it's just a full-on Aroma bomb I mean Auntie over there has all the connections these things are not making in the house you got the right seller she got the hookup for sure you know how good that prom was you didn't you didn't need to take a bite you could just look at it you just already know [Music] green chili Tamarind sauce and a beer it ain't much better than that come on yeah okay paid up 85 for both that's all you need to know you can get the 75 if you're gonna come here and eat it's 85. well that was delicious Mom this is kind of where I go so come out here cool off man after a little green chilies and eating all that he worked you up a nice sweat um and it's just one of the best you can sign guards so strong it's so flavorful been here many years I don't know what else you would want so come out here try it out I forgot the Mitch too I think one thing I really like is the pineapple and the broth to me it's just like oh it's such a good bowl of noodles I wish more people would eat it you got people like Tommy fan making it for Master Chef wowing the judges over blowing their minds getting here to Saigon get here to Vietnam try some you'll make your life even better I forgot my bike's on the inside so we'll head inside catch you later
Channel: Mắc Ơi
Views: 166,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LpjHSxgmoyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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