This video will make you CONFIDENT - 𝟭𝟮 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲

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I can stand on a stage on any platform and start talking I can walk into any room and feel confident in myself and this has not come to me naturally this is something I've been working on for years now it's been decades that I've tried to build a personality that can influence people that can help people this video will make you uncomfortable but it will make you confident now let me start by asking you a question what have you done to develop your confidence you watch junk on your phone all day you eat junk you never work out you never make good healthy habits you don't meet good people you want to stay home all the time you don't want to indulge into any good practices that can improve your confidence you watch reality TV which is more or less really full of I did not want to use this term but it is this so what are you feeding your mind how are you treating your body and if you've not been doing this properly how do you expect your confidence to be good now I've got 12 points for you and if you follow these 12 pieces of advice I can assure you they are going to help you and you will become confident now when I tell you that this is going to help you with your confidence just believe in me because I'm myself a very confident person if you look at these world famous athletes there is something that really inspires all of us together and that is their Fitness the dedication the devotion the discipline they've maintained all their lives these people train for it and they don't only train on the days when they have to perform they train otherwise also they train all year long and they've been doing that for years and years and years now for decades so yes confidence takes time to develop but once it is developed it actually changes your life for forever you will be at a position where you can fight for anything that you want in your life you can stand up for anyone you can stand up for yourself you can do whatever you think is right and you need that confidence and that confidence is not going to happen naturally to you it requires effort and that is what we're going to talk about if you don't go to the gym if you don't work out at all and you suddenly start to work out there is this tendency of your body to tell you that this is not happening I am not enjoying this it's hurting me I cannot go any further and this happens because your body is in shock your body is not used to that discomfort and your body is wired for comfort and that is why there is this huge resistance that stops you from working on your body or working on anything that is good for you in the long term when I was growing up I used to have this problem that talking to to men was difficult for me I could not like if somebody if I would come out of my coaching and see somebody sitting on my scooty I would just stand in the corner and wait for that person to leave rather than going up to them and asking them to leave my scooty so that I can leave so leave my scooty step away from my scooty so that I can leave but eventually I realized that this is not how I want to be in life this is not how I can live a comfortable good healthy life if I'm running away from a gender which is like 50% of the population so I started to work on that habit of mind that resistance of mind and eventually it went away now today I am I can like talk to anybody I can go out I can speak on a stage in front of thousands of people without any hesitation without any resistance because I have trained my mind to do so and this is what you have to do too these 12 points you have to train yourself on gradually nothing is going to happen in just one stroke or in just one day it's going to take you months of training but it can happen and I assure you this video is going to make you confident okay let's start with Point number one let go of perfectionism what happens is that whenever we are trying to do anything new like if I had not uploaded my first YouTube video okay my first YouTube video video was back in 2018 I guess that was way way way long ago had I not uploaded that video it's a very shabby video with no proper lighting no proper sound no proper camera nothing had I been waiting for perfectionism that I will buy a good camera good mic and only then I will record my first video had I been waiting for that moment to arrive I would not have been able to post my first video so yes waiting for perfectionism is a big mistake in the big if you want to be confident believe me you will have to start small you will have to start by things that are not up to the mark they are probably shabby but you will have to start wherever you are and then gradually as you improve as you make money as you progress in your career as you do all of these things as you work on your body and your forbearance has increased after all of this your confidence will go up and you will progress wherever you are in life Point number two is create routines we human beings are creatures of habits so whatever positive change you want to bring in your life is going to start with developing healthy habits it could be anything getting up early in the morning or working out in the morning or eating healthy breakfast any good change it starts always with a very small change that you bring about in your your day so develop healthy routines like if I have to tell you I have a routine I can give you a brief of it I get up and I eat okay I freshen up and I start my day generally what I do is I pick up my laptop I pick up a diary my pen and stuff and I leave with my husband and we go to a cafe we have coffee and we work from there for a few hours one or 2 hours we come back we have a lunch and then we sit down and work again okay in the evening I have my uh you call it PT personal training so yes I have my gym to hit I go to my gym I work out for 2 hours I come back and then I watch TV I eat my food and stuff I try and eat a little early then after a while I read and then I go back to bed so that's how my day looks like okay so I've made a routine that suits my career that suits my life and is in a way a good balance of Everything Entertainment and work going out coming back like going out twice because once for gym and once for coffee so yeah so there is a balance that I've tried to bring in my life so that monotony can be broken by building routines what you're doing is you're organizing your mind you're giving positive signals to your mind your mind will function much much much better if it knows what to do next so develop a routine for at least 5 days a week if not seven 5 days a week Take 2 days off point number three and this is pretty unique and I think has really helped me and many people get chances and opportunities like these but not everybody is willing to take them up what I'm talking about is speaking up for others when you speak up for somebody okay what happens is that you develop respect for yourself that I was on the side of the right I was on the side of the truth I helped somebody who needed my help okay so speaking up for someone who needs your help develops respect for yourself in your heart and also along with it goes the fact where you accept when you're wrong that also develops respect for yourself in your own mind and other people's minds everyone is wrong sometimes so just having that strength to accept that you may be wrong or you are wrong in a situation is also a great deal of confidence in your personality it brings you confidence okay so always use the opportunity of standing up for somebody for speaking up for someone next point on the list is working on your posture many many many people have a very bad posture and by back posture I mean your shoulders are not upright they are slouching okay when you slouch your shoulders come together a little okay and there is this a little hunch at the back I'll show you how it looks like it looks like this this is what slouching is when you stand straight with your shoulders held high what happens is it in a way signal to your mind that you're feeling confident in your body language your body language has a lot to do with your confidence not just in your mind how you feel about yourself in that moment but also about how others perceive you if your body language is slouchy if it is not upright that is definitely something that requires your attention correct your body language correct your posture as soon as it is possible next point is take care of your inner and outer appearance not wearing clean clothes or un ironed clothes it shows lack of self-respect on your part wear something that is clean that is ironed keep your nails clean even if they are long try and keep them clean not very long very long nails do not look good they don't look classy at all it may be your personal preference but if you want to look classy your nails have to be trimmed at least a little you need to look clean and you need to smell good see you don't have to look glamorous the only thing that you have to look is clean clean and taken care of that somebody is taking care of you and that person has to be you create another version of you until it becomes you very important Point what I mean is that see when I was growing up I was a very shy girl who would barely speak not open up her mouth at all and my teachers um I've been mocked at a lot by my own teachers they would uh look down upon me and make me feel really low of myself I don't mind it anymore but yes those feelings did stay in my heart for very very long for many years uh it was there at the back of my mind now it is not so anyway they would tell me that you know she's not capable of anything she'll not be able to do it you know these statements these subtle remarks that you hear about yourself they have a very profound impact on your self-image and that is what used to happen to me back then but growing up I knew that I liked talking I mean of course uh that was something that I got to know when I I made a few friends and they would come up to me and share their problems with me and talk to me for hours on a phone discussing their troubles I realized that I like giving advice I realize that I'm good at talking and good at making people feel comfortable around me so I wanted to be a YouTuber and I am one today and I'm a fierce woman and I take prde in it I'm very confident I'm Fierce and these are things that I've achieved with my own hard work so what happened was that I started to act like this best version of myself I had a perception that the best Alina is going to have these habits these are the people she's going to be hanging out with this is what she will be doing in her life and uh this is where she will be going and where she will be traveling I had this perception of best Alina and I started to act like her I started Choosing My People I started choosing whom I'm going to hang out with whom I'm not going to hang out with so the point is that you visualize the highest version of yourself and you start acting like him or her that's the way to be there is no other way I don't know any other way this is the way to be limit your social media limit anything that you're watching because it's impacting your mind it's impacting your thoughts you are not you don't have original thoughts if you're too involved in social media you tend to compare yourself a lot with with others and it's natural it will continue to happen to you it's not going to come down unless you take some concrete steps to cut it down next point on the list is a very interesting one it can be done believe me when you walk into a room or you walk into any space walk in with the confidence as if you own the place I know it will not naturally come to you it's all right if it is not coming naturally to you you can develop your confidence okay okay I'm not actually asking you to think that this place belongs to you walk in with the confidence that the place belongs to you you you own it by that I mean that you have to work on your confidence and work on your stature and work on your walk the way you're walking in your body language your smile your aura you work on all of that and you bring out the best version of you when you own something you have a c certain belongingness of that thing you're not scared of that thing anymore if you believe that you deserve more you will get more but first the first step towards getting more is believing that you deserve more okay so next time you're walking into something that you feel small about you feel that you're not deserving enough of that position or that meeting or that platform that opportunity just understand you're there because of a reason you're there because something right has happened for you and you had to be there in that position at that moment everything else has worked out to put you into that position it is happening because you deserve it in short it is happening because you deserve it okay so own the place own the interview own the meeting own the opportunity don't be scared of it just go out there and give your best shot there's there's one more technique that I heard about somewhere and I really liked it and I'm going to teach you that the name of the technique is ha to so something bad happens to you H to let me tell you how I exercise it okay if something bad happens to me it could be trivial okay I published a video it didn't perform H to I went to meet somebody and the meeting didn't go well H to what what worst will come out of it the worst that can happen if my video did not perform if my real did not perform my course did not perform what worst will come out of it nothing big can there's always next you'll work on the next even if this is gone it's okay it taught you a lesson now you know a 100 ways how this is not going to work realize that you are not that important it's very important to understand this it's pertinent to build our confidence see people have so much going on in their lives there are traumas there are failed businesses there are failed relationships there are failed Ventures so much is going on in their lives you are the least of their concerns they're not thinking about you they don't care about you they don't worry about you you're free to make your own mistakes you're free to live your life the way you want to nobody is thinking about you nobody cares about you and this is very freeing if you understand and if you truly just sit down today for just 10 minutes and think about this thought that I'm not that important to others it will fill you with a sense of Freedom it will give you Liberty to choose and to make your own choices the way you want to live your life last one on the list love yourself while in this process see becoming a better version of yourself does not mean that you hate this version you must love yourself for whoever you are just love the version that you are right now at the same time keep working on improving this version because there is obviously a very very good version out there that has still not been explored while you're working on your confidence understand that you have to feel good about about it okay only you're going to be validating it nobody else is going to come up front and tell you that wow you're great you you did something so well no don't look for validation that's not going to come you're going to fail every time if you look for validation in others so that's all about it thank you very much I'll see you in the next video start working on your personality right away see you bye-bye
Channel: Aleena Rais Live
Views: 155,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R5ItqoGCqw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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