(Awesome) First Responders - First Amendment Audit - Ventura CA Administration Building

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That fucking Vin Diesel wannabe goes running to his sergeant with like "Look, I found it, I found it" and is so broken hearted when he is told that he hadn't found shit, and to go stand aside and keep his stupid fucking mouth shut.

He's like a fucking dog that thinks it's done really good, running happily wagging its tail to it's master and then gets smacked on the ass for fucking up.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/outoftowner2 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If you stayed to the end, you saw that second cop read Policy IV (A) - 15.

Here's what he said "Per County Administrative Policy Chapter IV (A) - 15, it is a violation to film record [sic] within any county building without a permit from GSA. Do you generate [Freudian slip -- was the cop thinking degenerates?]. Do you gentlemen have a permit?"

Here's what it actually says: "A Special Use Film Permit is required for all filming and photography at any County building except for filming and photography by members of the press providing news coverage or of County activities and events."

Source: https://gsa-docushare.countyofventura.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Rendition-70727/unknown

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/rrfan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That bald jackbootโ€™s eyes at 16:19, when he gets told he is wrong. #braintilt

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/uluscum ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He can't file in that room? Sounds like a good time to FOIA the security footage of that for the time-frame that they were there.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Watchfull_Bird ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What public building is this with "SOOO MUCH MONEY IN IT"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MakeTotalDestr0i ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
welcome back to San Joaquin Valley transparency I am so glad you're here you are absolutely going to love this video this is from my cell phone but I also have the full version of the video plus the beginning I'm gonna upload that later on when I get a chance I needed to put this off for you guys right away so you guys could see what happened to us yesterday this took place in Los Angeles enjoy the video you're gonna love it hit the thumbs up thank you guys they have a large of my money he does not want you yes sir he's not the only one jay-z has a large amount of money okay and he's asking that you not filming you tell him to go change their diapers dude Thank You sergeant Harris now listen to this this is important I made it I made a statement saying that if he doesn't like it to build a wall and you said then you guys are not gonna like it that is true because if you build a wall and you start hiding things from America how do you think America is gonna feel exactly how we feel right now exactly i over stand because I will say that what kind of American would I be if I had to ask for freedom that's kind of what you said then no what I'm saying is if you to come to demonstrate I'd like to film your operations to make them aware of it well they know that's exactly what you said so you look at the gangbanger look away yes look at look at your posture like a gangbanger look at you they get you like a gangbanger like gentlemen per county administrative policy chapter for a - 15 there's a violation of film education sort within any county building without a permit from policy policy if you don't have a permit for something right so I'm asking you to stop recording if you don't have a permit anyway and if I don't stand down stand down dougie all right I'm staying down dougie oh that's embarrassing that's going viral bro and this is the beginning step back I can feel from anywhere sir I can film from anywhere yes I can [ __ ] he just doesn't want to hear he doesn't want us to hear entitled brats America's entitled brats right here look at America's entitled brats we'll get a close-up of that guy's face America hmm - you go first one oh damn okay just one talk yeah can you arrest him for denying services he asked for the names of the employees that were working at the front desk anything given to me okay and then he closed down when I stood in line those are down the reason is if he can lower the camera so I can so I can talk to you I'm not opposed to you filming what he's asking is you're filming a secure area of his facility he's asking that you not film sir if it's in public it you can't trespass the eye sir he needs to make it public you're not me here's the issue where you're filming if you're filming this way sir there is no issue this way is fine that way is into a security and since I can return to play if I can see it from the public sir they have a large amount of money hid his mouth want you yes sir he's not the only one jay-z has a large amount of money okay and he's asking that you not film enough sergeant Harris and I'm not I'm not denying you that all I'm asking you're trying to is that you're not filming just your portions of his facility that's all he's understand he's asking you not to film employees that don't want to be fellows they don't want to be film sure they need to quit their job and you go get a job in the private sector they work for the public sir dad is not true it um you know what he can do you can ask trunk to build a wall show thing that you're doing in the bank and see what happens sir that's a that's private sir it's not private sir no it's not he's deemed you who the hell does he think he is into the area where they're counting money and how much money they have here he's concerned for the safety of his employees he doesn't and he's silly his feelings his feelings do not truck my right sir think about that for a minute you need to go home and you really need to think about this you've been a sergeant right okay then what sir then reality what you should do what you need what you ought to be doing is you ought to be sure I'm filled every day would you like to turn around and look at the camera behind your head huh turn around look at the camera behind your head and behold everywhere I go dude public and private yes and this is this is public let me ask you this asking me if he'll feel more comfortable if I go cut out a piece of drywall on my house and put my camera on it and walk around with it because it seems to be okay for cameras to be on walls everywhere but not in my hands think about that okay I politely I fine I politely deny his request sir I politely deny okay if I continue to do so are you going to arrest me huh if I continue this are you gonna arrest me I see you think don't you think don't you think you want to go read that before you even come and talk to us so that you can educate the guy because sir you mean to tell me that I know more than you about this your call for service and we got we got it and you're live on the Internet and you know you know what Sonny I would like to file a false complaint now think about that dude think about that a false complaint against you again at the if there I'm trying to make a complaint against us no I would like to file a false complaint another complaint yeah who made the call with your FOIA request and get the Public Records Act my dispatch my records right down over the way that is you can certainly go go ask them for whatever you'd like they don't do you agree or gun filming areas that you're filming you have a telling to go change their diapers dude thank you we need to work this together okay so how we're gonna work okay so exactly dude and we have a right to we have a right to deny that request you've already but they don't we're here to educate him as to him especially do him especially now we'd like you to do your job and go educate him and say they have every right to record from public exactly do what's gonna make you guys happy disregard to film do you want to film we want it we want we want an apology from him huh if he gives me an apology I'll walk away we'll go I think is for for exactly dude exactly he told him to come we had our own camera he asked him to come so for denying me service and closing the windows when I when I stepped in line and and for and for standing in front of my camera not allowing me to record when I was when I'm allowed to record from public again I would like apology and he puts our lives on on the line too by calling you guys you guys come with done okay let me ask you something because he doesn't like a camera that doesn't make it legal for him to do that's a good thing and what his concern is like I explained to you is that there's a lot of money that's stored in this facility there's a lot of money that goes it gets transacts in here bro that has nothing to do with me exactly yes it is so if you want to sit there and film the people coming up he was a favorite if we request but what he did is say the secured areas that he's concerned about that you might share this video with people showing how much money's there in there making them know yeah we do need to know that bro that's what that's supposed to be available for the public come on now yes it is so you're saying whatever he requests whatever you're still there so which yeah you yeah no yes on the spread yeah do you go to a bank and ask that's why we're here to find out we're here to find out everything everything we're here to find out everything and you're not just talking to us if you're talking to all of America do not keep in mind with that a secure area that they have a concern that they might be the victims now or be granted the - listen to yourself listen to yourself this is that's your America is not the real America dude well perceived perceived threats perceived threats perceived threats perceived threats hey if he doesn't like it dude he needs to build some kind of different kind of area like a wall around here or something you think about that think about that because exactly exactly and and exactly and look at what happens and listen listen to what happens with it and listen to listen sergeant Harris now listen to this this is important I made it I made a statement saying that if he doesn't like it to build a wall and you said then you guys are not gonna like it that is true because if you build a wall and you start hiding things from America how do you think America is gonna feel exactly how we feel right now exactly why is he hiding what is he hiding if it's me me and that's my right okay me and that's my right it's not his right no it's not protect is employees from what so if I came in here with the pink tutu he'd have to protect himself in that - because he doesn't like it the security features here at the facility and how much money they care and now their perceived threats perceived threats that's not my America dude that's not the America I live in that's not no no no no you guys are trying to take everyone's rights away yeah okay if I continue to go walk right over there and record as I'm supposed to be allowed to do are you going to arrest me now we're getting to the good [ __ ] okay let's say he when he asked me to leave and I deny his request are you going to arrest me who will all be in court I've done this many times do people lose their jobs too we push the limits dude it's not my fault it's America's fault it's your guys's fault at door here it's your guys's fault that we're here I want an apology do so I'll take an apology I'll take out from him yes exactly do you want what for for for perceived that we're doing something wrong when we know for a fact that we're not that's why we're not in cuffs right now sir if you won't stay here yes and I'm asking you stay here you'll ask here I'll go talk to him okay it's his choice at that time just like I'm not fortunate Aleve I'm not gonna force him if he doesn't apologize I'll hang out here all day I'll record from wherever seats are comfortable over there everywhere I'm comfortable right here I'm cooked already over there Dean so if you'll wait right here okay I see you're an entitled public servant brat - what's your name sir entitled public smugface brat that's his name lookit he's getting fat off our tax dollars leave his smug smile look at you want you guys want to see something funny look at the way he's standing but her because he can't do nothing you know why because I'm his boss you don't like it but it's the truth I'm his boss vete trabajar Vinci wave on want a trabajar Mira Mira lo cast on dolmas true dinero y la la scene where wences eres Mexicano not [ __ ] I'll stand right here bro I'll take that arrest I'll take that arrest hey Dumbo what you watching a man feel among mr. Ryerson badge number and I do you know 44 cents that's your that's what's your badge number I appreciate that thank you all I just your picture so what you're saying is you'd like to violate our Fourth Amendment rights now you're a public place stupid-ass gangbangers you guys act like gangbangers look at the real gangbangers of America [ __ ] look at the gangbanger look away yes look it look at your posture like a gangbanger look at you look at you like a gangbanger you wish you [ __ ] wish you could go hands-on with me right now yeah you do yeah you do yeah you do yeah you do let's look at you dude why did you take our picture answer that why did you take our picture why did you take our picture why why your sergeant already dude the world knows who I am you're late bro you're late dirty he's closed for business you're free to stay here the rest of the day whatever you'd like guys the only thing he is again asking is that you not film his employees and they cannot film in secure areas of his business who are his employees bro I don't have a list of those they're our employees okay you're wrong America knows you're wrong okay America knows you're wrong so is there anything else I can do for you you can go home and you could you can go and think about what happened today and you can go and even though you don't like it you can go and realize that the one's out of you and I'm standing here the one that is correct is me not you you're trying to enforce policy sir and that's not long now a minor enforce the law shame on you because if you're sick that's not long if you're sitting here saying words or phrases that don't like to turn to incite violence then you're coming into violation of the law you're so silly I have no camera so sitting here calling people fat and saying they're getting fat off of and saying things vanish as well as to what happens if we do a speech and you are we saying that I can't speak Spanish are you saying I can't speak Spanish this in that America no what's the knife you say make American head want me to put America make America great at gain hat on your on your thumbnail so I can't speak Spanish is there anything else I can do you're gonna make yourself a viral dude is there anything else I can do for you you're dismissed do you need any help from us okay okay Branko me a kid rocks let's skedaddle laughs take it out bro take some else take some losses man you can't win them all dude can't win them all stars can't win them all bro look at me this guy thank you for joining the movement buddy the smug face looking like gangbangers behavior the real gangbangers of American Idiot trying to deny us our rights you act like a gangbanger dude at least this guy the sergeant you know what he made me wrong corlisses respectful you came at us with the dirty dirty smug look on your face looking at us trying to take a picture yeah I can I can I can I cannot respect an apology from that guy can't always get an apology right Sarge can always get an apology he just apologized that's kind of cool what you don't mind identifying your ID number thank you can you okay look I'll be done here man I don't I don't really want to disturb I don't like I don't like doing that then and in reality I like I like bringing out the good cops because well is the bad cops because I get the good views and all that [ __ ] right but we go in here to educate because you want to know why even though I'm not a politician I want to win over the votes because I don't want the First Amendment to go away that's why as you can see I haven't stopped you in any way shape or form I mean had you put your cameras no nothing like that I can't look at it from the other perspective okay if I came to where you work say it was a public building say or whatever and I'm sort of coming how are you going to feel I'm going to being a photographer and a videographer a pilot gave me some coffee well yeah you might give me some suggestions yeah you also have to think about it from the perspective if somebody works around a large proportion of money and all of a sudden somebody so tell me it's not that they don't trust you they don't know you and they don't know whether or not you're going to share it with somebody else which now makes them susceptible to possibly getting robbed with something that's what their concern is their concern is not your First Amendment because they haven't stopped you nobody's come out of here and or anything like that that's what their concern is you know I'm sure for you to come in without the camera down saying hey I'd like to come in here and just film the operations of the Hall of administration they wouldn't have said anything but when you come in and say I'm filming where the money's kept where the money's counted where your employees come in where your employees leave the emergency entrance and exit that's a concern do you understand what their concern is I overstand because I will say that what kind of American would I be if I had to ask for freedom that's kind of what you said then no what I'm saying is if you to come to them and say I'd like to film your operations to make them aware of it well they know that's exactly what you said no you can replay what I told you okay their concern is that you're filming where the money the employee is the entrance and exits which is no different than somebody coming to find an attack that's what they're concerned okay you just filmed the work filmed everything going on we that's what we're doing that's usually what we do would go around and we film everywhere but I don't think we've gotten a call when you start going into areas where there is large we didn't going into areas and there's not even any sense of filming into that but that's allowed what's not forbidden is allowed sir well he's trying to stop us man and he don't even want to apologize for it just think about how America feels right now well forget about my feelings poor he's coming to scene we're concerned about this we're concerned about these guys filming us and doing something his concerns are not subjective to my rights okay it's not launched I know I understand you can't yell fire in a theater and stuff like that and you can't phrases to people that might incite violence yeah you know you guys try very hard I mean they try it but you know I think I don't know what I do I give him some respect if he kind of gave us some man but it's a two-way street well it's too extreme that's why I was here and that's why I turned immediately didn't do what he wanted you to do you're not gonna stop what you wouldn't him - he's not gonna do so then that's - anything else I can do you know what you forgot it you forgot it did we give you a lot to go home and think about what did we give you a lot to go home and think about it's not a confrontation he made it a confrontation okay okay so now let me explain it well I can explain most of us would say okay I'll stop filming because I understand your concerns they continue into film even though the concern has been expressed you is what I don't can you imagine if I would come in here and ask him questions without a camera if he said I was disturbing the peace you'd probably come in here and arrest me because yes that's why we have to have cameras because a lot of times our questions are not answered everything so I have no problem with your camera I haven't asked you to do anything with her but again you're not coming into where I work the secure areas I don't have a large amount of money but if I did that would raise my concern any amount of money smaller bit it doesn't matter man if this is public it's allowed for us to view and record and you can't trespass the human eye man you know you can't I mean some people have some people have a really good memory of even better than the camera you know today I met a woman today I met a woman who knew all of our names and remembered it 30 minutes after we were talking she remembered our names brilliant people were that way but again it comes down to the money factor their concern is doesn't bother me man this place you know same thing why you have one in a bank it was kind of tiny room by gentleman per county administrative policy chapter for a - 15 there's a violation of film education within any county building without a permit from policy policy you don't have a permit for something right so I'm asking you to stop recording if you don't have a permit anyway and if I don't stand down stand down dougie sure I'll stand down doggy oh that's embarrassing that's going viral bro that's going viral that's going viral so [Laughter] embarrass me both two losses already today you know not recording private areas okay and that you try to limit trying to get into the private areas or filming ended the private area okay so now it's my turn do not violate anybody's rights do not park do not park in red and red don't do not park in red zones especially you do not speed without your lights on because people have died okay do you know we can all give directives okay exactly how does it feel bro feels good it does America feels good America feels good your part all right man you know what go home go home and read up on this some more man Wow Wow bro
Channel: San Joaquin Valley Transparency
Views: 193,233
Rating: 4.6780686 out of 5
Keywords: first amendment audit, photography is not a crime, 1st amendment audit, san joaquin valley transparency, sgv news first, amagansett press, news now california, auditing america, high desert community watch, 1 million views, ventura california, administration building, freelancer, walk of shame, police accountability, public photography, stand down, watch this, watch mojo, educational videos, signature air, first responders, awesome
Id: KWCZxboyWdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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