This Video Made Me Gay

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Jaystation: What's poppin' guys! Back with another banger video we went back onto the dark web and we actually discovered there's a G A Y potion guys-- some potion that, if you drink, will turn anybody g a y. Alex: Oh don't be ridiculous, man! That is absolutely crazy! Next you'll say there's chemicals in the water that turn you gay! hahaha -sips clear minecraft tea- Absolutely ridiculous. (wow so magical) Hang on-- Oh I'm feeling a bit tingly! lol XD Oh wha-- oh what's this?! [wait wtf] hang--hang on, huh... [sirsly wtf] Maybe he's right... He's not. He's not correct, is he? There is no potion that turns people gay. And in fact, it is kind of offensive to say that there is. Well not really kind of offensive--extremely offensive?... Ignorant?... Using somebody's culture to push your agenda on a YouTube video? But I'm sure Jaystation is going to be an incredible advocate for the LGBT community-- hang on on what's this thumbnail that he's posted? Before and after? jaystation: OHHH!! OH! B R O! Y O W H Y ' D Y O U K I S S M E ? ? [in a feminine voice] What do you mean? I'm putting lipstick on. N o, Jay! - WhaAaAaT??? - H A H A H A H A - Oh my god! - H E Y! A H H H! A H H H H!!! Alex: So gay people... have to be really feminine... and wear makeup. Class! Love that from you. I was just wondering: if JayStation drinks the potion, Does he become GayStation? [10/10] Now JayStation's pulled many stunts like these with the potion videos. For example, he did one where he went invisible. jaystation: I'm getting light-headed, I can't drink anymore, d u d e. I'm freaking out right now! [off-screen] You only took like sip of it--W O A H! Alex: Oh--oh no look-- I'm doing it as well! Ah well, huh Glad to be back! Um... At least I didn't go gay! But I'm also very good at concocting these potions, for example, this one allows me to travel to anywhere I want to go, heh! [not again] Oohh look I'm on the moon! heh Is it convincing? H a h a D'y'know what I feel like going on a nice holiday. *snaps* [gay silence] I mean... I was hoping for better, honestly- We'll do one more--one more to show off my talents. [creepy music] Let's go inside JayStation's mind. *snaps* [more gay silence] *snaps* [even more gay silence] Oh. There's just nothing here. But don't worry, If his "FINALLY DRINKING THE GAY POTION!! *COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET*" video I wasn't enough for you, there's two more! Jay: AHHH!! "WE KISSED!" [kissing sound effect] "ORDERING GAY POTION FROM THE DARK WEB AT 3 AM!" because being gay comes from the dark web! It's something you shouldn't be doing. Don't be gay, kids. Why has it gotta be from the dark web? y'know Why can't you just get it from your local supermarket? And then if that isn't the most ridiculous title you've ever seen... We've got this one! *WE MADE OUT* I wonder who he made out with. I wonder who he used the gay potion on to turn them gay. Kermit the Frog. He turned Kermit the Frog gay. Jay: Oh my god, Kermit, look at you! -Kermit: Do I look s e x y? Alex: What did you do Kermit?!! Why are you G A Y??? I can't imagine how that would feel. You know you wake up one day, your Kermit the Frog walks in the room. You've raised him the best you possibly could do and he... and he turns to you and he just throws it all in your face by saying "I'm g a y." But don't worry, Kermit's not gonna be gay for long, cuz if you read the description, it only turns you gay for an hour! but i wanted kermit to be gay- At least we can go back! Cuz that's all we ever wanted to do: stop being gay! Now I'm currently editing this video, right now [laughs] And I thought I'd interject because of the fact that I've been watching this back, and I realized that they're only saying that they go gay "for one hour" because they're a bunch of straight guys, and they don't want people to actually believe that they're gay. [laughs] (imma stop editing the subtitles now -w-) It is ridiculous, man. If only we had this ability! To just stop, because JayStation quite clearly thinks that this is something to be used for his YouTube video titles, and not an actual sexuality that people have. And it's not some stupid gimmick for your YouTube videos, mate. Hang on, this is the guy who made "Black Santa." He quite clearly doesn't care. Jay: What did you do to your face?! Kermit: If you give me a kiss I'll leave you forever! Jay: You will? Kermit: Yeah I’ll leave forever. Kermit: Okay, are you ready? Jay: I’m ready. Kermit: 3, 2, 1 Jay: WHAT'S POPPING GUYS?!! Alex: Oh I'm only at the intro! I'm only at the intro, and I'm losing my mind! [over tense music] He just made out with Kermit the Frog. He just made out with gay Kermit the Frog for views and money. He did this for views and money. How low down do you have to be on the--on the YouTube video idea scale to... [over tense music] make out with Kermit the Frog? God, I already hope my career doesn't get to this point. Jay: Today we are making Kermit the Frog drink the gay potion! Kermit: The gay potion? Jay: Yeah, the gay potion! Kermit: What, it’s gonna make me turn gay? Alex: Yes Kermit! It's going to turn you gay! That's what's going to happen. Don't act like it's such a terrible thing. People actually have to live with this! I know; sounds horrible. Look at Kermit's sad little eyes. He doesn't want to be gay. Don't force him into changing his sexuality. That's really weird and creepy, mate. Jay: Yeah, it’s gonna make the frogs gay! Kermit: What the frog? Am I gonna be gay forever? Alex: No, luckily you're not, Kermit. I'm gonna ignore the fact that you just said "what the frog." But no, you're not gonna be gay forever because as JayStation said, you're only gonna be gay for an hour. Jay: No, just for one hour Kermit. You ready? Kermit: my frog, JayStation, do I have to do this? Alex: Oh no, JayStation. Do I have to be gay? It's so harrowing. I don't want this. I'm starting to feel for Kermit, here. Quite clearly he doesn't want to be involved in this as much as JayStation does. He just likes playing God. Kermit: And what if I don’t want to do it? Jay: You got to Kermit! Kermit: Are you gonna cut me open if I don’t do it? Jay: I'm definitely gonna cut you open, okay? Kermit: Okay fine, I’ll do it. [over creepy music] Alex: Did he just threaten to stab somebody because they wouldn't make out of him? This is... illegal? I'm sure he's broken like four crimes? [Alex that makes no sense] Against Kermit the Frog? That's animal rights we're talkin' about now. This is beyond anything else. Jay: That's a good frog! That's a good frog! Kermit: Mmmm Jay: [laughs] Kermit! Alex: Alright Jay, by the way you were touching Kermit, I think that you want him to go gay for your own benefit... Really makes me uncomfortable when you... bring him that close. [Jay in a distorted voice] Kermit! Jay: [laughs] Kermit! Guys lets smash sixty thousand likes for this video. Kermit the Frog is going gay! Make sure you guys subscribe right now, We got more bangers coming all month, JayNation! Ready for this Kermit? Alex: More bangers? [laughs] If you know what I mean. (Alex please stop) Get Kermit out of there, I'm worried for him. More importantly, what's Miss Piggy doing through of this? She must be devastated. Kermit: I'm ready, JayStation. Jay: Leeet’s get it! Alex: D'ya know what? I didn't need that title screen... to know what was going on. And why is it in a horror font??? He's just going gay! It should be more like this: [tense music suddenly transitions into chimes] Come on if you're gonna stereotype gay people, JayStation, at least do us justice. Kermit: Am I gonna be feeling froggy? Jay: You’re gonna be feeling really froggy. Kermit: Oh my frog, am I gonna wanna kiss you? Jay: You might, but don’t you dare, Kermit! [some guy off-screen] Oh my god muah! Jay: Hey! Get out of here, you didn't even drink it yet! Jay: Oh my frog I'm not gay, don't worry. Alex: Oh don't worry, he's not gay, guys. That is something normally that you should be worrying about, you know; if somebody's gay. If somebody's gay, you should definitely stay away from them. Be scared of them. Not the fact they're a frog! You've got a talking frog in your house and you're all worried about your sexuality! Your priorities are messed up, mate. But I am curious, because I want to find out how this gay potion comes to be Um... For no particular reason. You know, just for scientific research purposes, I want to know what it looks like. Not because I'm planning on making my own... Jay: Okay, guys so this is the potion right here. As you see, it's all like weird purple color, all bubbly Alex: Weird purple color? Like Ribena. Like Ribena, mate. That looked pretty ordinary to me--it wasn't like rainbow colored. No, it didn't even look gay! If you're gonna go out and try and offend people, you might as well just go the full nine, mate. Don't hold back! So Kermit drinks the gay potion, and you may be wondering: what happens next? Well, he turns gay, dunhe? Kermit: I feel like touching myself… Jay: Get out of here, Kermit! Get out of here! Kermit: Oh my frog, Jay! Come sit back down! Jay: No! Kermit. You’re turning me on! Jay: KERMIT! What... is this? What am I watching? I just watched Kermit the Frog say that a man turns him on. And this is content on the internet that the people actively watch and enjoy. -Kermit: Can I give the JayNation a kiss, at least? Jay: Um, sure, go ahead - Okay. [kissing noises from Kermit] [Alex plays sad piano music] [Alex laughs] I feel violated. I've actually been violated by a frog on the internet. Don't ever do that to me ever again, mate, without a prior warning. But you know, I am kind of a bit curious, uh, in this gay potion. Um... so I decided... that I would go... to the lab... and whip up my own. [in a horrible Russian accent] Welcome to my lab! I have finally cracked everything I was trying to do and I have cracked how to make JayStation's gay potion! Fraser: What's the black one? [Alex in his normal voice] Don't--don't talk about the black one, mate, I don't-- you don't need to know what's inside any of this. No don't drink it. Alex: Yeah, I honestly--I really wouldn't recommend that one. Fraser: Why not? [Alex in his horrible Russian accent] So I've got many other things to look at right here! As you can see, we have various ingredients to go into this. Now, I'm going to finally make my favorite concoction! [fading back into his normal voice] First of all, we start off with the pink one--a very perfect color--only a dash though. My accent has disappeared multiple times during this. Fraser: What—What?! Alex: What? Alex: Nothing, don't worry. Fraser: Are you a fraud? Alex: No… [Alex, back in his horrible Russian accent] Oh well now we've got eh... the orange one! Uhh... it is perfect. And now, I add in my final and secret ingredient that I used to crack the gay potion. [laughing] Extracted from a gay man himself! We're going to add the final ingredient now. [bubbling sounds] [ta-da! sound effect] There you go my friend. Fraser: Can't do it. [Alex in his normal voice] You can. No please, I've spent a lot of time on this. I really just want to see if you go gay. [bubbling sounds] [intense music] So, how d'you feel? Fraser: Feel alright. Don't feel any different actually. You're a fucking fraud. Alex: No, I actually think you're gay. [both laugh] You may be wondering: where can this video possibly go from here? It's been absolutely crazy and a mental ride, and he's pretty much offended everybody in the LGBT community at this point. Well, let's just say it does get worse. I wonder where Kermit is! He's been in the ladies' room for way too long. I wonder why that is. Jay: You've been in there for like an hour! Kermit: [in a feminine voice] Oh my god Jay, hi! Alex: What is that voice??? [laughs like he can't take anymore of this bullshit] [in a comically high voice] And why does he look like that??? Is this what gay people are to you, JayStation? [laughs] Is this what gay people are to you? Jay: Oh my god Kermit, look at you! Kermit: Do I look sexy? Jay: What did you do to your face?! Alex All right, Jay, I get; you're not a fan of gay people. But don't get that angry, cuz it's kind of unnerving. Jay: Oh my god Kermit, look at you! What the heck? What did you do on your eyes? Wow! Kermit: Do I look froggy? Jay: You--I don't know, you look something else, Kermit! Alex: Or JayStation is a fucking lovely guy. I think we could really pull that one out of this video, can't we? Uh... He's abusing a little gay frog. [sighs] It really doesn't get sadder than that. You know, when it gets to the point on your YouTube channel where you have to clickbait shit like this to keep your channel afloat, don't you just want to quit? Or come out as gay! One of the two. I don't know which one you're trying to do, here. Um... Is the goal to entertain people with this? I mean, I am entertained. Well, thank you guys for watching this video. If you guys did enjoy it, don't forget to leave a like, subscribe if you're new, and turn notifications on. But um, I'm sorry guys [outro music starts playing] I've uh, just checked my watch, actually and uh, it seems like the amount of gay potion I drank is about to wear off soon, so I'm going to go... use those last... fifty minutes. I'll see you guys in my next one. Peace out people, and have a good day. [outro music]
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Views: 1,484,356
Rating: 4.9652581 out of 5
Keywords: satire, gay potion, imjaystation gay potion, jaystation gay potion, potion, gay potion at 3am, dark web gay potion, gay potion jaystation, imjaystation gay, drinking gay potion at 3am, gay potion from the dark web, dark web potion, jaystation gay potion reaction, imjaystation gay potion reaction, dark web potions, gay potion 3am, imjaystation, ordering gay potion, drinking gay potion, drinking the gay potion, drinking gay potions, imallexx
Id: UFdi9ydPuiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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