This Video Left Me SPEECHLESS | Life Can Change In An Instant!

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[Music] first of all let me say that I was the best at everything number one that getting drafted number one that going to Oklahoma University number one it so I never was really tested I knew God in a good place I didn't know him when things didn't go the way I want a while at this time in my life my faith is stronger than they said Wow and it's been tested I would always ask God when I was in college like that I want to know you this way and I and I want to I want to be able to walk into a room and people would really feel the know I come into this place and you got to be careful what you had said no means that I am perfect no means that I am perfect but every day I have awakened with a quenching to God like what do you desire for me and and after losing my wife my wife went to have a breast reduction in Oklahoma and she was doing it for Valentine's that you're getting ready for our big wedding we ended up getting married January 1st and something told me I was playing in San Diego and guys they want you just married as one and everything you know you when you're in the when you're a man that you're going to relationship everybody's telling you about what you love and and it kind of makes you drag your feet a little bit hair kind of makes you so at this particular time in guys that started spending more and more time together I was by myself they go my wife was pregnant in Chicago and I was number her flying down to come visit me in San Diego and I said let's get married go to the courthouse to get married I got married on New Year's and after that my wife went to get a breast reduction to fit her little dresses she knows honey that she wanted to look good and in the winter was in July and she called and she said come down the Oklahoma after well we're gonna go out we'll have a blast so I'm getting on the plane to go meet her and I find out that she's she's unresponsive she always is a breast reduction she started in there now she ended up having a brain aneurysm and and and not that moment on the plane I remember frankly taking off on the plane when I got the news to go meet with her I remember God just saying do you trust me and then that moment man tears beginning to run down my face and every tear meant something to me and every every tale begins to speak to God like I remember on my knees asking God that God I wanna feel you know you in another way and I wanna so God said do you trust me and every tear made sense like don't panic trusting God and from that point my whole desire and life is to show people to appreciate breath and and at 28 I pulled the cord on my wife at 28 I pulled the cord I had to decide whether she is gonna be a vegetable or should she go on and and God say let me handle it and we decided to do what we had to do and from that point on I told God from every day in my life I will show people to show their loved ones getting the flowers why they could smell don't wait to the battles oh don't wait to develop run over the casket but every day we got to realize that we are dying daily that's good and that casket gets closer every day and every day so my whole thing is just to just to encourage all the believers man that God is able to do whatever he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above you haven't been testing you just hear these words when you've gone do something yeah in the dark times we've been made to endure and all the people God is that we need to know how to prepare for these struggles we need to be prepared for these things to come we've been made endure for the night but joy comes in the morning so I'm gonna keep going and going on to the morning so let's talk about the preparation you said we need to prepare what do you think are the best methods of preparation or how do we prepare for the struggles that are inevitable in this life you shall have tribulation that's we know it's coming yeah so how do you prepare for that I think preparing is admitting the truth and you would look at I was talking to a friend on the way here I said it's crazy huh we would laugh at alcoholics who get enough courage to go admit that their alcoholic so now we will laugh at drug addicts that will admit that they have a drug problem but we are the same people that sit and laugh at these people that struggle with the same situation they're dealing with and we just have to emitting emitting God that I'm not what I say I am it you can I can begin to grow those things through repentance that's it leads to God's forgive us yeah and in total restoration that's now following your wife's passing but you left the NFL yes what prompted you to do that or what made that decision helped you to come to that decision well I actually I didn't leave then I felt it kind of like the doors were locked on me okay and then when you I'm so glad that it happened no I'm telling you I'm learning so much I'm learning so much it's painful but it's necessary whatever you need to do that will whatever to do what you didn't even pick my name my skin color you put me here when I said that the locker room and I said then I feel kind of locked me out I wanted to build something for men that you cannot retire from a locker room that you can never retire from and this is something I feel like needs to be in all cities that men could get a Tuesday and all come and meet from all religions all do all things Oh coming to understanding of what God wants from us and in a lot of times you'll hear like ad man conference I don't have free that's Muslim that wanna go but it's in a church and they don't and you like these little things are cutting you off from seeing who God is and I built this platform that whoever comes but I know what's in me yeah and I built it we could have it in the aquarium we can have it well but y'all wanna Teddy do the churches in I just want to tell all the believers that's like pastors focus into Christ came and he died and that every day you wake up that you keep that on your mind that the price has already paid and every day of your life is a gift it is a gift tomorrow may never come so what'd you do today matters and if you've gone through grief I asked myself this question do I God didn't put me in that casket with my wife so there's something that he has to do to tell everybody that if you've gone to a struggle you're gone do anything just trust and know that God is a yes he is able to do exceedingly appointed above all that we can ask of it that nothing in this world is personal it's all a part of God's kingdom business and if you're in the kingdom of God you say your will be done and then we leave it there and you don't try to figure it out it but this ain't happening you trust and knowing you put your money where your mouth is and you allow your feet to line up with your words trusting that God is going to do exceedingly abundantly above and that's the faith you take faith in you throw it and you say God do it take it and we can take this thing he does wonders with it and that's it just telling don't never give constantly trust got it and I want to tell everybody really like that you see a chessmen you feel the breath coming out your body just a little bit at every moment God in there he didn't have to put it let's not waste our breathing on ho telling people all they are complaining on or when we breathe make it count make it personal for this boy when I go home at night and I get an argument like y'all doing relationships and different things to fix it before it ends and and and you just have a way of you take it one day at a time a day at a time a day out of time and God continues to show up and I promise you they'll make a way praise God [Applause]
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 2,598,965
Rating: 4.9240189 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Deep a pastor opens up, Declare this today l am blessed, I Am Not Easily Broken Cora Jakes, The Worst Thing About Being Hurt | Sarah Jakes, People are not your problem, Chrisian motivation, Testimony, God Always Wins Christian Motivation, What is God's Plan Watch This Everyday
Id: m9eJF96exHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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