This Ugly Lonely Loser Reincarnated Inside A Game As Useless Farmer | Anime Recap

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yatsuya was a miserable lonely useless loser who hated everyone at school and thought that his life was absolutely worthless but before he knew it he was teleported into a video game world with a cheat leveling system to slay the strongest monsters in existence as he fell into the water he discovered that he was surrounded by hungry disgusting monsters so he began swimming away before long he came across shindu and hakazaki who were students from his class and soon realized that some weird crap was happening when he looked behind him he found a useless haunting faceless weirdo who called himself the game master Mr shark nato'd face began telling him that he was trapped in the world of a video game and that their only way of getting out was by fulfilling the village Chief's request within 14 days when yatsuya wondered how he stuffed breakfast into his ugly pit face the game master told them that they had eight quests left to complete their mission but with each Quest that was completed a new student would join their group having said this he introduced hakazaki as a warrior but called her the most used less brain dead Warrior he had ever seen afterwards he introduced shindu as a wizard of the wind who was a third ranked magician but was totally useless and with zero magical abilities for yotsuya's own ability he decided to spin a Fortune Wheel but when it fell to a farmer the girls realized that he would be a horrendous loser in this world the same way he was in the real world when the game master vanished yatsuya decided to check his stats and discovered that he was a first ranked farmer however his abilities were so bootless that he could not grow a corn if he tried he wondered why he was so unlucky to be chosen as a farmer and thought that his boring horrendous reality was quickly infecting this new world however he became saddened by the thought of returning to school since he was a useless lazy kid that only cared about playing video games before long they spotted some goblins in the bushes so yatsuya summoned his sickle and began running towards them but he missed and a goblin broke his sickle determined to eliminate them he decided to ask shindu to join in support so she summoned her staff however yatsuya was still eager to end them so he asked hakazaki to attack the goblin but the frightened girl threw her sword realizing his opportunity yatsuya tried picking up the sword but it was invisible to his hand so shindu told him that he could not take someone else's weapon disappointed by this he decided to summon his hope but as he struck the goblin it broke in half and it smacked his head causing his soul to leave his body as he woke up shindu told him that he can only be dead for 30 seconds before coming back to life so he decided to come up with a new plan and asked for shindu's help in defeating the monster with her staff she cast a dust around the Goblin and as yatsuya rushed forward it smacked his head but he impaled it as his soul left his body before long he woke up and asked how they defeated the Goblins prior to his arrival so shindu told him that they always hid and snuck around the bushes before attacking from a safe distance since dying together meant passing on in the real world they were determined to stay alive and had attacked one after another hearing these words yatsuya realized that they were completely screwed that night he discovered that it would take five days before his tools grew back and began wondering how to pass the time when he asked what would be their reward for completing the quests shindu told him that he would be allowed to ask the game master a question after she completed her first Quest she had asked him why he chose her for it so Mr faceless told her that one of her friends had offered her up as a replacement when the second Quest was completed hakazaki had asked him who he was so he told them that he came from the distant future wondering what question he would ask yatsuya decided to take a walk and clear his mind however after eliminating several goblins he heard hakazaki screaming and hurried off to her when he arrived at the burning site he found her split in half and watched as a huge monster appeared before him and made shindu his dinner at the site of this yatsuya grabbed hakazaki and began running off afraid of meeting his own Doom the following day they realized that hakazaki's hand was not regenerating having been digested by the monster and that there would be no curriculum for shindu until she was rescued from its belly as yatsuya decided to check their stats he discovered that they were completely and hopelessly useless as they arrived in the village the people welcomed them as Heroes but yatsuya knew that he was anything but a hero when they met the village chief he introduced himself and told them that their Quest was to eliminate the giant troll that was terrorizing the village after seeing the image of the Beast yatsuer realized that they were totally outside he wondered how they would take on the monster since they were too useless wannabe Heroes but after a moment he realized that hakazaki was a far useless hero than he was and decided to ditch her so that he could get the job done himself however she ran after him hoping to support him but he told her that he intended to level up and was convinced that she would only be a deadweight in the forest yatsuya decided to find some goblins hoping to level up by slaying them at his current level he stood no chance of facing off with the troll or he would become dinner for the ravenous monster as he tried heading off he came across a log point and decided to look into the memories stored inside of in the memory shindu asked hakazaki if she was hoping to see a boy join their team but she told her that she hated all the boys as she considered them simps and pervs who would do anything to get laid however when shindu told her that she was hoping to see atsuya in their group he became eager to find out if she was talking about him since there were two boys in their class Who Bore the same name but at that moment the log Point began Vanishing before him realizing he may be caught in a Harem yatsuya decided to become stronger and to have ripping ABS that would make the girls fall in love with him so he set out to work when he arrived on the mountains he discovered that he could see the village before him and before long he saw a group of goblins in the bushes and swiftly knocked them aside as he dodged the Goblins attack he smacked it and stuck another he was angered by the memories of his depressing life but decided to allow the last goblin to escape as he checked the system he discovered that he was now in the ninth rank but wondered if he would be able to switch from a farmer to a warrior he hated the that hakazaki was the only person that could wield a sword and since she was too useless to use it he was hoping to become the new swordsman in the team before his eyes the system began counting down revealing that hakazaki had been slain so he hurried off to check the village and found the houses burning realizing they were about to fail their Quest yatsuya hurried down the mountain but when he arrived he found the village empty and the stats revealed that hakazaki was not Reviving which made him realize that she had become dinner as he rushed forward he found a log point and decided to look inside of it in the memory a boy asked hakazaki why she was trying to learn how to use her sword so she told him that in her real world she was too sick to do anything and that being in this world was the only time she could try to do something however she continued feeling terrible that she was a deadweight to the team yet was determined to help them whenever they needed her hearing these words yatsu realized that he had been a useless self-centered buffoon when the troll attacked the Village hakazaki had decided to save the boy but was knocked aside however as the monster tried chasing him she jumped in his way and managed to block his strike with her Shield wounded by the impact she became too exhausted to move so he grabbed her and ate her out at that instant the Beast appeared before him so he began running off hoping that he would not get eaten but it jumped behind him and smacked him away luckily he fell into the water and began running again but the monster flew behind him as he hurried into the forest the troll tried jumping on top of him but he narrowly dodged it and continued running when it jumped again yatsuda realized that he could evade it by moving in a different direction so he continued running and narrowly dodging it but as he became tired the Beast began descending on top of him luckily he saw a goblin before him and as he stuck his stick inside of it he increased to 10th Rank and the Monsters freezed in that instant the game master appeared behind him and as he congratulated him for increasing his rank he began spinning the 4 Fortune Wheel again but yatsuya seemed to be out of luck as he was selected to be a chef while moping about his disappointment he realized that he has a kitchen knife on the system and decided to make it his new weapon as he looked at the monster he started seeing its organs and soon realized that he had attained the knowledge to kill and cook his meat through his new Chef's skill so when Mr faceless decided to unfreeze them yatsuya began cutting through its belly and with the gut opened shindu and hakazaki started appearing when they wondered why he was wearing a different set of clothes he told them that he had become a chef in addition to being a farmer he told them that he had figured out a way to defeat the troll and began clattering his knives to draw its attention but as it jumped he hurried away and told the girls to do the same after a moment they noticed that the Beast was growing tired so yatsuya tried impaling it but got smacked away while the girls were punched to the ground after a few hours they noticed that the troll had lost a lot of ketchup so yatsuya suggested a new plan as he charged toward towards it he dodged its strike and went straight into his belly looking to carve out a large chunk of meat but was flung away however shindu decided to utilize the distraction and as she climbed on top of him she dug her staff into its head and as she launched air inside of it it blew up with the monster Dead the game master appeared again and congratulated them for completing the quest after they noticed that their levels had increased Mr faceless told yatsuya to ask him any question he desired since he was the hero of the quest yatsuya remembered the earlier questions that the girls had asked and decided to ask what their last Quest would be so the master revealed that they would have to battle a mighty Dragon shocked by this realization yatsuya fell to his knees but shortly realized that he was back into the school shindu told them that she was leaving for her tennis practice and since their next Quest was in a few weeks she was glad that they survived the troll attacks and thanked yatsuya for saving her as she started leaving she told him to see hakazaki off so that afternoon yatsuya walked her home but when they arrived at the station he realized that the world would be invaded by monsters if he could not annihilate them from the game world so he became determined to complete all the quests the following night he started running through the street hoping to be fit for the next Quest but the game master began calling his phone and started telling him about a new girl that he intended adding to their team and directed him to her school so that he could become her friend as the security began leaving the game master threatened to screw up the team in the next Quest if he failed to make contact with the girl so he snuck through the corridor and entered the girls restroom huh yeah boy but as he wondered who he came looking for Mr gamer told him to pick the girl in glasses when one of the girls demanded to know why he was in their restroom he began to stutter realizing that he had been too much of a loser to learn how to speak with a girl after discovering that the girl was recording him he thought that she may have recorded the girl's plot on her phone and decided to become her savior so he grabbed the phone and broke it in half leaving the girl in tears however he soon realized that the other girls may have also made recordings so he grabbed another girl's phone and smashed it like a crazy dude before stealing the last phone and splitting it one girl tried kicking him but as he blocked her he realized that his workouts were beginning to pay off however the girls started running away taking him for a creep and threatened to call the police that night as he walked Yuka home she wondered why this creepy stalker would not take a hike but he thought that he was becoming a top gee and was beginning to win her over when he asked her if she was being bullied she told him that the girls were trying to get back at her for her wrongdoings racked by her own guilt she began crying but yatsuya was not certain of what to do since he had been too much of a creep to be around any girls but suddenly she started running off a few weeks later yatsuya vanished into the game world and found shindu and hakazaki waiting for him but when he saw Yuka the poor girl began freaking out however when Mr faceless introduced himself she freaked out even more as he spin the wheel for Yuka it fell to a heat Wizard and in that instant a wizard cloak appeared on her half face decided to show them their next Quest and told them that they had to deliver Goods to a new village within 40 days and began Vanishing yatsuya tried explaining to Yuka that they were in a new world but she was unwilling to listen and began calling him a disgusting creepy stalker hearing these words hakazaki and chindu wondered how she met him so after she told them that he had snuck into the girl's restroom hoping to see their cherries they decided to abandon him and called him a hopeless nasty simp looking to complete the quest sooner they decided to split up so that they could cover up more distance but shindu offered to stay with Yuka until she became familiar with the new world after a moment she asked her why she decided to befriend her bullies after yatsuya broke their phones so Yuka told her that she had always thought it's smarter to have her enemies closer to her since she hated the thought of getting bullied again she had decided to stay close to them so that they wouldn't pick on her and at the same time had agreed to make yatsuya their common enemy shindu told her that she hated bullies since she had been bullied herself and hoped that Yuka would become brave enough to stay on her own as they arrived on a field they realized that the first day of their Quest had ended in a total waste suddenly a large monster crashed on the field and a new monster forced its way out of it and as it launched a bug at them the group began running but as yatsuya stopped to look it smacked his face and the system revealed that he was dead when shindu was knocked down by another insect you could decided to summon the power of her staff but it merely began to Glow up however yatsuya soon emerged and as he caught an insect he summoned his knife and impaled it before ripping it apart as another insect flew towards him he smacked it to the ground and impaled it again and in that moment shindu and hakazaki realized that he might make a fine husband for the both of them when the monster began charging towards him he asked shindu to step aside while he took on the enemy like a real champ and as he jumped on top of it he summoned his knife again and started doing his business leaving the creature flapping like a fish determined to eliminate it yatsuya decided to hold hakazaki's hand and using her sword they slayed the monster together and their stats increased that night shindu woke up from a bad dream and found yatsuya lifting a rock so he told her that he was trying to get stronger since he would need all his strength in satisfying his growing Harem however when he noticed that she was crying he became curious to know why as he remembered that she was always confident and graceful at school when he decided to ask her she held his hand and told him to rescue her from this hellhole she began telling him that a few years ago she had an older sister who decided to hug the ground after she was regularly bullied and by the time she was in elementary school her teacher also began bullying her and called her a disgraceful Fatso however her friends started supporting her and soon she realized that they were important to her and that she was responsible for what happens in her own future but unluckily she had found herself on this strange Island and the game master had told her that she would be responsible for everyone's safety when new members were added to her team afraid of losing everyone and herself she decided to ask yotsuya for his help in completing the quests the following day they arrived in the village and discovered that it was deserted when they came across a traveler he told them that he had been moving across the village for years and had always found it empty confused by his words yatsuya wondered if they were on a different Island but decided to ask for directions to raid oderbo which was far away on the map so The Traveler told them that the city was on the edge of the continent and that it would take 90 days to arrive on foot looking to utilize her feminine charm shindu decided to ask for his horse however the man was a top G and would not simp for her like a hormonal teenager so he suggested that they enter the Martial Arts Tournament in a nearby Town who were offering three horses as a reward for the winner as he wrote off the team realized that their new priority was getting a horse so yatsuya suggested leveling up before they entered the tournament while they were walking through the forest a group of Bandits jumped in their way and after realizing that the team were a band of wannabe Heroes they threatened to sell them off to the Lord of a Faraway Island so the team summoned their weapons and as a bandit attacked yatsuya he dodged and slashed his arm but the system reduced his rank as he was only allowed to attack monsters at this realization yatsuya began backing away and told the girls to run but as they did shindu tried unleashing the wind in her staff by the time the team arrived to the safe spot they realized that she never made it and was already captured by the bandits when hakazaki suggested saving her yatsuya told her that their individual safety was irrelevant to the quest and that she would be returning to the real world once their Quest was completed Yuka called him a Shameless sickening loser but he still would not budge since shindu arrived on the island before him he considered her a higher rank and believed that he had no duty to rescue her having said this he told the girls to rescue her on their own as he intended to enter the tournament and flex his muscles before long the girls were also captured by the bandits and at this discovery yatsuya realized that they were all completely useless and decided to slay a few goblins instead after ranking up again the wheel began spinning and as it fell to wizard creature he transformed into a new outfit afterwards the system revealed that he had lost all his stats in the new town yatsuya readied himself for the tournament hoping to win so that he could rescue the girls after summoning a Cleaver he began charging towards the night but before long he was already slain and the winner was declared as he woke up he realized that he would never be anything but a horrendous and hopeless failure however the night felt bad for him and decided to introduce herself as Cobble telling him that she had always hoped to meet a hero from another world but yatsuya could care less and decided to ask for her horses saying that he had to reach the end of the continent within a few days and in return was offering to lead her Army to a band its Hideout so she led him to the Commander's office and he thanked yatsuya for his help but told him that they could only offer him one horse with no other options he decided to accept their offer as they walked through the town that evening Kabul suggested that they spar with their sword before their Ambush on the bandits she thought that he was terrible at the tournament and was looking to teach him a few tricks to save his ass in a real battle so he agreed to train with her as they prepared for their spark yatsuya decided to separate his stick from the hoe telling her that he could not use a sword afterwards they faced off and as yatsuya slashed towards her she dodged and knocked off his stick before slamming his head knocking him and jabbing his gut as yatsuyalay exhausted on the floor he realized that he was every bit as useless in this world as he is in the real world that night after two Bandits were slain Kabul appeared and commanded her Army to attack their hideouts however one Bandit alerted the others and a battle ensued but as a man slashed at yatsuya he blocked and punched his face realizing they were losing the fight the bandits decided to open up a mysterious cage and began running away as a monster came out of the darkness he bent the bar under his foot and roared to the sky when yatsuya wondered what he was Kabul told him that he was a powerful monster that ate people for breakfast and as he grabbed a sword he began slashing at the soldiers so Kabul ran towards him but he broke her Shield determined to defeat him she Drew her ridiculously long sword and charged towards him again as they began clashing swords when kabul's sword went flying off the monster tried splitting her but yatsuya blocked with his Cleaver the Beast tried slaying him but yatsuya unleashed the power of His wizard creature and commanded him to look back as he slashed backwards yatsuya impaled him but he merely picked him and cut him down with dead distraction Cobble slashed his head off in The Hideout shindu thanked yatsuya for rescuing them but he told them that he lost the tournament and was only able to get one horse with the girls looking disappointed Kabul offered to escort them to their destination but in return was hoping to train them on how to use a sword so the following day yatsuya thanked the lord of the city and set out with the team while traveling kaval suggested camping for the night so that evening yatsuya made soup for everyone with hakazaki looking sad shindu wondered if she was sad due to seeing the Bandit slain so she confessed that the memory of it was stuck to her mind and since she had such a weak stomach she was convinced that she would vomit her food if she tried eating she told shindu that she wished to protect everyone but was angry at herself as she continued to be a burden for the teen she wished to become stronger but even in her dreams she continued to be a useless weakling a few minutes later Kabul tried teaching her how to use a sword however when she realized that she was too weak and useless to use it she decided to give up on her at that moment her companions arrived and told her that they were attacked by goblins while trying to gather firewood that night as yatsuya was healing one of the men with his healing magic hakazaki became sadder and was convinced that she was the most ugly and useless person alive the following day hakazaki began clashing swords with Kabul hoping to gain experience points and become stronger but after switching to her longsword she discovered that she could not lift it and was still the same disgusting loser she always was so Kabul decided to put her out of her misery and smacked her head a few hours later kabul's companion machua hurried to inform them that a group of goblins were hiding in the forest so yeah suya offered to slay them in hopes of gaining more experience points and as he hurried off the girls followed him after he slashed a goblin Yuka casted her spell while shindu blasted another spotting a goblin hakazaki became afraid but as it jumped towards her she impaled it with her sword and began crying that night as they gathered around the fire hakazaki remained sad and miserable when yatsuya said that he was disappointed that his rank was not increased she merely stared at her hands the next day while they were traveling they came across another group of Travelers who were being attacked by monsters when hakazaki decided to rescue them yatsuya told her that they had only a few days left to arrive at their destination and that they could not continue stopping every five minutes for pee breaks however she was determined to prove herself and suggested going alone but the team thought that she would become sushi for the monsters so yatsuya decided to join her for support and told the others to continue traveling as he promised to join them once the business was was settled as they began heading towards the monsters they realized that only a few of the Travelers were left in that instant the beasts began roaring at them having noticed their presence so they charged forward and summoned their weapons but as yatsuya struck a monster with his pan hakazaki was knocked back and eaten when his pan was flung away yatsuya tried using his Wizard's skill to command the beast but it ate his hand however he stuck it in the aisle and flew at it with his knife but when he tried ending it another Beast ended him at the sight of this hakazaki wondered why she was trying to become a hero when she had no chance at ever becoming one so as she returned into her body she began to leave but a monster spotted her and started rushing towards her and as it flew to end her she summoned her longsword and impaled its neck when yatsuya woke up he found a carriage heading towards him so after calling for the monster's attention he started running towards it but Kabul split it in an instant with the monsters defeated yatsuya began healing a traveler with his man magic he told the girls that he had absorbed Magic from the monsters and through this magic was able to increase his MP and use his healing ability two Travelers told him that they were from a far away Kingdom and that they had been commanded to transport a few Heretics to raid oderbo which was the team's destination with the men considered to be criminals the leader camelto said that they would be executed once they arrived in the city however Kabul decided to confront him demanding to know why he intended to slay his own people in another Lord City but he told her to mind her business looking to end each other they decided to draw their weapons but shindu stood in their way to separate them after a few minutes the team began wondering if escorting the prisoners to raid oderbo was their true Quest however they were not certain that it was the right thing to do and thought that it may be a test from the game master Yuka suggested heading to the city with the Travelers but stopping the execution before it happened so after considering the thought they decided to agree as they began traveling again yatsuya continued healing the young prisoner but he remained unconscious after a few hours camelto suggested camping for the night but Kabul had grown angry and thought that he was a rotten evil man who should not be dishing out orders to anyone however shindu reminded her that they had asked to travel with him that evening yatsuya decided to ask one of The Travelers why the prisoners had to be executed so he told them the story their cities were divided between the people who served the king and the people who serve both the king and a god however when they began fighting for control over the cities the king decided to eliminate everyone who supported the religion and commanded for their execution wherever they were found which included the young traveler that night yatsuya asked camelto why the prisoners had to be executed so he told him that they were being made a scapegoat by the king Yuka was convinced that it was a cruel fate for the prisoners and called the king a deranged Maniac hearing these words camelto grabbed his weapon and was looking to end her in the name of of his King but yatsuya stopped him and promised to stay out of his business the next day as they arrived at the mountains camillto told yatsuya that it would take them a week to arrive at the city however with the team having only 13 days left to complete their Quest they wondered if they would make it in time camelto suggested that they take a shorter route that was hidden from everyone so they started pushing the carriage through the mountains and eventually arrived at a cave inside the cave camillto told them that the secret path leading to the city was created over a thousand years ago but was impossible to find by anyone since it was hidden out of sight excited by the thought of taking a shortcut the group decided to follow his directions however when they arrived deep inside the cave a stone wall sealed them in with the group trapped camillto told them that he could not continue traveling with them since they were starting to feel sorry for his prisoners and were demanding for their freedom he believed that they would try to stop their execution and thought it better to abandon them before they reached the city having no other options Kabul suggested that they follow the route so they could stop him before he met the king and eliminate him for his betrayal as they continued through the cave they arrived at an area full of traps but as yatsuya studied the ancient symbols on the wall he he hurried to a set of pillars and as he turned it the giant Boulders stopped moving with this success the group finally crossed the bridge and as they arrived at a free path yatsuya expected an easy passage but as he started walking the wall smashed him away making the group realize that the walls were a trap after yatsuya woke up in a pit he told the group to abandon him and complete the quest on their own as he promised to join them once he found a way out the girls tried to come up with a plan and soon discovered that they had only a few seconds to hurry across the passage before the walls ejected looking to explore their plan shindu decided to walk through the passageway so as the walls retracted she began hurrying to the other side with this success she encouraged the group to walk across the passageway however when they arrived they realized that they had come to a dead end luckily they found a hidden door and as they went through to the other side they discovered that they were in an ancient Arena and saw a strange monster before them in the meantime yatsu has summoned his Cleaver and started hacking the wall realizing that he could make holes for climbing within a few minutes he had begun working his way to the top but after hacking a new hole he tried climbing but slipped and as he hit the ground his soul left his body he started hacking another hole but at that moment his flame went out so he tried feeling the hole with his hand but slipped again as he stood up he started climbing but slipped yet again however he started climbing again determined to come out of the pit and before long he pulled himself out in the passage he tried feeling the walls with his hand but tripped on a platform since he could not see anything in the darkness as he started walking again he saw a log point before him and decided to touch it inside the memory the group were crying over kabul's companion who had been slain by camelto in his attempt to run away as the log vanished yatsuda realized that the man was lying before him and started remembering their time together he was sad that he could not see him as he passed on but decided to say his goodbyes and soon began to leave meanwhile the girls watched as a robot monster came to life and started walking towards them looking to slay them like an enemy after slashing a few bats Kabul and shindu began running towards it Kabul thought that she could defeat it and after spotting the key on its arm she realized that eliminating it was their only way out of the Arena so she attacked with her sword and began telling shindu that she believed in her talents and encouraged her to continue training in the real world but suddenly the robot impaled her and as her sword fell she began falling into the water at this realization shindu started backing away and as she stepped on a bath the monster tried eliminating her but froze up in an instant shindu remembered that yatsuya had told her that time freezes when they acquire 10 ranks and at that instant the game master appeared before her and decided to spin the Fortune Wheel utilizing her opportunity shindu charged towards the robot and as she transformed into a warrior she smacked her sword on however it was unscathed and as it slashed her arm she began sliding towards the edge but managed to dodge its attack she summoned her sword realizing that her arm was healed up and decided to face off with it when the bats tried distracting her she waved them off and summoned her wizard hat and a shield after discovering that the monster was wounded she remembered that Kabul had once told her to attack the heart of her opponent since it was easier eliminating them than trying to wound them so she started charging towards it and as she blocked its attack she tried stabbing it but he slashed her arm off when he tried destroying her she blocked with her shield and as she climbed on top of him she caught her sword and stabbed its neck causing it to shut down at the same time yatsuya was running through the passage and remembered when he tried saving his friends from a bear several years ago he was convinced that everyone's position on the game world was determined by their acts in the real world and since he always made himself the leader in the real world he had taken up the role of a leader in this world as he arrived outside he watched as the robot fell but when macula told him that kaval was in the water he jumped in to save her a few hours later Kabul woke up and discovered that her wound had been healed so macua told her that yatsuya summoned Magic from the monster's blood and through this magic was able to increase his MP and heal her before passing out [Music] oh my God she told them that yatsuya reminded her of herself and that he's been trying to discover himself the same way she did she decided to tell them her story in her City every night was ranked by a unique number which was used to determine their abilities and although she was ranked 70 out of a hundred nights and 3 000 Fighters she still felt like an utter failure with her father ranked second and her brother ranked 15th her number was nothing to be proud of but was meant to remind her that she would continue to be useless that night as yatsuya woke up he told the girls that they were on a wrong Quest since the game master never told them what to do yatsuya was convinced that it could have been a simple task of transporting real Goods after all they were not charged with delivering prisoners nor were they promised money in return at this realization the team began to stutter and wondered what was the right thing to do hakazaki was unwilling to abandon the young prisoner and suggested that they rescue them anyway so to Aid in their Quest yatsuya decided to split up the the team he intended to send a few of them to capture camelto before he entered the city while the rest of them would have to find a way to deliver Goods of any kind with their time running out he was convinced that they were better off trying multiple options rather than depending on one of them so that night they decided that yatsuya Yuka and Kabul would Trail camelto while the rest of the group would try to figure out a way of getting hired for work the following night with the other half of the group gone Kabul suggested that they eliminate camelto before he informed the king about their presence so yatsuya decided to come up with a plan after a few days they found camillto and his companions traveling through the mountains but merely watched them leave as they intended to Trail them from a distance that night hakazaki asked yatsuya if they were really in a virtual world and why they were able to fall asleep since they could feel a bit of pain but were not in their own world she wondered if they were meant to consider these islands another world of its own however yatsuya had no answer for her so he decided to leave at the same time in camelto's Camp he told his soldiers that watching the prisoners get executed would be the happiest day of his life after Christmas and was looking to take in the sight however yatsu has showed up before them and with the men looking afraid he threatened to annihilate everyone when they wondered how he made it out of the caves he told them that he ate his friends for breakfast and picked his teeth with their bones and somehow the dumbasses believed his lie he told them that he and Yuka were the sole survivors and threatened to make the prisoners his dinner that night camillto suggested that they capture both of them and seal them away in a mummy's tomb forever but Yuka approached them and offered to Aid in yatsuya's capture she told them that she had never liked him and believed that getting rid of him would Grant her as much Freedom as she desired but camillto suggested that she was looking to distract them while yatsuya freed the prisoners from their cell hoping to convince them she offered to lead them to yatsuya's Camp so they agreed but camelto threatened to take her as his new prisoner if they discovered she was leaving them into a trap they began escorting her to his camp but when they realized they were basically wandering aimlessly a soldier impaled her for time wasting and started returning to their camp taking her as their prisoner but as they arrived they found yatsuya who told them that he had eaten the prisoners and was hoping to see camillto executed by the king as payback for abandoning them in the cave having said these words he decided to burn the bodies so that the truth would not be discovered utilizing their distraction Yuka cast a spell on the rope and as it burned off she tried running but camillto held her cloak desperate to escape she selected new clothes on the system and jumped over the Flames but as her ropes burned off she selected her old clothes again and ran off before long she met yatsuya on a horse and they rode off together as camelto and His companion ran after them a few minutes ago when camillto left with Yuka to capture yatsuya he had knocked out a soldier and after freeing the prisoners he put the soldier in their clothes yatsuyu was hoping that Camilla would tell the king that Kabul and her companions were dead so he would be blamed for the destruction and avoid both kingdoms from going to war meanwhile shindu and her team were disappointed at being unable to find a new wagon they had traveled for days and with no signs of getting assigned to transport Goods they were worried about failing the quest and getting stuck in this fake world forever vacuous suggested that they continue searching however with only a few days left the girls thought it would be a wasted effort in the meantime yatsuya and Yuko arrived on a cliff and as they spotted a cave they decided to look inside in the cave they found the prisoners who were happy to see them and began thanking them for their rescue several hours ago while the team were deciding on a plan Yuka had asked yatsuya if they had to burn a soldier along with stuffed sacks to represent the prisoners although they were in some new world she thought that eliminating someone in this world was the same as eliminating a person in their own world however yatsuya began telling her that they were in some futuristic technology and was designed to look like a real world since they could summon weapons out of thin air and choose a new skill from a virtual system he was convinced that this world was dead ass fake the next day as they were about to leave for the city Yuka offered to ride one of the horses but as they rode off she noticed that Kabul was looking at yatsuya and concluded that she was beginning to fall in love with him so she decided to make it her life's mission to join them together when they stopped for a break kaval tried talking to yatsuya but after spotting someone she decided to leave as they continued traveling Yuka became more determined to bring them together but as she was swaying on her horse the boys thought that she was a weird little creep so that evening she suggested that yatsuya and Kabul train together hoping that Kabul would confess her feelings to him but after their sparring Kabul summoned her for training and began chasing her at night as yatsuya was sitting by the fire Kabul appeared before him and after sitting beside him she decided to thank him for helping her to avenge the death of her slain companion she had been hoping to be alone with him so that she could thank him for it having said these words she bit him good night and fell asleep meanwhile shindu and hakazaki arrived at a town and offered to transport goods for a merchant but as he accepted another dude appeared from the cargo and told them to scram when shindu was unwilling to leave the dude decided to attack her but she dodged and sent his sword flying off before pointing her sword at him having no other choice they agreed to divide their items with them so the girls began riding off to the city in the meantime yatsuya and his team were continuing their travels so yatsuya decided to tell Yuka his plans for completing the quest since they were uncertain of what they needed to deliver to the city he thought it's smarter to have a variety of options to choose from and hoped that one of his options would qualify for the quest with the prisoners included as another option after arriving in the city yatsuya and Yuka delivered their items to the lord of the city and at that moment the system revealed that they they had completed their first Quest that evening as the team reunited they discovered that they had one more quest to complete so in hopes of getting back at yatsuya for splitting up the team the girls suggested that they split up again after a few minutes they all headed out in separate directions looking to walk across the island within a few hours however before going too far it began to snow and in a matter of minutes the snowing became intense yatsuya decided to check the system and selected the wizard clothes for additional warmth as he resumed walking he wondered if this world was truly real after all he could feel this Dreadful cold the same way he could feel warmth and with the temperature continuing to drop he wondered if passing out in the snow would be the end of him since it was impossible to revive in an environment they cannot survive it yatsuya was afraid that falling unconscious would mean staying Dead Forever hoping to stay warm he decided to do some knee lifts and began walking again in the meantime Yuka was also forcing her way through the snow hating every moment of it after resting for a moment she realized that she could freeze to her death so she began walking again meanwhile hakazaki was also walking through the snow and was using her shield for her protection as the wind blew on her she would not give up and continued walking she remembered her first time on the islands when she was selected to be a warrior shindu had been very happy to see her and had quickly introduced herself that day shindu had slain a goblin as their first Quest together but hakazaki had merely stared at her too afraid to move when she tried apologizing shindu hugged her and told her that having her by her side was enough for her her words had inspired her to become better and to help her team whenever she can with these thoughts she became inspired again and continued walking at the far side of the island shindu tried protecting herself with her hat and discovered that she was alone on the island for the first time she remembered that when she first arrived on the island and had been assigned on a quest by the game master she had asked him to teleport one of of her friends to this world so that they could offer her some support but he told her that she had to complete it on her own having relied on her friends shindu had been very disappointed and now having to walk all by herself she was reminded of that painful memory but she became determined to make it this time however she came across a huge statue on the way and realized that it was the end of the road for her at the same time hakazaki was exhausted from walking and started wondering where she was since the snow had made it impossible for her to see and so she fell as she tried getting up she discovered that she had lost every strength in her body meanwhile yatsuya was resting beside a Rock when he discovered that the girls had stopped walking with 10 kilometers left to cover he wondered if they could make it in six hours in the Dreadful snow since one person had to stay alive he knew that the team were depending on him to complete the quest as he looked back he saw a snow monster standing before his eyes looking to make him her dinner when he tried running she punched his back but when she tried smashing him he ran off the monster prepared to attack again but he summoned his knife and slashed her with his time running out and the Beast stopping him from leaving he decided to face off with her he summoned his pan and flew towards her but she knocked him back desperate to eat him she began charging towards him but he managed to slay her at that moment her babies hurried out of hiding crying for their mother but yatsuyu was only glad that he was not their late night snack and decided to leave as he continued walking again realizing that he still had more distance to cover he started thinking about his friends and became determined to complete the quests however as he took a step he began falling into a great pit but the memories of his friends were on his mind at the same time hakazaki's Soul was trying to return into her body but since she was frozen it was impossible for her to come awake on the other hand the system informed shindu that hakazaki was not waking up so she decided to find another way around the statue as she started walking again she discovered that the wind was beginning to seize and shortly she saw a town at the distance pleased with her Discovery she began walking towards it hoping to find a carriage that she could use in moving hakazaki out of the snow however as she took a step the ice cracked and as she hurried further it continued cracking but as she realized this the Ice broke under her feet meanwhile yatsuya woke up inside an ancient dungeon and was surprised to see himself revived since he was uncertain as to where he was falling to he had made himself believe that he was falling into the mouth of a monster and would stay in its belly never to be revived again as he wondered where he was he decided to take a walk around hoping to cover the remaining Distance by wandering through the dungeon however as the system revealed that hakazaki and shindu were not Reviving he discovered that he had also arrived at a dead end so he decided to head in another Direction but met another dead end as he walked again he met another dead end so he started crawling through a hole but as he made his way out he discovered that he was inside a pit and that he was never getting out at that moment the ground began to quake and as a worm emerged from the ground it smashed into him but shortly he started following it through the ground hoping that it would dig its way out since the worm could not devour him he thought it would be safer to stay close and follow it however the ground began to Quake again and another worm appeared behind him yatsuya hoped that it was another friendly Worm but it swallowed him in that instant outside Yuka had started walking again but as she discovered that the rest of the team were not Reviving she broke down and decided to give up since everyone else was dead she considered it an excuse to also surrender however her imaginary fairy appeared before her eyes and encouraged her to continue with her Quest so she picked up her staff and Unleashed a blast of warmth on herself as her Crush led the way she began following him however after a long walk she started growing tired but as she almost fell asleep she saw saw a lady on a giant cat the lady offered to drop her off at the town and as they rode off she told her that she was lucky to have survived the storm but at that instant the system revealed that she had only three minutes to complete the quest but with several distances left to cover Yuka thought that she was hopeless and was better off hanged as she started crying the lady decided to help her so with the power of her staff she blasted them forward Yuka asked her if she was from another world but she told her that she's a magic user and as she summoned more power from her staff she launched them forward as the seconds ran down luckily the team made it but before Yuka could celebrate her Victory Mr headless appeared behind her causing her to freak out as a reward for her Victory he told her to ask him any question after a careful thought she decided to ask him if they were really in some virtual world so Mr headless began telling her about the universe he said that there were several parallel universes existing at the same time and since he was a powerful being he had the ability to travel between different worlds and to move the team across each world he told them that this game world was not a virtual reality like they had thought but was really another world like Earth and on top of that they were the ones who were virtual at these words yatsu realized that he had made some terrible decisions but in an instant he was back to the real world and was feeling guilty for burning the soldier although he hated everyone and thought that his city was a he had never imagined having to end someone a few weeks later at school hakazaki told shindu that she had gained some stamina and could play a bit of sports now she believed that her experience from the other world was starting to help her in this one however as they watched yatsuya all by himself they realized that they had not spoken to him since they returned to their world when Yuka told them about the burn Soldier they were equally shocked and had decided to stay away from him that day after yatsuya checked his locker he started heading home in the street he received a message from the game master who was asking to know how he felt since he had become a killer shocked by the question yatsuyu decided to delete it however when he arrived home a little girl appeared before him and demanded to know why he refused to respond to the message when yatsuya asked her who she was she told him that he could only ask a question if you won a quest and with these words he realized that the game master had taken her form he began telling her that he considered camelto and his soldiers to be bad people and since they were trying to execute innocent people he had concluded that they also deserve to be eliminated however he regretted his decision and thought that he would have been better off freeing the prisoners and abandoning camelto having said his last words the girl decided to tell him about the next boy that would be added to their team and that yatsuya had to meet him first the same way he met Yuka so after a few minutes they arrived at a restaurant the girl told him that the new player was in a and would be sent to eliminate a former member she told him that his name was story and that yatsuya must stop him from eliminating anyone all of a sudden a group of boys burst inside and began charging towards the man with their weapons yatsuya tripped one boy and tried preaching peace to their lost souls but the boy smacked him with his baton as he grabbed it he blocked another boy's attack and threw his food at them when the last one began charging towards him he kicked him into a wall with his brother wounded fake ninja swung his baton at him but he dodged and pulled his mask off with his identity revealed he advised the boy to return home and stopped him from chasing the man at that moment the boss showed up and named his gun at yatsuya however the girl decided to give him a magical glove that would freeze everyone in an instant as the boss threatened to end him he put on the glove and rushed forward summoning the magic in it and freezing him in that moment before knocking him out before yatsuya left he warned the boy Tori to run away from the police when his boss tried shooting him Tori kicked off the gun and called him a hopeless disgusting loser who should take his loss as a badge of honor that evening on a rooftop the girl decided to ask yatsuya if he still felt bad for burning the soldier but he told her that he had no answer for her however he believed that rescuing Tori would serve as an advantage for him in the next Quest the same way Yuka served as an advantage for the team after all they only managed to complete the quest because she found a way to pull through having said these words he believed that they would successfully complete their next Quest set your heart Ablaze go beyond your limits and watch this next video thank you
Channel: AniSlayer
Views: 871,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: miIFO1uLA38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 33sec (2973 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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