This Transplanting Method for Onions Is a GAME CHANGER

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what is going on everyone welcome to another very exciting very fast episode right here on the Mi Gardener Channel so in today's episode I'm going to show you how to divide out your multi-sewn onions now this is a very common question we get asked a lot of you write in especially when we sow our onion seeds you say okay look I know you don't necessarily believe in lying so I know what you're saying is true but it's hard for me to Envision what it's going to look like when it's ready to be planted out in the garden and I when it when it is ready to be planted I want to see you do it and so I just was keeping that promise I told a lot of people that I would do it and so yeah let's do it so we're gonna be planting out our onions here I've got about a four foot by eight foot space that's really all the space we're going to allocate towards onions this year I love onions they're super fun to grow but it's kind of hard to intercrop around them and because I have such big plans for the garden this year I want to pack as much as I possibly can in so we have a slightly smaller space dedicated to onions this year but that's totally fine because the way we plant and how close we space them means we get a ton of plants in a smaller area so you know we're going to be um we're gonna be practicing high intensity gardening as we do always and so we're probably going to get I don't know I mean I'll count when we're done but I would say probably between 60 and 80 onions in this little space here so it'd be a nice yield and I'm looking forward to it so coming close I'm going to show you how we get these things separated and then planted and then you guys can get out in your garden and plant your onions foreign for a dibbler now a dibbler is a really kind of a handy little tool when planting out onions but I don't have one with me and I have it at the shop and um basically a stick will do I'm just going to use it to poke a hole and kind of just work out a little divot a little hole about every that's about every three four inches or so and so they're gonna be spaced out three to four inches on Center and that means each onion is going to be getting the proper about five to six inches spacing or so um ish you know it's not perfect but we're gonna be getting a good amount of plants in a row here so I got one two three four five six seven plus seven onions per row which is great and then here's the magic so a lot of you want to see how this actually works you guys think holy cow you're planting 10 20 30 onions in a three inch pot how on Earth does it actually come out unscathed like how do you not damage Roots well here's how so when you pull the plant out it looks pretty wild and crazy but look at this we're gonna take it we're simply going to squeeze it gently loosen that soil up we're going to work our fingers in and slowly untangle the soil and because onions have super wiry roots you get all that soil out you should work that soil out from the root ball kind of I don't know like detangle it with your fingers you're going to lose a tad bit of roots it's not that big of a deal and then you're simply going to pull and you're going to pull this is not a magic trick it's not a card trick there's no magic here look at this just like this they just detangle every single one look at this boom it's the most satisfying thing in the world all of our onions were started in a three inch pot and this is a game changer that will change your life you will save so much room when seed starting your grow room will have way more space for other things you will spend less time planting single cells of onions you will spend way more time having more fun in the garden and there you go that was in real time every single reason why I love this method it is phenomenal so now you just take these like this and because onions are super resilient I just take my onions and I plant them just a little bit past the white of the onion you'll notice the greens and then if they're red they'll be red if they're a white onion they'll be or if they're yeah they're white onion they'll be white if they're red they'll be red if they're yellow they'll have a slight yellow color to them that is the future bulb I will bury that just below the soil surface and keep it up like this so we're going to take our hole pop it in the ground and plant it it's that simple super easy to do this is a trick that I learned probably about five six years ago and I have never looked back it is the simplest way to grow a ton of onions from seed get them ready to plant and I know that a lot of you have just kind of stumbled across this method for the first time and let me tell you if you're worried about it if you are fearful about messing something up you have nothing to worry about they are the most forgiving crop they are so easy to separate and they are so much fun to grow so we're gonna get these planted and that is how we do it now this will apply to things such as shallots as well we have um we have some shallots a little more floppy not quite as you know straight up and down but same same premise we're gonna dump them out just like that we're going to detangle The Roots separate them out the same exact thing so you can do this with shallots you can do this onions you can do this with leeks you can do this with bunching onions you can do this with just about I mean quite literally any allium separates super easily like this because the roots are super wiry and that's the secret that's the benefit you could never do this with something like a tomato or the Tomato you'd ruin so many roots that you might as well just start separately in separate little containers your Tomatoes you couldn't really do this with you know cucumbers or lettuce or things like that the roots are just way too fine they get way too tangled up and then they end up you know they end up kind of struggling but because onions are a bulbing crop they have a much different root system because they grow communally they've actually grown like this since day one they're very used to Growing Up close to each other and that's why they can be separated so easily whereas a crop like a cucumber it needs to compete and so part of its root system is kind of how it competes whereas onions they don't want to kill each other off because they grow communally cucumbers do not grow communally right so the the root system kind of is why you you can do this with onions and not other crops but I'll tell you what saves me a ton of time and it's definitely worth trying all right so in an effort to make this the fastest at my Gardener episode ever I did forget one tiny little thing and that's pruning your onions so whenever I plan out my onions like this a lot of people ask if I prune or do I not prune now you guys know that I do recommend pruning in containers like this that way they stay nice and uh upright that way they don't crimp at the stem and that way they don't kind of flap flop all over each other and kind of smother each other out so I do recommend pruning in the pots when they're small however I also recommend pruning once you get them out in the garden reason why is once those onions are growing up you want them to stay up upright if they fall for any reason and the stem crimps over the neck of the onion crimps over over it'll be done it basically will tell itself that it's ready to be harvested and so what we're going to do is we're going to relieve some of the weight from the onion and we're basically going to do that simply by if there's anything growing on the ground like that we're simply going to take our hand and about up to my like if I stuck my hand up like this up to my knuckle I pinch off and that way release some of that weight it's very very simple go like this and that's all I do now I don't do that every single time I kind of get an idea for how much I'm taking off and I can just come through here and I can just pick off without pulling them out of the ground obviously you could use scissors if you want but um they break very easily and I'll just pick them off and then that way that way the weight is off of the neck of the onion and they can stand up a little a little taller a little more straight as well so there you go that's everything that I do when I plant out my onions make sure to give them a good watering and they'll be good so that's really all I got for you guys today I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you learned something new if you did make sure to hit a like button subscribe if you haven't already we have lots more gardening content coming out usually not episodes this short but there's no reason to babble on if I don't need to so I catch you guys on the next episode get your onions in the ground and let me know in the comments box down below if you've used this method and what you think about it as always guys this is Luke from the in my Gardener Channel reminding you to grow bigger take care bye
Channel: MIgardener
Views: 128,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MIgardener, vegetable gardening, organic gardening
Id: J3tJb1qNnTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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