This Trail Tried To Kill Me

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today dale and i are checking out the fresh work including some all new sections on a trail called rock diva the trail starts with some steep and technical dirt then transitions to wild stunts below huge thanks to the builders eric otherwise known as bcpov bobby and chris for all their hard work so [Music] hahaha here um [Music] [Music] hahaha [Applause] it's fine but psychologically you feel your hands just like cringe yeah that was fine there's just no support so if i had to jump off i think it would snap talking about it's got this like very thin branch so whoa hahaha i assume this way whoa this is a decent gap though hey i think from here should be fast enough with a bit of a pop maybe i think i overshot it by like several bike lengths way too fast huh yep send it [Music] hahaha that is big ah it's just so hard to judge these things it's actually pretty good okay oh my god dale i was so sideways man so sideways all i could think about was i knew that this was here and then i just skidded luckily brought it back look at that angle yeah i wouldn't recommend that come on oh my god dale that was that was terrifying that was terrifying i am not stoked on bikes anymore dale i felt too slow to clear after this foreign
Channel: Dangerous Dave
Views: 301,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EQhFj_T9Sf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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