THIS Tragic Accident Caused The Ending Of Chasing Classic Car!

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hey it's Wayne Kini from Talking classic cars and I'm here at the seavoy Museum in Carterville Georgia and I'm here with somebody I admired almost my whole life cars remain one of the most important inventions of the golden age for those who weren't born in the Golden Age 2008 saw the introduction of a television show that Bridges the Gap in our knowledge of cars chasing classic cars this show was created with the view to finding and restoring classic cars to their Old Glory the show was hosted by car Enthusiast Wayne Kini and car specialist Roger bar I hung around Joe Detroit's Garage on newf Staten Island no heat one light bulb he smoked cheap cigars what Hidden Treasures might still be out there waiting to be found and restored what stories do these classic cars hold and how do they shape our understanding of Automotive History why did this show come to an abrupt end join us as we explore this tragic accident caused the ending of facing classic car Wayne corini's early life on October 13th 1951 karini was born in Portland Connecticut he is the son of Robert Bob karini a Glastonberry connecticut-based collision repair and autor Restoration company owner eventually the family business was gifted to him with half of it at the very young age of nine he developed a keen sense of affection for cars who wouldn't be enamored by the roaring sound of the engines the Blazing speed and the sturdiness especially after taking a 1960 Roso kiaro Ferrari for a spin what influence did this love for cars have on his future having a car Enthusiast as a father developed Wayne's love and knowledge of classic cars he was immersed in the world of cars from a very young age hence it should come as no surprise that Wayne's first experience with a car came long before the 1960 Ferrari kiaro Escapade Wayne grew up around the consistent sounds of a spanner during repair with each clanking sound seeding knowledge of Automotive appreciation into his young arable mind while setting up a foundation for his future Endeavor as a classic car collector Having learned by seeing Wayne's father made sure he had empirical experience with car refurbishment he worked in a steady alliance with his father on Classics like the dusenberg Lincoln Packards the famous G crook specials and the Royal Ford Model A at 16 Wayne's love for cars had grown many leaps and bounds keeping his eyes open hunting for old classic automobiles that he could refurbish and take back to their Old Glory Bob was not only a major influence on his son's life and career but also a car icon in the United States of America making a name for the kinis as car refurbishers he co-founded the Ford Model A restorers club in 1952 Bob had platformed and readied his son to take over the world of car refurbishment and keeping their family name deeply rooted in America's Rich car history speaking of influence Wayne did not only inherit his father's mechanical skills but also his attention to detail and his principles of craftsmanship and innovativeness Bob exposed Wayne to the appreciation of the Artistry and Engineering Behind These classic cars Wayne's passion for automobiles really caught on fire and blazed to the four when he visited showrooms Guided by his father's knowledgeable mind and Discerning Eye there he saw learned the appreciation of these vintage cars all of which carry a story while some are products of War some came to the four during times of peace or agriculture while Wayne had other career options in mind he was already ens snared in the Allure of vintage automobiles after years of honing his skills he made his passion into a profession and vocation Wayne caught the Ferrari bug at the age of nine however one thing he also really loved doing was building his own things which included Ed his family's home the family lives in a wooden house in an isolated part of Connecticut a house Wayne designed 33 years ago Wayne is a devoted father who has been married for 24 years and is still as car crazed as ever Wayne's passion for cars Wayne grew up under the Infectious sound of engines revving and the pungent smell of motor oil immersing him into the world of vintage Vehicles right from the cradle he bagged a degree in art education at Connecticut State University leaving him at a Crossroads who would have thought education could stand in the way of your dreams well it stood in the way of Wayne's dreams while he had opportunities in the teaching sector his heart raced at full speed yearning for some glimmer of hope at the end of the road so he could fulfill his own dreams as an automotive Mogul Bob saw the passion for automobiles in Wayne's eyes and then he made the decision to give him half of the family business setting him on a journey that runs on the fuel of his passion Wayne's transition from art teacher to Automotive Mogul was a gradual process however it was also inevitable his knack for car repair and restoration was evident from the get-go his environment growing up among his father's tools and consistent fixing of cars left an indelible mark on the man he came to be Wayne had a knack for discussing engines and car parts regardless of the audience this was a common theme for those who knew him outside and inside the family Wayne's consistent talks about his passion set him up with the seasoned veteran as far as vintage cars are in the discussion Jim atroce saw Wayne as an untapped natural Talent with the potential to reach the very top Jim took Wayne right under his arms influencing his views about vintage cars and giving him a new perspective with Jim's encouragement and guidance Wayne began to see vintage cars in a new light Jim suggested to him to pursue a career in collecting these elusive vintage cars at first it didn't sound like a good idea or a career worth pursuing however he respected an old veteran took his words more seriously and really went for it culminating in being the best decision he ever made in his life Wayne's career took flight Chasing Classic Cars Jim atrosi had already set Wayne on a path to Greatness owing to his important advice which sent Wayne on this career path 35 years later Jim comes with another dream which Jim was more open to this time as he knew that no good came out of ever doubting Jim Jim suggested that they go into the Venture of acquiring these vintage cars and making them into a TV reality show while they pondered on the makeup of their new Venture they both decided not to let car racing and the theatrics take Center Stage however they were still pondering on how the show take shape uncertainty loomed over them like a dark cloud threatening to rain on their parade however both men were too business savvy to let overthinking ruined their plans so they went for it and gave it their best shot preparing for worst and expecting the best as the pendulum could swing either way while remaining unsure of what fate had in store for them they decided to bring Chasing Classic Cars to the open in 2008 upon releasing tiarre into the wild they got a reception they hadn't expected people resonated so well with the show leading them to believe that they were unto something special these unexpected turn of events added more wind to their saes harnessing their cohesive Minds into a singular longing unit yearning to uncover rare automobile gems they were all joined by another vintage car crazed Soul who shared the same ambition of finding these rare gems and refurbishing them his name is Roger bar little did the group know how important Roger was going to be to their cause playing a pivotal role in the success of Chasing Classic Cars Roger Bar's early life Roger bar isn't a new name to people who actually watch the show his relationship with Wayne did not start on the show they met when Wayne was 10 years old just a year older than when he rode the 1960 Ferrari Chow that changed the trajectory of his life forever born in Long Island New York on the 15th of February 1936 Roger was approximately 25 years old when the Met young Wayne we know how that sounds how did they make it work some asked however passion has no boundaries hence they found camaraderie and Brotherhood in their passionate love for cars bridging their age Gap with relative ease as a child Roger wandered around garages and repair shops till it was dark taking Keen observations of the knowhow of car repair whenever he wasn't in school or captured by his parents he spent his time in a certain Joe's Garage learning the trade he was nicknamed Raj the helper he came home home consistently drowned in motor oil to the horror of his mother however he knew that his future lay in cars so he never gave up on his dream to work on cars as ambitious as he was he suffered from dyslexia meaning he had trouble reading and comprehending the easiest things hence as far as education is concerned he could not cope with having good grades that's where parents love comes in Roger's parents were extremely supportive of his education leading them to change City by moving from New York to New Jersey in search of a school that could cater to his educational needs he attended Patterson Tech High School in New Jersey where he graduated with good grades soon after he went to college which he paid for by doing odd jobs one of those odd jobs involved babysitting we bet you thought it would have something to do with car repairs anyway he fulfilled his dreams of being an aviation engineer relocating to Europe Germany where he picked up further interests in cars he worked as a backup driver for Porsche sports cars feeding him more interest in cars other than just being a repairer he's now also a racer soon he moved back to the United States to work on jet engines for the aircraft company Pratt and Whitney bar found joy in doing what he loved however he was about to find even more happiness when he people started begging him to work their cars prompting him to open a garage in Connecticut in 1965 where he created a niche for himself bar worked on all types of cars including foreign cars as long as they weren't French this type of skill wasn't prevalent in the area at the time in his locality giving him an edge over other car repairs guess we could for a man who had dyslexia bar has done well for himself a testament to his indomitable spirit and unbreakable resilience bar meets the kinis Fate's final trick as Roger hone skills as the best foreign car pair in his environment fate had one last trick up its sleeve setting a Meetup between Roger and Robert Bob Kini who called on Roger every time he needed to fix a foreign car Roger wasn't only good at repairing cars he was also a master at building super fast sports cars a Fascination which led young Wayne Kini to his doorstep Wayne was so fascinated by Roger's engineering Artistry that he stayed in his shop just to watch him work this created mutual respect and yielded a cordial Rel relationship between them forming a perfect core on which their relationship was built their shared passion for cars turned this professional connection into a lasting friendship what did fate really have in store for this duo we will find out soon enough life happened to Roger bar as talented as Roger was his career began to dwindle he was taking heavy Financial hits hence he couldn't keep the garage open anymore leading him to sell to Volkswagen Roger ever the talent ented man decided to try his hands at other career choices leading him to lecturing first he worked at Brown University in Providence Road Island where we taught engineering and also spent 5 years teaching the same profession at the University of Hartford Connecticut needless to say he excelled at lecturing too his knowledge transcended the ages of textbooks as he had had a career saddled with empirical experience and Hands-On practice feeding the students a dangerous cocktail of passion mixed with years of practice however it wasn't just the same for Roger he issued the clanking sounds of a spanner a continuous revving of an old engine blurting dark fumes and begging to be fixed his passion drove him to an edge a precipice he was like a man on fire and working on cars was the only chance he had at quenching it hence old Roger quit his job rolled up his sleeves and was ready to get back to the garage working on cars Roger was offered a job by Wayne Kini at a mechanic shop F40 Motorsports where he worked as the chief mechanic for three straight years before the shooting of the popular TV show that changed their lives by extension he was going to feature as the lead mechanic on Chasing Classic Cars fans believe that his presence added a lot of very similitude to the show Roger was an old man now doing probably his last ever job so he applied himself to it completely an idea that sounded impressive but maybe it was the wrong call because this is where things started to go south the success of Chasing Classic Cars and Rejuvenation of Roger bar have you ever wondered why might go the extra mile for vehicles that you may refer to as a piece of junk well the TV show explained it to Perfection Wayne and Roger built a unique brand which centered on the accumulation of very old Vehicles believing in the stories that they told owing to the rich tapestry of History unfolding during the time they were manufactured Roger and Wayne understood the uniqueness of these vintage car Collections and went above and beyond just to provide their uniqueness to add more sense of reality and spontaneity to the show Wayne insisted that the cars are not previewed before the show begins hence his and Roger reactions right from the time they got a first look at the vehicle painted a picture of reality to the fans which became their selling point to get the show kicking Wayne always requested a drive around to test run the car so he could make informed judgments on the car's condition before it went through the surgical hands of Roger this spontaneity and real-time decision making were engaging for fans who felt like they were following Wayne's Automotive Journey riding right alongside him after Wayne's drive around the decision is made whether to sell the car for profit or add to Wayne's collection of cars Wayne wasn't only a car Enthusiast by words he had a large collection of vintage cars serving as a testament to his love for them the decision to sell or add to his car collection ction was not taken lightly as it went through tedious discussions and professional reviews from Professionals in his auto shop this show displayed careful attention to detail and a keen sense of observation before any decision was made that said this show began to gain a serious cult following from car enthusiasts all over the world leading to large success for the TV show this show lasted a total of 13 years while reeling out 17 seasons in the process while the number of episodes varied from season to season the core principles of the show remained unchanged it never entertained any over-the-top gimmick or needless dramatic effects its Aesthetics were largely based on its originality and spontaneity while some other shows might need some supercharged emotional atmosphere or some complex plot structure to keep viewers engaged this show stuck to its guns and kept its plot real and simple at all times this way they never contaminated their fan base which might have involved other people who weren't really car enthusiasts if the plot were changed however the plot remained the same swimming in its originality the fans remained mostly car enthusiasts because the show retained its originality and preservation of vintage Automobiles and their history trouble in Paradise where is Roger when it comes to TV shows nothing is ever as it seems Roger the lead mechanic was suddenly off the show in 2019 19 leading to Fan speculation about his life while many thought he had an altercation with Wayne others thought he died a notion which didn't seem too far-fetched at the time as he was already 83 years old hence it was a safe age to assume the worst fans weren't having this Houdini act and not seeing their favorite lead mechanic did not sit well with them however what really happened to Roger let's find out Roger was plagued by an injury he had on his foot while he was working at the F40 Motorsports garage this accident happened in 2017 and Roger left to get it treated but out of an unbridled passion for his job he returned to the garage in November of the same year old Roger kept at it and kept his job going a testament to his enthusiasm for his job however his injury continued to plague him even more in 2019 Roger stopped appearing on the show after the 14th season in 2019 his family claimed that Roger had a bacterial infection spreading on the injury leading him to treat the league over again we know what you are thinking footing all these bills on his treatment couldn't be that hard for f-40 Motorsports while you might be right about their financial status unfortunately you are wrong about their treatment of Roger Roger had to foot the bill for his treatment on his own no one saw to his treatment at all not F40 not chasing classic cars not anyone this treatment of Roger left the the fans highly disappointed in the show its organizers and Wayne Kini who had known Roger since he was a boy learning the secrets to his engineering craft in his garage you would think it's enough to deny him treatments but karini and Chasing Classic Cars had more salt for his injury and they were more than willing to smear his wound with it sending scorpions to his head out of passion for his job Roger returned after he treated himself but he was denied entry into the show he was shown the door and he was simply being let off like he meant nothing to the show and almost never existed Rogers Financial reality when Roger story came out in the open many couldn't believe what they heard some fans tried to remove Wayne Kini from the situation by saying that Roger's $1,300,000 net worth should be enough to take care of his medical bills without Wayne corini's help they might be on to something one would think however new facts came to light debunking these errors and killing them in their infancy Roger was not paid any money for all of his appearances on screen he had been appearing for 14 straight Seasons without collecting a single dime for his appearance on TV also he wasn't placed on any kind of work health insurance policy and neither did he receive any proceedings from the cars that were sold for profit on the show cars which he worked on as lead mechanic lastly he debunked the rumor that he had such money he took to his Facebook page and debunked having that type of net worth claiming that if he did he would have fixed his house and both his broken teeth he wanted to correct some misinformation on the internet there was a video supposedly containing facts about him while he was still handsome in breathing he wanted his fans to know two things first he had not retired he kept asking to come back to work but was told there was no work then he received a notice in the mail that he was involuntary Bary terminated not even over the phone or in person just let go he found another job that he was really enjoying at The Paddock classic car restorations in New Britain Connecticut while these claims might sound rather untrue it is impossible to debunk now that they came from the horse's mouth this Revelation sent a shock wave down the spine of the show's fan Community leading to Serious scrutiny of the show and some hatred for the hosts and Wayne karini also caught serious flak from the fans it was too hard to believe that one of the most important casts in the most revered automobile show was struggling for money however once his story was out there people were ready to help Roger friend Steve Crips started a GoFundMe to help get some money for Rogers hospital bills who knows what would have happened if he didn't Roger story perfectly exemplifies the complexities of the entertainment industry and the challenges faced by the most well-known Personalities in the industry the Cutthroat world of the entertainment industry the entertainment industry is notorious for its ruthless nature often characterized by abrupt career changes and unexpected terminations Roger bar a car specialist from the popular TV show Chasing Classic Cars experienced this harsh reality firsthand despite his dedication and passion for his work he found himself involuntarily terminated without a personal conversation highlighting the industry's often impersonal and brutal side Roger story is not unique many prominent figures in the entertainment industry have faced similar Fates one notable example is Conan O'Brien who was famously ousted from The Tonight Show in 2010 despite his talent and popularity Network decisions and politics led to his sudden removal forcing him to rebuild his career on different platforms Conan's experience underscored the precarious nature of careers in entertainment where even high-profile success offers no guaranteed security he was controversially let go without any serious explanations at least none that made rational sense however they came back for him 14 years later telling him to return these cases illustrate the volatile environment of the entertainment World talented individuals often find themselves at the mercy of decisions beyond their control whether due to changing market dynamics internal politics or person personal conflicts the industry's focus on ratings profitability and image can result in sudden and sometimes unfair career setbacks for those who face these challenges the ability to adapt and reinvent themselves is crucial Roger bar found new joy and purpose at The Paddock classic car restorations in New Britain Connecticut after his termination similarly Conan O'Brien and Shannon doy successfully transitioned to other opportunities demonstrating resilience and adap ability the entertainment industry's Cutthroat nature can lead to abrupt career changes as seen in the experiences of Roger bar Conan O'Brien and Shannon Doty these stories highlight the importance of resilience and adaptability in navigating such an unpredictable field in entertainment The Show Must Go On if it doesn't producers lose money and other actors who have nothing else going aside from that show also stand to lose a lot of money at the end of the day the entertainment industry is deemed as Cutthroat owing to its show must go on policy no matter what happen the sad end of the Chasing Classic Car a simple moment where Roger was treated like a human being might have prevented the gloomy clouds looming over the show ready to Reign ruinously on its parade after the public caught a whiff of the situation the show seemed rather distasteful as fans couldn't seem to move past Roger treatment fans have started to grow impatient having been worn out by the lack of information on whether the show can continue or not for 2 years there had been no update on the continuity status particularly with wayer Karin's legal entanglements in the year 2020 Wayne's legal problems involved a Pierce Arrow Coupe adding more and more layers of complexities to the background of the show while Wayne decided to handle it quietly by saying nothing to the fan he seemed to have forgotten the golden rules of fans the quiet drives to the edge leading to intense speculation the show started to receive lower ratings a massive uho for Network Executives who suddenly started to contemplate a cancellation of the show suggesting that the show had lost its natural Allure to the fan base although its fan base was built over the years on patience however it seemed like they had lost it everything started from one wrong treatment of an important star on the show remember that also the covid-19 in 2020 affected a lot of businesses and industries including the entertainment industry so the decline of the show could also be linked to the virus the show was finally abandoned in August 2021 as things stand many have no idea if this show will ever come back causing a lot of pain and heartache to di hard fans of the show however rumor has it that the show might be coming back for a reboot in 2024 whether that is true remains to be seen however for now it remains s on a list of ifs buts and Mayes safety in classic car restoration although the details of Roger accident weren't revealed it only further explains the risks of refurbishing old cars the classic car restoration industry while passionate and meticulous involves inherent risks that demand stringent safety measures working with vintage Vehicles often requires dealing with outdated materials and techniques which can pose unique hazards proper training and the use of personal protective equipment are crucial to ensure the safety of restoration Specialists the tragic accident that led to the end of Chasing Classic Cars underscores the importance of these precautions this incident highlights the need for comprehensive safety protocols tailored to the specific challenges of restoring classic cars regular safety training awareness of potential hazards and strict adherence to safety guid lines can mitigate risks ultimately the goal is to create a safer environment where the passion for preserving Automotive History does not come at the expense of the health and well-being of those dedicated to the craft by learning from past incidents the classic car restoration Community can foster a culture of safety and prevent future tragedies did you enjoy the video show some love by liking sharing and subscribing scroll down to support us and stay tuned for more content like this on our Channel
Channel: The Ultimate Expedition
Views: 4,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Real Reason, Why Chasing Classic Cars, Ended Financial and Law Trouble, Classic Cars, Financial, law, trouble, reason, Chasing Classic Cars, classic vehicles, legal trouble, ultimate expedition, ultimate, expedition, Tragic Accident, Caused The Ending
Id: tP3GdL8YH8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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