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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today I want to show you guys a tool that is I think going to majorly change the game for small farmers this is the paper pot transplanter and my mind is totally blown by this thing I've had it for about a month now and I've been doing demos with it and kind of figuring out the the quirks with it the nuances the adjustments and all that and this tool is this major major game changer on our farm it's turning an hour of work into minutes so I'm going to transplant a bed of basil right now I transplant basil at 6 inch centers so four rows in the bed six inches apart it's the same way I do lettuce and I'm actually going to do some more lettuce after this as well but I just want to show you guys how quick this thing can get a job done that would take an hour so it normally takes an hour for one of our guys to pop out the plugs transplant at this density in a 50 foot bed I'm going to do it with this paper pot transplanter and it's going to be it's going to greatly reduce that time I'm not exactly sure how long it's going to take but I'll show you and you can check it out this tool uses special flats there are 11 inches by 22 inches so they're a little bit bigger than your standard 1020 flat but they work with a paper chain that is like an accordion style stretched out in the flat and filled up with soil you use this little plate thing to get the flat started and basically how this works is it unravels itself into the soil and so you push this thing underneath it and that makes it sort of like a ramp that the paper chains will unravel from until you get your first one going this little piece is just garbage I use I keep some landscape pins down here so you start it off the first few feet of a bed you'll have to come back and bury in that's just because I have lots of stuff right at the end of my bed but if you had long beds with lots of space at the end it wouldn't be a problem this is one of the challenges I have in the urban setting so once you get our going start and so it's digging a trench and it's closing it up as you go so that took seven minutes and I'm still not perfect at this I had to stop a few times and just dig it back in like for example your beginning rose you know you just want to bury in a little bit because you're not starting with the the trench is deep so you just go and plug those in but if you just do the math think about this so I plant about 60 beds of Sally Nova lettuce a year that's the exact same as this one and it takes us an hour each bed so that's popping out the plugs plants in the min and all that if I can do that in seven minutes that means so normally one one bed an hour 60 beds is 60 hours if I make that seven minutes at that same amount of beds that's seven hours so I'm saving 53 hours a year a season on that one crop so you might do all kinds of stuff I think for a normal farm that's doing a variety of transplants you're going to save probably 300 hours a year that's insane like even if that's $10 an hour labor that's $3,000 that you're going to save a season huge because that's around the price that this tool costs to get so amortize that over years I mean the savings is massive I know some farms have reduced a whole day a week of work because of this tool they've eliminated you know one or two for jobs to you know have more time on their farm or well however you want to stock it it's incredible I'm going to do some more planting okay you put your flat on the tray I always kind of push the greens back a little bit here stick this in kind of slice it along the side get it in and then you just kind of wiggle it under push it get your first paper chain which is this guy here when I'm doing four rows I pretty much line up my wheel to the mound of the trench from the last row all right so with this thing you've got this different way of planting and you use it it's all new gear so you've got different kinds of flaps this is a 11 by 22 inch flat at the specialty flat these are amazing plots actually they're super super strong and I know somebody's going to ask hey Curtis can I use this from microgreen absolutely you can I've been starting to do it they're amazing they certainly cost more than your standard 1020 flat and you know how flimsy these are and they break like nothing these flaps are like crazy crazy robust they probably last you a lifetime anyway that aside this is what you have to use some of the paper chains so you have this thing called a spreader flank frame and you get here your paper chain they come like this and you have these special arms that will separate the chain for you so you take these spreader pieces this all comes with a kit that comes with the spreader frames these guys and the drop seater and the Dib ler which I'll show you in a minute so you spread your paper pot / your spreader frame and it kind of hooks it in like that and then now you can slide these out and that stays in place now you take your flat and you put your flat over top flip it over and now you're ready to fill it with soil I'm using a soil mix just like I always do events weddings down got a little bit of sifted compost in it a little bit of fertilizer this is really no different than filling any flat so there you got it filled they give you this brush and the purpose of this brush is to make a nice flat surface so that you can see the sort of the honeycomb pattern in the flat which is important when you put the dip ler in it which is will allow you to get your seeds lined up perfectly to the planting then you take this tools called the Dib ler and it's the same for every flat so there's there are a bunch of different sizes of paper pots and they basically represent the distance of space in the ground the ones I'm planting right now are called 303 15 that 15 represents 15 centimeters which is 6 inches and then we've got 303 and a 10 so the 303 is 2 inches apart and the 303 10 is 10 centimeters just forages apart but they're all the same in the flap so you take your Dib ler get a bit more light there and then that diddler just makes the holes that you're going to drop your seeds into now this is the drop cedar it works similar to a vacuum cedar but there's two plates that line up with each other and then when they do they drop the seat so I've got some seeds down below there's all salan overseas I'm just going to spread it around make sure that one seed falls into each hole and we have different sized drop Cedars as well for different sized feeds so I think we've got two different sizes two or three different sizes worth carrying right now so you just line it up to those holes did it give a couple tops there's any seed that gets a little stuck in there [Music] so I cover up with a little bit of vermiculite so once the soils in there you can now take the spreader frame out and then that's a plant is flat so that's the people part transplanter in a nutshell all the gears you need we have a kit that we're selling on the website so it's a sort of a starter pack at 3,000 bucks if you're just starting out with it and you don't know exactly what you need just get that we've given enough variety of stuff in there that you can do a bunch of different types of transplants with it that's what I got that's what I started with and it's works fine for me so far so paper panco that's diego boudoir and eyes new enterprise check it out we'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Off-Grid with Curtis Stone
Views: 1,367,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening, how to, growing, urban farming, spin farming, vegetables, greens, growing better, high yield crops, get started, sustainable, fertilizer, soil, local, permaculture, off grid, homestead, curtis stone, curtis, green city acres, profitable farming, the urban farmer, suburban farming, convert lawn to garden, bc, canada, urban agriculture, market gardening, tranplanting tool, paper pot transplanter, paper pot, transplanting, planting, cash crops, profitable crops, make money, kelowna
Id: loicvLfg9lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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