This, that, these, those - Demonstratives | English grammar

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Hello everyone, this is Andrew at Crown Academy of English. Today, we are doing a grammar lesson and we will discuss when to use the word "this", "that", "these" and "those". So let's start. "This is my bag." So the man is saying "this is my bag" And the girl on the right, she is saying "This is my sister." Ok? So let's look at this sentence here. So he's using the word "this" and in fact, in both of these sentences, it is an expression. We are saying "this is my bag" and "this is my sister." So "this is" is an expression we use to show a single object or a single person who is close to us. Who is near us. So here, for example, the bag is very close to the man and there is only one bag. So we use the word "this." And it is the same here. The girl on the right, her sister, is very close to her. She is next to her. And there is only one sister. There is only one girl. So this is in the singular and so we use the word "this." So this is the rule. We use "this" to specify (or to show) an object or person in the singular that is near to us. This is the important detail: For a singular object or person that is near or close to us, then we use the word "this." Now the man is saying "This bag is heavy." and this man is saying "This computer is expensive." So now, it is slightly different. We are using the word "this" but we also have a noun. So we are not saying "this is". We are saying "this" with a noun: "this bag" So here, we are talking about a specific bag okay? So that is the meaning of "this". We are not talking about another bag. We are talking about this specific bag. And it is singular and it is close to the man. So we use the word "this" And it is the same here. "This computer is expensive." Not another computer. Not a computer on the other side of the room. No, we're talking about a specific computer. The one in the man's hand. So we use "this" with a noun to specify an object or person in the singular that is near to us. So again, the important thing here is that the object or person is singular and near to us. "These are my children." So here we use the word "these" and the expression is "these are." So we use the word "these" to define objects or people in the plural which are close to us. Which are near to us. So it is the same as "this" but this time it is the plural. So the rule is we use "these" to specify objects or people in the plural that are near to us. So this is what changes. Here it is in the plural. So "this" for the singular and "these" for the plural. "These flowers are for my wife." "These shoes are uncomfortable." So now, we are using the word "these" and a noun. So again, "these" is to specify a noun in the plural for something that is close to us. The flowers are near to the person and flowers are in the plural so we use the word "these" And it is the same here: "These shoes are uncomfortable." The shoes are near to the lady. They are in the plural and so we use the word "these". We use "these" with a noun to specify objects or people in the plural that are near to us. So that is the rule. "That is an amazing view." Here, we are using the word "that" and it is an expression: "that is" And this is for single objects or people in the singular which are far from us. So this is NOT objects which are close to us. This is now things which are a long distance. Far from us. So we use "that" to specify an object or person in the singular (so this is a singular use again) and it is far from us. So the view is far from the man. "That aeroplane is very high." "That boat is beautiful." So this time, we are talking about a single object which is far from the person who is talking and so we use the word "that". And we are talking about a specific noun. So this is "that" with a noun. So we're talking about a specific aeroplane which is far from the person. And this is the same. "That boat is beautiful." So the rule - We use "that" with a noun to specify an object or person in the singular that is far from us. So again, this is for things which are far from us. And now in the plural, "Those are my shoes." So we are talking about objects which are far from the person who is talking. And this is the plural. There are two shoes and so in the plural, we use the word "those". We use "those" to specify objects or people in the plural that are far from us. "Those aeroplanes are very fast." And "Those birds are beautiful." So again, this is the plural of objects which are far from the person. And so we use "those" with the noun. "Those" with a noun in the plural. "those aeroplanes" "those birds" So we use "those" with a noun to specify objects or people in the plural that are far from us. Okay? So those are the four words. 1) So we use "this" for singular nouns which are close to us. 2) We use "these" for plural objects which are close to us. 3) We used "that" for singular objects which are far from us. 4) And we use "those" for plural objects which are far from us. Time is also important. Example - During the meal, okay? The time is...we are during the meal.. we will say "This pizza is delicious." So we say "this" for during the meal. For the present. That is correct. And when we use the past tense, we use the word "that". So we say "That pizza was delicious last night." So the next day, this is what we say. That is correct. But, this is wrong. The next day, when we use the past tense, we do NOT say "this pizza was delicious last night." That is wrong. So the rule here - If an action is in the present or near future, then we use "this" or "these" (like here) But if an action is in the past, then we use "that" or "those" (like we have here) So of course, we use "this" if it is singular and "these" if it is plural. And "that" if it is singular and "those" if it is plural. Ok? So that is very important. It is important to take into account the time when something happened. And finally, introductions, we always use "this". So for example, here, the man is introducing these two men. This is Mark and this is David. So he is saying "Mark, this is David." and "David, this is Mark." So for introductions, we say "this is". And it is the same on the telephone. So the girl is saying "Hello, this is Sarah." She is introducing herself and so we use the word "this is". Okay so let us do an exercise. Question one: Describe the objects near to you using the word "this" and the word "these". And I would like you to give me three things. My example is "This computer is black." Okay? I want... I would like you to give me three examples. And question two: Look out of the window and describe what you see using "that" and "those". And I want you to give me three things. So my example would be "Those cars are going very slowly." So that is what I can see outside of my window. Okay? And I would like you to write your answers in the comments below the video please. And if you do that, then I will reply to your comment to tell you if your answers are correct or if they are wrong and I will give you the explanation. Alright? Okay, that is the end of the lesson. If you would like to subscribe, then you can click here. This is my Twitter account. And these are two other videos which you might be interested in. This is an English listening video and this is an English grammar video. Okay thank you for watching. My name is Andrew at Crown Academy of English. I will see you next time! Bye bye :)
Channel: Crown Academy of English
Views: 376,986
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Keywords: this that these those, this, that, these, those, demonstratives, demonstrative adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, english grammar lessons, english grammar, English lessons, grammar lessons, ESL, Crown Academy of English, cours d'anglais, grammaire anglaise, English Language (Human Language), Lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 12 2014
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