This Syrup Will Change Your Spritz Game!

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Hi, Friends of Cocktails.  Today we have a very special episode,  where we’ll make 2 spritz cocktails.  But as much as I love our Cocktail Time studio  I feel like the setting could be a bit better.  So when FIOL reached out and invited us to  Treviso, the home of Prosecco, I gladly accepted.  So hold tight, we’re taking Cocktail  Time on the road for this one.  I think this can wait here. It’s Cocktail Travel Time. Treviso is nestled in the heart of the Veneto region in northern Italy. It offers a tantalizing journey through the authentic tastes of Italian cuisine. With vibrant food markets and a  commitment to locally sourced ingredients,   this charming city feels like the right location  for the first ever Cocktail Time excursion.  So we’re more than honored to be welcomed  at the breathtaking Villa Tiepolo Passi,  a Seventeenth-century Veneto  villa on the outskirts of Treviso,   and still the beloved home of its owners,  the noble Conti Passi de Preposulo family.  It offers an exquisite starting spot for  our exploration of Treviso, where I’ll be   looking for some ingredients for two delicious  Spritz Cocktails, inspired by local cuisine.  We’ll first make the Basil Spritz by Erik Hakkinen,   then I’ll make a signature Olive Fiol Spritz. I couldn’t bring everything on my cart,  so let’s go and see if I can find  some lemons, olive oil and basil.  Treviso captivates visitors with its rich  culinary heritage, of which Prosecco is of   course the most famous example. I’ll tell you  about another one at the end of the episode.   For now let’s grab some lemons, basil, and extra  virgin olive oil. We also need some strawberries,   balsamic vinegar and some rooibos  tea, but that’s for another time.   As much as I’m enjoying this, it’s time to  head back and start with the first cocktail.  Ok, maybe an espresso before I go. With everything we need for both   cocktails of the day, let’s first check  out the ingredients for The Basil Spritz.  We’ll mix dry gin, pear liqueur, lemon juice, some   fresh basil leaves, soda water, and FIOL. FIOL was founded in 2010 by 3 lifelong friends,   all born in Treviso, with a passion for  good wine, and the Italian way of life.  FIOL’s wine vision, flavor profile and  quality control is overseen by Marzio Pol,   an expert in the wine and sparkling wine  industry, who has overseen more than 50 harvests.  The FIOL logo was inspired by the vine  poles created to support the plant,   showcasing symbols of strength and tradition. FIOL Prosecco is made from 100% Glera grapes  and it has a floral, fruity and slightly  acidic aroma. It’s lively and refreshing,   with a nice balance of acidity, combining  both savory and sweet flavors, ending on   notes of Mediterranean spices and lemons. The bubbles are incredibly fresh and long   lasting but also create a wonderful and  playful mouthfeel with a soft finish.  It embodies the essence of what  Prosecco can and should be.  I really look forward to enjoying it in both  cocktails today, starting with the Basil Spritz.  First, fill a wine glass with ice to chill it. The Basil Spritz was created by Erik Hakkinen   at Washington’s Bar Hitchcock. It’s easy  to remember the amounts as we have equal   parts of all three ingredients that go into the  shaker, starting with 0.5 oz or 15 ml of Dry Gin.  Next, the same amount, 0.5 oz or 15 ml  of pear liqueur. This one is 25% ABV.   Fun fact, there are 4 different varieties  of pears grown in the Veneto region.  Then another 0.5 oz or 15 ml of  lemon juice. Super juice is great,   but there’s also something about freshly squeezed  lemons, right after you got them from the market.  And this wouldn’t be a Basil  Spritz without some basil,   so add 4-5 basil leaves into the shaker. Give  it a spank, but there’s no need to muddle it,   as ice will do that for us. The  harder you shake the better.  Then double strain into the  chilled wine glass over ice.   Then first add the reason we’re  here, FIOL - 3 oz or 90 ml.  In the ancient venetian language the word  fiol means "son" or "young boy", but it’s   also used among friends to refer to someone that  stands out and who knows how to appreciate life.  And lastly, as with all Spritz  cocktails, soda water, 1 oz or 30 ml  Gently lift the cocktail with a barspoon,  so we’re not losing bubbles with stirring.  I hope you got enough basil, because  we’ll need a few nice, bright green   leaves to garnish the cocktail. Beautiful! Before we move on to a signature spritz   with olive oil and basil, I’ll take a  few sips of this just to cool down a bit.  The sun is a bit stronger here  than at the studio. But as they’d   say around here: Così è la vita! Saluti! Basil gives it a nice herbal aroma, and it’s also really present on the palate, making for a wonderful combination with pear. Crisp dry gin and bright lemon juice give it a summer feel, and the combo of FIOL and soda water make the whole thing a light and effervescent day sipper. So even if it’s not quite Cocktail Time yet, we have you covered with spritz cocktails. And if you like italian food I know you’ll love this next one, the Olive Fiol Spritz. Yes, olive oil and basil can make more than just pesto. To make the Olive Fiol Spritz you’ll need the star of the day, FIOL Prosecco, dry vermouth, a  homemade olive oil & basil syrup, a little saline   solution, and soda water to top up. For garnish  we’ll coat the glass with a little lemon dust.  So before we start pouring the  prosecco in the glass we need to   make the lemon dust for the garnish and  our olive oil syrup with a little basil.  Speaking of pouring it looks like  it will rain, so we’ll move the set.  To make the olive oil & basil syrup you’ll of  course need olive oil, basil, sugar, and water,   but also xanthan gum and gum arabic, to keep  everything in solution and have proper texture.  To start I’ll first blanch 10 grams of basil,  to make sure our syrup keeps a vibrant green   color - otherwise it would turn brown-ish  pretty fast. To do that simply place the   basil in boiling hot water for 15 seconds, then  submerge it into an ice bath for 1 minute. This process stops enzyme action which otherwise causes loss of flavor, color and texture. In addition, blanching removes some surface dirt and microorganisms, and helps slow vitamin losses.  To this blanched basil you will add 240 grams  of water and blend it using a stick blender.   Then, to strain out the solid par. icles,  filter the basil water through a fine strainer.  Once filtered, weigh out 200 grams of this  basil water. To make our next ingredients   easier to mix and fully dissolve, place  the water on medium heat. Then add 150   grams of extra virgin olive oil - using the  best stuff really makes a difference here.   Followed with 2,7 grams of gum  arabic and 0,3 grams of xanthan gum.   Help everything mix in and dissolve  with another whirl of the stick blender.   Once we have a homogeneous mixture it’s time to add the sugar, add the sugar, 200 grams, same as water of plain white sugar. This time I’ll mix this in with a whisk. It shouldn’t take too long to dissolve   thanks to the warm mixture. You can definitely  make it faster by using the stick blender again,   but keep in mind that it will foam up and it  would take some time for the bubbles to settle.  Once everything is dissolved and in  solution, give it a try - you probably   don’t make basil & olive oil syrup every day. Then bottle it in a labeled bottle and that’s it.  Beautiful olive green color, with  a pleasantly herbal and oily aroma.   It’s incredibly smooth and very aromatic. You can use this recipe to make a syrup from   other types of oil or fat as well, like peanut,  avocado or coconut oil, or even bacon fat.  As you see, there was no point in fighting nature,  so welcome into the Villa Tiepolo Passi itself.  Moving on to the garnish. For this you just need a  lemon and a peeler, heat, and some time. Make sure   you give your lemon a good wash before you peel  it. Once you have your lemon completely peeled,   place the peels on direct Veneto sunshine  so they dry out completely. You know what?   A dehydrator or an oven set to the lowest  temperature works perfectly fine as well.  Once completely dried, crush the  peels with a mortar & pestle into   a fine powder. One may say a lemon  dust. Transfer to a small container,  and we’re finally ready to  make the Olive Fiol Spritz!  No shaker this time, but grab your glass and  let’s take care of the garnish before we chill it.  To do that take a thin brush and use it to  add a strip of lemon juice on the outside   of the wine glass. Then dust this part  of the glass with dehydrated lemon peel   powder. Ideally do this beforehand, so  you can place the glass in the freezer…  … and have it chilled when you start making the  cocktail. Thank you dear, glad you made the trip.  Then fill the glass with ice and start adding  the ingredients. First, 3 oz or 90 ml of FIOL   Prosseco. Pour this award winning Ambassador  of Italian excellence slowly and at an angle.  Follow that with 0.5 oz or 15 ml of dry vermouth.  It will add additional crisp, tart flavors,   pairing nicely with the FIOL Prosecco. Next, 0.75 oz or 22,5 ml of our Olive Oil Syrup.   I already made a cocktail with Olive Oil, but  making a flavored syrup with it is something new.   To enhance all flavors we add salt, just like with  cooking. This is 2 drops of 20% saline solution.  And lastly, to make it a spritz, a splash of  soda water. Let’s call it 1 oz or 30 ml. Now   go in with a barspoon and gently lift and mix  all ingredients of our cocktail. With that,   the Olive Fiol Spritz is ready, as we already  have the garnish on the outside of the glass.   I’ll just close the doors, to keep the  mosquitoes out. And now we drink. Saluti!  Aroma is similar to that of the Basil Spritz -  herbal, but here we also get notes of olive oil   and citrus. On the palate the Olive Fiol Spritz  is full-bodied and refreshing. Dry vermouth   adds a nice freshness that blends perfectly with  the FIOL. We made an elegant and unique Spritz.  With that you’ve made it to the bottom  of the glass of this special episode.  To let me know you’ve stuck around  till the end drop a Bottle with Popping   Cork Emoji in the comments. You’re a real FIOL if you do.  And since we’re in Treviso - did  you know that besides being the   home of Prosecco and of course FIOL, it’s also the birthplace of Tiramisu, a delicious coffee-flavored dessert. I don’t have a cocktail with Tiramisu yet,   but you can check out how to make a Donut  Old Fashioned and a Brownie Manhattan.  I’ll see you next week. Buon appetito!
Channel: Cocktail Time with Kevin Kos
Views: 20,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: summer cocktails, summer recipes, summer drinks, spritz cocktail, spritz cocktail recipes, spritz cocktail ideas, italian spritz cocktail, basil cocktail, basil cocktail recipes, prosecco, prosecco cocktail, cocktail time with kevin kos, craft cocktails, craft cocktails 101, craft cocktail recipes, craft cocktail ideas, mixology lessons, easy spritz cocktails, easy spritz recipe, olive oil syrup, summer cocktails recipes, sparkling cocktails, summer recipes tasty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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