This Synergy DESTROYED My Computer

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so today i'm playing the lost yes i know i already have all the lost unlocks but it's not always about the unlocks all right lost in 10th blocks are some of my favorite characters and today i just want to have some fun okay we just gotta go get perfection and oh god well now i don't have to worry about one shotting flies because a curved horn just got clutch thank you what i mean i'll take it it's a good item it's a huge range up too but like what beautiful stuff uh i really don't want dogs oh my god nothing special if that's the case i'm i'm not going double deals all right uh let's not waste any rerolls we'll just fight costuming it's no big deal all you gotta do is stand left and then go up or down easy god breath chili is so good uh no uh i already have enough range up i'm gonna start rerolling that okay two of these there's the bomb i need treasure room i might as well check it's literally the halo i'm taking that no big deal very good i really appreciate honestly the speed up more than anything speeding the tears up for the things that i wanted the most far so beautiful stuff i can't believe that devil stayed open goodbye boss challenge room ready oh yeah dude these items crazy what the hell nothing but good stuff so far minted rock right here maybe i can pull it up nice couple free bombs keepers let's go i love keepers uh i'll probably take that pill but later i don't want you at all okay i don't know what the items are i don't know what this is that's crazy to me that's crazy what the hell are these items we have a bonafide madman run [Music] i'm excited now all i need is an angel on the second floor all right well it's too much to ask i guess but that is good that i gotta drop the curse of horn with a curved horn but i mean it's perfection it's perfection chili dude no way i'm not taking that goodbye turdley you lived a decent life yeah oh wow okay i think we're almost max tears already we're only on the third floor that's crazy last we roll that's okay though okay oh okay pasha candle is that's really good dude that's kind of good and my tier 8 would be so nice do i roll i don't think i roll honestly i think i'm gonna take it and i think i'm gonna take this one key piece just so i have a better angel deal chance take you and i gotta start firing for more yeah that's that's good i can really make something happen here i'm charged key too okay let's see maybe maybe i will spawn an angel and if i do it could be really fast uh oh all right well what's in here bozo anemic oh these are so cool uh hey yeah yeah yeah thank you come on okay halo 5 yes good i'm not going to complain that's always a good item for lost might be time to blow up the donor machine i'm not going to lie [Music] hopefully the stairway isn't good okay it's not that good i'm still gonna i'm gonna reroll i have to i have to come on it's painful okay that's not that painful that was slightly painful to miss out on revelation i'm not gonna lie but i paid the price by paying for the top cattle and that's that's fine i think it might be a little bit of a gg situation [Music] all right so let's get back at least this gives me something to the roll for the rest of the floor until i find an actual uh pedestal i can use that isn't just tied to the library i don't think i've had many runs where i get two bedrooms in a run it's actually kind of weird but unfortunately it is not clean it's any damn bedroom i found my treasure room that's cool umbilical cord so what is in here spider bite [Music] this is tons more rerolls i'm going to try and re-roll the spider butt and then we're just gonna i don't know we're gonna go i guess and 120 yeah that's good all right car battery i learned is absolutely terrible it's really bad for the internal d6 so instead i'm gonna vanity i'm gonna be here for a bit all right all done that was actually really fast because i have an absurd tier rate with spectral well if we needed money we'd have it now i don't need these i don't present i need present i need present give me present come on skeleton key oh i could really take that or i could be the greediest person in the world uh we'll see let's see first there is a battery in the shop so that is pretty big [Music] nice okay spawn the devil i have max tears now i think probably sulfur i don't think sulphur's worth it i'm gonna be really i straight up don't think that's worth i mean i'm gonna keep my d6 anyway right i think it's far more worth for me to come over here and try and farm for something i don't know what i'm going for it could be our key but at any point the item will be deleted so you know it's not really that oh yeah i'll take it that's good that's a good item hello stairway my beloved [Music] it's fine though because i actually do want this but that i don't want and that sucks because i don't think there's any way i'll take this oh no why three three three bedrooms in a row actually dan this one's clean and it's a black market [Music] well here's the thing if i were to take anything it would be nine volt right this is gonna lock me into double deals but i think it's more than worth it means every room is a potential rear now somewhere somewhere here there's a postal there it is i'm dancing it's stopwatch yeah i'll take stopwatch okay it's night you you gave me knife i actually can't take a knife [Applause] and i could ruin my my fire [Music] all right hold on whatever no deal either that sucks well going polaroid i can make hush at least very least i can do that rain game quality four oh he's actually done it i did it first try do i have a long buddy in a box at this point i can hear me out typically 99 of the time i get buddy in a box but i need the money one shot of the angelic prison i do have angel chance that's very weird because i thought i took a black market deal a virtues pretty sure the wisps here just like increase your angel chance which does nothing for me so we'll take hp up let's go recharge our v6 very quickly just very very very very very quickly and we'll leave which yeah i i don't know you know i could have played the green game like twice but even then that's scary i need this money so that i can get rosary and little delirium of course soul lock it fine for throw ooh immaculate heart is big i'll take one of them and then we'll just go oh thanks for the damage up [Music] excuse me all right purity is the obvious pick here it gave me not what i wanted and i might have to reroll that and [Music] hermit what does herman do what i have a reverse permit oh i did not know i have this item uh tarot cloth spawns one additional penny oh hey i can take this into the hush floor look at how many boogers are just on gosh quite scared of where i'm standing i'm not gonna lie i don't have holding so if i mess this up i'm actually straight up dead just don't do like hustlers okay we're good we're good we're good quite terrifying but we're good roll parasite [Music] those are the big boys that is holy light i'm just straight up taking that uh roll how did glyph of balance show up again what up yes and not an item surprising i can't roll this i mean i could really try and roll this i could do this actually i could do this [Music] it was worth it i i forced the game to give me what i want oh my god these are poo poo oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot into the angelic prison it's gonna be so beautiful watch right here oh yeah ah eight inch nails all right you know i don't usually take libra it scares me never take libra well actually my tears are so cute now but there's a blue birthday actually worth i'll take farting baby maybe conjoined i don't know how i'm gonna get going in just like one floor but you never know okay all right we're doing this now hey looks like we're getting conjoined boys explosivo and actually exposure could look cool because uh one of my shots would be growing just like burger tears not that i don't think uh i don't think a single enemy is gonna last that long nice amount of chests too yeah i'll shoot more oh it's right here gulp pill is this enough damn it i feel like i'm like two gold pills away from getting marbles big room no quarter no way you just gave me polly [Music] hey guys remember that damage i was missing out on when i took libra it's back but i'm y'all i'm gonna [Music] all right it's not over i am about to crash crown light of course there it is finally finally forcing the game to give me what i want thank you it's not crash i i like this build it's like okay i see what's going on the moment a tear it's a rock there's too many split shots and then it starts lagging really bad maybe i just maybe i just end it you know what i delirium there's a battery you know what of course it's a battery what would not be a battery [Music] i actually did not one cycle that's that's funny now that's common hi delirium for real assignment oh god damn it hello okay so let's let's go beat it [Music] oh hey it doesn't lag never mind i shot a mushroom i can't play this wait just gotta dodge until my tears disappear off the screen there we go and i can shoot again helium doesn't [Music] it's like soy milk level this is this sir in the build i'm surprised i haven't gotten hit yet [Music] okay i'm gonna stop shooting for a sec you know what i probably should have done is just he's dead i should have waited for him to not be in his armored form like right now and then i'd be able to just one trauma okay well that was interesting i got the run down in only 40 minutes that was fast wow well chichi every good item in the game i guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 84,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Repentance, tboi, Dead God, Polyphemus, Mutant Spider, Magic Mushroom, Bird's Eye, Crown Of Light, Godhead, The Lost, Broken, Reroll, Computer, PC, Breaking, Synergy
Id: dTs5bDBk7ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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