光是軸體就夠你買整把鍵盤還有找?貴到哭的蒂芙尼軸!| 蒂芙尼軸簡評
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Channel: 早安鍵圈
Views: 8,960
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Keywords: keyboard asmr, sound test, custom keycaps, custom keyboard build, mechanical keyboard, custom keyboard asmr, keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, asmr, aesthetic, reddit, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, type, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, taeha types, tech review, 客製化鍵盤, 客製化鍵盤組裝, 客製化鍵盤教學, 客製化鍵盤推薦, 客製化鍵盤套件, 套件, dbokey, 鍵圈早安, 潤軸, 潤軸教學, 如何潤軸, lube switches, 3ilcat, hipyo tech, Huan, Jing, 阿哲
Id: nXQ8bw24t_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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