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about a month ago I posted a reel on Instagram and since then it has gotten almost 700,000 views check this out 696,000 given how well it's doing over there I figure hey let's do it over here and see what you guys think so let's get rolling first half cup of bait Plastics 242 for our triple late mullets today so the mullet is unique in that it is a bottom pore mold most open po swimbaits you pour the belly first and then you top it off with the top color the mullet as well as the Epic sucker is actually inverted you pour the top color first and you finish it off with the belly so let's build our top color which is going to be ghost trout we're going to do it a little bit different by not only doing the ghost trout but doing a water melon ghost trout by adding a little bit of watermelon to it first things first though we need a black base so lure Works black normally 15 for a full cup so let's go seven on this one looks good nice and simple let's go ahead and add our watermelon I would normally put like five or six in there for a full cup so let's do three change my mind I did four there we go so you can just see the hint of that green in there which is exactly what we were going for next up is the hollow shift powder that ghost trout powder uh I usually do an eighth of a teaspoon for this recipe for a full cup so let's do a 16th since we're dealing with a half there we go make sure we don't lose any on the sides here that is precious commodity and it's looking as good as ever I love that extra little bit of watermelon in here it just tweaks it just a little and I really like it all right so we need some black glitter to give some texture and we're kind of going for a trout here thing today so 16th of a teaspoon medium black glitter 035 or 040 but we're not stopping there I've got some uh Pink out as well 015 not that bright stuff that we used uh not too long ago this is kind of the standard pink we're going to do 132 of a teaspoon there we are I even got myself a little 132 spoon finally no more half in that 116th all right let's give that a stir ooh the half cup is St is setting up on me so I'm going to have to warm this guy back up and get that flake resuspended yeah let me do that she's all set piping hot when we pour the mullet what I have found is that you really need it up in the 360 365 even 370 but with that hidden tail section hotter plastisol really helps to level things out and helps it flow into and through the tail and you just don't get any problem areas the molds all eight of them have been on the hot plate warming up the whole time we've been making our color so they are ready to go as well let's get to pour all right there's a fin inside of there and I want to come about halfway on that fin nice thin stream pour it one place nice and easy I use that uh butter knife you saw there the cheese spreader to grab that last little drip so it doesn't make a mess so here we are on the end of the mold and if you look down the inside you can see that open cavity down there see that right there that open space that is the tail space and we want to be able to see that open cavity on all of our can't see that one really there it is all of our baits because that is where the bloodline is going to go and especially the belly color into the tail next half cup is ready to rock and roll this will be our core or our bloodline or the middle of the trout whatever you want to consider it and because it's that space we need something pinkish we are going to turn to the siren scales but keep the pltool clear I think this makes a really sweet effect and I picked out a pinkish uh siren scale called aial see that pink Hues in it as well as all the reflective nature eighth of a teaspoon for half a cup I would normally go a/4 teaspoon there we go we'll get that stirred in we feel like we need more we can always add a little bit more doesn't hurt anything but I think as long as that breaks up and it is yeah there we go looking good nice controlled thin bloodline is the goal here yeah Thin Line just to there and stop and then let it flow of course the heat of these molds is going to help us out a lot they've continued to be on the Hot Plate at 27 5 just cranking right along to the nose and just to the back and stopped and as you can see we still have our openings everything is looking pretty good yep we are all clear on all these last half cup ready to rock and roll roll here easiest part this is the belly color and for that we are turning to lure works one of my all-time favorite belly colors silk Pearl half of a cup here so we're going 116th of a teaspoon and before we uh stir that up let's go ahead and add some flake I do want just a little bit of Sparkle So I grab the 015 silver holographic we're going to put a 30C of a teaspoon in there as well stir this up without splashing it all over the sides there we go that looks gorgeous this is 375 starting at the tail here as thin a stream as you can do it without the band blowing it back there it go it's going to fill up that's actually going into the hidden tail section I overfill it on purpose and then that's going to sink down don't worry about that we're going to address that later rinse and repeat nice and thin you go too fast and you run the risk of trapping air inside of this hidden section so take your time nice hot plastic thin streams and there you can see our tail uh color coming through to the main cavity and when that nice hot fresh plastic is poured into the main body it will bond with not only the tail color but also um that mid color as well all right now let's come back and fill in the rest of that tail by just foping a little tiny bit she's warmed back up over 370 again let's finish up the bodies nice and smooth I like to pour it right on top of our uh tail color that came through and let it flow into that rear Fin and not force it so we don't don't get an air bubble in that rear fin as well so as you can see I got some overpour there on the main cavity but that doesn't bother me one ioda because I'd rather have the overpour on the cavity ensuring that I get the whole body including that little detail fin right before the hidden section I'd rather have some overpour ensuring I get all of that taken care of than try to avoid the overpour and miss the fin the way that these aluminum molds work you just take your thumb and you just pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch right along those edges and you have a sweet clean surface anyway so these all look great they will sit on the uh hot plate for about 10 minutes at 275° truth be told I can probably turn the heat off right now uh because they've been baking this entire time we've been talking but I want to ensure that we get good bonding between all of those pieces and parts so we'll go ahead and let them go for 10 minutes I'll shut it off let them cool down naturally as much as possible and then show you guys the results still a little warm but I don't want to wait any longer let's check this guy out here we go oh I want it all to come out on one side look at this beauty holy moly wow look at that bait holy scham it's such a cool bait anyway but then when you pair it up with the hollow shift I see some pink right that pink coming through and then spiked it with the watermelon siren skills I don't know I'm just I'm just blabbering now because I'm I'm just so impressed with this mold and with these colors golly it just is a match made in heaven what do you guys think was that a success I haven't opened up the other uh seven of them we did eight of these but I certainly will and I'll be looking for a similar result you want to know a secret we poured eight but I actually have 10 I have two extra of these that won't fit on my hot plate I know we just did a giveaway if you are still here cuz a lot of folks once they see the bait or halfway through or for various reasons they bail so if you're still here let's do something fun let's do a secret giveaway a reward for all of you who stuck with me all the way to the end of this video If you want to get in on your chance to win one of two we'll pick two winners one of two of these molds drop a comment down below and just use the word mullet m l l e t and we will pick a winner I don't know about a week from now or something what is that uh May 5th May 5th I will pick a winner so get your name in the Hat before then well guys that is going to do it for today I went ahead and got the rest of them out of the molds and they all turned out beautiful this has been a blast hopefully you guys enjoyed the journey I do do appreciate you coming along and until the next build we'll see you guys in the shop
Channel: SDG Custom Lurecraft
Views: 5,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, jig, jig fishing, tackle, lure, lurecraft, bait, baitmaking, bass, jig tying, fly tying, chatterbait, swim jig, lure making, bass fishing, how to, ned rig, hair jig, underspin, finesse fishing, rabbit, zonkers, protech, powder paint, Soli Deo Gloria, Bucktail, Hydro Hackle, Marabou, Crappie, Crappie Fishing, Do-It Molds, soft plastics, creature baits, senko, spinnerbait, Angling AI, Epic Bait Molds, Fat Guys Fishing, Barlow’s Tackle
Id: nNMgiqU5au8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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