This star is 10 billion times larger than the Sun! A space documentary about mysterious stars

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[Music] hop on board hurry we don't have much time we're on a cosmic journey to find the biggest star in the universe the first star we pass is our own Sun by far not the biggest one out there but it's still massive you could fit 1 million Earths inside it that means if you think of the sun like a basketball Earth would be half the size of a pencil eraser if we put all the planets on one side of a scale and the sun on the other the planets wouldn't stand a chance the sun makes up 99.9% of all the mass in the entire solar system mass is basically how much stuff or matter something is made from and it's what you can thank for stars shining you see the more matter in a star the thicker and hotter its core becomes this starts a chain of chemical reactions hydrogen atoms get smack mashed into each other to form helium releasing an incredible amount of energy that's the Stars light and heat so bigger Stars also equal brighter ones but with all those reactions going on this shortens a star's lifespan when it starts to run out of fuel the star will enter the giant phase it'll expand and turn red which brings us back to the task at hand the biggest star we'll find is likely to be on the edge of its life [Music] switching on our hyper light engines we soon arrive at the Lumen 16 system here we'll find one of the smallest stars out there a brown dwarf small here means about the size of Jupiter but they're small for stars Brown dwarfs are also called failed stars because they don't have enough mass for those chemical reactions that means they're not as bright but they're super dense all the matter in them is packed together so tightly they weigh 80 times more than Jupiter even being the same size huh and if you think that's something just look at a white dwarf even more tightly packed this one here is serious B it's also about the size of Jupiter but it' weigh as much as the sun it emits a dim white light once it runs out of gas it'll turn red and cool down now let's fly closer to its giant neighbor Sirius a you easily see this star from Earth no telescope needed twice heavier and more than 1 and A2 times wider than our sun it's the brightest star in our night sky now we fly 550 light years away from Earth to the constellation copia almost 100 years ago a cosmic explosion happened here it expanded the atmosphere of the star gamma copia and some gases were thrown into space after that it became the brightest star in the constellation it's 10 times wider than our sun on to the famous North Star funny enough different stars have had this title over the years and more will take it in the future that's because Earth's pole star changes every 26,000 years imagine our planet like a spinning top the northern pole will shift around in a little circle pointing at different stars to the true north the current one is a super giant 37 times wider and five times heavier than our sun it's easy to find in the night sky it's on the very tip of the Little Dipper handle get ready now we're setting off for the eye of the storm the center of our Milky Way galaxy to see the next star we need to switch to infrared mode this pistol star is hiding from us in space dust in just 20 seconds seconds it emits as much light as our home star does in an entire year and its size is jaw-dropping it's 420 times wider than the Sun but it's still not the most luminous star known to humanity that would be a blue super giant in the constellation triangulum meet b416 it's almost 10 million times brighter than the sun but the brighter a star the faster it burns up all its Fuel and the order its life compared with a red dwarf that barely glows and burns fuel much more slowly its life will be hundreds of thousands of time shorter 3400 Lighty years from Earth there's one of the rarest celestial bodies in the universe it's a yellow hypergiant called Ro copia among the countless stars in our galaxy there are only a couple dozen of these and even though this star is extremely far away from our planet you can still see it in the sky without needing a tele telescope that's because it's 300,000 times brighter than our sun it also helps that the thing is 900 times wider than our home star too and its color tells us that its fuel reserves will last for a long time when Ro cassia Pia starts to turn red and expand it'll be one of the biggest stars in the entire universe Now we move to the constellation Orion the star is in our sights Beetle Juice one of the largest ones visible to the uned eye 700 times the size of our sun if it took our Stars Place its surface would touch the asteroid belt that's between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars it would engulf the four inner planets Earth included but this star has astronomers very excited they predict Beetle Juice will explode in a fantastic Celestial show in the next 10,000 Years it'll be the greatest astronomical event of all time because we'll be able to observe ve a supernova at a close but safe enough distance the exploding star will shine as bright as a half moon it'll be visible in the daytime sky for a year and at night for several more now we venture to stars that exceed the sun's width 1,000 times MW sepii is a hyper giant boasting the title of the reddest known star its color tells us that the fuel gauge is getting closer and closer to empty but it's still so big that it could hold a billion suns in it and because of its mass this star will eventually become a supernova or even a black hole let's take a trip of almost 4,000 light years from home here it is a red super giant called VY Kanis Majoris it's one of the biggest and brightest stars of the Milky Way it could fit three billion Suns and even though it's so huge this thing is surprisingly light only 17 weights of the Sun in the context of celest IAL bodies you could call this star an inflated balloon in the next 100,000 years VY Canis Majoris will explode in a hypernova gamma radiation will destroy all life in the local part of the universe but this star is so far from our solar system that it wouldn't mean any harm to us if we placed myy seii in the center of our solar system it would bulge all the way out to Saturn's orbit to remind you just how far away Saturn is think of it this way it takes the Sun's light 8 minutes to reach Earth to get to Saturn it takes well over an hour compared to this massive star the sun is just a grain of sand it's one of the most luminous and reddest stars in our universe the bigger and redder the star the closer it is to its end so we're not looking at just a Titan of the universe but also one of the oldest celestial bodies out there the second biggest star in the universe is UI scai it's about 1.5 billion mil wide 16 times the distance from the Earth to the sun this is a pulsating variable star its brightness changes about every 2 years UI scai is a record-breaker in fuel combustion per year scientists expect it to evolve back to hotter temperatures like a yellow giant our journey is coming to an end before us we behold Stevenson 218 it takes 20,00 years for light from this star to reach Earth it's hard not to see this red super giant on our tiny terrestrial home it's 2,150 times wider than our sun we'd need 10 billion Suns to fill its volume for comparison the average Beach contains only about 5 billion grains of sand a powerful burst of gamma radiation lasted a mere half second but it released an enormous amount of energy it was more than our sun would produce in 10 billion years this brief flash lit up the whole Sky afterward a much softer and more longlasting glow replaced it astronomers examined the Phenomenon with x-ray radio Optical and infrared waves it turned out that people had finally seen a newborn magnetar for the first time ever it was likely formed after two neutron stars had merged it resulted in a kilan NOA one of the brightest and largest Stellar blasts its light finally reached our planet on May 22nd 2020 imagine a massive star at least five times the mass of our sun reaching the end of its life it might be because it's run out of its nuclear fuel if it happens the star starts to cool off the pressure inside drops and the gravity starts to squeeze Inward and then more than a million times the mass of our planet collapses within 15 seconds it happens so fast that an enormous shock wave causes the outer part of the star to blow up it produces a blinding burst of light this powerful blast is called a supernova What's Left Behind is an incredibly dense core with a huge cloud of hot gas called a nebula expanding around it if the star has been massive enough more than 10 times the size of the sun it's likely to turn into a black hole if not it turns into a neutron star it's basically a giant nucleus the central part of an atom these stars are mostly made up of neutrons and are rarely larger than 20 M across for comparison our sun is almost 865,000 M across which is 109 Earths put side by side but don't let this relatively tiny size fool you any neutron star is at least 1 and 1/2 times heavier than our sun and has an intense magnetic field if you scooped just a teaspoon of this star's insides this matter would weigh more than a billion tons it's so dense that it makes neutron stars some of the most extreme objects people know about the next stop is the black hole itself when two neutron stars merge they most often create a new much heavier one within milliseconds or even less this star collapses into a black hole but the astronomers who examined the flash of light recorded in March think there might be another outcome they're almost sure or they saw something never observed before the birth of a magnetar that's a rare form of a neutron star with an ultr strong magnetic field it's 1,000 trillion times stronger than our planets this field is also so powerful it heats the star surface up to 18 million de F to put it simply magnetars are the most powerful magnets in the universe their magnetic fields can seriously mess with the neighborhood atoms unlucky enough to get close to such a star get stretched into Pencil Thin lines if you somehow found yourself several hundred miles away from a magnetar it would end badly for you the magnetic field would first disrupt your bioelectricity it means that your nerve impulses wouldn't work anymore even your molecules would change under the influence of the star's field in the end you'd pretty much Vish if a magnetar flew within 100,000 mi from our planet it would wipe out all the data on every single credit card in the world Beetlejuice a red super giant this ball of boiling plasma is one of the largest stars in our galaxy and one of the brightest it's about 500 times larger than the Sun but Beetle Juice is pulsating getting bigger and smaller at its peak it becomes 800 times its average size if this star were a bucket it would fit about 300 Million Suns even though its weight is only 17 times greater and here about 500 light years away is Earth we launch our faster than light spaceship and set off on our journey to Beetlejuice a few seconds and we've already traveled 240,000 Mi and now are close to the Moon that's 9 and 1/2 trips around the earth a traditional rocket powered spacecraft would take 3 days to get here we're near Mars now the flight to the red planet usually takes about 7 months rovers are now at work here as well as the first ever flying drone Ingenuity the surface of Mars is three times smaller than that of Earth the planet is also 10 times lighter people hope to build a human Colony here soon right Beyond Mars we have to wiggle and constantly Dodge space rocks this is the asteroid belt it contains debris and space objects of different sizes and shapes the biggest of them is series its surface is slightly larger than the area of Argentina and its weight weight is about 1% of the moons the total weight of the entire asteroid belt is 25 times less than the moons next we pass gas giants Jupiter and Saturn these are the largest planets in the solar system they're also the heaviest even though they don't have a solid surface then we travel by Uranus and Neptune they're called ice giants and at the very edge of the solar system we see Pluto it was once considered a full-fledged Planet but now it's not even on the list after that we're 4.3 billion mil away from our home it took the New Horizon space probe about 9 years to get here hold on to your seat we are speeding up we're passing through the Kyper belt there are lots of asteroids and blocks of ice here these are some of the oldest building materials in our solar system billions of years ago our whole world looked like a cloud of these asteroids we're traveling further through dark space and reach the edge of the solar system system the heliosphere all this time we've been moving with the solar wind but now it starts to slow down collides with the interstellar wind and heats up this is called the termination shock the Voyager 1 space probe got to this point in December 2004 we're moving to the region where the heliosphere ends and Interstellar space begins this is the heliopause in 2012 Voyager crossed this boundary and became the first ever human made object in interstellar space but the message from Voyager reporting this event came to earth almost a year later because of the huge distance it took 35 years for Voyager 1 to travel all this way and here it is the probe is as long as a car and weighs like two motorcycles you can see a gold plate on its Hull it's a message from people to potential civilizations out there it has pictures of Earth's Landscapes recordings of human speech and our DNA as of 2021 Voyager has been operational for almost 43 years the probe has traveled 14 billion miles that's like 152 Earth to the sun distances and it's still making its way through space at 38,000 mph now we're approaching the nearest star to our solar system it's Proxima centuri we're so far from home that even light needs more than 4 years to travel this distance if we used a Trad rocket the trip would take us 73,000 years the reason we wanted to get here was because of an earthlike planet called Proxima centor B it's 10% larger than Earth and slightly heavier it lies in the habitable zone of its host star it means that water might exist on the planet in its liquid state and there can be life that forms here but the star itself occasionally produces flares recently its brightness increased almost 1,000 times times during that time it emitted so much radiation that even if there were some forms of life on the planet they probably ceased to exist we're now more than eight light years away from Earth the brightest star in our night sky is serious seriously it's so bright that you can see it even during the day but in reality there are actually two stars Serius A and B they orbit around a common center of gravity and these stars are moving toward our solar system at almost 5 m/ Second that's the same as the maximum speed of a top-of-the-line superar on Earth foot down and we've arrived at a potentially habitable planet 39 light years away from Earth this is trapist 1D it's host star is a white dwarf it's a cold star 10 times smaller and lighter than the sun there are seven planets around it but trapist 1D is the most similar to Earth it's only 30% smaller and 3 times lighter but it has a rocky surface and the temperature here is 48° f you'd feel comfortable here wearing a light jacket there might be an atmosphere mountains seas and oceans here which means this planet might be suitable for a human Colony but it would take about 677 th000 years to get here using traditional rockets and here's our main goal Beetle Juice it take nearly 8.7 million years to travel here from Earth and a cur day spacecraft this star is so big that our ship looks like a grain of sand on a giant Beach we have to jump back in time to find out what happened to this star first there was a beautiful nebula it's a cloud of multicolored space dust and debris then it began to shrink under its own weight in the core of the nebula a nuclear reaction began boom and the star was born at first Beetle Juice was very massive and hot but it didn't expand and remain stable let's look into its heart the nuclear reactions in the star's core create a lot of heat and energy this energy produces the force that pushes on the walls of the star from the inside and causes it to expand but at the same time the star is very heavy that's why gravity pushes on it from the outside if these two forces are balanced the star remains stable but over time the star runs out of its fuel helium and hydrogen that's when heavy elements in the core join the nuclear reaction when they burn they release more energy and heat than gravity can hold and the star starts expanding that's what's happening to Beetle juu right now it's already so big that if you put it in the center of our solar system its Edge would touch the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter Beetle Juice will continue to expand until it exhausts its fuel completely then the gravity will win the star will shrink in size and then an enormous boom will happen a supernova explosion will be so blinding that Beetle Juice will shine brighter than the moon in the night sky luckily Earth is too far away for this explosion to cause any harm to people a strong stream of matter that will be ejected from the explosion site won't reach the solar system until 6 million years later even so the solar wind will stop this flow so we'll be safe Beetle Juice is likely to explode at any time in the next 10 10,000 years but some scientists say it won't happen in the next 100 Millennia back to the moment before the explosion of Beetle Juice there can be another more interesting scenario gravity might compress the massive core of the star with such force that a black hole will appear in its place black holes are the heaviest objects in the universe they have incredible gravitational force even light can't escape their gravitational trap the beetle juu black hole will begin feeding eating on Cosmic dust and whatever is left of the star all this debris and light from other stars will get Frozen near the Event Horizon of the growing black hole for the first time in history we'll be able to watch the birth of this mysterious object but in reality beetle juu is too light to become a black hole most likely after the explosion it'll turn into a white dwarf that will gradually fade until it becomes invisible buckle up fellow space enthusiasts because we're about to uncover the celestial secrets that have been unveiled this year from giant stars to organic molecules this year is going great for astronomers so let's catch up on all the excitement you might have missed in 2023 first of all we've discovered some real astral monsters imagine looking up at the night sky and seeing stars that are not just big but absolutely enormous scientists have been using a special telescope called the James web Space Telescope to explore the early days of the universe and during their Adventure scientists stumbled upon ancient stars that are 10,000 times bigger than our sun Yes you heard it right 10,000 times these Giants of the Stellar world were some of the very first stars ever to form in the universe billions of years ago imagine a globular cluster as a massive Cosmic crew where each group consists of a whopping 100,000 to 1 million members these clusters are like giant family gatherings with all the stars being born around the same time but what makes these newly discovered monsters so special well their cores or their Central parts are way hotter than what we see in Stars today scientists think that this intense heat might be due to a lot of hydrogen burning at really high temperatures it's like the they're having a galactic Barbecue Party something fascinating happens in these globular clusters the smaller Stars crash into the super massive ones and gain extra energy like a power up but here's the twist most of these clusters are now getting old and the super massive stars disappeared a long time ago we can only see hints of their existence in the Clusters we observe today scientists study them by just the mysterious traces of their grand presence the discovery of these monster stars is incredibly important for our understanding of the universe if scientists can gather more evidence to confirm their existence it would be a major breakthrough it would help us learn more about globular clusters and how super massive stars form in general but that was only the first fascinating discovery of 2023 although the next one is kind of sad you know those beautiful rings that make Saturn look so fancy well guess what they might disappear in the not so distant future astronomically speaking NASA's cassinii Mission which explored Saturn from 2004 to 2017 gathered some fascinating data about the Rings during cassini's Grand Finale when it did some cool Maneuvers between Saturn scientists noticed something surprising the Rings were losing a lot of mass every second tons of it that means This Magnificent Halo will only stick around for a few hundred million more years at most that may seem like a long time for humans but in the grand scheme of the universe it's just a blink of an eye the important thing is that we've learned that huge Rings like Saturn's don't last forever they eventually fade away oh well at least you and I personally won't catch this moment scientists have a fun theory about what will happen when Saturn's rings disappear they think that the other ice and gas G Giants in our solar system like Uranus and Jupiter might have once had massive rings too but over time those Rings wore down and became more like the thin wispy bands of asteroids like what Uranus has now Saturn's rings are mostly made of ice but they also have a sprinkling of Rocky dust this dust comes from asteroids and teeny tiny meteoroids crashing into the celestial objects and breaking apart it's like a snowstorm of icy particles and space debris the research also revealed that Saturn's rings appeared long after the planet itself formed they were still forming when dinosaurs roam the Earth so in terms of astronomical age they're actually quite young only a few hundred million years old this discovery has got scientists all excited because it means something dramatic happened in Saturn's past to create this stunning icy disc but this is a mystery waiting to be solved scientists want to figure out what exactly caus the Rings to form and why they have such a breathtaking structure let's hope they'll figure it out but moving on to something more optimistic we have another exciting space news recently scientists have been studying one of the most distant galaxies in the universe and they found something amazing or organic molecules the Galaxy in question has a long name spt 041 847 it's over 12 billion light years away from our little blue planet can you even imagine that distance it's the farthest Galaxy ever known where complex organic molecules have been found that's why looking at this galaxy is like looking at something from when the universe was just a baby we we have no idea what this galaxy looks like now the light that has reached us is what it looked like when the universe was only 1.5 billion years old imagine being able to see things from so far in the past so what they found is something with a very complicated name a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecule or simply phah molecule you might be wondering what in the world is that well guess what you can actually find these molecul fuels right here on our planet they can be in things like the smoke from car engines or even forest fires pah molecules are made up of chains of carbon atoms and here's the super cool part they're considered the basic building blocks for Life imagine that life's building blocks those tiny carbon chains being discovered in a galaxy that's so far away that's like finding a needle in a hay stack they also found out that gas floating around in that Galaxy is filled with heavy elements that's a big deal because it suggests that many stars have come and gone there creating all these amazing elements this means that this galaxy can be potentially rich in many other elements too this discovery opens up a world of possibilities and raises so many exciting questions how did these molecules form in a galaxy so distant and since we're looking into the past What could have happened to these organic molecules during this time could they have evolved into life we're only scratching the surface of the incredible things waiting to be uncovered by the way if it's so far how did scientists even manage to discover something like that well they had the instrument called the James web Space Telescope this fancy telescope was recently launched and has superpowers when it comes to observing the unit universe so when the scientists were studying this far away Galaxy they had a little problem the light coming from Those Distant objects was so faint that it was hard to see or detect but guess what they had a brilliant idea to solve this they Ed something called gravitational lensing which is like a special power of Nature's magnifying glass imagine two galaxies lining up perfectly just like in a photo shoot the light from the farway Galaxy the background one travels towards us but on its Journey it passes through the foreground Galaxy which is like a giant space lens and guess what the foreground Galaxy's gravity bends the light just like a magnifying glass making it bigger and brighter it's like having a cosmic zoom lens for our telescopes this bending of light creates a super cool shape called an Einstein ring it's like a Halo or ring of light surrounding the foreground Galaxy basically a Nature's way of showing off its magical powers with gravitational lensing and these beautiful Einstein Rings scientists can see distant objects more clearly and learn amazing things about the universe and thanks to all that they managed to uncover the hidden chemical interactions from the early galaxies isn't that incredible the scientist are Beyond excited about this discovery they never expected to find such complex organic molecules in a galaxy that's incredibly distant who knows maybe this is just the beginning of a thrilling Cosmic Journey so keep your eyes on the Stars fellow Space Explorers the universe is full of surprises and who knows what other mind-blowing discoveries await us out there let's hope we'll learn even more in the future now it's been a long time since there was a supernova in the Milky Way over 400 years to be precise so hey we're long overdue so here are the most likely stars to go boom if they haven't already at the top of the list must be the southern hemisphere star Ada Kini Greek letters before the name of the constellation indicate the rank of the star's brightness in that constellation Sir Edmund Hy in 1677 recorded Ada Kini as the seventh brightest star in the constellation Corina Ada being the seventh letter in the Greek alphabet it might not have looked very bright to Sir Edmund and his contemporaries in the 17th century but modern studies of AD Carin estimate it's 5 million times more luminous than our sun luminous is a technical word astronomers use it doesn't just mean brightness Luminosity refers to the total energy released at all frequencies adarin releases 5 million times more energy than the sun truly one of the Whoppers of the Milky Way Ada Corin is 100 times more massive and 240 times larger than our yellow white dwarf Sun Soul obviously since it appears DM Ada Kini is pretty far away about 7,500 light years away yet even at this distance if the star goes hypernova it can still impact Earth's ozone layer disrupt satellite Communications and harm astronauts 159 years after hi's observation ad Carin experienced a nova-like explosion it increased from a relatively dim star to become the second brightest star visible from Earth but only for a period of 27 years from 1836 until 1863 ad Carin was the second brightest visible star after Sirius the dog star and Sirius is only about eight light years away since 1863 aside from a couple of flare-ups ADA Carini has dimmed back down to its original brightness at magnitude 4.5 now astronomers owe us a small apology which we don't expect to get anytime soon for Star magnitude nomenclature the brighter a star is or planet or a moon the lower its magnitude thus stars brighter than first magnitude are either zero magnitude or negative magnitude the full moon for example is magnitude -3 a magnitude positive 4.5 star like Ada Carini is quite dim as seen from Earth but it's clearly visible in a night sky without light pollution or clouds if you live anywhere south of the latitude of Cairo Egypt 30° north latitude is the farthest north you can see the star now listen up Ada Carin is currently up to something it's been brightening again and is now brighter than at any time time since 1864 it's a complex situation Ada Carini is really two stars Ada Carini a and adaa Kini H what's your guess oh B there's a third star nearby that's also interacting with the double Stars Dynamics now without looking I'm guessing it's named Ada Carin C good guess blown out into two incredibly massive Globes of gas that are expanding at 20 million mph Ada Carin is without a out one of the strangest looking Stars you'll ever see remember it's located at a great distance of 7,500 light years away from us and if anything had happened to ad Carin in the last 7,500 years like going hibern NOA we wouldn't be able to see it because none of AD Carini's electromagnetic radiation would have gotten here yet astronomers are keeping a close watch on adini because it can go hypernova at any time or maybe it all already did 5,000 years ago in which case we'd only have to wait another 2500 years to see it yeah like I'll put it in my planner now from a list of over 30 likely candidate stars that might go supernova R copi is many astronomer's Choice another Greek letter Ro is the 17th letter in the Greek alphabet it means that Ro copi is the star with the 17th brightest apparent magnitude in the constellation copia yet R Cass a nickname is only one of seven known yellow hyper giant stars in the Milky Way it's another Whopper to be seen at magnitude 4.5 from a distance of about 10,000 light years away rast must be a very large star a hyper giant placed where the sun is rast would Encompass the orbit of Mars but it's still yellow it's not a red giant star red indicates a cooler surface temperature rast as huge as it is is still as hot on its surface as our sun or even a little hotter that can only mean two things deep inside its core Rass is fusing atoms much heavier than hydrogen or helium plus Rass is producing much more energy than a red giant star in the year 2000 rast erupted massively it brightened by two orders of magnitude as it ejected 10,000 times the mass of Earth into space at four times the speed of sound astronomers detected the signature of titanium oxide in this eruption this means that R Cass is much closer to going Supernova or in this particular case hypernova than astronomers used to assume iron is just a few steps above titanium in the periodic table and when iron forms Fusion stops and a star collapses Rass is really close or more correctly was really close because the eruption we saw in the year 2000 really happened 10,000 years before many astronomers think R Cass has already gone hypernova formed a black hole and doesn't even exist anymore meanwhile Beetle Juice caught everyone's attention not so long ago the star not the movie it dimmed dramatically appearing only 37% as bright as it usually is is it getting ready to go supernova Beetlejuice is by far the brightest star in the whole sky in infrared light this is an important fact because it relates to beetlejuice's status as a Supernova candidate as we shall soon see Beetlejuice is also named Alpha orionis another Greek letter designation so we should conclude that Beetlejuice is the brightest star in Orion right wrong it's the second brightest star in its constellation Riel or beta orionis is the brightest one in that region yeah figure that one out it may be because Beetlejuice is classified as a semi-regular variable star which sounds kind of redundant to me it's approxim imately 400 Days cycle of pulsation changes its brightness by about one full magnitude going from much brighter than a first magnitude star to closer to a second magnitude star but never was Beetle Juice observed to dim so rapidly or so drastically as it did recently so what's going on with it well from late 2019 to Mid 2020 Beetle Juice went through a period of substantial dimming during a mass ejection event the world astronomy Community jumped on the situation and in the course of their investigations they came up with some surprising new factual data on Beetle Juice first Beetle Juice is not as far away as we once thought the new more accurate distance for Beetle Juice is 548 Lighty years that's 25% closer than previously measured the second new fact Beetle Juice's diameter has been reduced by the same percentage the star is now known to be 25% smaller than previously believed the cause of beetle juices dramatic dimming was also determined the Giant star ejected a cloud of gas that contained magnesium the cloud blocked a large portion of the light coming from Beetle Juice and made it appear visually much dimmer than it really was magnesium is not halfway to iron on the periodic table which means Beetle Juice is not as far along on the path to a supernova as was suspected previously when iron starts forming in the star it means that this star is close to shutting down its Fusion reactions the next step is implosion we aren't quite there yet with Beetle Juice this star emits most of its energy as infrared light and it also indicates that its core is most probably still burning helium and not something that would greatly increase the amount of heat like carbon for instance Beetle Juice will still go supernova but not for another 100,000 years so you can cross it off your super NOA list for the time being and as for how to correctly pronounce Beetle Juice you you can say it any way you like there are as many different pronunciations out there as there are people who think they know how to pronounce it correctly now Supernova 1987a caught astronomers off guard when it lit up the large melenic Cloud 100,000 plus light years away from the Milky Way that's when attention was turned to a similar star much closer to Earth Riel in the constellation of a riot could Riel surprise us and suddenly go supernova there's something called the Supernova problem that you should you know probably know about because it may relate to Riel going Supernova or not it seems that stars over 17 solar masses don't always go supernova recently a red giant star simply vanished once again it didn't go supernova it disappeared this had often been happening in computer simulations of supernova and now it finally occurred in real life riel's mass is 21 solar masses in other words it's 21 times more massive than our sun so will Riel go supernova or simply vanish into a black hole that it'll create in its core astronomers and physicists continue their work of learning more about the Dynamics of massive stars scouring the sky for the next Supernova in the Milky Way meanwhile we can rest confident that we on Earth are in no danger from the harmful effects of nearby Supernova explosions we live in a nice quiet peaceful Stellar neighborhood except for those martians next door castles were cold places in times past the stone seemed to radiate the Winter Chill this is one practical reason why tapestries were hung upon castle walls to help keep the cold out and the warmth in but you just can't hang any old thing on castle walls it should be beautiful heroic with a heavy wow factor the ancient Greeks hung tapestries on the walls of their castle of of the sky glorious tapestries woven of stars all 48 constellations of the northern hemisphere were designed and named by the Greeks the story of Andromeda is one such tapestry woven of seven constellations spread across the entire Autumn Sky the story contains detailed astronomical observations preserved as highlights in the sky tapestry it begins with the constellation copia Queen of the oldest realm in Africa Ethiopia when the constellation copia is on the horizon it looks like a staircase going up to the Milky Way step pyramids around the world are often thought to have been inspired by the constellation copia in any case copia is a beautiful constellation indicating that Queen copia was also a beautiful woman she was good-looking but equally vain which sets off all the dramatic action copia can be found in the night sky opposite Ursa Major from the North Star like Ursa Major copia circles the North Star and is a circum poolar constellation a supernova was observed in copia around 1680 Earth time copia a having occurred about 11,000 years earlier the Chandra x-ray satellite recently recorded an extraordinary photograph of this Supernova Remnant showing the elements sulfur calcium silicon and iron amid the expanding clouds high-intensity x-rays cop Pia's husband is also a circumpolar constellation a minor dim one named sephus he had his own kingdom a merger of Empires by way of marriage is something common throughout history cus was a king of Phoenicia there were many kings of Phoenicia back in the days when Phoenicia was just a collection of city states along the western shore of the Mediterranean Sea cus can be found in the area between CIO IA and the Northstar the constellation of cus is important to astronomers it's where Henrietta Swan leovit discovered variable stars that pulsed at regular intervals the rate of pulsation of the star indicates the true brightness of the star and enables a sure measurement of the distance to the star the discovery of sefid variable Stars was a major breakthrough for early 20th century astronomy cus and copia had a daughter Andromeda also a noted Beauty about whom all the fuss is it seems that one day copia was boasting about the beauty of her and her daughter Andromeda we are more beautiful than any other women in the whole wide world well such pretension can be forgiven for a queen but then copia went further and stepped beyond all natural bounds in fact we are more beautiful than any of the nads well the nads were Greek mythological scen NS Daughters of the ocean noted for their beauty and kindness to Sailors the nids all 50 of them took offense at being diminished dissed by a mere mortal woman copia had to be punished for exceeding the bounds of the Civil order by her excessive vanity copia transgressed beyond the bounds of nature for which an unnatural punishment was inflicted upon the entire Kingdom of Ethiopia a monster from the bottom of the ocean the constellation and cus began to devastate the coastal Villages of Ethiopia as well as Ethiopia's fishing ships fittingly cus is a constellation of the Southern Celestial hemisphere the fourth largest by area of all the constellations cetus swims in a dark part of the sky called the ocean with only its head Rising above the celestial Equator this part of the sky contains several water themed constellations Pisces the fishes Aquarius the water Bearer and rinus the river over 50 exoplanets have been discovered in cedus you can bet the James web Space Telescope will have a field day analyzing the Spectra of these planets atmospheres looking for signs of Life meanwhile queen copia and king sephus must do something about the monster devastating the shores of Ethiopia they consult an Oracle and make another trespass beyond the realm of reason and nature tell us Oracle what can we do to stop the monster from ravaging our kingdom this monster is not a normal Affliction of nature an offense was committed against the higher Realms and this is the punishment the monster cannot be stopped by any normal means only a human sacrifice of the noblest being May plate the Beast one error compounds another the noblest person in the Kingdom of course is Princess Andromeda according to the command of her father and the consent or perhaps a suggestion of her mother Andromeda is chained to a rock offshore she is the human sacrifice that her parents hope will save the kingdom wow here comes the Greek hero to save the day stop the human sacrifice and Turn cetus to Stone Perseus now where is Perseus coming from according to Legend the herdes Perseus went to the herdes in pursuit of the Gorgon Medusa the geological scope of this tapestry is is incredible from the Hees to the Red Sea the Hees are an archipelago of mostly Rocky islands off the western coast of Scotland it was impossible to sail any further the herdes were the absolute end of the world Perseus didn't have to sail to the Hees however he flew on a pair of winged sandals hey way to go persus now Medusa was one of the all-time baddies one look at Medusa was so terrifying it would petrify you literally turn you to Stone Stone Perseus was in great danger so what did our hero do instead of looking at Medusa Perseus used the scientific principle of reflection he slew Medusa by seeing her reflected in his polished shield in our Sky tapestry Perseus is portrayed holding up the severed head of Medusa in the night sky one eye in Medusa's head opens and closes and opens again Arabic astronomers name the star alol the ghoul goal is an eclipsing double star one star is bright the other one not that much as the dimmer star orbits the bright star it passes in front of the bright star eclipsing it and the eye closes since the dim star takes 2 days 20 hours and 49 minutes to orbit the bright star the eye in Medusa's head opens every day and a half or so the constellation of Perseus is immediately below copia and skywatchers quickly look to see if alol is eclipsed if Medusa's eye is open or closed Perseus flew back from the Hees accompanied by Pegasus the winged horse the central part of Pegasus is the great Square made up of four stars as earth goes around the Sun the great square is right in the center of the night sky in autumn in the summer the summer triangle of Vega denb and alter are in the middle of the night sky in Spring it's Leo the Lion and in winter it's Orion the hunter these are the walls of the Castle in the Sky and all have marvelous tapestries adorning them the constellation of Andromeda shares a star named alpharet with Pegasus it's one of the corners of the great Square so it appears Andromeda may be riding on Pegasus her crown remember she is a princess is floating nearby M31 the Andromeda galaxy to see M31 cross the corners of the great Square from the lowest star to the uppermost star and then go a little further further to see the Andromeda galaxy be sure to peek at it from the corner of your eyes it's called averted Vision the corners of your eyes are more sensitive to light so you'll be able to see the huge spiral galaxy 2.5 million light years away as a smudge of light 1 and 1/2 times wider than the full moon now Perseus doesn't go in for Human Sacrifice so he stops IT and saves Andromeda by exposing cetus to Medusa's gaze and here we encounter the second eclipsing variable in our Sky tapestry mirror the heart Star of cedus the Sea Monster mirror from which we get the English word mirror so fitting in the story about Bain beauty is an eclipsing double star the dim star orbiting the bright star is a white dwarf not bright enough to see with the uned eye the effect is that cis's heart shuts off Mira is eclipsed and disappears this cycle repeats itself every 332 days our fabulous star tapestry has the only two eclipsing binary Stars visible to uned eyes the nearest spiral galaxy and a hero that doesn't like human sacrifice and uses the scientific principle of reflection to thwart mythological monsters wow I would hang that in my castle too just saying more than 1 million Earths can fit in our sun new research shows that between 20% to 35% of suns eat their own planets and a quarter of planetary systems orbiting stars like the sun had a chaotic past the very thing that gives life can also take it away all the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun and they all do it in a somewhat consistent way it's most likely that they stayed that way ever since they first came into the picture but not all of them this chaotic existence means that a solar system had a lot of planets in the litter until the host Sun decided to melt them away our solar system is panned out perfectly so that no planet's gravity interferes with each other the gravitational force on Jupiter is a lot tougher than Earth's which means that if Earth gets close to Jupiter we'd be another moon for Jupiter the planet is so big that if Earth were the size of a grape Jupiter would be the size of a basketball compared to it even with the best technology in the world it's difficult to tell if stars do in fact eat their planets the best way to study this is to observe binary systems that's just a sciency way of saying a system with two stars orbiting each other usually the two stars were formed around the same time from the same gases and the same conditions it means they should contain the same elements more or less when you open your eyes in the morning the sunlight that's been traveling for millions of miles greets you the closer we get to it the hotter it is but the Rays traveling from The Sun Also contain certain chemicals that make it unique the chemicals that are associated with the sun are light materials like oxygen carbon hydrogen and helium you can find some other stuff in it too but these are the main ones by studying these elements you can learn the history of a solar system with enough detail to determine if it was chaotic or smooth scientists studied 107 binary systems composed of suns like our by analyzing the light since each system contains two suns they compared and contrasted them to see the differences they observe the stars with a thin outer layer having different elements than their companion all suns contain Light Elements but there are some that have rocky elements like iron silicon and titanium near the sun these elements are associated with rough terrains that you'd find on the surface but they're out there floating in the middle of space the thinnest outer layer is especially rich in iron compared to the other layers many stars are twins at Birth even most of the Milky Way stars have a buddy in a binary system it means our son is pretty unique for not having a partner but there are some theories out there that suggest that the sun may have lost its twin in the past it's around 184 light years away and is called HD 18632 this might be our lucky star a stellar Nursery is where thousands of Stars Are Born they're made up of gas and dust that gradually collapse under their own weight our sun may have started in such a way 4.6 billion years ago and when they're mature enough they go out into the open usually with their travel buddy actually scientists claim that up to 85% of All Stars could be in binary pairs or have more buddies but over 50% are dual pairs the only only problem is that we can't really see it since it strayed from its original orbit an eternity ago but traces of it can be found in the Y Cloud that's the vast cluster of space consisting of comets space rocks and ice in the outer edges of our Sun's reach they float around quite a lot since they're far off the Sun's gravity and can easily be knocked out of their orbit into open space flying through such a space is no different than flying through any random void of space the reason why some of these Light Elements in space contain Rock elements you'd find on the surface of a planet is because the sun knocked them off their orbit and devoured them as they got closer it also happens when a star becomes too big in its place and starts eating everything around it according to scientists if a star eats a planet it can make it go chaotic and spin so quickly that it eventually rips apart but don't worry there's a very low chance of the sun devouring the planet in the near future stars are formed when a huge cloud of hydrogen and helium grows until it collapses under its own weight the pressure increases and reaches extreme heat levels we can't even measure eventually the hydrogen atoms lose their electrons causing the hydrogen to fuse together and release energy countering the gravity collapsing but when the gravitational force overpowers the hydrogen Fusion the star begins to expand and becomes a red giant and then after around a billion years the hydrogen in the outer core will go away leaving plenty of helium hanging around which will fuse with the rest of the elements around and once all the helium disappears gravity will shrink the red giant into a white dwarf and when it's completely gone the remains of the star release tons of gas and dust into space scientists claim that our sun has between 7 to 8 billion years left before it reaches that stage but even if that becomes a reality it wouldn't happen overnight something like this takes millions of years to take place but what if the sun decided to devour us overnight as we speak the planet would start feeling hot in seconds every slight degree change can lead to some catastrophic events ice caps can melt in a matter of seconds and flood the coastal lands even little Islands in remote areas of the world will be submerged and as it gets hotter every snowcapped area will melt instantly and turn into desert-like climates some places will burn and your everyday objects will melt on the spot the Earth's interior will also get hotter allowing volcanic eruptions to happen across the world Antarctica will melt from the heat as well as the volcanoes erupting inside and just in a matter of minutes the whole planet will turn into fire and Ash before it explodes into tiny bits floating in space reaching air areas we've never even heard of but no worries something like this won't really happen in case the sun knocks us off our rotation the results would be different it'll also get hot because the magnetic field around us protects us from the sun's radiation and once we get knocked out of place the magnetic field gets tarnished and the extreme heat from the sun will boil us the gravitational force will be unstable so the physics of our everyday life will be chaotic we'll have to wait 5 billion years from now when the sun turns into a red giant it'll grow in size eventually eating up Mercury and Venus chances are Earth will also be on the menu if Earth were to move only 900,000 Mi closer to the Sun then it would be uninhabitable it may seem like a lot but it's only four times the distance between the Moon and Earth detecting the chemical composition of the sun rays in solar systems that are further away could help SCI scientists find other earthlike planets since the atmosphere around these Planet eating Stars changes the chemical composition we can detect which solar systems out there have had a calm past the main thing we have to observe is if the planets have a healthy orbit cycle with nothing else getting in the way we can assume that the planet could follow the same steps as Earth did for humans to be here but this process will take ages since there are millions of nearby Stars similar to our sun the odds of of finding a planet similar to ours are near impossible at this rate but if so then there might be life on those planets there will be no way of knowing if it's intelligent life but they might have had the same evolutionary fate as us Stellar collisions occur about every 10,000 years and are an incredible spectacle but they're only fascinating to watch when they happen tens and hundreds of light years away if a star collides with our own Sun it will be a global cataclysm that will leave no chance of survival to anything if it happens it will most likely involve a rogue star these are stars that aren't Bound by gravity to any Galaxy and move independently through space and such a star has already paid a visit to our solar system to be more precise two stars this is scholz's star it's a binary system consisting of a red dwarf which weighs about 86 times as much as Jupiter and a slight L smaller brown dwarf which is 65 times heavier than Jupiter about 70,000 years ago these Stars approached the boundary of our system the or Cloud it's a kind of Shield of comets and Cosmic bodies that surrounds our solar system Humanity was already around at the time and probably began spreading worldwide from Africa and they could have witnessed a dim red light in the night sky and even though scholz's star flew by us at a distance of about 8 years its gravitational field strongly influenced the movement of different Cosmic bodies but what if such a star didn't pass by but went straight to the center of our solar system to the sun scientists say this may happen in 1.3 million years meet gisa 710 this star has 60% of the sun's weight and moves steadily towards us like people 70,000 years ago we will be able to see the light from this orange dwarf with the naked eye first gisa 710 will approach our Shield the or Cloud the Stars gravitational field will capture some meteorites and throw them in all directions the number of meteorites falling down on Earth will probably increase 10-fold then after that gisa 710 will move on to the planets it will consume them one by one scattering their fragments all over the system and while small meteorites wouldn't disturb us much now we'll have a real threat on our hands Planet shards the size of a meteorite that wipe dinosaurs off the face of the Earth will zoom straight at us the star is getting closer and closer to the Sun and if we somehow survive the falling fragments of our former neighbors now gisa 710 will have zoned in on us gravity and temperature will just tear the Earth apart still this terrible sight will long since have had no onlookers you human it will have evacuated from the earth long before of course Earth Venus Mercury gisa 710 has approach the Sun the smaller star will orbit the big one gradually closing in on it in a spiral with time the two stars will merge and if their total weight exceeds a certain value a disaster will occur the temperature of the Rogue star grows and nuclear reactions inside it accelerate little by little the inner part of the star heats up to a critical temperature and a supernova explodes in a few seconds all the substance of the star is scattered into space and a powerful explosion will wipe out what's left of our solar system but so far gisa 710 is 64 light years away from us and there's still a chance it will change its route and pass by peacefully and what if two more unusual stars collide with each other this is a neutron star it's very small only about 12 Mi wide but its weight is comparable to that of the sun this ball is extremely heavy a Neutron Star Collision can generate one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe two neutron stars fall into each other's gravitational field as they move they gradually approach each other in a spiral and just as they almost meet two different scenarios can unfold if the weight of the two stars is relatively small then after the Collision their combined weight gives life to a new neutron star but if our participants are a little heavier then when they Collide their weight exceeds the critical point and this creates a magnetic field trillion times stronger than the Earth's all this happens in just 1 or 2 milliseconds and is accompanied by a blindingly bright flash this is a short gamma ray burst it's considered the brightest and most energetic Electro magnetic event in the universe a black disc appears at the Collision site of the neutron stars it's a black hole scientists believe this is one of the possible ways of its appearance black holes have so much weight that they warp the space and time around them they have an incredible gravitational force if something gets too close to a black hole it's unlikely to ever leave it even the photons of light the fastest particles in the universe are unable to shap shake off the black hole's grip by the way an ultra massive black hole is at the center of our Milky Way galaxy it can weigh millions and billions of times more than the sun now we know how a black hole is born but what happens if two black holes Collide astronomers have already seen such an event for about 7 billion years two huge black holes were circling around each other gradually getting closer one had the weight of 66 Suns and the other had 85 at the moment of collision the big black hole absorbed the smaller one and grew even larger the new black monster weighed as much as 142 Suns during the Collision a huge amount of energy was released equivalent to the mass of nine Suns the energy gave the universe a hefty shake and the vibration from the impact has only recently reached Earth's telescopes but in 4.5 billion years and even even more significant Collision will occur our entire Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy although Andromeda is 2.5 million light years away from Earth it's still our closest neighbor our universe is expanding and there's movement inside it scientists have found that Andromeda is moving in our Direction at a speed of 74 m/s so in about 3 billion years stars and Hot Gas of this galaxy will be visible to us with uned eyes then it will crash into our own Galaxy within one or two more billion years the duo will move around each other like a yo-yo they will approach one another and then pass by at a very close distance at an incredible speed they will begin to move away from each other but the force of gravity will bring them back and then another Collision will begin but this time they will form one giant Galaxy called Mila or milk dromeda it's hard to predict what will happen to us and our planet in one scenario we may not even notice the consequences of the Collision despite the galaxies being full of stars and other celestial bodies they still consist mostly of emptiness stars are really far away from each other for example if we imagine that our sun is the size of a coin then the nearest star Proxima centuri would be as far as the distance from Philadelphia to Detroit that's about 400 50 mil so there's lots of space between the stars and the galaxies the second possible scenario is when our solar system is left alone in dark space when galaxies Collide and circle around each other a lot of stars will be ejected as if from a catapult look at the merrygoround in an amusement park when it spins the centrifugal force pushes the swings out and if you unhook the swings while it's spinning it will fly away really far the same phenomenon occurs with many stars during Galactic collisions and our sun might be among them in this case you will hardly notice the difference life on Earth will continue at its usual Pace the only disadvantage is that our usual night sky will begin to disappear and in time it will turn into a black void the last and most unlikely option is that our solar system will collide with another star well in this case all life on Earth will be doomed just as if a star like gisa 710 would crash into the sun
Channel: BRIGHT SIDE Series
Views: 235,816
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Keywords: astrology, beautiful facts about space, black hole, bright side, bright side space facts, bright side videos, brightside, education, facts about solar system, facts about space, facts of life, improve your memory, interesting videos, mysteries, recent space discoveries, space, strangest planets in space, what if, what other planets look like, Hubble, biggest star, size comparison, evolution, time-lapse, space documentary
Id: bdJbeOdopX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 29sec (4109 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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