This Song Will Make ANYONE An Opera Fan

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generally speaking I'm not really much of an opera fan but I am a fan of this [Music] there are a number of things about this particular piece nezun Dorma written of course by Giacomo Puccini for the Opera turandot and before you guys go to the comments listen let's just listen pteran dots Turin doe I know there's a debate okay the name is Persian but it's an Italian opera written by Puccini Persian pronunciation might be turned dough but the Italian pronunciation we turn dot I don't know I flipped the coin I don't care we're going with Turin dot I'm sorry write your angry letters in the comments below but this piece to me spoke in a different way than many of the pieces in Opera that I have heard before which granted is not a ton but to put it simply I have always felt like the Harmony in Nessun Dharma is quite modern and the first thing that we get is not necessarily that modern Harmony but rather just something that caught my ear right off the bat that chord for some reason for me is just so cool and all it is it's really simple it's just a 5-1 we're sitting here in the key of G for a second right or at least that's the chord that we played to kind of build up to the intro here that's what we get we get this there's very clearly duh this node which we can hear we hear that right there in the violence or maybe Viola's our Melody is D so we get all these notes that are immediately being being illuminated here and it winds up spelling what is essentially D7 although it has some alterations we're looking at this what more or less a d flat 13 chord because we have our d we know we have the ninth in here because I didn't hear that let me listen again yes it's there so we have a here we go we have a d flat 13 flat nine D7 with a flat 13 flat knife there's our base D7 chord and then we have a flat nine we know we have a flat 13 and there's our third again right [Music] that's a gorgeous resolution [Music] we're able to hold that Melody note over top of everything foreign that's so effective there is because this dominant chord has such a crunch to it right we've put in a flat nine and a flat 13. that's a lot of alterations that really make the chord even more dissonant than a dominant chord already is so we get this extra dissonance layered on top of it and we still have our Melody sitting nicely on the top of everything and then it just releases fully releases so we have our foreign it's absolutely beautiful and hey I want to let you know that I just dropped a brand new Christmas album on Spotify the Apple music I think it's literally everywhere you can stream music look at this look at that it's called This is a Christmas album because that's exactly what it is I could think of a better title look at this stupid thing look at my stupid face if you were around last year you might remember that I posted a couple of videos from performances actually playing these Christmas tunes but we mixed them mastered them and released them for streaming so you guys can go check those out but throw it into your playlist for Christmas whatever you want to do we're almost to that point where people are gonna start playing Christmas music relentlessly so if you want to put this in your playlist go enjoy that uh back to the video [Music] we're gonna keep playing with that back and forth right [Applause] there it is again [Music] there we go we're dealing with this D7 flat 9 513 to our one chord our G major which is our home base in this particular part of the Aria and we just keep kind of going as the melody plays around with that our chords just stay right there that's the harmony it's pretty simple and it just goes back and forth but it's so beautiful and creates this constant oh oh Okay resolution wow that's a lot of tension resolution well even more attention Here We Go Again resolution oh my God we're bringing that tangent back resolution we're just going back and forth between these two things one five one five one five it sounds more complex than it really is and that's because we're just using a v chord that has some pretty intricate upper extension alterations to the chord and once again upper extensions anything that we have changed about this chord beyond the first octave we have our major chord tones our our primary chord tones one three five seven right and then beyond that we start changing stuff so we have our nine which we've made Flat we have our 13 which we made Flat also and that's how we get this nice crunchy cord but at the basis of it once again it's just one five one five one five and that brings us to our next part [Music] this is the part [Music] okay wait wait wait wait before before we go any further now we sort of changed our home base our harmonic home base we're in the key of D now and we get this melody that almost sounds like it could be anything it could be a jazz tune it could be a pop tune it sounds really modern and part of that is aided by what's going on in the harmony here foreign check that out I don't know you can phrase it like a pop tune or some kind of ballad or something like that and it would really work well and that's because really all we're doing here is we have our one chord and then that goes to our four chord and you're gonna see as we go through this section that the Harmony in this part is really simple [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my goodness that is just absurd once again let's take a peek at the harmony here because you're gonna find wow this is so modern it's so simple in a lot of ways [Music] now we're going to the one chord but you'll notice we didn't resolve it now we've talked about this in the past when we play the one chord but we don't put that one in the base as the root note it can give all types of feelings we can leave it on a five and now it feels like well that is the one chord but there's no way we're done yet normally we might hear something like before the actual resolution in this case it's a third which does a similar thing although it's not hung up as much as a five is when we hear this the one chord over it's five over the a so in this case it's D major over a that really tells us hey we're not home yet we've got some other stuff to do before we wind up drawing and tying drawing this together and tying a bow on it but when we put the third in the root check this out this one's more interesting right because if you just let it ring and listen to that it feels more settled than when we put the fifth in the bass but it's still not fully home so you have this really strong oh we're definitely not done when we put the fifth in the base we put the third and the bass it's a little more home but still not quite there now listen to how it's applied here [Music] listen [Music] oh why does that sound so beautiful we were just here this real strong note this fifth in the top but we're still sitting here on our third in the base and our Melody's gonna go to this note but here's where the harmony goes [Music] that is absolutely gorgeous it has such a modern sound to it absolutely beautiful that is the two chord E minor seven but the melody is the ninth so really what we're building here is E minor nine a very modern chord right this is not something you would expect to hear especially coming off that that verse remember right much more uh maybe expected in this type of of music but then we get this stuff that's now I don't know if it's explicitly written as a seventh chord but I do know that the melody is that ninth right so whether the seventh is really there or not we kind of can hear it in that manner and it does have this very modern sounding quality to it and of course it's astoundingly beautiful and so if you're not an opera person you can listen to this and really get some of what people do really love about Opera and you can be like oh okay I can see I can see how this could draw you in oh here we are remember we just talked about the one chord with the five on the bass there we are that's exactly it [Music] hear that fit in the face and then we go ahead and turn it into the actual five chord which is exactly what we said sometimes happens when you have that fifth in the bass and the one chord over it we are typically going to now hear a five chord before it resolves or go somewhere else [Music] four right except it's gonna bring us back into a verse now listen to this [Music] so we have now shifted back to the place that we started even though that first section yes it was in G and then we went into D we utilized our one chord over the fifth and then the V chord and a deceptive Cadence to what sounds like the four but it's gonna Propel us back into that verse which is going to be in the key of G major so everything here is just really really beautifully written to lead your ear from one place to the other now once we complete our second time through the verse which is that same five to one sound now we're gonna introduce the chorus the chorus is going to sing that same exact Melody that we heard the first time when we changed into the key of D check it out here we go one four chord two chord five chord now here we go [Music] here's the thing we just did exactly the same thing that we did the first time now remember the first time we propelled ourselves back into the verse by landing on that using that deceptive Cadence which just a reminder when we hear this we think it's going to resolve to the one but what we did the first time is we use that V chord to drop here to the G major chord which is feels like our four here but it's our one in the verse remember okay so we just did the exact same thing now the first time we did that of course it set up another verse however this time it sets up the finale you guys all know what that sounds like [Music] each other [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] chord as we have this the melody just outlines G major and that's what we're just sitting here right we're just sitting here on G major and then it ends foreign [Music] what's so beautiful about that two things are happening here we're holding out this FIB as we resolve to our one chord but we but Pavarotti's gonna sing this and hold it as the chorus comes back in with our Melody from the chorus and our Harmony is going to follow suit thank you and this time it's going to resolve and it's going to land on the one chord and for at least a good portion of that that Melody note is being held out [Music] maybe where does he drop it does he drop it there so when we do land on the uh we're on a four chord that Melody is still being held out what is the a relative to G it's the ninth right foreign beautiful beautiful combination of harmonies there and it just keeps on going we get our beautiful E minor chord and lands on our one chord this could turn somebody into an opera fan let me know in the comments what other stuff should people like me and anybody else who's watching this video we're not Opera fans necessarily not opposed to it we just don't really listen to it at all what should we be checking out Puccini and the writing of this piece I mean absolutely astounding in the performance oh my God the whole thing the hints of modern Harmony in there and the beauty of this melody that just sits so perfectly over these chord changes if there was ever a switch that could be flipped for most people to turn them into Opera fans this has got to be it and once again if you guys are looking for some stuff to throw on during the Christmas season this year just a reminder that Christmas album is out everywhere that you stream music you listen to it for free it's called This is a Christmas album because uh that's exactly what it is check that out there'll be a link somewhere in the description below thank you so much for watching this video and we will see you in the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 167,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy, nessun dorma, nessun dorma breakdown, music analysis, musician reacts, puccini, nessun dorma pavarotti, luciano pavarotti, turandot, giacomo puccini, puccini nessun dorma, puccini turandot, music breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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