This Ship Travelled Alone For 2000 Miles! We Explored It

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Watch the last 3 mins if at all, the rest is painful to watch, head wrecking guy and now I understand why there are signs in the area, he literally had zero prep.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/marshy_bo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
a few weeks ago I received an email there was an email from a company called palladium boots essentially asking me to create a short film and take my audience on a journey although this is a very undefined brief of course I said yes I want to get a drone shot he's sitting on top of it [Music] I was born with a thirst for adventure [Music] since I was a child I constantly had the desire to push myself outside of my comfort zone and set myself unrealistic goal is that most people would think are impossible as I've grown up this has pushed me to experience some of the most insane and rewarding adventures that I can imagine the problem was growing up doing these sort of things is that they become addictive and when you stop for even a small amount of time the urge to find a new adventure brews inside of you recently this is exactly what has been happening to me a few things happened in my life that made me decide to slow down but the urge to continue kept growing and so I decided it was time to find a new adventure this is the story of how me and my friend Ben ended up traveling to one of the most obscure location in the UK to explore a ship that was abandoned at sea and traveled alone almost two years before washing up on the coast of iron [Music] the envy altar built in 1976 first made headlines in September 2018 when the US Coast Guard rescued ten crew members 1380 miles southeast of Bermuda the crew have been stranded for almost 20 days and were running low on food and water after being unable to repair the disabled ship which ran into trouble while traveling from Greece to Haiti the vessel spotted again a year later in the middle of the Atlantic by the Royal Navy ice patrol ship HMS protector who attempted to make contact but were met with no reply they even made a tweet about how strange of the situation was fast forward another 10 months this is when the MV alter is discovered on the coast of Ireland after being abandoned and crew lives almost two years ago the ship made news around the globe endless articles and stories all over the Internet the moment I saw these articles I knew that it was an adventure waiting to happen but with all good adventures there's ups and downs and initially I didn't even know that this boat existed and it wasn't the first location in our plans here's the journey of how a craving for adventure ended up leading us to the ship most of my teenage years were spent in the city it's the place I seem to find most mine [Music] it's the place where I feel gives me endless possibilities whether it's exploring taking pose or making films it never seems to let me down when I feel lost it always gives me the feeling I'm a part of something bigger than myself [Music] as much as I'm a part of this city sometimes it can become repetitive and pushes me to reach out of my comfort zone and seek new opportunities in unknown locations this is why I decided that I was gonna get out of my comfort zone and travel somewhere different [Music] so the original idea for this film was to try and explore an abandoned sea just off the coast of Kent in England okay we made it that is it as it's how to defend England we made the journey there and despite the terrible rain we still gave it a go what we didn't expect is how fast the tide comes in this was something we overlooked and if we didn't act quickly the situation could have escalated fast there's waves [Music] it's safe to say that we didn't make it to the floor but bit that we were just standing out is gone because genuinely this is dangerous like if we would have got out and then the tide came in we would not have been able to get back we have to sleep on that would have to say it's hardly it's so the time is 6 a.m. right now obviously we had that first failure with that attempt at the c4 and it didn't go well but the thirst for adventure cannot be broken today we have decided that we're gonna go and try and board an abandoned ghost ship that was abandoned in Island very recently we don't know if it's gonna be possible yesterday I spontaneously just put the flights it's 6:00 a.m. we're on our way to the airport right now and we're about to go and fly to Ireland I've never been to Ireland in my life and hopefully we're gonna be able to have a matter venture it always is fun whenever we have these spontaneous trip so yeah that's for adventure continues yeah let's do this [Music] [Music] and we're in doing it was [Music] it's freezing we've arrived bro this is so iris right now look at that [ __ ] lighthouse let's walk up there see what we're dealing with truly because right now it's a bit crazy okay she should start walking up yeah so we turned up the valley corn with no idea how far away this ship was or even which direction it was in with some guesswork and such and through Instagram we took a guess and we started walking this hike ended up being two and a half hours long over cliffs mud rain and snow we kept pushing through until eventually we saw it [Music] that is insane we've gone from sunlight to full-on snow this storm is coming look at my feet the beets have dumped me well to be fair we're almost there we're so close after what two and a half hours yeah I think it's around that corner we're here there's people on it though I think they're moving stuff is there are people on it so I don't know if we're gonna be able to get on no she's go out to them see what they say that's [ __ ] crazy bro look at that how is that just okay so wait this boat has traveled here on its own from the other side of the planet and it's just chillin oh we have to get on it we're actually happy we can't have come all this way to not get on it yeah let's just work out what we've done this morning we woke up in England yeah we've got a flight to Island we've got a cab to Bali cotton we walked for three and a half hours through mud fields and cliffs now we've got here and we can't get on it we have two options yeah option ade the children here welcome to make them to leave and then go on it option two you go back to the hotel bar ship together and send it sunrise I want to get a drone shot sitting on top of it that's my god oh it's saying yeah exactly sunrise it's gonna be clear skies yo it's actually a blizzard you always a p.m. blizzard oh no no all this way yeah it's been greeted fire a blizzard and workers we failed again we're in a blizzard it's not going well I'm just gonna send it right now [ __ ] it there's no I never oh my god full-blown snowstorm initially my first plan was to try and climb down the cliff sneak over the rocks climb up the ladder and avoid all of the workers without them seeing me I quickly realized that this was not going to be possible pretty sure the works are leaving now they're climbing down a ladder which means they're probably going to take their ladder which means we're probably gonna have to use the grapple hook if we do it after they leave so so eventually after waiting for hours through snowstorms we saw the workers packing up and decided I would take my grapple hook and give it a go I quickly realized that the Rope we used for the grapple hook was waiting with into client it was extremely risky of the rocks and I came to the conclusion it was going to be a much harder task than I had expected learn parkour so doggy like when it's on don't know that song yeah my sleeping and [ __ ] and it's also like a thin [ __ ] piece of string how we're gonna tie my right not realizes defeat me the only option is sunrise we were exhausted cold and damp we decided to go back to the hotel and make a plan but we've no ladder and no car we were pretty much giving up hope we needed a miracle okay oh this has been one of the most challenging videos I've ever made I've never failed this many times multiple adventures the grapple hook that made did not work whatsoever the the wires are too thin this has been one of the longest days of my life our flight is tomorrow at 6 p.m. if we don't have a ladder we are not getting on this boat and we don't have a car so we can't go get a ladder now by the power of social media we have had a miracle this kid message me he said what do you need I live in Cork I've messaged him saying we need a ladder he's got a ladder he's gonna come here and pick us up and we're all gonna go and climb onto the ship for sunrise he's coming as well okay I can't deal with this anymore but yeah we'll see at 5:00 a.m. and now it is the time that this size all of this trip we can't do it now it's pretty much a write-off we are making a half but I think we're getting on that boat [Music] [Music] [ __ ] talk about this kind of adventure six there we're out in the middle island right next to the ocean this is live [Music] [Music] I was coming in I'm gonna get down there so he had made it to the ship with a ladder just before sunrise we noticed that the tide was very high and you could barely even see the rocks near the bar [Music] after the journey that we had been on there was no turning back I picked the ladder up onto my shoulders and made my way over the sketchy rocks after some struggle I eventually made it to the ship and I knew that I was close to making it happen this ended up being so sketchy even for me waves crashing into the rocks zero flat surface area to place the Ida and since it was so sketchy no one was willing to climb over the rocks and help me I was on a one-man mission one slip and I'll fall into the Ragin sea and land on the jagged rocks all I had to do was get one hand on the rope ladder and I knew I would have made it I slowly started climbing up the ladder and as I did this I could feel the ladder slipping from side to side off-balance I reached my hand out and grabbed the rope ladder it's hard to see but as I did this the ladder actually fell to the side from below me but I managed to get it back in place with my feet [Music] eventually I got a proper hold and I knew I had made Oh oh my god oh my god I was a mission yes I need on oh my god dogs [ __ ] scary that was the sketchiest thing ever oh my god yeah I'm gonna explore this boat quickly because the tide is coming in I don't want it to sweep away my ladder look at this pole that's like falling down gone through all of this after looking around the ship I came to the conclusion that most of it had been taken away from the workers let's go down into the depths if you can see any of it but it's pretty much just completely empty although it was pretty empty if that didn't stop it from giving me an extremely eerie sense of fear whilst looking around well oh my god the sound of the waves is so sketchy this is so weird oh my god after looking around I decided that it was time to go to the surface and enjoy the sunrise the Sun is rising the tide is coming in I've got to be quick so the only thing left to do is to climb up to the top and get the drone shot sunrise man [Music] it just goes to show that when you're faced with obstacles you only really have two options you can give up and wonder what might have been or you can try to find solutions and push through until you reach your goals we should be making a daily effort to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone it can be as small or as big as you can imagine just as long as you're pushing yourself from climbing mountains to try and new types of food no matter how big the achievement is all that matters is that you're trying I want to say thank you for palladium boost response from this film thank you to Ben MacLean for helping production and thank you to the two Irish lads that helped us with the ladder when we needed it most I hope you enjoyed this new type of content in 2020 I'm really trying to push myself and see what I can do if you enjoyed this please leave a comment below and let me know what you thought once again thank you for watching and I'll see you guys very soon
Channel: Night Scape
Views: 420,468
Rating: 4.7544928 out of 5
Keywords: Exploration, adventure, travel, short film, film, ghost ship, exploring, exploring with, nightscape, exploringwithjosh, cinematography, film making, urban exploation, wonders of the world, abandoned ship, abandoned, exploring abandoned, incredible, bermuda triangle, journey, bermuda, mystery, bermuda mystery, top ten mysteries, top ten, we explored, movie, sea adventure, lost at sea, shiey, abandoned ghost ship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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