This Roblox sad story is disgusting

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sooo sad super-mega sad story like for AV Bach 1v buck so I went into this game and then I saw this person like kind of narrating over the sad story as he was reading it he doesn't know who I am like he's just crying like I don't even think he knows that anybody else is here also his Wi-Fi is really bad it looks like he's lagging out this must be a really powerful sad story if he's just typing to himself and screaming at the sky waiting for an answer hate anime Oh mol oh my god what is going to happen to our princess I'd like to point out that there is a diarrhea tool see you can show your sadness through your bodily fluids you know so oh you and you can also eat it nice nice feature some people express sadness through crying some people express it through their but sadness dead oh my god what happened to it why is it red press f to pay respects yes this is the end three likes for part two wow you really spent a lot of time on this huh idiot thanks for three likes time for what - I liked how he was advertising this it's like I have actually brainwashed everybody and then their brains are just melted and they're just drooling drooling like way too much from their mouths okay wait I think I missed a couple parts okay he's a anime girl has appeared in his hair of texture has disappeared I think I missed the part where suit art had all of his limbs cut off so creepy just says hey she says yes master but nothing was really said though in act that kind of makes me unnecessarily angry where was the part where he and all of his arms and legs violently cut off oh is this is this the part you dead no no Wow okay seven likes for part three I would like everybody who has liked this game to unlike it please I would like to show you how you just got like that and then it's done and then they'll never work on this game again as you can see it is now the next day because I could not stop crying what's all this terrible stuff on my screen I like how it's all like really normal looking like I'm gonna say this quietly starting off on them looks like all bunch of noobs let me read in peace idiots and no I'm not calling you idiot wolf I'm just calling you an idiot and I call you by your name suits heart yeah knuckles you're the best I'm so happy to have a simple with you they've raised zero robot secreta this game is broke what the t-shirt oh there we go goodnight I made a turkey sandwich that make me tired so I won't wake up until tomorrow what do you mean did you put like nyquil in her turkey sandwich did you see your grandmother sleeping medication and now she's going to have nightmares about demons suit art okay that was a fun movie to watch no let's go to bed be movie like Jess I like how knuckles just has a bunch of pictures of knuckles on his wall of knuckles knuckles I put an extra sleeping bag so if you accidentally break it you still have one suit good night Oh guys this is just all these eggs eggs prediction I think a bully is going to occupy that sleeping bag suit or it wakes up from door night Norton noise who is that red dress girl hehe haha I'm so evil I am the evil bully and I will get revenge on knuckles links suits are what is she doing - knockers this year for the sleepover readdress girl hehehe knuckles I will get revenge on you for stopping my evil plans I'm evil I'm evil either buster she has a knife zoinks red dress girl oh oh no I did not know someone else was here oh yeah poor boy whole plans are rude though the door doesn't go anywhere and if you are not here for the sleepover I will call the police what been hit he doesn't murder her like how much does a sleeping bag weigh realistically red dress girl I'm so I just I just spit everywhere give me a second literally I have spit all over my microphone right now and it smells terrible I hate how bad my breath smells okay II I'm so angry a suit our red dress girl I really hate this I have to be at this place where I was just doing an evil thing and is I think knuckles really took away too much of his grandma's sleeping medication he hasn't budged that's a little bit concerning but Peter Peter Berger Pizza time Pizza time wait what's happening oh my god wait I I think somebody is stuck inside him I think gamer boy josh is stuck gamer boy Josh are you okay he he wants to finish the story he is flapping his wings suit art well I hate fun with you I made two friends today oh god no oh my god is blood everywhere bread dress cool I am NOT your friend the blood is Peter Parker Peter Parker just committed a bloody diarrhea from that pizza oh and the cleanup crew you know this is a really high budget game I had someone clean up immediately knuckles is literally dead it it has anybody checked up on knuckles yet he looks kind of slumped over and dead to me Peter Parker by suit art goodbye I will put a five star review on spider-man red dress girl that is it I will get my revenge on you I was evil and tried to destroy nook links knuckles has still not woken up through her because I was doing something evil and he stopped me now you will oof no please suit our said hello suit art I came here because you forgot your wait is that another bacon hair why is he smiling like that suit our stead I'm so happy you're making friends with another bacon hair bye although update on knuckles I am still very concerned I'm still crying yeah he let's be friends suit or if you are gonna crack my first request don't make her play smash Oh - might know rich Reiko hey I bet you in smash head noob suit our stop [Music] you [Music] okay let's see what happens next hello do you have any spare chicken nuggets no throw switch and awesome Hague soothe heart is really sad about that oh he's actually stopped pushing me up I went to read at my own pace red dress girl hehehe knuckles it is asleep and who are you calling yes they here waddle Dee's please wake up knuckles oh my god zoinks guys okay the waddle dee just came in and murdered this man could you [Music] awake now no sir was that person Dean no she's evil Oh No well you made the effects of magic turkey sandwich not work anymore was he literally dead like he took way too much sleeping medication and nyquil knuckles hey I know her she is evil just take a just stop changing his face it looks disgusting I regret trying to Oh whew Irie get it she's really sad comment below if you forgive her knuckles punches L I would card her parents so she gets what she deserves she just got punched man like come on give her a second to recover hey it's Mia why is my kid in here wait which one is my kid you guys must me her parents and her brother what she tried to fight me gamer boy oh wait no that's just a person in this game who was in timeout blue jacket boy yes I knew I was the better kid guys just to let you know I never want to have children in my life and I definitely never want to have two children I could say I doubly don't want to children that I want one children okay well my child is actually dead so I only have one children so that works out really nicely mr. Rivlin please say compared to my friend request Wow guys wasn't that uh soo tart wow that was an epic story but if you go to this mad no you will go to part two I like this I thought I thought that was a pretty good one I was I had to take a meme from a tempest video you wouldn't understand this one was really sad and I don't know how I'm going to get through the rest of these recording hey okay I minimize the screen for a second and I woke up or I came back to screen with this thing staring at me this is what this is what I had I just had this hey I'm a big chill slurp I'm leaving I don't want to be near you idiot one thing I really like about what what we're doing to roblox we're doing a lot of bad things from roblox I'm not trying to ruin roblox as a game but that's just what seems to be what's happening I mean if you type in sad story it's just flooded with disgusting filth that you guys have made it makes it really easy to find your guys's stories because that's all this is pretty much all if you type in sad like you know there's a lot of it's a lot of things that you guys have made soot arts nightmare sad ends scary story like the other server I was that you go into the player list and it's all just like a bunch of normal people who are trying to like get emotionally invested into roblox and now they just they probably think everybody they probably think this person is like actually stupid I wonder like who doesn't watch the channel and just thinks like suit art is just like this famous roblox character I guess at this point he is oh god wait wait I wanted to read stop why does it go so fast idiot no now no he's gonna go a bullied okay well there's I'm glad they advertised my channel not everyone will see that they're like oh I should sack rifle lingo suit sorry I do not want to go to school I will get bullied well his computer broke too that's unfortunate oh I am awake early I can play roblox horror game sees eyes pop-tart son it's time for school suits heart okay I like how the whole door frame comes out when he opens the door and said just the door coming out alright well that that's a really big bus suits heart sigh I'm gonna get read what is this oh okay well I have the keys to the city boy all right let me just oh where am I oh I I am I've found myself somewhere else let me right click to delete bus oh that sucks that's really unfortunate well at least you can't get bullied now my character is like look I walk this way I try to walk back my character is like slippery now it just doesn't really work just let me know I wonder why am i slipping story continues inside of bus alright let me just let me like this inside a bus of like oh my god brother this game sucks so bad this one's trash I can't even get out where okay he's held away back here oh my god why are the evil eyes they're staring at his feet hey teacher slam all right now let me just slip and slide all the way back over there it probably doesn't really show up much in the video but it's really hard to walk right now cuz every time I try to change direction it just does this whoo yeah oh wait no Julia is your neck okay so tarp should say anything you like please no believe me please please no believe me okay class do things Stan yeah oh my god wait everything is turning disgusting I think it's just a story of how the suit or has like there's like mental oh my oh my god okay that actually kind of got me that was that was really weird oh god a dead stand I give you the key to the city I have it does that thing just okay they move oh my god oh my god actually that scared me okay that got me that got me kind of bed alright let me go all the way back here I think that was actually the end of the story just in this doomsday world and everything kills him Oh oh my god review oh and there's a new student today it's gonna be Stan isn't it yeah it's it's Cletus fan okay no it sounds like footsteps Hollywood I'm dead is a pretty good band pop oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god fat loser oh they're talking about me they're called okay they're called me fat losers now okay just just put it out there that the greatest game is calling me a fat loser and that's okay Molly or not Molly oh god oh my god brah stop doing that oh okay pop-tart oh my god surcharge are you okay to shoot him and run the pop-tart you did it oh god wait that made a gunshot noise go back to bed son wait so after that they're just sway away away away so well pop-tart just murders a man okay so he shoots him I'm just getting the storyline correct and then he just goes on the computer to play roblox oh my god what happened what happened sue thought what happened this time oh he's getting sucked into a vortex kay he's still going into the vortex oh my god well here's him now let's see what the chat is saying he's going for you don't die okay okay number I don't know he doesn't know what to do I don't know if that was relevant to the story on that okay I don't know he's in some game I really this is this story it has gone Dylan downhill fast hey I think my son is in the bathroom I'm gonna smash his computer sorry isn't so lazy don't do it you are killing your son hey hey oh god his son was in there where does arms go oh my god yay now my son will be less stupid coming out of there well I like him every other youtuber put into this just has like normal names and then I'm just fat loser that's just me son the son rest in peace bingo oh wow I got my credit back Wow oh okay I have finally made a friend in this cruel world No okay well he didn't like me that much okay I think the moral of the story is if you wanted a pretty easy thousand few thousand place to visit on roblox all you gotta do is spend a couple hours you know writing the saddest story you could ever think of and then people will type in said story and then they'll play it and I think everybody should do that then I'll have more more content to just steal from you guys and read your sad stories and I think that's beautiful yeah I'm glad we could all cry it together today you
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 6,907,099
Rating: 4.8984647 out of 5
Keywords: Family, friendly, ROBLOX, Roblox funny, Roblox funny moments, no swearing, no cursing, Albert, Flamingo, Roblox story, Roblox sad story, Roblox funny story, Roblox su tart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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