This Repair Was Tougher Than We Expected!! - Harvest Part 1

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foreign well I'm gonna go do some maintenance work  not on him what do you think Kobe   we're gonna go over to the  Quonset and I had gotten the   what some of you guys have seen some probably  haven't what got named the mutant mower okay I'll show you what went on   um this is uh what we call the mutant  mower It's a combination of a few parts   um culmination of a few parts um it's uh was the  manufacturer's ran was built in uh I think Canada   um North Dakota Canada I think it was  Canada and it's about a 1978 model and it   was a swather a self-propelled hydraulically  driven swather was really nice it still is   but what we have here is we have a  couple belts we're only one running   one belt because they finally both broke  and we found this one here to put on it   um anyway it's gotten a little loose this  tightener right here the spring tightener   and it's slipped off one of the pulleys and it was  laying there so I've got to loosen this tension   and then put the belt on tighten that back up  give it a little bit more tension because I'm sure   that it was a little bit loose it's running fine  right now with one belt because I'm not running   it very fast um and so I think it'll be good but  sometime I'll need to get a couple a couple belts   and uh the other thing I'm going to show you  is that this is a what is it a king cutter   uh it's just a a brush deck uh mowing  deck that is a three-point the toes behind   uh well hooks onto a three-point tractor well we  reversed it and so it's now in the front here so   we have kind of like a zero two turn mower um  and then we've got some green painted material   some probably know where that came from in  the old schools as part of the 7700 combines   and so we uh we've done this a couple times and  it finally comes apart but I think right now it's   going to be good sometime we would like to put  a hydraulic pump on it and a hydraulic motor and   then you just have a valve that you can turn on  and turn off and that that would be awesome but   right now it does seem to work uh so anyway  so that's how it works driven off the engine   drive shaft turns the blades on the deck okay I'm  going to set this down you guys go get some uh   what do you need to do coffee oh doggy biscuits  you want some doggy biscuits what do you think okay I think I think that's tight enough  uh so we'll go ahead and close the Shield okay I think we're ready to roll oh  this can ham has a nice cup holder they didn't put a cup holder back in  1978. did they drink coffee back then you got to have the right decorum  for Moen okay and then eye protection   because those grasshoppers fly fast okay I think  Kobe's already taken off have you yep all right   he's off to his Adventure I'm gonna do mine let's  get this started so anyway what I'm doing is   um there are some weak areas on it just after  all the use where that hydraulic I mean where the   Driveline hooks onto the gearbox that turns the  the bottom deck blades that whole area has been   welded it's weak it's it's just flexing so I don't  run it very uh the the engine RPM very fast just   to kind of keep the wobbling down to a minimum  to make it last so I can get done eventually we   need to go through this mutant Mower and uh and  upgrade it so let's see this thing starts well shakes a little bit we'll speed it up just a little welcome back everybody so with how dry it is  around here the peas are turning fast and we   don't know what they're going to make yet they  they're doing okay for considering the year but   that means we got to get the combines out and the  headers out and uh the auger and all that kind of   stuff now speaking of auger that Westfield auger  that we have is a 13 inch 94 feet long well we had   a bearing go out of the bottom of it and uh come  to find out the flighting has been banging at the   bottom of the uh auger pan and um we think that  there's a couple bolts missing in the flighting so   we're going to pull that apart pull the flighting  out check and see and hopefully we don't find   anything extra but that means we gotta go get that  13 inch Westfield auger so we're gonna use a skid   steer we've got a little adapter here and a pin  lift it up bring it over here and let's pull it   apart hi Kobe how you doing bud you doing okay  oh yeah that tastes bad breath really love this   thing love the wheels oh nothing against the track  just uh track has its place just not on our farm okay we use this skid steer all the time we are  constantly moving machinery and heavy things   around and chemical shuttles and what's nice about  these tires that uh we have from Titan tire is the   just they just kind of Glide across the surface  the tracks would just chatter everywhere you went   so when you're trying to do a very precise careful  maneuver everything that you're carrying was just   chattering and balancing and we kind of like the  wheels a little bit more if you can tell but I   do miss the color of that red In Case IH skid  steer but some buddy of ours that uh do custom   cutting they're the owners of it and uh yeah it's  got a good home that's all that matters we're   happy to see that skid steer go to a good home  anyways let's move to the shop get the work done all right now let's go get the service truck  so I'm gonna need the crane to lift that uh   Swing Out auger off and then  we can kind of go from there gotta let the air build up in this thing and then  I'll move it over and um yeah I love this truck   it's a nice truck I think it's the job done that's  what matters it's not pretty but gets the job done now how this works is I'll set the parking  brake I'll keep it in gear and then there's   a little lever right down here that I'm  going to pull up and that's going to engage   my uh hydraulic pump from my crane the reason  why I kept it in gear in my clutch put on the   clutch is that way the transmission stops spinning  and then it doesn't just grind trying to get into   gear fold it out of here now let the punch  out and then I got a little throttle here that I can set my throttle offer us up  my throttle we'll set the Outriggers down so I when I did this truck uh this body  wasn't originally on this truck and I   pulled it off another truck they had all the  hydraulic levers in the back here so I moved   one hydraulic lever in the front so I could  control your front too it's easier to access   and you know what you're doing and then you  got three levers here one for this Outrigger   one for the other side and then there's  another one for that hydraulic spool there then as you can tell I'm putting those down  hydraulic spool out reason four is we need to   there we go we needed to let that drive over  pit down it's got a hydraulic winch right here   which is one of the sweetest things about this  auger is to let that down with the Hydraulics   you don't have to manually Crank it like our old  one was that's pretty slick but anyways I'm gonna   head butt this thing so I can get the oh hang on a  second let me just put my camera down there we go now we got those together a  little bit of hydraulic funness oh yeah found it now what I'm talking about is right inside here is  the flighting and it goes all the way up the auger   somewhere they have joints where they bolt them  together because you the factory doesn't make a   flighting that's all the way and try to ship  that would be miserable so somewhere in this   long tube there's a joint now the reason why  I think it came undone is when we were fixing   this bearing that went out right down here we had  to take it off to just inspect it I noticed and I   kind of thought this auger was getting louder but  there's the flighting has been banging inside of   there and I can see where it's starting to crack  the sliding it's like oh great something you know   pulled down well I thought maybe the nut and the  bearing up there got loose and the whole flighting   slid down this way no it was tight I checked it  so I went in there and I was like well I'll have   to pull the flighting back to get these bolts  out and I barely pushed it on it and it slid   up real easy so that tells me that it's probably  somewhere in this area there's a joint that the   bolt came out or it sheared or something which  I actually shouldn't Shear but it just came out   which means we got to pull off this whole red  housing here and then slide the sliding out   and then we got to go up there undo that bearing  and then try to shove the auger or sliding down   this way it's gonna be fun so but put them back  together shouldn't be too bad so we're going to   remove all these bolts here they're probably uh 5  8 and 11 16 I'm guessing and then see how it goes my suspicion was correct there's no bolt right  here it's missing so what's been happening is uh   they've got threads and a bearing on that side  with a nut and then they pull it tight so that   the product if you think about it is trying to  Corkscrew it all the way up that way well the   product is pushing that Corkscrew the flighting  down which then was put in tremendous amount of   stress on this bearing and it couldn't take it  and then that's why this piece came down so now   fun part is we got to go up to that end take  off that bearing take off that lock nut and we   got to find a way of shoving that whole entire  flighting out and then pull it out and then we   got to check every single joint to make sure  that they're good the bolts aren't loose and   make sure there's lock type or whatever we have  to do once we get that taken care of we'll slide   it back in and we'll assemble it auger but that's  just yeah nothing against the company that made   this auger it's built solid it's just whoever  assembled it must not it did a very thorough   procedure on tightening up those  bolts so we're gonna fix that okay foreign to be honest though this thing's  kind of useless on gravel Road all-terrain rig but it does okay all right now that we're here let's look up inspect this is what I'm talking about you see this big  nut right here and you see those threads   the whole point of that is to get that slop  out of that flighting because otherwise it'll   kind of just be a wet noodle in there and it'll  bang so if you can tighten it you're stretching   it tight it won't bang as much won't wear  as much on the flighting or the the auger   and okay so I just need a big big wrench  a couple Allen wrenches Hammer punch take   that bearing off and we'll  see what we can come up with all right thank you all right this is what we decided to  do he's going to be in the skid steer   as you can tell he's over there I got a big  long pipe we're going to slide it over the   threads and then he's going to take the  skid steer and just slowly shove that   sliding down we just need to get it down  far enough to cook on to the other end so let's go like that and then let's raise this up okay I'm gonna be over here like this I'm  just going to kind of Center it and I'm just   going to use a scissor lift as a guide  to kind of keep it straight he's gonna slowly and carefully finesse it in there okay I'm gonna reposition there we go hang on  a second let me get this chain out of the way   foreign do you ever wonder where I get my skills from  well that's usually where I get it that guy okay   let's see if we can uh grab this chain real  quick hopefully it popped out the other end   and then we can pull it from the  other end now I lifted the crane   uh lifted the whole tubing  and everything up with a crane   so that way it's a little easier to get out even  if it's not sticking out as long as we can get   in there and get a bolt on it and pull put a  chain on it that's all that matters beautiful that was planned talk about perfect now   let's start this truck up let's  lower it down a little bit okay I love this crane makes life a little  easy all right let's do this one right here I'll shut it off now I have to I've got to get a chain which I have actually  what I need is a bolt I hope this is going to fit Hey Lloyd you want to know what the  most annoying sound in the world is oh yeah hold on boy that's a major inconvenience all right wow that's whoever put this  together not impressed with that part yeah I think what we'll have to do is we'll  probably have to keep putting pipes together   somehow and just keep shoving it all the  way through because this is gonna suck   wow what a what inconvenience okay we talked it  over a little bit my dad had a fantastic idea   we're gonna grab a bunch of two  by fours screw them together   keep adding links to them and then use those  to push the flighting out because uh trying   to keep all the pipes and heavy iron and try to  shove it in there and it's going to be kind of a I like his idea of um two by fours you might have to use two by sixes too because  yeah isn't there two by fours against the wall   in the Brown building or the big blue building  status on the thumbman's engine it's in the   works it's like that's what I can tell you  in the works all right this is gonna be fun take that in we'll grab this in all right is that the right size okay I'm gonna bet that there's  another one that's missing a bolt what do you guys think yeah I didn't even move that flighting he's gonna  go get the skid steer and then what we'll do is   we'll just keep slowly adding as we go and uh  then hopefully we'll get it out the other end and   then hook onto it again and pull it out and if we  pull out another section we'll do the same thing   again it's weird that two bolts are missing  hmm it's odd okay hold up okay now go ahead foreign pull the rest of it out we'll see there we go it's back together now we just  gotta go get the tractor kind of go through   that a little bit make sure it's good to go grab  some trucks grab some grab some combines and let's   just see what happens this year well we're  in the combine just started cutting the peas   um as you can see got a few swaths done but I'm  just about full uh I'm about three quarters full   and uh and it's yielding oh I'd  say around 15 average on this field   um that's you know that's pretty  decent for this year uh since we only   have less than two inches of rain with no sub  moisture starting out since the first of May so   it's uh it's another tough year but we'll go ahead  and chew through it and get finished with it and   hopefully we'll get some more rain this fall and  get some winter wheat seated but I got Kobe with   me hi Cole hey Kobe uh he's holding that corner of  the cab down so it doesn't fly up all of a sudden   and uh pretty soon I'll need  a truck so we'll probably uh   probably won't cut as long to that tonight um just  because we're starting the forecast is nothing for   the next week we're gonna have the other combine  going tomorrow and uh with the two of them and cut   the peas yeah I will easily just make an easy week  of harvesting the peas and then we'll be done well   I I think pretty much all of them will be ready by  by next week uh the temperature is really climbing   up high uh for us it's going to get in the high  90s over the week this weekend so that's going   to cure whatever's not cured so it's gonna dry  but the peas are ready as you can see behind me   it's a really nice cutting when you uh when  you have a roller that rolls the P the ground   after you seed the peas because there's no  rocks and and it's fairly smooth so yeah it   really makes it nice cutting it almost makes  me go to sleep right Kobe what do you think all right let's see if we can chase down a truck okay the first load's going in the truck Harvest 23 is happening
Channel: Welker Farms
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Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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