This Rental Shouldn't Be Here

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holy crap she drove it for a while this poor tire has seen some action I'll tell you what okay don't worry it was totaled before you got to it all righty this is a rental car it's a Ford Edge that's out on the White rim trail which I don't know whether to be impressed or concerned yeah that's not a great choice that's a spicy Road it is literally out in the middle of nowhere you've seen Mike's with me today see Mike hi Sean's with us John's in the red Dodge behind us with the rollback we're just gonna run in we didn't want to bring a tow truck we didn't want to bring I don't want to bring a truck to pull the trailer because it's just abuse on the truck and of course the Ford's not ready to go Big D is not ready to go yet this is what that's for but not yet we're taking the two quicker rigs to get in there get to it get it pulled out get it back to the little trailer to the rollback we'll put it on the rollback and we'll all back yeah the gas can on the Scrambler had a hole in it so we took it out and we don't want to be that far out without fuel extra fuel so we see Sean back to grab the gas can out of blue because when you're that far out it just seems smart to me to have fuel it's a really good idea yeah all right here's Sean here we are at top mineral bottom that we're gonna have Sean run the red Dodge and the rollback down mineral bottom it's pretty smooth for quite a ways right up until you get to the boundary of the national park and that's where it kind of gets a little rough starts getting where I don't really want to take the trailer of the truck I say we bring it down as far as we can park it down there and look in there you can see right here on these these are all the four holes where they drill down and then blasted all the rock out that way made the road all right here comes shine like you guys watching these videos has made it to where we can drink two vehicles in here we have that ability and and it's awesome I really appreciate you guys watching what we do thank you so much for that but like I said now we can do what we do safer and that's awesome yeah bringing two vehicles really yeah it's a whole level of oh yeah we've been at it about an hour and 10 minutes we have another half hour to go [Music] to all the people that sent us Doritos thank you we love them they're the best thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is super cool there's some water down there you think you can make it see water well get over there if you do the spoosh and see you just curve when you hit the water and you'll be I think if you belly flop it spreads it out like you've seen the guys jump into the kiddie pool off of like a really tall something a really tall step yeah there's got to be a heck of a waterfall that happens when this is raining doesn't look good for that opportunity today though look at this look at this we met some people out in the middle of nowhere look at this shirt he's wearing from Canada yeah look at that the diddler you guys go get your shirts so so he he found out right tire just up there it's got a uh it's got the little donut on it we were not told that it had a flat tire so like I said like normal we're going in blind we have no idea this happens almost every time yeah we'll figure it out through a series of levers and pulleys we'll put it on top of the buggy and strap it down and go for it yeah the Jeep [Music] there's her car oh wow look at this tire that thing saw some action holy crap she drove it for a while this poor tire has seen some action I'll tell you what this area here may have seen some action well it starts [Applause] thank you [Applause] see you later this is the tire that was inside before look at this thing that my friends that's impressive [Applause] 71 miles from here to Moab the way we came okay okay 35 miles from the top of mineral bottom to here 35 miles back yeah so like I said the funny thing is is when you said the other day we were coming along we're in the Scrambler and we're heading out here to get that jeep the yellow one yeah and the car was driving by and you said just so you know people this car shouldn't be here just so we're all clear that that vehicle doesn't belong here and there were like a bunch of comments where people are like why shouldn't that car be there I've taken my car all torch places off-road exhibit a it shouldn't be here like all your critical bits everything that keeps this thing running is right behind this like yeah I mean that's a washer fluid but I mean if they put the washer fluid right there what in the hell was that yeah scorpion scream and jump out and it just goes in the river they can pass come fish it out Mike buggy Sean scrambler all total over it'll come now here we are so something is clunking and making noise um but it is driving it's just not driving great so check out the wear on this tire [Applause] I don't know if you guys can see he's had a rough day already ready we still got 35 miles to go on this bad baby 34. did you find the magic button well traction controls off because it won't let it be on perfect [Music] all right something's unhappy with this car so we're just gonna Mosey it along as far as we can like I said reverse doesn't seem to be working it's randomly working in drive if you go too fast or try to slow down too quick it slams so something is very upset it keeps telling me that I need to check select track which is the all-wheel drive system so which I'm sure it's upset because the spare tire is on foreign car you're not supposed to drive it very far like I said all we can do is drive as far as we can hook onto it and pull it if we have to but we can at least get it up over Hard Scrabble and we could go get the Dodge and I'd be comfortable bringing the Dodge and the trailer into the beginning A Hard Scrabble but I don't want to bring my trailer up over Hard Scrabble hopefully I don't pop another tire because if we pop a tire we're pretty screwed like that just get creative here kind of picking and choosing my lines so you can kind of straddle the rocks and stuff [Music] all right keep doing it [Music] foreign another note the car is doing some weird stuff the check engine light is now on and it was randomly not going to gear and then going to gear and then not going gear so I turned a button off it says off and I think that's the advanced track and so that should help out thank you okay so we're at the big hill I think I'm gonna need to get a run at it so I'm gonna have to send Mike up and then keep the momentum going because it seems to do better when I have momentum than what I'm trying to crawl if I try to go slow then the traction control goes all haywire and it hates it oh there yeah a little momentum it goes pretty decent fuel light is now on it says 48 miles to empty there's food for me out because like then when we started up it said 85 miles to empty and it's been dropping faster than we've been driving so this car would not make it back to Moab or gas station with the gas that's in it but had they been driving it and made it this far they wouldn't make the full loop improper planning like you need to have a plan so update on the tire it's looking pretty bad but still around even on the bottom 8.1 miles 8.1 miles you can do it little car we are right at the bottom of Hard Scrabble that's what we're going up over there in the road we zagged up that Mike's going to go ahead of me give me some room and we are going to try for it and hopefully get up it without popping that front tire thank you he made it [Music] nice [Music] thank you foreign Hard Scrabble I don't want to do any premature celebrations but the hard part's over with now if the tire can just hold together for another four miles and we'll be good to go oh here's helping right thank you [Music] it died here rock [Music] yeah you're looking good okay go hey just so [Music] that's probably good right there all right here it is it is officially attached though it's a highly technical term look at this tire it's got all the cords showing however still holding there he's really hung in there for us and that was a really good thing temporary use only Road roll back anyway that's uh nation's Towing is going to take it all back to I believe Salt Lake to the rental car company and deal with that only got one damage I I touched the Box where's that bumper back and the bumper [Applause] well I I I don't know there was a bit of a knife yeah I think it hit that bank and it like just slid on the road it didn't like go up anyway inappropriate touching there you go like you said look at the bright side it's just my stuff but this is also this is a funny story so this is also why I drove it out Sean or Mike could have drove it out but like with the insurance and everything if I if the tire's gonna get popped transmission's gonna smoke something's gonna happen to where it can come back on us it might as well be me in the car so I'm in trouble it doesn't matter whether Mike or Sean are in the vehicle I'm still in trouble if it happens because I'm the business owner plus I had the Luck of the Irish president catch on fire right how bad is it let's see let's get at it from the good light oops Yeah it's damaged it's rooned forever yeah I mean yeah she done done useless put in a new bed too new bed too yeah I like that um thanks for watching oh yeah thanks for watching Sean dude do the dance there's the rain cloud that one yeah yeah no camera hair this guy did it all right he done did it see that it's only the third one almost looks like lizards sometimes we just stop and look at cool rocks look at that one Thelma and Louise God if you're looking for that opportunity it exists here here here here here here here and here all right you ready and over there and over there yep
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 213,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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