This Realtime AI Deepfake Tool has gone too far

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so I found this demonstration of a realtime AI deep fake tool on social media so let me play you the clip first and then I'll go ahead and translate it and explain how it works and show you the tool or the options that you can use to achieve this effect let's Jump Right In fore for for all right so the first sentence here so he says that some people say real time Aid fake technology isn't really good but that's not the case so he is using a realtime AI face swap technology right now and then here he's showing that even if you do things to the face like pinch the face you can see here he's pinching it with two hands now here he's eating food you can see that there are no flaws with it the face swap does not reveal his original face you can touch the face pinch his face and this cute girl face Still Remains intact uh and so there he's showing well what are the challenges of these realtime deep fake tools well one of them is tracking the eye movements and there he just demonstrated that you know this tool is really good at tracking the eye movements now it's almost there's like minimum delay and here he's showing how if you close your eyes the Deep fake will also close her eyes so almost Flawless here wow and here he's showing how the teeth are also perfect now a few days ago I showcased Microsoft's new face animator called Vasa 1 and the teeth movements of their demo videos are pretty bad you can see for example for this one if you notice her teeth they kind of morph in shape over time the mellers the milks the cleansing bombs the oils they are really great for drier skin a mature skin that first step cleanse uh that removing makeup so for me they kind of sit into that bracket there's a few more examples here where you can clearly see if you notice closely that the teeth morph into different shapes so that is a noticeable flaw about Microsoft's Vasa 1 if you plan to go for a run and you don't have enough time to do a full run do part of a run if you plan to go to the gym today but you don't have the full hour that you normally work out do some push-ups run up and down the stairs go out these principles will not only make your user's Journey more pleasant they'll contribute to Better Business metrics as well users hate being interrupted and they hate getting broken experiences keeping these principles in mind in your app design makes for a better user journey and again if you want a more comprehensive overview of that tool check out this video but back to this real time deep fake tool you can see that the teeth are very consistent and pretty much flawless I I'll play this teeth clip for you again right now so finally he concludes with saying that the only real challenge of these real-time AI face swap tools right now is getting the skin quality to look good but other than that like tracking the eye movements the mouth movements pinching the face it's all pretty much solved as you can see with this video the only flaw that I can really point out are these massive Man Hands these do not look like feminine hands but if you look at just the face and I guess the ears are also too big for this cute little face other than that I mean the face which is what this tool is for right it's a face swap it's pretty much Flawless and it tracks his movements almost perfectly all right so some people on online some of the comments on social media say that well this is just a beauty filter this is not AI well first of all Beauty filters are AI right they use computer vision face detection facial feature detection this all uses AI behind the scenes so by saying this is just a beauty filter and not AI is incorrect because technically a beauty filter is an AI all those Snapchat face filters that you use from like 5 years ago those were still using AI but it's just not as good of a technology as it is right now and now Beauty filters have been around for many years and they're kind of notoriously used in Asian countries from these influencers who aren't really beautiful in real life but after applying the these Beauty filters you can see that they look a lot nicer so they're kind of cheating the internet oh my gosh this all right this is even worse so yeah here's another example wait for it oh my God God oh Jesus oh my God okay all right final one let's see what this turns out to be Jesus is that a man oh my goodness so anyways these Beauty filters are really overused and notorious in Asian countries but I would say even in like Western countries these are heavily used but just not as notorious as what you see here but anyways these filters are just changing certain facial features of the individual into something else so for example making her eyes bigger making her skin smoother making the facial structure a more ideal shape however it's not turning her entire face into someone else's face same with this one it's just like making her eyes bigger her skin smoother so here's the before here's the after but you're not like swapping out her entire face with someone else where this tool is you can see this dude is a man he looks completely different from this new face so it's a complete face swap in real time plus it's very consistent as you can see he can pinch his face he can eat lunch with it and there are no flaws with it thanks to kifi for sponsoring this video studying for final exams can be such a stressful time but here's an awesome tool that can help you Ace your exams it's called cify for me studying for exams felt completely overwhelming I would spend hours pouring over dense course materials trying to distill all the key Concepts and practice problems but here comes cify it's a new AI study tool that makes preparing for exams so much more efficient and manageable all you have to do is upload your class notes and materials and cify automatically creates summarized review notes and practice questions with solutions to the specific course you're taking the study summarizer feature is a GameChanger it condensed all my notes into simple summaries so I could quickly review all the important info and the question solver feature lets me test myself with practice questions that were almost identical to what ended up on the actual exam so instead of feeling stressed kify gives you more confidence and control going into exams if you're looking for a better way to study and boost your grades I highly recommend giving kify a try go to the link in the description below to sign up and try it for free so anyways in this video he did not explicitly mention what tool he used for this effect and I tried searching online including on like Chinese forums to try to find the original source of this I could not find the source nor could I verify what tool he used for this but it's very likely to be one of these options that I'm going to show you today so the first one is called Deep face live this is a free open- source tool which allows you to do face swap in real time you can simply download this on your computer and run it locally so here are a few examples you can see this guy is face swapping into Keanu Reeves here's another one you can see it's tracking his face his eye movements his mouth movements very nicely and this is all in real time here's an example of turning into Emma Watson here's another example so I wish they could oh there we go she's talking now I wish they could move their heads and talk more so we can see how consistent this filter is here is Tom Cruz it's not bad here's another example of Tom Cruz but right now the girl is turned into Tom Cruz but you can see like the way she moves her head the way she talks the face swap tracks it perfectly here is Taylor Swift so yeah you can see the face swap is very consistent even though they talk they eat they touch their face it Still Remains relatively Flawless so I believe this tool deep faed live is the most likely tool that this guy used to generate this it's quite simple to download all you need to do is follow these instructions and it says here that any direct X12 compatible graphics card is fine now it is recommended that you have at least an RTX 2070 or above or a radon RX 5700 XT or above but honestly the requirements aren't that high if you do have lower-end Hardware you can expect there to be a bit higher delay but it's still going to work so you can just follow these setup instructions for Windows and Linux and let me know if you actually want me to make a full tutorial on how to install and run this if there's enough interest I'll make a video on this I also want to bring up another open-source face swap tool for video which is called RP unlocked which is forked from the original RP project which is a face swap tool now so for RP unlocked again you just input a video and it would convert that person's face into someone else's face in this case you can see she is turning into Scarlet Johansson here's another example where Superman is being turned into John Cena now keep in mind this tool is not in real time so you need to upload a video and then wait for it to process and then it would spit out this new video and so again this is on GitHub I'll link to it in the description below this is free and open source and you can download it and run it locally on your computer in fact way back in the days I did a video where I turned myself into a hot AI girl using the same technology so it was also using a RP video face swapper tool so here are the results from that you can see it's pretty good and consistent finally I also want to mention face Fusion which is another free software you can download and here here's the demonstration of the interface so basically you just input a face you input a video and it would swap out that person's face for the face that you uploaded so here's the output they provide clear instructions for Linux Mac and windows so you just got to follow these steps and download it locally on your computer I'm mentioning all of these to show you that there are plenty of options that you can use to face swap videos some of them are not in real time but they offer better quality if it is not in real time so all and all that sums up an explanation of this video and how this guy likely made this effect let me know what you think in the comments do you think catfishing has now evolved to a whole another level can we trust cute girls online anymore how will this change the world of like streaming and influencers and online dating let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video remember to like share subscribe and stay tuned for more content thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Search
Views: 108,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 51FDb9nShkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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