This Puzzle Will Make You Fall In Love With Sudoku (Again!)

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[Music] hello and welcome to Friday's edition of cracking the cryptic and no week in sodoku could really be considered complete unless you do a puzzle by Marty Sears and that is what we're going to be trying to do today a puzzle called flurry which has generated a flurry of recommendations even though it is it's only got two stars out of five for difficulty it features Marty's favorite constraint the circle and a rule that we've got to divide the grid into 2x4 boxes but the boxes can go um vertically or horizontally so we're going to have to work out where the boxes go it's got a huge approval rating this on logic master Germany lots of lovely comments so this is what we're going to have it go at in a moment or two's time I don't have much news for you today I'm going to tell you about our patreon reward available over on patreon right now all the fun of the fair loads of you have already managed to finish it very well done if you're one of those people if you haven't started it yet do have a go you've got until the 20th of January um to get through it and be in with a chance of winning a prize and lots of people are saying the puzzles are really good so that's a little tip for you um then other than that I've got I've got two lovely birthday messages to do today um I'm going to start off with Liam actually Liam your wife Alicia sent us what I'm what might be my favorite photo we've ever been sent on the channel um uh I know that you have a brand new baby boy three and a half weeks old little aliser and look at this picture um I mean they they I've heard it said I've heard it said that that children are the thing that give one the purest joy and I defy anybody to look at that picture and not just you it almost brings tears to my eyes it is an absolutely wonderful picture so Liam many many happy returns um I I I know that you're enjoying uh fatherhood and um I hope that you I hope you're able to get some chocolate cake today um and I wish you many happy returns also you share a birthday with a young man who's just turned 18 Michael up there in Stockport not Stockport Southport what am I talking about completely different place and Southport is the home of Southport and anale golf golf course um which is a rather wonderful wonderful place to play golf in fact Michael you're in that you're in a bit of a golfing Mecca up there aren't you I'm thinking of lthm Hoy Lake isn't that far away either um maybe burkdale too um anyway that's by the by Michael you've turned 18 today I was meant to read this out in the crossword video earlier on and I might have done that depending on whether I recorded the crossword video which at the time I'm recording this video I don't know whether I've managed to do or not it's all confusing but your dad Phil wrote To Us Michael and said you'd appreciate um you'd appreciate the shout out um and um that's what I'm doing and I gather you're getting Cho chocolate fridge cake today which sounds delicious it's basically just a lump of chocolate uh that's what Phil said anyway and but you're only able to have the fridge cake after you've taken your dad to the Rosco head Pub in Liverpool so you can buy him the first legal pint you'll ever have bought which all that seems I'm I'm not sure if that's in the right right order Phil but uh it did amuse me um it's a part of the world I'm very fond of um and Michael I hope you have an absolutely brilliant birthday today it sounds like uh it sounds like you will frankly and um yeah many happy returns from us here on cracking the cryptic now let's turn our attention to flurry and see what the great Marty SE has in store for us these are the rules we've got to divide the grid into eight 2x4 boxes each box should be placed either horizontally or vertically and then fill the grid with the boxes one to eight oh okay 1 to eight that makes sense 2x4 boxes 1 to eight so that no digit repeats in a row column or box okay uh a digit in a circle indicates exactly how many circles contain that digit so this is the weird rule where if that cell is a five that means that however many circles there are in this puzzle you've got to put five fives into circles so it is a very odd rule but it leads to some magnet magificent logic and then digits joined by a small white dot are consecutive oh there's loads of those look dotted around the place so these two digits are consecutive so if that's one that would have to be two um not all possible white dots are shown so it's perfectly possible for these two squares to be consecutive with one another just because there's no white dot doesn't preclude that from being the case do have a go the way to play is to click the link under the video as usual but now I get to play Let's get cracking and the first thing I've learned to do in circles puzzles is to count the circles so let's do that quickly 10 uh 14 another five 19 20 24 I thought no okay so 29 30 35 okay not ah but we're 1 to8 aren't we today yes all right so we're in one to eight land so the secret is different today and that matters so the secret of soku which is something I tell my very favorite people um well it's an adapted secret today and don't worry I'm going to tell you what it is um The Secret of this sidoku is that the digits 1 to8 sum to 36 don't they and that's interesting in the context of circles so if you think about that imagine that we put all the digits all the different digits that exist in this puzzle the digits 1 through 8 into a circle in puzzle how many circles would there have to be well there'd have to be eight circles with an eight seven circles with a seven etc etc so there would need to be 36 C circles but there aren't there are 35 circles so what does that tell us well that tell us tells us that all of the digits apart from the one must be circled so no ones in this puzzle are circled and that right I can see what that does I can see one thing that does because it's not possible to have a circled one um but all the other digits need to be circled let's look at the bottom right of the grid and ask in which direction its 2x4 uh it's 2x4 box goes Could It Go like that well no because if if there was a box in this puzzle that did that every digit in that box would would be a circle digit and therefore the number of circles should add up to 36 and yet it doesn't so in fact we must have a horizontal we must have a horizontal box coming out of this square but also the one in this box and there must be a one in this box somewhere can't be circled so we get a digit for free well not for free but nearly for free uh now look we could let's do some let's do some highlighting of the box there and let's think about what this might mean [Music] um okay well okay I'm going to repeat that trick I suppose I can do it with that that cell as well if that if this was a horizontal box again we'd create we'd create a box of the sidoku that would have complete circlage in it and complete circlage is not what we're looking for so we must have vertical circlage there and now now this this little region must be a horizontal Circle um by by the O I don't actually like the purple there let's go for green oh that's much better um and now I can outline the regions which is something I always enjoy and I can write one into that box one into this box this is beautiful it's got It's Beautiful already so how am I doing this well any box that has must have all the boxes have ones in them the ones must always be uncir so that placees the one here which places the one here now the first thought I'm now having is about twos because this box has got a circle two in it and this box has got a circle two in it and there are only two Circle twos in the puzzle so this box this boxes two must be uncir um we can't run that trick with threes can we because we don't know we know we know we've got two Circle threes but then there needs to be a third circle three and that could be there or it could be in some other box can't quite see which way I mean that's possible I think if it was if it was that that would be a one and that would be a two and that would be a two and that would put a three in as well that would be a three that would be huge so if I could prove that was the dimensions of the fourth box that we're looking for we'd be in in good shape wouldn't we uh can't immediately see how to do that what about okay I'm going to change tack entirely then okay what do we know about eights in the puzzle well we know that every eight we know that there's a circled eight somewhere so there are eight circled eights and that means every row and column needs to have a circled eight well where is the circled eight in that column it can only be there can't it so that's circled now in column one I can see one of those two cells now must be circled one of these is circled um let me think [Music] um if this was a region then we couldn't Circle either of those eights so that would be a circled eight oh right no let's just let's do this differently how how could that be horizontal go back to my purple color which I don't really like but that if if that if that was a region you couldn't put eights or circled eights into those two because you'd have two eights in purple and then you couldn't have a circled eight at all in row three so actually that is not a region which means this is huge that means that's a region it's huge not only because I can draw it in but now where is the UNC circled one in this region it's got to be there where is the uncir two in this region it's got to be there which means that's a two this box now has a circle three in it that box has a circle three this box has a circle three that's all the circle 3es were allowed so that's that's an uncir three now we've got loads and loads of circled fours green purple orange and blue all have circled four that's the four circled fours so anywhere else that we have to that we have to draw um that we have to draw a uh or find a box for we're going to have to have an uncirc for in that box right now okay this can't be a box now sorry this has actually been available for a while just didn't see it but if that was a box where would it circled eight be and the answer is nowhere at all so in fact there is a circled box there which will make yellow that's rather pretty isn't it we're making a lovely a lovely corny cop corny copia of colors here uh so that's got to be an eight in that box so there's no circled seven in that box and there's only one uncir seven in the puzzle that feels like it's important um how can we do something with that knowledge uh we probably can do something with that I just don't know how oh well I'm going to claim that that is a seven although I don't know what direction it's um its box goes in that's might be wrong actually that might be wrong I mean certainly if that is a box it's true if that's if that's a box there must be a circled seven in this box which must be there because this is this there's seven circled sevens and there are eight sevens in the puzzle so so the seven in here is uncir so every other seven has to be circled so if if that was a box the seven in it would need to be there but if it was that way if it was that way what would that mean that could that be a circled seven and then maybe that could be a circled seven as well possibly um don't know actually not sure okay so we've got to do we've got to find some other some other way of thinking about this and that way is going to be can we get oh yeah in fact in fact I'm not going to look up there at all I'm going to look at that one if this was vertical like this let's just draw that in where would its circled eight be couldn't be here this is really clever I love the way that the puzzles like this get sort of two stars and you think oh well it must be a total Breeze and although although so far nothing has been very difficult it's it's all it's it's got a beautiful flow to it hasn't it it's not I don't think these this this is completely trivial now so that's a that's now a region so we've got we've got two regions left to find and um it's probably going to be something to do with uh no what I was about to say is total and utter nonsense so I'm not saying that I mean I can see that in this column now how did I work out one of those was an eight yeah cuz I need an eight in column one that makes sense doesn't it so this isn't an eight so one of these is is a is an eight in column two is that helpful ah all right I'm going to change T again away from sevens I'm going to think about ones for a moment because yeah this can't be uh a region if that's a region where would the one be in it the answer is nowhere so that so it must be vertical and then this must be the last the last box look so we've got we found all of our colors and all we have to do now all we have to do now is somehow well this is good actually this is good because now this is a seven because there can only be one box with an uncir seven we've already thought about this we just couldn't figure it out so so there's an uncir seven in one of these there's a one in one of those two squares by soku in fact no that's better than that there's a one two pair here because we got one and two in orange and purple haven't we and we can't put one and two in any more um circles we could never put any ones in circles and our two twos in circles are in boxes green and green and blue so this is a one two pair and that means that's a three it's really cool it's really cool um so now seven oh well could that be seven with a six above it perhaps uh yeah maybe I'm not sure um one is down here that can't be a one so one is in one of three places in Gray could we put can we put two here that would have to be one or three no so two is in the same three cells as one is um ah Here's a thought is this thought good it is it is good right right of course Marty clever clever chap right I'm I shouldn't just focus on sevens I should focus on sixes as well shouldn't I because in in yellow there is an uncir six and in Gray there's an uncir six so that's two uncir sixes of the eight sixes in the puzzle but there there must be six circled sixes so this box has a circled six in it but it also has a circled seven in it so these are a 678 triple and that's not eight so this is very big so this digit is five six or seven or it's five or no it's five or seven because the six is here and it's not so sorry this is just five am I being very dense there is that right that is five that is six or seven and it can't connect to anything higher sorry yes I am being dead so that's five that's six this is now 78 pair that's a four by sidoku so the digits we've not put into this row oh eight I'm not put eight in so that's a five oh not five six okay now every consecutive pair of digits here is a here is a knowledge bomb for you from cracking the cryptic every consecutive pair of digits has to have a an even number what even number are we going to put in this consecutive pair it can't be two it can't be six it can't be four sorry it can't be eight so it must be four mustn't it there must be a four on this Dot and that four goes with three which would have to be here or five which could be in either position so let's let's pencil Mark that in that's definitely not three okay that didn't actually do what I was hoping it would do but never mind never mind I still think we're in reasonable shape here because presumably in a moment we're going to think about fives aren't we well the other way we could do this is just to start with a low digits we've already worked out we've circled all the ones twoos threes and fours that were allowed to Circle so what are the squares well they've got to be 1 2 3 and four sorry that's being totally obvious as well hasn't it um so these are 1 2 three and four so these right those two are now a 5 six pair due to this five six pair so this is a seven and eight pair and now at the top of this column we have a three four pair I want to say possible for a three in the corner uh this is not three or four so this is one or two that might be helpful I know there's a four in there don't I so this is two or three can we keep that going what do we need in this row fours fives and sevens okay [Music] um don't quite know what to do with that it's interesting actually we still very much haven't finished have we that is true [Music] um that white dot looks interesting because I can see it can't be very it can't be very low numbers can it ah in fact this is this this is more restricted than even I first thought I could see it couldn't have two on it because that would have broken this square if this has got two on it it would be a 2 three pair breaking this but what about could it be a 3 four pair no because then both of those digits are two so this has not got yes okay so where are two and three in row seven that's a good question because they're not there and they can't be on this dot so they are in those squares which at least gives us a two three pair which gives me a one and a four uh hm that do anything don't know this can't have eight on it either um so what can this have on it it could be 45 maybe it can't be 56 and it can't be so it's either 45 or it is 67 that's annoying I don't think we know which of those is correct do we okay let's look at this one then this white dot that also can't be a two three pair so this is using up some high digits isn't it it can't be 56 that's interesting so this has got oh that's lovely in fact that's right so the question I should have asked here is what um what odd digit has this got on it and it can't have one on it it can't have three on it it can't have five on it because it can't be 54 or 56 so it has got seven on it and if it's got seven on it that's correcting this one so this is now not 76 and therefore this is 45 and that's giving me some more digits so 6 five go in this is now four that's three I think think seems to be by pencil marking what we've got left to place so this is 1 126 that three is doing some work three and two go in oh hang on now I've made a mistake why have I put one two and six in when I've already got a six in the cage sorry one two let's go back this is one two and five okay so we can probably do this actually that's one this is a 25 pair this is one this is two that's two that's five yeah that's beautiful that is beautiful that oh nearly I thought I was going to get that but no um this row this square is an eight can't be a seven cuz we worked out seven had to be on there so this must in fact therefore be six and seven mustn't it uh so that means this is 2 three which we can do two has to make an appearance in green somewhere we don't know where it is but it's definitely in one of those squares and for our next trick we will what about this column one and seven that's a 1 seven pair that digit I can work out that is a six this is a 25 pair the 17 is useful because the top left we can do that and yeah we I think we're still going to need some help from our white dots actually I may be wrong but I think we are can we get where do we think where do we think the easy win is going to be is it going to be this one or this one that we focus on let's maybe do this one this can't have seven on it can it because that would break this digit and it can't have three and it can't have one so this definitely has five on it which we can place and that digit below it is a four or a six and that five is means this is not a five and it's also not four by sodoku so that's seven that's five that which means that's seven in the corner that's six now this square is a four by sidoku which means that's a six these squares are four and eight and that's not resolved bother so we're still going to need this one right now this one hasn't got one three or five on it so it's got to have seven on it which corrects this digit so that's eight that's seven that's eight that's four this has got to be a 6 s pair therefore these squares have got to be a three something pair 3 four pair we can do that three four go in um yeah I mean this that's an eight by sidoku and that's this seven is very important actually it means that's a six that's a six that's a seven I thought that I thought that was going to resolve everything oh the oh no I'm not going to get a three in the corner I was sure when I pencil about the three four pair I was going to get three in the corner but now I'm not oh you rotten thing that's three that's two that's two that's five that's five that's seven and hopefully we get five and four at the bottom it's brilliant what a brilliant puzzle loved it absolutely loved it that is it's so so gorgeous the flow of that it's like a sequence of uh endorphin hits one after the other because there's no no individual stage is that hard but the way they all fit together it's it is it was like putting together a really really enjoyable jigsaw puzzle it was a flurry of pleasure Marty Sears again Take a Bow as usual um loved it let me know in the comments how you got on I enjoy the comments especially when they're kind and we'll be back later with another addition of cracking the cryptic
Channel: Cracking The Cryptic
Views: 39,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dXUzvJNkZBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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