This Professional nanny sings like Bruno Mars (MUST WATCH)

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all right thank you very appreciate it all right who's next [Music] who's next you have a list of stuff yeah sure do if you want to pick from this list or just tell me anything you want to sing i'm trying to think though i don't know when i was your man bruno mars that's a great song i'll sing it yeah all right great so so i have i have a version that's in the lower key okay you know it might be useful because people don't sing as high as bruno mars i can sing it in the regular key really yeah okay i think i have that too let me see uh so have you been singing before yeah i've been singing all my life that's good yeah that's cool let me see here when it was we're about to slow it down yeah for sure it just was the first thing that i even saw what do you do for a living i um i'm a nanny right now but i came to new york like a month ago to be a performer like uh oh i just like got my degree great and you're already dressed in nanny yeah yeah yeah i'm doris from shrek uh doris from shrek yeah the bartender lady and um so so where'd you come from from indiana indiana yeah wow that's a whole different life oh yeah dude i'm so glad to be here yeah uh me too me too okay yeah this is it this is it all right so i'll do the intro first okay yeah this is when i was your man by bruno mars [Music] same day but it feels just a little bit bigger now our song on the radio but it don't sound the same when our friends talk about you all it does is just tear me down cause my heart breaks a little when i hear your name it all just sounds like [Music] when i had the chance take her to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance now my baby's dancing but she's dancing with another man [Music] my pride my ego my needs and my selfish ways hey cause there's nothing like you to walk out my life [Music] i lost the lyrics now hey [Laughter] to realize i should have bought you flowers and held your head should have gave you all my hours when i had the chance to take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance now my baby's dancing but she's dancing with another man all right wish me luck although it hurts i'll to try and apologize for my mistakes cause i just want you to know i hope it buys you flowers i hope you hold your hand [Music] take your hands when i had the chance to take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance [Music] [Applause] do all the things i should have done when i was your man thank you all right hey thank you bro come on come here hey so oh wait what's your name eli eli very nice to meet you nice to meet you too yeah and look and look all these people all these people love to meet you too yeah nice nice [Music] [Applause] so oh so so so what brought you to the microphone today to the microphone well i stumbled upon someone else singing on this is my vibe this is why i was like man i gotta jump in and do this with you nice so yeah so so how'd you feel before you sing and how do you feel now i sang like i wanted to do this and now i'm so glad that i did all right thank you man oh white one last question how do we send you the video how do we send it to you i was uh follow me on instagram at i'm eli thomas i'm eli thomas yeah okay great [Music] [Music] you
Channel: guitaro5000
Views: 5,145,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Random people singing, Asking people to sing, Singing with people, People singing together, Will you sing with me Will you sing a song with me street performer, amazing street performer, musicians performing in the street, Acoustic guitar covers, Busking, bruno mars, when i was your man, eli thomas, sing with me for free
Id: 3oxgzOcCr50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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