This Place Defies Belief, No One Knows How He Did It!

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[Music] when it comes to iconic 20th century pioneers in electromagnetic research engineering usually Nikola Tesla comes to mind but rarely as the name Ed Leedskalnin ever mentioned a man that received very little recognition for his incredible feats of architecture a man that has been shrouded in secrecy and kept out of the public eye in 1919 a real estate man by the name Moser was scouting for land across the back roads near the Everglades when he spotted a stranger at first he thought it was a boy and was surprised to encounter a very small man Moser always friendly offered a ride to which the little man introduced himself Edward Leedskalnin who had recently immigrated from Latvia and that had traveled to the Everglades to look for a specific Moser always well the Moses selflessly took young get into their home and nursed him back to health ed talks of his travels across Tibet and living with the monks learning their way of life as well as meditation the power of Chi and seemingly impossible feats they listened with respect to his story and of his search all over America for the right type of land I'll know when I find it he said it's for my sweet 16 you will never explain who she was as soon as had regained his health he continued his search around the country for a special location crazy ed and his rusty bike became the butt of many local jokes neighbors watching him prop the ground began rumors by saying that he was hunting for buried treasure edy always rejected the good farmland and people often wondered why to which he only smiled one day he brought Moser to a remote plot of land Moser was astounded as ed had picked the worst acre of the state it was all bedrock which he couldn't plow no farm it moza shaking his head gladly gave his friend ed section a few weeks later Moses curiosity got the better of him he dragged his wife out through the brush to see what ed could possibly be doing with that land as they turned the corner they couldn't believe their eyes Edie had somehow cut a 10-ton block of solid coral right out of the bedrock and hoisted it into the air as they nervously approached his flimsy tripod on the block which could crush them in an instant they realized there was something more than craziness in ED how on earth did he do this ed smiled and said it's not difficult really the secret is in knowing how why did he do it he smiled again someday my sweet 16 will come Moser and his wife were astonished working alone and cut more blocks he made slab walls tables chairs a crescent moon a water fountain and a sundial every single block is cut and set with great precision and locked without mortar all the locals that visited gaped at this accomplishment Edie was always friendly but firm he would never tell his secret techniques and he would always stop work immediately when people came near trying to catch him at work the neighbors took to spying some people swear they saw the rocks move ed could somehow sense prying eyes and he would simply stop working and would patiently wait until they gave up trying to discover his secrets one of his neighbors Charles Williams remembers I was around seven years old and I was born and raised about 300 yards from Coral Castle and I would see Edie quite often at this little country store he was a small man now and I don't think he was probably taller than I am about five foot six and probably weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred pounds he always looked frail and sickly but obviously he was very strong he would show us his electrical machine and how he makes electricity Francis Wilson another neighbor says he was a very gentle kind person of course highly intelligent many people thought that he was a little odd some nights we would sit in the moonlight and walk around in his park when asked why he made the park he would simply say someday my sweet 16 is coming he would look up at the stars and he would get very ethereal he always spoke of her as a sweet 16 as she never grew any older it was kind of nice there were many rumors about mysterious ed one such rumor says that he was an eccentric miser and kept a stash of money for years ed felt safe in isolation away from the harsh realities of the cities late one evening in the 1930s a gang of youths waited until he was alone in Coral Castle he could never have imagined such a shocking intrusion in his private world the attack prompted the most extraordinary fate of his life barely surviving a brutal robbery ed decided to seek safer ground when he moved Eadie took more than his toothbrush he took Coral Castle itself he hired a local truck driver and with characteristic secrecy he politely asked the man to step around the corner and it would be loaded in just a minute piece by piece Eadie moved all three million pounds of rock ten miles to its present location near Homestead Florida no one ever imagined to see how he lifted the giant rocks which weighed up to 30 tons apiece the truck driver was also astonished to see huge blocks loaded onto his truck within a few minutes a gentleman by the name of Charles Vallauris who works at a local rock quarry was asked to try an experiment to cut a giant block of alight with diamond-tipped power source however cutting alone took several hours the only way to break the block free was to use brute force then as part of a test they looked for any unusual buoyancy in the rock itself using a 600-horsepower crane they attempted to lift the rock after the crane almost tripped over they managed to drag the block only a few yards quarry workers were perplexed as to what type of equipment would it take to duplicate Coral Castle they just couldn't be done Charles Vallauris comments not with modern equipment I wouldn't more than four foot long and 32 inches wide that's the most I'll cut and you saw the struggle we had getting it out with that machine he said after he died researchers checked some of the instruments that he was using and they were very primitive chisels and hammers ropes some pulleys no one can understand even today how he managed to cut and move the huge stone blocks ed had always said that he knew the secrets of anti-gravity and magnetic fields and he also said that he knew how to build the pyramids so it appears he was telling the truth just as he always worked in secret he also preferred to take his own photographs posing in one particular suit using a box brownie one morning in December of 1950 one had put on his suit hopped on a bus and checked into Miami's County Hospital the doctors were appalled to find him near to death from malnutrition for a while he was under their care and then one day he suddenly died quietly in his sleep even after his death had left a few surprises neighbors guarded the grounds until authorities could make an official investigation they found his living quarters as ingenious as the rest of Coral Castle they also found $3,800 in crisp $100 bills and what resembled to be a treasure map all attempts to follow the directions on the map were futile nothing seemed to correspond to normal three-dimensional geometry had left many mysteries a lot of money and a castle for his sweet 16 was she a real person or was she just a dream Coral Castle continued to baffle scientists engineers and scholars since its opening to the public in 1923 many stories and wild theories emerged over the years about ed and how he built his castle some say he levitated the blocks with psychic powers or by singing to the stones other suggested Edie had arcane knowledge of magnetism and so called earth energies Coral Castle has appeared countless times in books magazines and television shows rock musician Billy Idol even wrote a hit song about the place sweet 16 the park is listed on the National Register of Historic Places for decades the park featured a perfectly balanced stone gate that despite its weight would easily swing open with a strong breeze or the push of a finger how it worked remained a mystery until 1986 when it stopped moving when the gate was removed it was revealed that it rotated on a metal shaft and rested on a truck bearing as strange and amazing as the site is its history is equally improbable it was created by just one man ed Leedskalnin who worked alone for 28 years until his death in 1951 it's quite obvious that moving large stones is no easy task as an example the most significant restoration of the megaliths of Stonehenge took place in 1958 and 1964 in an article in the New Scientist magazine dated January 2009 Brian Edwards a student at the University of the West of England in Bristol said Stonehenge isn't the only ancient site in the UK to have been transformed in recent years even many of the local people in Avebury are not aware that many of the stones were put up in the 1930s david batchelor english heritage is senior archaeologist stated a decision not to include the work that took place at Stonehenge in any of the official guides was taken in the 1960s the first restoration being in 1901 one of the learning stones were straightened and set in a concrete base further drastic renovations continued in the 1920s where six stones were moved and reacted about 40 years later a crane was used to reposition three more stones and a fallen lintel was actually replaced Edwards went on to say in many cases there's a huge difference between what historians know and what the public are consciously aware of as such sites but one thing is for sure all restorations were a tremendous undertaking lifting the huge blocks of stone was next to impossible as larger equipment was brought to deal with the situation how one man was able to move such huge stones as Carl kasell on his own with his own basic equipment is scientifically impossible as to who and often referred to as his sweet 16 was never discovered his amazing monuments will stand the test of time a dedication to a mystery woman perhaps no one has ever satisfactorily explained how Edie managed to create such a masterpiece some suggests he knew how to levitate stone using sound or electricity others believe he was party to some extraterrestrial secrets like the ones imparted to so many ancient civilizations around the world or perhaps is just amazing what some people can do with a broken heart you [Music]
Channel: Matrix Wisdom
Views: 771,562
Rating: 4.778645 out of 5
Id: C-YEsbgh20U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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