This PEN Draws in Photoshop and on Paper at the SAME TIME?!

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this is a digital tablet stylus this is a pen and they both have their pros and cons so often i'll use one or the other depending on my needs but if there's anything i've learned from dragon ball z it's that if there's two things that are powerful in their own way the best thing to do is the fusion hard dance [Music] you have to do this with exact precision it works g'day everyone i'm jazza and today we're going to be looking at the huion scribo now obviously disclaimer this video is sponsored by huion huion is a long term friend of the channel and aside from being a wonderful sponsor they also make really inventive and innovative and affordable products and this is one of the most impressive and interesting ones that i've been sent and it's brand new and in this video i'm just gonna explore it and share it with you guys the humor on scribble is a digital pen that can draw directly on paper simply place your paper on a compatible tablet and you can sketch and draw down your ideas on the paper and digitally simultaneously so i'm using the huron scribble with the hs611 but it's compatible with the h640p the h950p h1060p the h320m q620m the hs64 hs610 hs611h610 pro v2 for only 39.90 you get a pen that comes with three nibs the stylus nib and two drawing nibs the heurion screwbar is a battery free pen which is designed for daily usage so i'm going to link to this product in the description go check it out yourself once again a huge thank you to hugon for sponsoring this video but with that disclaimer and all of that information out of the way today we're just gonna muck around first and foremost you can see that the form factor is actually quite a bit different more akin to a traditional pen so i've got my paper on my tablet so we open this up and out pops this little packet and inside this little packet we have the nib alternatives and the tweezers now these nib alternatives have this little plastic cover so to use them you're gonna have to just pull that off get our tweezers grab the nib pull it out so let's start with the ballpoint bin and i just have photoshop open and i have my piece of paper on the tablet and apparently that's it like that's as complicated as it gets so let's uh let's give this a test hello world did that work i had my erasers so no it didn't draw in photoshop at all great good job off to a good start step one make sure you actually have your brush tool selected in photoshop i think step two is gonna have to be to select the right brush if i have my paint brush and i start writing immediately obviously the paint brush in photoshop is a lot thicker than what i'm putting down with the scribble like i'm filling down a thick color here in photoshop and obviously on paper it's uh less elegant now as part of my default brush set i have a bunch of different fine liners try the 1.0 this is just my way to sort of see if the gaps between the lines are about the same i think the line is a little thicker in photoshop but i think i would prefer that but can i just say already like that's a really interesting experience because when i press lightly and draw it's doing the same thing like this the pressure sensitivity is clearly there what happens if i grab a wad of like 10 pages i mean it seems to have the same sensitivity so the separation between the pen and the tablet doesn't seem to matter it just must need to detect it above the tablet otherwise the drawing experience is exactly the same so that's cool about half a sketchbook okay that's that works so i think that's the answer you've got about a centimeter that's about how far away the pen is when it starts to pick it up let's draw a picture so i'm just going to get a couple of little corners of tape here and just that that's not going anywhere which means whatever i draw is going to be in the same place on both i'll tell you what the dragon ball z reference start of the video has me feeling like i need to draw goku right about now [Music] so i've got a goku sketch now and that is at a point where i'd quite happily draw the line work on top i think the other thing i need to do is just make sure my boundaries are super clear so i'm just going to hold my pen at the edge of the canvas and drag the paper down until the hair's all there yep otherwise i have a little bit of room to go in this direction so the edge of the fist is there and that's the edge of that hand so now that i've gotten the whole boundary thing out of the way in theory i should be able to just draw now occasionally when i put down a line it may not draw a portion of it just like any ballpoint pen would do but i'm mitigating that by having photoshop open and i can see every now and then if i draw a line and it's not putting it down just like how every now and then you go back to a ballpoint pen and just have a little scribble to make it wake up the ink itself not the digital element then you can just sort of see that and just redraw that little area with the pen on the paper so i'm trying to see how we go in making two artworks at once essentially a digital artwork that maybe with a few little tweaks or bits of refinement later becomes a really solid piece of digital art but also a traditional piece that has been drawn in a way that's comfortable and organic which so far is and just sort of see how they compare and what the experience was like and what they look like next to each other okay so there is my inked artwork ink on paper well done oops i accidentally oh it's okay because i can hit control z maybe not on the paper that's there for good but that's okay because we're transitioning to our digital artwork anyway so i'm going through and cleaning up my drawing and i'm looking at the screen to find little areas where i want to clean up the line work and then i'm just looking at my drawing to touch it up now the main perk of this is i get to undo and change stuff and i don't like the face the face just sort of looks bit wide and disproportionate so i'm going to add color and re-proportion the image later but something i want to play with is actually adding another layer because in theory i can just take my pen and if i want to shade this in a little bit and maybe add a bit more dimension i can do that and it will create permanent lines and shading uh traditionally but in theory i can tweak this digitally later and give myself the ability to tone it down or blend it in in a way that's going to make it much more subtle i glance across at the screen just to make sure that everything's you know going down cleanly or i don't need to undo anything or whatever and for the most part i can just sort of ignore it and just verify that everything's going all right so far but the drawing experience comes back to being really natural because i'm just looking at what i'm drawing but it's giving me another layer of stuff to work with digitally which i can come back to and play with later and it's going down pretty clean all right i'm pretty happy with that so now when i go to photoshop i've got another layer that i can bring in that immediately adds that depth and refinement that i had when i had the pencil and the ink lines i'm just going to use that again add a new layer and this time let's do a little bit of the uh classic dragon ball z power up lines that's just on its own layout let's add another layer this is sort of fun this time let's just go just a few really sharp strong lines let's just stop there hey that's pretty cool i'm happy with that i mean i would call it done there and i will for my traditional piece but now we have a whole spectrum of stuff we can play with by switching my nib going this time into my stylus nib and now all of a sudden i just have a normal digital tablet so first things first i'm going to hide those two effects layers that i made i wasn't 100 with the proportion so i'm just going to transform and just like any old digital artwork i can make the changes i want to so just move that into place just like that there we go and i'm just much happier with those proportions and then i can just go through and do little cleanups here and there as i choose to so i'm just going around my original line work and filling in all the gaps there aren't many i'm just making sure i catch 100 of them so now i'm just going to select all the empty space i'm going to inverse that and fill it in and now with a clipping mask i'm just going to do some super super quick shading let's go so super quickly and easily i've just slapped in a little bit of shading a little bit of color but here's where i think it's going to start to get really cool i think i'll be able to add effects and different layering styles from the traditional artwork into my digital artwork super quickly and easily so for example if i double click the color clipping mask base i can add a stroke around the outside just like that i can just change the thickness of the outline now i'm going to bring back my shading lines and obviously that looks pretty rough around the edges but i could tweak the blend modes overlay looks really cool and using those lines that i drew as a bit of a guide i'm just going to fill in outside of them [Music] and just like that we've got a bit of a charge effect that looks really cool but i can just add more layers and filters until it looks even cooler i'm going to do a circular gradient from the middle out to from white to orange like this so now i'm going to go back to those lines and make them a white line and then i'm going to grab my outer glow and just like that they've gone from just boring black lines to a special effect what about these directional lines do the same thing add a bit of an outer glow and they go so quickly and super easy i've transformed my traditional artwork of goku in a space of about 10 minutes into a digital stylistic and much more intense artwork barely any more effort than the initial drawing itself so it's just given me a lot more to work with to make something really really cool i guess obviously if you're gonna do the best traditional piece in the world you would use the best traditional materials in the world and likewise with digital but if you've already got any of those tablets that are compatible with a scribble the ability to play around and create some pretty refined results and be able to access the benefits of both mediums is certainly a benefit worth considering especially the 39 now this video isn't a review i am obviously biased here i am sponsored this video with that said like look at that the difference between this traditional artwork and this digital result side by side is the difference of about 10 minutes and it's all just it's i did the work already i just got to muck around with it in a way that i couldn't without using the scrubber which is a really cool product i'll link to it in the description if you have a compatible tablet certainly pick it up because you're going to enjoy it it's really fun gives you a lot to play with and i hope you enjoyed this video whether you have a tablet or you're an artist or not at the end of the day the stuff you can do creatively with the tools we have available to us today both in programs and in hardware it's pretty bloody amazing but sometimes nothing is as satisfying as putting pen or pencil to paper anyways i hope you have enjoyed this video and the end result it's been a while since jordan goku missed it make sure to subscribe for more fun with art and creativity that's it for now and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: undefined
Views: 972,458
Rating: 4.9576182 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: tAwXY0Uf178
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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