This One Concept Can Change Your Life (FOR ENTREPRENEURS)

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i think we all have different definitions of what success means for us but i think one thing that we have in common is we tend to rush the process to get to the next milestone or accomplishment without enjoying where we are in the journey right when we're in middle school we can't wait to get to high school we're in high school we can't wait to get to college and when we're in college we can't wait to get our first job plus you have social media where you're constantly comparing yourself to other people's life now that gets a little dangerous right because you're like comparing somebody's highlight reel to your behind the scenes and i think that one thing i've learned that completely changed everything for me was to focus my attention on deliverables instead of outcomes now let me explain when you're in business and you're going through life and you're wrapping up your self-worth and accomplishments right and especially with a social media era right now where all of our stuff a lot of our stuff is public right so if we launch a business if we say we're going to release a new collection things are public and if the outcomes don't meet our standards of what we think or hope to happen then it gets a little you know discouraging right we kind of get you know discouraged from doing the next thing or from talking about the stuff and i think that with entrepreneurship you have to build tough skin you have to have thick skin you have to and i think what i learned is that there's so many external factors in life that we just can't control from this pandemic and you can't work things are forced to be shut down to natural disasters to the market changing to there's just so many factors that are out of our control and i think for me i used to focus on things that i couldn't control and i would spend a lot of time and energy on those things that i couldn't control instead of taking all my time and focus on the things that i actually have control over and once i started to understand that that was the most important part it wasn't what happened in the outcome granted that is important right that is a marker and you do want to win right you do want to have stuff and that's the indication if you're doing something right it's based on the outcome but when i said okay i am going to eliminate all expectations and i'm going to go through the process to learn and i am gonna do this launch or this project or whatever to the best of my ability and not get too caught up in the outcome and the results things completely changed for me and i kind of correlated it to the natural world right when you plant something and you plant a seed all you can do is water it you can make sure it gets sunlight and you can make sure bugs don't come and eat it but you have no control over if if the seed sprouts if something comes up if it grows fruit or whatever it is that you're planting and i started to correlate that with my situation right planting a seed and watching it grow and kind of tending to it and just making sure that i'm just gonna do everything that i can do that's in my control and then i'm gonna let nature and everything do the rest you know we understand that in the natural world but we it's kind of hard to like correlate that and use that into the our world right and what we're building in entrepreneurship or whatever it is that you're you're doing and so what i ended up doing is i just i i was telling my team you know we cut this year a couple months ago we had the opportunity to to pitch for one of the biggest accounts in our career right and i just remember telling my team previously before that for the last like three months before this opportunity happened we started having weekly team meetings that we kind of fell off for a while and we would just have these meetings but they weren't they weren't like we weren't doing it every single week and very disciplined around it but for the three months before this project came we were doing it and i told my team that we're going into this pitch regardless of whatever happens and the outcome from that i'm more excited about our seed we controlled what we can do we had our team meetings we made sure that we were diligent in doing that stuff we made sure that we controlled internally what we were doing we couldn't focus on the external stuff of what happened if we got that account all we could do is put our best foot forward and show up and let whatever is going to happen happen and so by shifting that i ended up even taking an illustration of that so all my desks i literally put this avocado seed in this water and it was just a seed i put toothpicks on the side of it on here and i put toothpicks and then i put the seed and it's just avocado seed and it started to grow this root and now it's growing this whatever it is i don't know this is my first time growing an avocado plant or whatever this is called but the reason why i did that is to just be a reminder for me that i can't make the i didn't make this root grow i didn't make this come up all i did was make sure that this had enough water and made sure that it got enough sunlight and so what was funny is i literally took this and i put this right next to my desk when we were having our zoom call for the meeting and it was just i said look i don't want to get caught up in the outcome because sometimes when you overthink things and you're caught up in the outcome you get nervous about stuff so i literally put this right next to my computer as we were doing the zoom meeting to look at that and be a reminder that hey look regardless of whatever the outcome is we're gonna put our best foot forward we're gonna do everything that we can what that we can we're gonna we're gonna control what we can control and do what we can control and let the rest work itself out and i think this is just one concept that has completely changed my life in terms of deliverables versus outcomes and i think that there's just so much stuff you know you have different seasons in life you know in the natural world of what what's time and things of of growing in the process of all this stuff and i think with with this it just also allowed me to understand that it's okay to look ahead for the next milestone the next goal and all that stuff but don't get too caught up in it you know don't get too caught up in that because there's going to be one day that you're going to look back at literally the situation that you're in today literally right now that you're watching this video your current situation and you're either going to say dang those were the good times and that was like fun and things were like really really good or you're going to say those were the challenging times that built a character and built that appreciation for what i currently have nothing lasts forever right not good times not bad times nothing lasts forever and i think that success and just getting what you want out of life is enjoying the process of it is enjoying the process of learning is enjoying the process of growing is enjoying the process of where you currently are and i think that we just get you know there's so much stuff to get caught up and and so much stuff to get like sidetracked and just say oh if i only had that i would be happy but the the tricky thing and the funny thing about success is that once you get that you're constantly looking for for the next thing and if you don't enjoy the process you know time is going to go by ten years is gonna zoom by you're gonna be like what just like what just happened why was i so upset or why was i not content with where i was or why was i not happy and enjoying it and taking it to enjoy it to the fullest extent like i don't know if you guys ever experienced this because i have you go on a trip and when you're on the trip it's like it's cool you know it's fun and stuff but then it's all it's it's always more fun when you look back when you say dang that trip was actually fun we enjoyed this we did this this and this this is the same thing with life right we go back and we look at times and we're like oh those times were actually good i don't know what i was stressing about things were actually fine and so i think we get in our head a lot of the times and we look at you know the next step and we're always looking ahead or looking back instead of just enjoying where we are you know so take a deep breath take a deep breath you're doing good things are fine things are going the way that they're supposed to go and if if they're not going the way that you want them to go focus on the things that you can change focus on the things that are in your control to change and if you can't change it why are you going to stress about it if it's out of your control pray about it do whatever it is that you do to just say look i'm gonna just give it out i'm not gonna i'm not gonna hold this burden i'm gonna just focus on what i can do you'll start to see things change and it's funny because sometimes we have anxiety but anxiety will calm down if you're taking action right the more action you're taking the more things you're doing the less anxiety you have because you know okay i'm giving it my all i'm doing stuff you know i'm not procrastinating i'm making the calls i'm designing the collection i'm releasing stuff recording the video whatever it is for you focus on your seat focus on the things that are in your control focus on the things that you can actually change and enjoy the process success the funnest part is the process it's not the accomplishments the accomplishments are good it's fun it's great but the process is where the work and the magic happens and that's what you'll look back at it won't be the accomplishments that you get it will be the process and the growth that you went to get there that's what you're going to look back at that's what you're going to appreciate that's what's going to make the biggest difference in your life and i think that if you can just understand that currently with where you are that will change your entire perspective and it's something that i have to remind myself constantly right this is something that i literally every day i have to say i have to take a deep breath i have to look in the mirror and say i'm thankful for what i have i'm thankful for what i have i'm looking forward to where i'm going but i'm thankful for what i have and where i am and so yeah i just it's something that helped me tremendously and i think it could be something that can help you if you apply it and if you think about it and you put it in perspective and put life into perspective of what it is and enjoy the journey enjoy the process
Channel: Devin Lars
Views: 2,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #devinlars, #tshirtbrand, #launchingaclothingbrand, #clothingbrand, #startingabusiness, #business, #businesstips, #firststeps, #startingaclothingbrand, #howtostart, #screenprinting, #heattransfers, #fearofgod, #2020, #garyvee, #streetwear, #streetwearbrand, #bigprinting, #threadbirds, #customink, #customclothing, #sneakers, #hypebeast, #complex, #complexcon, #DTG, #printful, #shopify
Id: kWfasxCKvq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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