This NEW Lightroom Update is a BIG DEAL. Here's why...

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so Adobe Lightroom and Lightroom CC classic both just got massive updates and some of these features I've been waiting for for years so inside this video we are going to unpack the new update together how to update what's inside and how you can use it to improve your editing [Music] okay so first things first if you haven't already updated go over into Adobe Creative Cloud that's the application on your computer select updates and select the app to update Lightroom whether using Lightroom Cc or Lightroom classic after that close Lightroom restart and let's get into it alright so once you close and restart Lightroom you've got this beautiful window displaying all this new and really there's only three things that are really cool in here one is we've got the ability to mask out just clothes or just facial hair we'll go over why that's important in a second two we've got the ability to actually add curves to your local adjustments which is so cool and three we've got AI powered noise reduction brand new automatically recovered noisy images so we'll put that to the test and see what happens all right okay got it let's do it all right first off we're going to look at lightroom's new AI noise reduction this should make a massive difference when it comes to actually recovering those low light images in your photos so here's our before photo and this is actually after Lightroom has already added detail and noise reduction to the photo so we can play around here we can maybe go down to our noise reduction this is the manual controls that you can still access and we can maybe get it to like say there let's try and preserve a little bit of detail the key is going to be let's see how close we can get it to the best results and then let's compare lightroom's Auto noise reduction using AI so here's our before image that's kind of the best I can make it without too much tweaking all right here is after before after let me go into comparison view so you can see the difference so here is before using lightroom's old noise reduction tools here is with the AI noise reduction you can see the skin color is a lot better we've got a lot more detail happening and it honestly does not look over edited now you might say oh that's kind of unnatural right here on this line between Shadow and highlight or you can go down here into your edits in your effects and just add a little bit of green to kind of balance that out and that will actually do a good job of kind of blending the edit for you so that's before and after let's take a look at our waterfall photo now so here is our original and then we'll grab our reference photo find the same spot and holy crap like how much more detail do we have than what we had before and this is like the best that I could do with lightroom's old tools here's lightroom's new AI okay so let's just go in here and just double check okay I could maybe play with this a little bit further just to be completely Fair let's take our detail up maybe contrast just a little bit so yes you can make it better but this is still much better way way improved like that's incredible and I feel like the colors are even a little bit better too this one is insane are you ready so let's take a look at this one here is our before and here is our edited denoised dng so here's our before let's just zoom in go for 100 and we will make sure we've got our noise reduction turned up detail preservation we'll kind of take it up to run there play with the contrast settings a little bit okay that's about as good as we could get it before so here's what noise reduction is doing with lightroom's old tools and I'll zoom in on our new AI tools try and match it and you can see no contest like look at the skin tones this looks like it was taken with ISO 400 not ISO 3200 and two stops of extra exposure like this is incredible especially if you have a small sensor camera let's say that you've got a micro four thirds like I have a gh5 I still kind of shoot on here and there I can't go above ISO 1600 so I frequently have to deal with these issues now you can actually have a smaller sensor camera or a cheaper camera and compensate for that using this AI it's going to take a little longer to edit all your photos but it's just it's incredible let's look at one last photo here is our original here of the street at night ISO 4000 and then let's grab our reference photo and this is with the AI noise reduction at 60 so it's not as strong as the other photos and you can see that it's very similar one to the other but we are still recovering a lot more detail and I don't know how they're doing it but the AI pretty darn good so that is tool number one let's head over into the next tool all right so now that we've tested lightroom's new AI noise reduction let's actually head over and test some of the new adjustment brush preset things that they've added so there's two main features here one is the ability to just select close from a subject so first off let's go in here go select people Lightroom is detected there's one person in this photo we can click on them and now lightroom's gone ahead and made all of these different sub selections now what's really cool is they've added two there's now the ability to select facial hair which doesn't really apply so much here because apparently she doesn't have any go figure and number two you can select clothing by itself so this is amazing going to save you the workaround that I covered in my last video you can now select close just out of the gate so that's really really cool let's create this mask and the second amazing feature that we've added inside of adjustment layers is ha we can do tone curves on the actual adjustment layer like this is something that is so powerful once you know how to use the tone curve and lets you have so many more options than what you could do in adjustment layers previously so I can actually add an S curve but just to the clothing or add an S curve but just to the background or the sky or whatever you want and so if tone curves are a bit of a mystery to you you can check out my tone curve video but this is really powerful because now we can effectively just change the color of anything really really simply inside of Lightroom there used to be a little trickier that you could do you still can I use it all the time where you can change the color of clothing so what we do is we desaturate the layer then we add color on top of it and then we just duplicate this layer several times so we'll just duplicate duplicate duplicate and by now it should be yellow let's see okay it's yellowish green as you can see not a perfect method and takes some time however now that we can just select the clothing and now that we can add a tone curve I hate this little minimize panel okay let's just delete these masks now we can actually get those effects far more easily and we can do more dramatic colors without having to play with it so much so we can actually go in here let's get rid of our color take the saturation down to zero have taken all the saturation out of the dress now using the tone curve we can add whatever colors we want so let's say we'll take the red away that'll give us cyan we can add some green to the shadows of this dress but make sure that we take it out of the highlights and that'll give us just a really weird sort of situation so my point is we can now just do really dramatic changes within these colors not that this is something you necessarily want to be wearing on a Friday night but this is really really cool really really cool because now I can go in here and go create mask let's select the background and let's say that you know in the image I want to really just crush the blacks within the background first off let's delete this mask because it's the worst okay we're gonna go here and we're just going to grab our blacks and we're going to take that Black Point way way down so we can literally do whatever we want but just in the background now we don't have to necessarily make our subject as contrasty we can add some punch and pop to the background without affecting the subject this is incredible we could have done this kind of before by you know using contrast highlights whites but this is just another tool another way to do it and the real reason you want to use the tone curve over all of these other sliders is it just gives you more control you can select exactly where you want to add contrast instead of just adding it across the board blanket can't really do much more than that so that is such a cool adjustment you're really going to love it and of course we do have to test the facial layer adjustment all right so I've got a photo here of yours truly the most beautiful couple in the world standing here and we're going to just grab a basic preset maybe go up here into our develop module and add a little saturation a little color pop okay good enough you can see I'm sporting a lovely luxurious wonderful beard we're going to hit K on our keyboard go to create new mask and go to select people lightroom's going to think for a while I'm going to select person number one and you can see now we've got the ability to select all these things and there's a new one because I'm a guy with facial hair I can now select my beard how cool is that Lightroom has answered my prayers because now using our earlier trick I can give myself the thickest beard in all the land or I can go up here and add some color let's just go to the tone curve and we'll go really wild and crazy here bam Red Beard I know I know you're amazed so so that pretty much sums up this newest update inside of Adobe Lightroom we've got the AI noise reduction which is sick we've got the ability to add tall curves inside of our new adjustment layers which is really really useful and then we've got two kind of helpful features which is the ability to select clothing really great and the ability to select facial hair yeah the only thing about this update I don't like at all is it seems that we've gotten rid of our ability to just shut off certain sections of Lightroom it's now like a it's stuck on so you have to reset this somehow I don't know kind of annoying but whatever we'll deal with it if there's anything inside this update I haven't mentioned please leave it in the comments below for other people to share in and if you are wondering the AI engine toolkit which has a bunch of presets for automatically selecting your backgrounds automatically adjusting the subject whatever that's all been updated to reflect these new changes so now you can also select your facial hair with the click of a button or select clothing on the subject one click so you can check those out in the description below otherwise hit that subscribe button I'll see you next video in the meantime create something awesome peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Signature Edits
Views: 152,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lightroom update, lightroom ai, lightroom ai noise reduction, lightroom local adjustment, lightroom tone curve update, photography, photo editing, adobe lightroom
Id: CHrZI63N2sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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