This New Game Might Be The Only One I Play From Now On

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up people we are here at the Hollywood Hard  Rock I've never played this game before and   we just did we found Pat next to me here and we  gave her a little bit of money and she ended up   with $192 so close to a bonus round but we missed  it yeah so but you got some money you got some am   ammunition for today right I that 20 bucks 20  bucks you got 260 right yeah it's a good day   at the office so far that's awesome okay so I  put $5,000 in this machine crank the volume I   like the speed at two we're going to go to the $2  denomination and I'm going to start out with I'm   going to start out with bets that are $32 oh no  that's wrong don't listen to me that's way wrong   we'll start out with $32 spins here all right  so the mini 200 the miners five the major less   than the Maxi and the grand is 15, 335 so what  do we need we need these like Crystal things   and we need them to go up and we need the lamp to  explode and then we can get into the bonus round   and really what are we looking for we want three  of them it's like an orange-ish a pearl and a purple so this is one of those games I can spin  before it pops so I know that I didn't get it so   I'm going to know before you guys know that I got  the game cuz you guys know I play sort of fast we   start with $5,000 in this game and again at the  $2 denomination you only get five lines that's it   and the elephants are wild so there's this is as  high limit as you're going to get on this game as   far as I know $80 a spin is going to be Max we'll  work our way up there we'll get there in a little bit $48 so three of a kind  not going to pay a whole lot and I don't know much about this game at  all but I do know if I change denominations   the lamp sizes or the coins underneath do  not change at all so that tells me there's   no advantage to this game it's pushing  the button and praying that's it there's   two of them so what we noticed when we did  Pat session is we got three of them three   different times and they did not blow up or  explode or whatever they're supposed to do   did not happen so lot of teasing in this game  unfortunately there's two of them and they get   bigger oh see there you go you get all three  of them and nothing happens it just teases you Pat 80 that you got all three  of them at 80 cent that's a   nice hit all right four of a kind there  that's going to pay a gross of dollars $144 money [Applause] back all right so I'm going to  try $48 a spin we're increasing   the battle little bit here don't  try this at home kids get very expensive so the next bet is going to be the  big one $80 a spin we're going to try that in a second all right we're adding coins up there again  it doesn't matter right the smallest another $144   hit the smallest pile of coins could be the one  that hits and hit hits over and over and over [Music] again all right it's time  $80 to spin Pat make it happen just   once oh Pat thought it was going to  happen so it's twice now we've seen it and it gets a little bigger but nothing  happens third time we've seen it okay so there's some games if you get all three  you're pretty much guaranteed to get   it uhoh we got it the double is that  good The Double act do you like that   one or which one do you like the best  I think the middle is that jackpot one okay that would have been crazy  yeah so double what are we GNA   get another one on top all right  press a button to spin oh we could   actually re-trigger this as well okay  whoops that goes quick so 15 to win the grand all right double active 2x times everything   so we have nothing that's that big  but again we're at the Hollywood Hard Rock so does it do them all or just  random ones random random interesting game all right double again okay can it do  2x to the same one twice or no yeah I can it can keep putting them out ooh good job  don't be done look at that don't stop I   think you're probably done oh you're not done  oh keep the you go to the big one look at this all the little ones but that doesn't matter right purple we running out of chances here  that's it okay no more the treasure   is yours oh thank you beautiful  beautiful lady all right so we got $1,480 on that $80 Max BET right there told you okay  so I'm going to put the jackpot   into the system here again we're at  Hollywood Hard Rock so I do not have to I just download it yep I think it's time to get another one ooh $140  back 120 down [Music] there you like watching   these big bats yes yep I've never found yep  if you watch me online you'll see them every day what other games do you like  to play um like this is the one okay all right come on $80 bets pay off only thing   I don't agree with is that you bet $80  and you can have a $20 ball that shows up and we got a lot of coins on top [Music] yep yep you got a lot over  there too coins and jewels and all   right it's getting expensive now we've lost  everything that we won in that hand pay it's time oo the double has built up a little  bit more wait till stop before oh okay   uhoh oh I thought it was doing something I  heard a noise I did does it have a does it   have a Haywire feature where you like know  you're going to get it no not that I know [Music] oh $48 to spin we're going  to drop it down just a little bit [Applause] but give us the opportunity with  multiple ones I really would like to see   that I know people have requested this game  online and I'm glad I finally found [Music] it yeah it's tough right it's it's  very elusive almost got five of a kind there a just do it one time H it just  keeps jumping I don't want to push the button stop teasing me it teases you one time  I lost about $300 a oh we got it ignite okay   so is this a good one [Music] that we  could right all right so we're going to   rub the lamp to start we're playing mystery  of the lamp $48 bad Hollywood Hard Rock show   me what happens here the ignite feature  got a bunch of them okay so we can get   the double or the jackpot to pop up there  here's the ignite what are you going to do oh it's ignited every time you spend that  it's going to add money to it I like that idea all these little ones how about some more ignites oh what was that garbage and  they're giving me $112 ones what is this and we're done that's it no hand pay  the gold is yours ah thank you for all the gold all right $630 there no line  hits gave us a little bit more ammunition yep so the Knight is all gone up there back to the big bets $80 a spin  Oh Oh I thought it was going to happen it could be a massive  hit if we can get all three of [Music] them yeah 320 we're only going  three of a kind you really want to get   four to five of a kind here that's  where you make your money on these   games sometimes it'll pay five a between  the four of a kind and five of a kind trigger I might have to switch to  a dollar dollar Dam $40 spins the   min's 100 the minor 250 we'll increase the speed [Music] here how about three quick  spins see I'm doing a few more yeah it just changes up the next time I push  the button so we're changing apparently the random   number generator in there so we'll see or changing  when when you're going to be pushing the button so all right we're getting some little  line hits you'll get your oh here it is   this is what I was talking about here  she is this is what we want give us   three give us three give us three give  us three don't screw around oh we got   one okay so that is the Haywire feature  we got ignite again $40 Max bet dollar   denomination Hollywood Hard Rock I like that  all right let's ignite something early here bres and we could rub the other lamps too could get the double to go up ignite  your what are you going to ignite for us all igniting the big one down  there wow that added $150 down [Music] there ignite oh we  got multiple numbers ignited what ignite o another one  three numbers ignited the   little ones oh that didn't add much at  all there another number ignited what's happening come on on jackpot all right back to  three spins we got a hand Pay Here o added a little more  to that one over there thanks Genie last spin and we're done that's it it is all yours all right so $2,50 on that $40 Max betat there it is now you got we got a little  bit we're coming back yeah so it's weird so we   got the double once we got the ignite twice now  and that was on nope we got to get all three of them I might have to raise my bet a little bit $24 a spend for three quick ones and now  $40 to spin for three quick ones and another one all right $48 a spin spin it real [Music] fast so again a $2 denomination the mini 200  the minor 500 Maxi 2,000 major $1,920 here   it oh did it again did it again I hear that  noise now you're going to make me bet $80 a spin what dead I know just teasing us all right HeyWire come on out I'm going to put a little bit more in here  just to see if we can get something to happen I mean we got as many coins up there  we fed this as much as we possibly can 420 there all right [Music] 240 all right got a manifest  three of these here it comes here you come   thank you spend $80 give us two give us  two give us two no doing them all three   it only did one again a oh wait wait it's  doing them all this could be big right okay   we got two of them that's okay ignite  and the jackpot one all right $80 Max   bet mystery of the lamp Hollywood  Hard Rock your wishes bring riches ooh what it's really really  big one the magic is in your hand this could be dangerous the max oh you got   one to the max okay so you  got to get three what is all this the minor the mini another Maxi will give us  two grand there's the Grand and the major wow spin   remaining two spins remaining all right we're  going to ignite something now this is a crazy game all right one more to the mini one more to the minor I'd rather see the  emerald the jewels I don't   I'd rather see the jewels than see numbers as you wish we got the Maxi $2,000 all right  $2,000 jackpot winner one more to the   Grand oh what is this Lu what are we going  to do it now all right on the $70 that's okay one more to the major all  right I think we're going to   see Maxi next unfortunately ignite  we're ignite and more this be a big jackpot yep I knew it I see the Maxi again here   don't be done don't stop I just  have a okay good good good good is another Maxi okay so any we're going to get  another Progressive if we see another white one no that's it okay just teasing us what   is [Music] yours it's not bad  all right $472 on that $80 Max bet there it is 4,720 bucks all right I'm  going to call it a session I'm actually   down about 900 bucks but I'm okay with  it that was that was okay I mean it was   nice to come back and uh get a couple hand  pays on there I have to take a backup Spin   and just make sure there's nothing  left in it all right I'm done a few   inches later but I got a weird feeling I  might have to just take a few more spins here I can't believe we almost got all three of them so the last two times the  uh random Haywire showed up all yeah I'm surprised they all didn't go I just want to see m  multiple [Music] [Applause] here yeah made the noise again so quick spins it's going to tell us  right away there's 640 that's like our biggest   line hit but it'll tell us by now letting  me do the next spin if we end up getting it yeah there's all three [Music] Y no it won't let me keep spinning if it goes [Music] yuck this game just teases people oh I got it okay here we go so  we got the ignite again here $80 Max B your wishes so now it's time what let's trigger   one of the other ones while we're  in this bonus round how does that [Music] sound you only got one new [Music] ignite all right have them all go  Oh I thought I was going to going to happen that that helps names of Fortune all right another [Music] [Music] ignite just blow up up there oh  the double we got the double exactly what   I asked for even more power all right  yes exactly now you got to give us the   jackpot in a little bit you better show us  a purple and throw it down here fortunes of fire another ignite all right we  got one purple all right bring   it over here twice oh bring it  over here one time what was that garbage oo I'm surprised we end up getting that double your fort oo all right just  one of these ones please be nice that's   okay oh right here right here that's  okay right here right over there oh   look at that t oop I st on your to  I'm sorry look at this okay just one   more I'm not being greedy no not over  there right here follow my fingers oh   look at that what is this I feel like you're  going to be done with me soon oh he shows up again nope all right you're doing the  little ones this round and that's it [Music] purple I have a feeling this  is probably it oh it's it's back it's back come on whoa look at this [Music] they started at  nothing and now they're up to this still in it just one more one more come  on 59 added 1,000 bucks that time   that's okay that's crazy Fortune  are I can't believe this jackpot wow almost more than the grand $ 14,99 on that $80 Max betat that is crazy wow real what sorry glad for this  real it is real yeah it's all real we go so $4,990 on that $80 Max bet unbelievable  all right guys I'm going to call it a   session now we ended up making some money  we were in for 10 grand up about n Grand   on this session but hold on let me  uh let me just do this I'm going to snamp a quick picture and we're going to enter it and just take a couple more spins so what's  weird it didn't do anything even though you hit it could you imagine I just yeah there's no way that's nuts uh one more Spin and I'm  going to be done here all right   we're going to leave the rest of the  money in here for the next person to   try to win no more give me a thumbs up  on the way out that was fun thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Mr. Hand Pay
Views: 158,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slot machine, casino, mr hand pay, slot machines, how to win playing slots, how to win playing high limit slot machines, max bet, handpay, massive jackpot, jackpot handpay, high limit slots, high limit slot, blackjack, las vegas wins, high limit live slot play, slot play at the casino, live slots, winning money on slots, las vegas, las vegas casino high roller, high roller, roulette, spanish 21, the mystery of the lamp, slot machine jackpot today, mr hand pay slots live
Id: z8tQtFsjfss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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