This Mod Made Me RAGE QUIT! - Friday Night Funkin': Wednesday's Infidelity V2

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wednesday's infidelity the the spooky mickey mouse mod geez fellas it's me mickey mouse coming to my clubhouse we played wednesday's infidelity a long time ago when it first came out this update apparently has a lot of [ __ ] and apparently it's very difficult and i'm not very good at f f so let's see what happens warning this mod contains flashing lights loud sound effects and screen shake hey getting freaky on a friday night wear a mask even if vaccinated what is this liberal propaganda mickey mouse is a liberal save the depressed mouse mickey has lived in lies his whole life today he realizes that but something's wrong with him help him understand that he can find new meaning in his life life like any other is hard wednesday's infidelity a mickey mouse sound cartoon by walt disney comics on a beautiful wednesday morning mickey saw how his beloved minnie was talking to a tall and graceful mouse that mouse is so happy oh my god that's a cute mouse that's a hot mouse and of course he's arms oh not even bothering that take the owl making air staring everything take the l get [ __ ] mickey alone and afraid waiting for him he found something that maybe can help [Music] [Applause] [Music] i feel like the static sound effect is like a little bit loud i get why it's there though [Music] foreign [Music] i love you [Music] oh okay damn the screen going sicko mode right now bro i only missed two notes there you could say i'm a gamer dejection [Music] i do like his sprites the one where he's like leaning to the right he's got that creepy ass smile i like that one that one's cool [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] ready [Music] it's hard to even see where the notes are at bro [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] right on very cool very cool oh hi oh no mickey is evil it's evil mickey your dodge key bombs are space when do i dodge when do i dodge [Music] daddy that's unfortunate [Music] what though what what what what do you mean i'll give it a couple more tries and if not i'm just not gonna play this mod what i didn't miss any of those i didn't miss any of those what was that i had that i did it this is [ __ ] stupid dude as you can see i was raging like a [ __ ] baby in this mod now i'm not great at fnf never claimed to be i've always been dog [ __ ] at the game but my chat kept telling me that this was the hardest song in the mod and that i was this close to beating it so i dug in and gave it my all trying to beat it normally in a case like this i would play it just to get through so we could showcase the rest of the mod or i would just go to free play and check out what else is in the mod because i like looking at this and i like appreciating the art and music but unfortunately this mod does lock free play in the further weeks behind beating this song so i just kept grinding and grinding until eventually i spent over two hours trying to beat this one song i was frustrated i was mad i was worn out and tired which caused me to get extremely upset to a point that i've never gotten to playing a video game before i think it's something about just grinding through something over and over and over again for two hours half the chaps telling you that oh hey you're this close to beating it you got this then the other half's calling you dog [ __ ] and you're terrible at the game you should just end the stream now which i probably should have taken their advice and just ended it just out of pure anger towards the whole situation i said some things that i didn't mean to say at all [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid mod dude i'm sorry the art's good i like the music but like why is it so hard the thing is i know this team poured so much time into the art into the the music and it's like this health range is so harsh on a song that like half of it's like super i want to say spammy but that's what it feels like because of my brain can't even process that like it's not fun like i'm not having fun i like this song i like this mod but it's just like [ __ ] dude like i want the opportunity to try to beat it i want to be able to experience what else is in the mind [Music] whoa why did i die there i don't know why i died there damn it that was my bet i'm done i'm done [ __ ] that mod dude i feel so sorry for the people that worked on it but that was just not fun for a minute that should have been fine [ __ ] dude what a bad mod the mods good but just the gameplay is just so like not fun now did i believe this mod was bad no not at all the entire time i was praising it for the music the art everything about this is probably one of the best f mods i was just maulding and being a massive baby about it damn it dude i wanted to beat that so bad i'm sorry i'm sorry to the dev team i'm just mauled in bro maybe we'll try it again later [Music] damn it i just can't get past that part dude maybe we'll come back to it and that was my plan i was going to come on the next day on stream and try to beat the mod again because end of the day it was tough on me but i felt like i was so close to being over that hurdle of beating it but i went to bed that night and i just could not sleep because i wanted to beat the mod so darn bad so what did i do i booted up my webcam and i just grinded the hell practicing this one mod chart for hours that night i couldn't beat it but the next day right before my day shift to freddy's 3 stream i was able to beat it but when i was editing this video i was looking at the footage and about halfway through the footage goes to like one frame per second i've literally i've been trying for like eight hours please not really sure what happened there so the next day i spent several hours beating it again [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] baby me [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay okay please for the love of god let me beat this please i want to be done please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go oh my god so with that unknown suffering was finally beat it took forever but we did it luckily i was able to salvage the footage from my original beat of it for what happens directly after finally bro holy [ __ ] i am so happy oh my god i care about you mickey although i do want you to just shoot yourself at this point bro i'm just end it [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] i just realized the icon is him blowing his brains out holy [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool [Music] oh [ __ ] damn that's gory [ __ ] okay damn that was gory our history has taken a drastic and unexpected turn a place of no return our little hero is confused afraid sad he doesn't understand what is going on he has no idea what a way to give him heart the eyes you noticed them before but you chose to ignore them [Applause] hi satan still you decided you are now just another [Applause] hell hole okay i guess we're just gonna keep playing through this mod i was just recording just in case i beat it i guess we're just gonna keep playing i'll save like any bonus stuff for on stream that way i'm not like doing this like offline you know i can't believe i beat it dude i'm so happy dude i don't even have my like lights on out my glasses on holy [ __ ] i don't know if we're beating this bro [Music] banger though [Music] this is a five-minute song [Music] it better slow down and get easier bro i've been i this is hellhole but i feel like i've been in hell this entire time [Music] oh my god oh that scared me bro hi satan no [ __ ] oh if i exit out of this does it save my progress because i have to stream day shift at freddy's in 10 minutes um so if i exit out of it does it delete all my progress [Music] so we can really only fit in one more try here i love his voice dude [Music] [Music] um [Music] love that little animation of him coming out and then dropping out [Music] they've clearly put a lot of thought into this mod dude it's so well done [Music] [Music] hey so [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] please there goes all my help though [ __ ] damn it that's hard that's hard dude i don't have time to try again oh [ __ ] dude what happens if i exit if i exit does it save my progress for the week [Music] oh dude i've got the other weeks unlocked oh thank goodness and and i got free play unlocked oh that was worth it that was just a weird bonus song oh my god so now we can actually like play the rest of the mod on stream let's [ __ ] oh my god i'm so happy you have no idea i'm so happy i'm so happy i'm so happy all right so first week is done we beat the first week so let's go and move on into week two brick of friendship spring is beautiful flowers are blooming and butterflies are dancing everywhere in toyland it's all fun will you join the party today life is like any other hard all right baby let's run it dude oh this looks terrifying [Music] carnival in toyland i like the texture in the background like on the uh the pillars on the wall i don't know what the dude in the front is referencing [Music] but it it's scary looking bro that dude looks terrifying are those like ink wells against the wall [Music] that's what it kind of looks like to me the things with the sticks coming out looks like ink inkwell i love how these sprites look too [Music] so [Music] yeah this mod is actually a banger dude foreign [Music] i love this design too his tail being like all thick and weird i don't really know the story behind what's going on here but it looks creepy i love it [Music] [Music] okay this is what spring march i love when mods put the name of the song in the corner [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i like the little um i don't know anything about music like the little like internet like in the back i don't know what that is the uh i clearly know nothing about music bro i'm like i'm like listening to this like i don't know what the hell that is it's like a [Music] maybe i should like know a little bit about music and rhythm before i get into playing rhythm games bro that's crazy [Music] okay it's picking up a bit here [Music] i feel like the dude in the front like the cat or whatever that is gonna like jump out at me i feel like it's weird that he's like looking off screen [Music] yeah dude that end that was awesome i love that cool so father i crave cheddar is that that one meme it's like a it's like a statue or something he's got like the long arms is that what this is that abandoned school is a horror as the groans of pain echo through the halls and the dim lights don't illuminate your path you know it waits patiently for you to bring in some food oh [ __ ] that's terrifying small world out here dude of course they give the creepy statue the [ __ ] small world motif dude oh god [Music] oh no i crave cheddar [Music] damn he's just popping off [Music] that's so cool i hate how the eyeballs roll if you look at the eyeballs the eyeballs like roll back and it's yeah yeah yeah that gets gross it's gross dude [Music] i hate that they gave it the [ __ ] small world theme dude that is oh it's so creepy it's so good though i would have never thought to have used it but i mean that is disney that makes complete sense oh god [Music] [Applause] oh dude like the fact that he has eyeballs and then there's like a socket around the eyeballs that makes it so creepy dude [Music] [Applause] ugh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez dude so creepy so creepy dude does he have another song hunger pains [Music] dude the way he moves [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh now he's popping off [Music] i love the weird like fade out that's cool that's a cool effect i've not seen that like [Music] yeah i love that his song is just small world like that's his like main motif in these songs i think i'm using motif correctly i don't know [ __ ] about music but [Music] the melody i guess [Music] oh [Music] um dude even in his idol with that jaw unhinged uh and then the music doing that i love him but i hate him dude [Music] is this not a manga song from the oh god i am not ready it is an among a song why is there a manga song in here bro oh god the animation's so good on it though dude [Music] i love the like blood splatter like out of his mouth i also love the boyfriend you don't get to see like in universe like boyfriend change too much like in these mods so it's cool to see like a crewmate um boyfriend you know what i'm saying there's a few mods obviously do that but it's cool to see some variety and they took the time to make a whole new set of boyfriends [Music] okay [Music] oh i like that they don't like that that sounded cool dude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] i love the music in this mod dude it has like such like a like again i don't know anything about music it's like that kind of like drum like [Music] like it it's very uh i don't know i know how to describe it i like it it just hits hard like you can feel it oh dude and that guitar [ __ ] dude [Music] god damn dude that went way too hard for an among us mickey mouse song bro what world am i living in what did i just say i just recorded myself saying that that went too hard for an among us mickey mouse song what am i doing this is crazy bro unknown defeat okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] i love it dude i love it for some for some reason like among us in friday night pumpkin is like one of the best combinations like imposter mod did it really well and then you have mods like this to do like additional among us stuff [ __ ] goes hard dude [Music] go so hard [ __ ] love it [Music] [Music] so [Music] i love when mods do the whole like hiding parts of the hud during the song and like doing the um what do you call that like the cinematic bar what are the [ __ ] what are those called damn it i don't know what it's called but when they have the bars on the top and bottom like for cinematic reason [ __ ] i don't remember the name of that um but stuff like that i think is very cool oh okay so these are more like because i remember when this mod first came out it had accelerant in it are these more just like covers too slow encore he's just a little guy in these sprites dude he's just a little guy in these sprites [Music] something about we've been fighting like this big scary mickey the entire time and finally we have like a normal one he's just sitting here i love it [Music] oh god there we go [Music] [Music] okay [Music] damn it dude luckily like if i can't beat this or if i try too many times and it just takes forever this doesn't like lock any other content i don't think so i think we'll be okay the issue with um unknown suffering and the reason i was so adamant about beating it is unless you cheat it locks all of free play in the rest of the weeks so it's like you know you kind of have to beat that in order to unlock everything else but here it's like okay you know if i can't get through it i just move on [Music] holy [ __ ] sup satan oh my god wow [Music] [Applause] dude i love this i love these sprites dude like i said at the beginning you're just like so like innocent like he's just kind of sad [Music] and now it's so much more already [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh damn i love that part holy [ __ ] what is that dude the sprite work in this mod dude [Music] i want to see i want to see it end i got to be it i want to see it end yeah i think i'm gonna play it i'll take the l on this one dude i'm i've never said i'm good at the video game i play one hand on the arrow keys i'm happy to have gone through unknown suffering i don't know how i managed to do that okay so right here is about where i died i could realistically probably get through this if i gave myself more time glad i bought played to see that because that was a cool animation so he gets dropped into i'd have to presume hell this mod is so creative dude it looks so cool every little like they've come up with so many ideas for it dude it's wild which i think this is another antipathy uh track i could be wrong [Applause] it's definitely using like the hank mickey uh sprites i think accelerant was in the last month or in the last update yeah forget that i like this song [Music] that laugh dude [Music] that laugh dude [Music] [Music] i like that that was cool [Music] [Music] sick oh is this a different remix from uh i don't remember the remix going so hard dude the dead girlfriend up top that looks insane dude [Music] i love this remix holy cow dude this is so cool [Music] [Music] very cool then [Music] i love the little like sound for that throw animation i don't know why that's so satisfying is that donald with goofy's head on a stage dude what the hell holy [ __ ] that's supposed to be the tricky here [Music] that is crazy dude oh my god nice this is for some reason i think this was in timothy i think this is uh the versus mod right [Music] damn girlfriend's hella dead dude that's kind of disgusting holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] damn dude damn oh i like the vibe of this already [ __ ] [Music] okay is that a minecraft steve head it's like we're in like a coliseum [Music] is that king k rool on the right too i love how uh creative they got the background [Music] there we go [Music] okay now he's popping off [Music] i love this beat dude i like the little demons up there too [Music] [Applause] it's like a more like epic and like intense version it's like with that like melody or motif or whatever you say oh [ __ ] [Music] it's going down [Music] [Music] i've learned that melody now that song's gonna be stuck in my head for probably a year now i've heard it so many times [Music] this is a damn good mod bro [Music] [Music] sick dude so good i love it i love it that's so neat crit man oh god this is gonna be uh senor pelos [ __ ] mickey right moki is that right moki with his christmas oh no he looks so sad he looks so sad [Music] i feel like i'm gonna regret turning that up because it's gonna be so loud when he talks i'm sure [Music] this is literally me trying to be [ __ ] unknown suffering that was my face the entire time it was a [ __ ] [ __ ] baby during it baby [Music] my [Music] that's fun that's a fun song wasn't like super hard wasn't it just kind of here oh god [Music] was that a fake out was that a fake out yeah sure looks like it oh [ __ ] okay that's more like the character i'm not even gonna lie i just say that was way too tame for the character yeah okay it was a fake out i love that dude [Music] that's very cool those stripes look insane his head gets so big bro [Music] oh god the switch and boyfriend voice and the slow down [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah i love this this ended up being sick [Music] [Applause] look at him go bro [Music] oh uh untold loneliness oh this is d sides i wonder what they'll do for d side because it's not like oh they went with oswald wait that's so sick so they're going with like the the sonic.exe um round and he talks i [ __ ] love oswald dude oswald is so cool [Music] dude and his animations look so sick too [Music] oh this might be my favorite song in the mod now i'm gonna lie [Music] i i just love oswald dude that was so smart to like go with the song the exe route for these sides [Music] or just another character and to be honest kind of an obscure character that actually is a perfect fit because if they would have done like donald duck or something it wouldn't have been the same like sloth like that's more equivalent that's so cool dude [Music] oh [Music] so it's just like uh d sides that's so cool dude oh [ __ ] don't oh it didn't kill him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude i wonder what that sounds like if you throw like the um because that sound sounded like it was about the same like in the notepad in the end we all you know like it sounds like you can easily make a mashup with or something they did such a good job of staying close to like d-sized material while being their own thing it's so smart actually like massive brain from these devs dude so cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude i love this this is so cool that was so smart they like stayed on brand to these sides while being there that's so neat dude i love it i love it it's so cool damn that was awesome that was really really cool i like that a lot leak my balls okay [Applause] [Music] i leaked mobs or i love [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn dude so do they have a leaking problem with the mod getting leaked a lot or is it just like a commentary on ebon leaking in general i love the little demons in the back that whenever the trumpets are playing they actually whip out the trumpets and they play on b2 this mod is so well done dude everything about it it looks so goofy bro i love it it's so good [Music] i love that satan just kind of like comes out from mickey to sing everything about this is so sick [Music] please a long time ago [ __ ] that one [Music] i love it dude i [ __ ] love how much personality this mod has dude [Music] yeah the animators went way too hard on this mod dude [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh i love satan's voice in this book so cool dude oh oh [ __ ] i missed again damn it you couldn't see it because that's where my webcam was [Music] [ __ ] oswald was in the back the entire time getting ready to shoot himself and he missed his shot and he hit the [ __ ] leaker ah that's cool so neat dude i know there's a couple codes right there in the um in like the directory for the mod so we can try them out just kind of see what happens mickey mouse what's he doing [Music] what's mickey doing [Music] that just goes way harder than it should bro [Music] [Music] you tend to forget this mod is about freaking mickey mouse dude like the mickey that is in this mod obviously is like completely separate from like this mickey and it's just like it's a weird reality trip to like look at this now and be like [ __ ] this is the same dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool what's this [Music] duke [Music] and then it crashes the game really penn k is that [ __ ] pancaro see hitting the ground oh my god that's one way to hit the gritty oh oh he's hitting the gritty bro he's hitting the [ __ ] gritty bro i'm going back to peak that's all you're getting that's all you get chat and that crashes the game too for real further oh what is this what is this [Music] what is this [Music] [Music] this dude's playing this song better than i am [Music] way better than i oh that's it well ladies and gentlemen that was wednesday's infidelity again i want to apologize to um any of the mod devs who were there during my stream when i was salty at no point like the thing is i got off stream and i'm like oh yeah i'll just play that another time and we'll make a video about it but there are a lot of people bringing up to me that i was an [ __ ] for calling it a bad mod and never in my mind when i was raging at unknown suffering did i think like oh i'm [ __ ] on this mod and i'm making fun of it and i'm saying that it's actually bad i never intended that at all in all reality this is probably one of if not the best f mods to come out in the past several months for sure so if you guys like this video subscribe let me know what mods i need to play thank you the wednesdays infidelity team for being so [ __ ] sick i talked to some of you guys during the stream and after y'all are cool thank you guys so much subscribe and have yourselves a damn good one [Music] you
Channel: UniqueGeese
Views: 182,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friday night funkin, fnf, friday night funkin', FNF Mod, FNF Mods, New FNF mod, friday night funkin mod, Friday Night Funkin', Friday Night Funkin' Mods, uniquegeese fnf mods, UniqueGeese, Unique Geese, FNF Modding, Full Week, NEW FNF MOD, fnf mod, wednesday infidelity, wednesday infidelity part 2, wednesday infidelity v2, fnf mickey mouse, mickey mouse, suicide mouse, mouse fnf, fnf mickey, mouse.avi fnf, mickey fnf, mod, mods, mickey mouse update!, unknown suffering
Id: gb8Es3Z7q3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 3sec (4203 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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