This Mod BUFFS All Bad Transformations!!!

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hey guys did you ever feel like the effects of the transformations in Isaac are a bit underwhelming especially for how hard some of them are together if that's the case then the mod Transformations plus might be perfect for you it Buffs 12 out of the game's 14 Transformations and this video will showcase them all let's start with Beelzebub getting this transformation with the mod active will grant you a temporary damage buff while you are standing next to any poop obstacle the closer you are to the poop the bigger the damage buff will be ranging from just plus 0.10 at max range up to plus 3 if you are standing directly next to or even on the poop the damage boost will even work on destroyed probes so you don't have to be afraid to accidentally shoot them down multiple poops won't Grant additional damage Buffs if stacked together next up is the Bob transformation getting it will now also turn all blue flash you get from any Source into green locusts which will poison your enemies on hit the poison will hit them two times for 100 of your tear damage each this means the transformation basically doubles the damage of your flies against non-boss enemies on top of that the bug transformation will also turn all regular black flies you touch into even more green flies for you keep in mind that those flies don't deal any contact damage to you The Bookworm transformation also got a really flavorful buff each time an enemy dies there's a 10 chance to spawn a Charmed small maggot enemy that will fight for you until it dies the maggots will persist between rooms and try to charge at your enemies with their respectable contact damage of 6 per hit while being quite tanky themselves it is also important to note that the Charmed enemies still count as enemies this means that each maggot also has the 10 chance to instantly replace itself in death The Bookworm transformation is not the only one that gets an effect for kids enemy Stone conjoined also grants a 10 chance of spawning a baby pickup on each kill collecting one of them will spawn a random familiar for the duration of the current room it can be any familiar in the game that is able to fight even a temporary baby Plum from the plum flute item however keep in mind that you can bring them over to other rooms you should pick them up as soon as they spawn to help you in combat before becoming useless there are two more Transformations that do something when you kill enemies the fan guy is one of them and Friends a 10 chance to spawn a mushroom pickup each time collecting one of these special pickups will cause your character to shoot a random tier effect in random directions for 8 seconds this effect will stay the same on all shots picking up a second mushroom where the first one is still active will reset the 8 seconds timer and add a second tier effect this can lead to fan chain reactions if you are lucky with the mushroom drops and just to make this clear the random shots will be fired automatically without you needing to fire yourself you can still fire your own regular tiers whenever you want there's a total of 46 possible tier effects you can get which is basically everything in the game this ability will finally make the fun guide transformation live up to its name the last new ability to add a kill reward was given to the spun transformation in this case by granting a 10 chance on each kill to spawn a special syringe pickup collecting a syringe will grant you a boost in a random stat that will last for a total of 8 seconds even if you leave the room collecting a second one Buffs another set and resets the timer this basically allows you to create huge chain pickups just like with the mushrooms if you are either lucky or if you leave some of the syringes on the ground for later it is up to you if you want to instantly use them for a small boost or if you want to leave them all on the ground and collect all of them at once to get a huge boost for the floor boss either way I seem to buff given to the spun transformation is a cool way to add an effect to its addiction scene next up is the Leviathan transformation on top of its usual flight and two black hearts it will now also summon a Charmed him for you when you collect a new black heart just as with any other Charmed enemy the aims will stay with you between rooms and plus until death they rapidly fire at enemies and deal a respectable 6 damage per shot up to the seraphim transformation which has a similar effect to the Leviathan but in this case you will get a Charmed Angelic baby whenever you collect a sword art on top of that collecting an eternal heart will spawn a bigger and stronger Angelic baby that shoots a volley of three tears at once all shots of the babies did 6 damage to enemies both the leviathanims as well as the xerophone angelids are actually quite sturdy and will support you for a long time just make sure not to blow them up by accident it is now time to talk about what I think is the most disappointing transformation for how rare it is oh crap this one got multiple new effects in the mod to make it more interesting first of all each time you destroy a brown or chronic proof there's a 25 chance to spawn a pool pickup the chances increase to 50 if you have to petrified poop trinket collecting a pool pickup will spawn a random dip or Locust familiar to support you there can be any type spawned from the Locust trinkets or the dirty mind item but there are even more new effects for our crap for example each time you destroy a white or black poop you will gain half a soul heart or black heart respectively standing next to a golden poop will grant you the ability to shoot current years that make you spoil money when you hit enemies by standing next to a rainbow poop will make you shoot with random tear effects and colors keep in mind that all of these effects require some sort of poop on the ground to work the transformation will still be mostly used as in the end game but it is way more interesting factors next up is the Spider Baby transformation which will buff your Blues by the familiars by causing them to shoot out four tiers in an x pattern when they attach an enemy each tier deals 100 of your tier damage and can even hit the same Target that your spider died to bigger targets can also get hit by multiple tiers with the right angle another interesting buff in the mod was given to the Stompy transformation it will cause your character to shoot out rock tears in random directions when touching an enemy the rocks will come out at a very fast rate if you keep contact with your enemy each Rock will deal 100 of your tear damage despite the usual random damage range of the Terra item this transformation effect will always work even if you wouldn't take damage yourself this makes its energize really well with any effect that grants invulnerability or a shield all right and finally we come to the yes Mother transformation the mud Buffs it by granting a 15 chance to activate a high priestess card when entering an uncleared room in case you didn't know mom's foot will always jump down on the enemy with the highest have in the room until 300 damage to it you have no control over when the transformation effect triggers but it will still help you a lot throughout the Run as you can see right here I use the mercurius item for the Showcase this means the effect can trigger any time you enter an anxious room not only the first time you do so and that's it for all the Buffs in the Transformations plus mod the only one besides guppy for obvious reasons that wasn't buffed is the adulthood how could that one be changed any ideas I really hope you enjoyed this much showcase and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe to the channel either way I hope to see you again in my next video bye reach down from heaven
Channel: SlayXc2
Views: 193,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transformations, transformations+, transformations plus, transformation buffs, isaac transformations, all isaac transformations, tboi transformations, isaac fun guy, isaac beelzebub, isaac stompy, isaac spun, isaac transformation, buffed transformations, SlayXc2, slayxc, mod showcase, transformations plus mod, transformtions in isaac, transformations in isaac repentance, repentance transformations, isaac repentance transformations, isaac wiki, tboi wiki, repentance wiki, isaac
Id: JL-gFLhWkz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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