This Michigan Beach OVERWHELMED Me With Beautiful Stones... and Agate!

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hey y'all wild Kyle here welcome back to the channel I finally made it to meet up with Rob Michigan rocks here on YouTube you've been asking in the comments below for us to meet up and we finally got around to it and we're all the way up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan today to walk the shores of Lake Superior on a beach I've never been to before but Rob's been here and found some cool stuff so what's the kind of potential things we could find today Rob uh well agates are the big prize but they're pretty rare um Omars which are these uh kind of black rocks a little holes in them cool uh there's unikite epidote Granite if you like Granite all kinds of lots of colorful rocks so you'll like it sounds good to me my goal is to find an agate the size of my head so let's see if we can do that today we're gonna pack up everything and get to walking down the beach and find some rocks let's get to it we are working our way to the water now this is at what kind of location on Lake Superior whereabouts are wine soccer River blind sucker River it is absolutely beautiful look at this beautiful Trail [Music] I love getting to walk around the woods in Michigan because it's very different than Florida and it's really nice and it's kind of crisp and clean feeling the air feels great today I can't wait to get to the beach and find some rocks out of the bugs compare the bugs are honestly pretty bad here mosquitoes are eating I mean bugs are bad in Florida but this is this is comparable I would say oh look at this little swamp area that's kind of cool yeah the the Wilderness here is hard to beat it's beautiful I mean this is just gorgeous got a up Bridge coming up a up bridge what's that right there in front of you oh right there yeah that looks like it was thrown together last minute eh I'll walk on it I'll use it some rocks there this is where you found what Rob OT omorph Agate oh my God I had the camera on little flowers you said four pound Agate and I thought man I gotta get that oh I found an alma a 14 ounce egg in here it was a little better Agate nice oh wow this is beautiful this is the blind sucker oh this is the river yep very cool actually this is not the main river the main river comes out over there I guess okay I forgot yeah man he couldn't ask for a better day it's beautiful right now oh look at this we're coming out to the water oh my gosh I've never seen so many rocks oh that's the river right there wow that is so cool look at that it's flowing right out right there that is gorgeous look at that water that's going fast oh man this is cool Lake Superior is a beautiful Beast look at all the rocks oh my gosh wow oh there's a dinosaur shoe maybe we should take that um the bucket there wow that's a lot of rocks right there oh my goodness this is amazing so uh Rob's right here getting his his uh drone ready he said go ahead and start walking for rocks and I'll catch up to you and I said hold on look right here oh and I gotta find it again look at this little agate isn't that crazy that took all but a couple seconds wow that's a little tiny Agate for sure right there all right now it's fine I want the size of my palm I have no idea what to call this that I just picked up but it is incredibly beautiful close look at it look at that thing I swear I even see some like purple Hues in it that's really gorgeous oh my goodness the water is calmer right here and you can really see down in there but how it's weird how the rocks are like color coded oh you can see down there good right now I gotta pay close mind here I don't want to miss a mega agate not entirely sure what that is oh my goodness it's beautiful it's almost got a translucence to it doesn't look like Agate to me some sort of quartz but there's some color in there kind of a cool rock [Applause] there is a wonderful example of unikite a small piece look at all the green and red in there I love that all right now is a good time to play pick your favorite Rock I'm gonna choose five rocks at random and you're all gonna let me know in the comments below which one is your favorite we're gonna start with this one right here number one oh that's cool yep that's a beautiful first contender number two how about this one oh yeah that's a cool rock nice and dark red in there all right very cool number three how about this one who oh that thing's cool look at all that color in there all right that's number three number four come on let's make it a good one number four number four where you at where you at number four ah there we go how that one oh yeah number four all right we got time for one more the final Rock who's it gonna be all right I had one in mind that one right there oh oh yeah all right that's five of them y'all let me know in the comments what you like best these ones are kind of fun right there look at that it's like speckled I can't remember exactly what those are called I think there's a name for that but clearly some sort of like bubbles or whatever was formed in the Soraka was probably like magma rock or something and it got filled with some sort of other mineral that's really kind of cool I saw something over here I wanted to take a look at is it that guy right there I'm gonna get splashed look at that look at the line through there's not neat it's like a iron line like red and you can tell that it's less dense there because it got eroded away that's kind of neat oh man there's another one really similar to that right there oh yeah that one's cool I don't mind that a bit I like looking at that like a banded iron oh my feet are cold y'all who's cool what's that that looks cool whoa what even is that it's like blue and gray I love it Lake Superior is a treasure Trove of amazing rocks and having a really hard time leaving this little spot because I feel like my head-sized Agate is right here somewhere because all the rocks are big even that's probably absolutely not the case whoa that's cool I I don't know what to do everything's cool all the rocks are cool even the granite's cool look at what is that that thing is oh it's big what even is that what would you even call it look at the color though oh my gosh oh I love it I don't want to take big rocks they're heavy so that thing's so cool once you got there Rob piece of uh white quartz they always well this one has a little stripe they always look like a little snowball to me oh that's cool put a green stripe on that one's pretty nice yeah I like that little stripe in there wow it's so white that's crazy that's gorgeous you want it nope all right we'll leave it for someone else bye-bye that's a nice little conglomerate right next to it there's something kind of cool there too oh wow that's a really cool conglomerate look at that [Applause] yeah that's what I was looking at right there that was kind of neat I call these mystery rocks because I've never been able to figure out what they are it's like a mystery to me they're kind of cool it's neat I really enjoy it I don't know what it is but it's cool huh all right what do we have here Rob this is magnetite I don't know what the red stuff is but the black stuff's magnetite at least I think it is so he just grabbed a magnet check it out Kyle stick it around there see if it sticks hey wow look at that all right so cool gosh we verified that you were right it's magnetite that's awesome neat all right I got something right there under Rob's hand look at that agate look at that thing it's beautiful wow it's just glowing right there that's so gorgeous very happy with that Rob just picked up this here it's called an Omar or Omar luck I think is the long name for him it's the gray wacky and what is it a carbonate concretion is where these holes were and it dissolved away leaving those circular holes and they I believe they traveled all the way from Hudson Bay in Canada right up in Canada somewhere that's kind of wild actually they use these to track glaciers because they come from one very specific spot so they know if it's here it traveled here by glacier and there's a lot on this beach that's wild I think I read they moved something like over 700 miles to get to the shore here they migrate that's crazy there's a little horn coral fossil right there don't see a whole lot of fossils on Lake Superior so that's kind of cool nicely polished one there's another little fossil right there look at that they're Buddies I had to film this because I see some real bright green that looks like it might be interesting if I can get it out there a bright green line going through there kind of neat y'all can probably see just how big a lot of these rocks are right here and it's a little bit calmer right out here on these big rocks it's a little easier to see so I figured it'd be a good opportunity to pick up some neat stuff look at that quartzite or whatever look at the white and cream in there that's really kind of cool I saw something neat here this reddish look how Wild that is I mean there's something crazy going on in that rock that's really neat all right if we can find an agate in these big rocks it's probably a big one right [Applause] the Rob over there walking the shoreline come on Agate into this little unique Rock here look how red that is in there isn't that incredible wow that is a bright red I don't know what that is but it's almost like a Jasper looking Rock inside something else that is cool kind of a cool one right here I don't know if you're going to be able to see well let's zoom in a little bit there's a bit of blue specks in there kind of neat I don't really know what that is but it is really cool [Applause] there's a very pretty unicite right there I'd say that one is definitely worth taking home for the mother she loves unicate I wouldn't have found this one right here if it wasn't for Rob because he found one just a minute ago and he said hey come back and walk this area with me for a second and sure enough oops there's a little Agate right there oh yeah that's a pretty little one wow look at the banding on there that is awesome I'm gonna get that wet for a second you got some water in the bucket let's do that oh my gosh wow look at the color on that oh wow that is killer that orange is awesome I love that thanks Rob I wouldn't have found that one without you yeah okay you owe me one all right really neat piece of banded iron right there I believe look at that color that is gorgeous show that off right there that's real pretty [Applause] even right where I set my bucket something else that looks kind of cool look at all the lightning through there really beautiful that's really cool magnetite right there I had to pick it up look at all that look at all the shape in that oh the weird blob on the other side but look it looks like a map or something the road map that's really cool that's an awesome one look at that thing so much color on the beach here sometimes it's fun just to admire a nice completely white quartz rock that thing's pretty cool cool look at that green lightning strikes through there that is really beautiful look how white that quartz is I mean it's just pure way all the way around that is gorgeous it's like an icy kite in the water right there very beautiful one oh yeah look at that side [Applause] yep my mother will love that one [Applause] all right I brought the GoPro out for a little bit because I can get some steadier walking shots with it and if I find any rocks that need a close-up we'll just get a close-up on the other camera but I like the GoPro get a really good view of the beach here the wind noise should be okay I've got some blockers on here but you might hear a little bit of wind noise but this way I mean you get such a good look at these rocks and we can take a nice little slow walk together see what we can find if you look at the color oh it's incredible still looking for my head-sized Agate it's around here somewhere where's it at Rob where's my head sized agate I don't think it exists unfortunately but maybe one the size of I don't know a silver dollar that'd be nice look at this little thing hey this one's got some eyeballs Rob looks like a little alien eyes or something that's kind of funky hey it's got little nose holes it's like a lizard head that's sandstone that's kind of cool I don't think I'll keep it I'll leave it there for someone else but fun to pick up oh that there some sort of unikite looking rock yeah we're kind of cool there look at that thing whoa kind of like that look at all the lines going through there that's different really kind of neat check this out Rob that's it that's what I call mystery rock but a really unusual one with all the Stripes going in different directions yeah that's sweet there's definitely quartzite in there and who knows what else shirt or something maybe that one wet let's see hey that's pretty cool it seems a little chalky but maybe the inside's a little more solid or something yeah I think they get weathered and turned like that chalky and if you grind through enough of it you'll grind it off okay so the inside might be okay oh I might hold on to that one then that's a big giant unicite right there I don't think it's one I'll hold on to but cool to pick up and admire for sure set it back down my uh my head was a little too big earlier and I thought that I was going to be getting in the water uh that's not gonna happen today I got my bottom half of the wetsuit on it is way too chilly out here to get in the water I got out there and got wet nope I'd come back up out of the water and the wind would hit me it would not be very fun so we're gonna avoid that today and just be walking and looking down unfortunately though I would love to be in that water because there's huge rocks out there I think we'll be fine still finding tons of cool stuff that's pretty cool right there Rob another one of your mystery rocks but look at the color on that oh wow that's really unique I like it that's kind of crazy looking yeah that red spot there is just awesome yeah kind of like it reminds me of the banded iron at Red you know so I think that's the iron at least and then there's all kinds of whatever else in there kind of cool this is one of them Omar's there now that one is uh that one is a face 100 percent always got a hole in the back there too look at that one you put a little mouth right there it'd be like an alien head that's hilarious oh my gosh look at the circle on that one it's on that side too wow that's pretty wild some sort of like Granite thing or something like that I don't know magnetite like that one that one's pretty cool wow look at the red in there I'm kind of falling in love with this stuff it's kind of a fun Rock there what in the world it looks fake what it's kind of a fun one isn't that strange just that little bottom of it is all I wonder if that was a vein at one point there was this on the other side that's what it broke off that's what I would think that's like geologists can tell you that sort of stuff yeah that's some funky geology right there I like it it's cool but I'm Gonna Leave it right there look at the crazy sand banks right here that is so neat there's so many rocks pouring out of them look at that wow look at all the rocks out here too look at these clumps they're kind of wild look at that it's like a giant clump of this hardened concreted stuff full of rocks look at all of them look at that clump it's like some weird alien looking stuff out here wow that is so cool this Hillside is beautiful I don't know how you can if you can tell in the GoPro but that whole line up there it's just solid rocks that is incredible what's that funky Rock there whoa I don't know what you would call that it's like not quite a conglomerate I'm not entirely sure really kind of cool thank you looks like some sort of food [Applause] check out this tree here look at how the waves push the Rocks into it like that and they get caught up in the roots that's kind of wild it's a big beautiful tree that got messed up that is really kind of cool look at see what it looks like from the side here what have you found an agate stuck in there wouldn't that be wild [Applause] it's a real gorgeous looking unikite right there all kinds of green in it and this little area we're Inland is pretty promising the wave action isn't too crazy and there's a ton of rocks so probably a good spot to slow down oh this one was worth picking up look at that kind of neat a lot of rings on it let's leave it right there though look at this one's got an eyeball staring back at us thank you it's kind of neat I see some big unicide out here too my eyes are really kind of drawn to that stuff I guess that one's not a fantastic example but I saw somewhere look at that there's a lot of green on that one right there yeah that thing's pretty pretty crazy even right next to that there's another one there big Rings going through it just beautiful [Applause] it's kind of something neat right there all kinds of layers they just see roads so cool here [Applause] that guy's kind of cool I love all the little circles on it it's like a weird eyeball with quartz rings in there too kind of a fun looking one it's kind of a fun one there check out all the pink it's like some sort of granite or something there's almost a greenish tint with some pink speckles kind of cool here's something cool I picked up right there Rob and I were just focused on it oh hold on there it goes Rob and I were just admiring that it is quite beautiful it's sort of Agate looking but not entirely sure worth keeping is that maybe a Utica looking Rock there that water is cold uh it's not a great one but it is beautiful but there's not a lot of green in it nothing wrong with admiring that though what you got right I like pink I like pink that's pretty that's just pink pink Quartz in there that's cool got a cool one right here check that out doesn't that look almost like it could be a little Agate in there get real close on it there we go looks looks purple in the middle those look kind of purpley doesn't it a little amethyst maybe that'd be cool nothing really else going on on that rock but it's pretty neat that's kind of funky right there look at that thing look at that wild colors going on in there there's like some specks of some other mineral in it that's pretty cool we'll leave it right there this is uh looks like a hurricane went through a little bit of blockage are we going around or over probably hmm over under or around there's some a bunch of options I'm going over I'm gonna go over too it's a little deep out there I'm gonna go over this way hopefully without dropping everything oh wow it's a little crazier than I thought yeah this is a little difficult with a camera what do you think go across huh somebody walked across here it looks like like right about where you are yeah it looks like there's a little area all right let's do it go this way yeah let's go challenge we gotta go for it let's go oh whoa oh oh look how high up we are this is cool looks like they made their way down right here I don't think so they went this way it's kind of wild Sawdust look at all that must have been a sawmill here or could that be from storms like all crushed up uh I think that's taught us this just straight sawdust from a mill I think so that's crazy wow yeah you know I I saw a couple big chunks of metal the chunk of metal right there metal or brick that was part of a brick it's a brick I guess there could have been a sawmill up there it's a brick that's wild look at all that so Rob where did we start today the mouth of the blind soccer River and what are we doing now walking to musculine State Park we're with inside of it aren't we we are I don't know how far that is but it's a long ways blind sucker River all the way to musk lunch State Park yes that's how far we've walked well not yet actually there's some more of that Sawmill junk or something look at that cans that is crazy look at all those old cans it's part of old bottle right there I don't know what that says on it that's kind of wild we'll get more glass there it's kind of sad that there's all this junk actually but oh look at all the junk up there tons of metal junk oh I see humans Rob we're alive we made it from blind sucker River all the way to musculine State Park and I cannot wait to see how many miles that is you're guessing can we guess six four miles seems reasonable I don't know I'd say that was a guess yeah we'll see may or may not be reasonable I'll guess five then obvious five we'll see what happens well everybody we somehow survived we did uh we don't know how many miles but at some point in this video probably about the point we made it to the furthest point I'm gonna put something up on the screen that shows the distance that we walked because yeah it was probably a lot I don't know how many I don't know how I don't know I'm going I'm sticking with my original guess of I guess four miles earlier four miles is a reasonable I guess you'll ever find out earlier in the video but it's like I can't even think anymore it's because I'm hungry he's talking about pizza and stuff on the way and I was like pizza there's no pizza we have we have cold sandwiches in the car I'm not very excited about the cold sandwiches there's banana peppers on it it's gonna be amazing I have Cheez-Its in the truck it's gonna be absolutely fantastic but thanks for coming on the adventure with us today guys it was great being up here in the U.P for my first chance up here since I've been in Michigan I don't think I'll get another chance until I come up again probably in the fall but it's always a great time I found some cool agates and some other cool stuff so thanks for being here and we will see you in the next video it about seven o'clock in the morning when you're looking down that Highway with thoughts gotta get the sword and getting ready for Drive thinking of the who's the ways and wives and why the ways of the world ain't in so much suffering so I headed out of Gainesville I took a pit stop up in Waynesville someone asked for a dollar gave him five and I was looking at all the people
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Id: DxWshpqjPng
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Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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