This Kitchen Belongs In a Magazine And Came Out Of a Box | Design Inc | Abode

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paper was light gold in medieval times [Music] i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong i'm sarah richardson this is matthew and fredericka this is their cluttered kitchen and this is what their kitchen looks like now thanks to some help from design inc [Music] matthew designs big buildings i was a project architect responsible for everything where the performances take place it's a very complicated room there's almost not a single flat surface in the whole room publicly his designs shine privately it's a different story when he first moved in he did a quick fix reno in his kitchen there are three cupboards over there and two over there which doesn't add up for his family's growing needs hello what would you like to have in the kitchen that you don't have now i want some more storage in the kitchen okay right now you have slab doors would you consider something that has a glass panel that you can't see through there's sippy cups back there right right don't necessarily want to see them yeah i really like having the kids art in here okay it'd be nice to sort of incorporate a better way of displaying it you use the table a lot all the everything this is the amazing this is the table okay you're cooking here the kids are here well you could call that a problem or you could call it a feature you can start and teach a child and what about color the first time matthew and i talked about color i said i'd really like some color in the house and he said well yeah there are lots of whites i'm not anti-color and i know you're a voice what am i doing arguing with you i'm what about flooring is the preference is wood oh yeah not stone for sure not stone or tile would you consider a heated stone floor i love it what about heated concrete it works for me is this part of it actually we're sort of hoping that you'll convince us to take that wall out i can convince you that that's easy but what's their style i think the question is is it more modern or is it less more modern i guess it'd feel inviting at the same time if the wall goes what do we do about the roof take the roof off and open this as wide as possible would you consider incorporating that slope slopes are not modern i'm getting the division i'm going to worry about the inside and you're going to worry about the outside matthew and fredericka have a realistic budget for the kitchen but the budget could boil over by knocking down a wall and raising the roof some designers don't like working with architects and vice versa because there can be conflict i'm kind of curious to be on the other side of the table i respect his ability to imagine the overall space he realizes that he could benefit from my ability to imagine his wishes for an interior space it's good to have outside help it's going to be a really great mix of talents it's not my design ego that's on the table as long as he does exactly what i say well my alter ego on this job is tanya i don't think we have good enough use of counter space i don't think we have good enough use of the wall space and sometimes it's cheaper to keep the fixed elements where they are really max out the upper storage we'll add a peninsula remove the back wall and create a dining area in front of a new back door if you didn't have a range right here all of this is coming out right all of it's gone this is all coming up we've been busy drawing up a plan let's lay it on matthew and fredericka so we asked for you know a lot of storage and we got it i think there's kind of too much there's tightness here between the table and this tall cabinet so if we pulled it back we get a very clearly defined eating area right that's sort of unencumbered time to talk about the trapdoor well there's a trap door a trap what there's a trapdoor here and we actually have to keep it because it's the only way to get like the washer and dryer back out it means flipping the door so that the door is on this side and then maybe there's a banquet and a table that does that so much for matthew's concrete floors i'm willing to bend on the concrete we might have to while we deal with the trapdoor matthew's uncovered new challenges for us in the beginning they wanted one door that was going to lead out into the garden now what they want to do is they want to have a double set of french doors and i've already sent off all the drawings with the dimensions to our window people and now i've got to call them tell them that's going to change and probably find another supplier for the doors remember when i'm going to worry about the inside and you're gonna worry about the outside i can't do it these doors are gonna have a huge impact on our interior design our door installers are here to help with the details i don't actually like the out swinging door what about bug because you can't get a screen and there's nothing to stop it every cheap rental on the back of a house has a slider not mine the slider is only ever half open we're talking about being able to open the whole thing and the size of one of the doors has grown so the big one would sit next to the table so most of the time it would be closed so is there enough wall space to hold that door when it's open it's opening it's opening out they're both opening out yeah we got to get this right i never say compromise just get him to sign this is his idea finally we can close door gate and open up the back hello hi i just spoke with patrick um who's doing all the demo over at matthew's place and he's come in at about like 22 to 25. that's 2200 or 22 000. there'd be a k at the end of that one okay that's not okay that's not including drywall that's not including any painting that's not including the installing of the heated floor and a kitchen oh and that also doesn't include a new uh roof ah another 3k for that i don't know where the money's going to come from the trees are looking lush but they don't have money on them when an architect i'm a minimalist modernist in my mind that's no style asks a designer i actually think it's going to be a really great mix of talents to create his dream kitchen as long as he does exactly what i said i never say compromise it's an exercise in diplomacy can we find that middle ground but then i'm the average man matthew's minimalist vision has pushed our budget to the max well it's either more money or less modern time to crunch the numbers without crushing our clients dream my approach is always i want the total finished package and if i have to make trade-offs to get there i will because in addition to custom doors side windows are now on the grocery list for this renault it's going to add a fair bit to the budget but here it comes wait for it i really want to make sure that we've studied this carefully and if we lose that opportunity to put extra extra windows here i think i might regret it yeah the finishes are what shows in the end and so you don't want to get to that point and have no budget left but to me windows and light is a finish it's a finish right to stay on budget we'll have to go with ready-made cabinets and get creative with counter and flooring solutions is this going to be that everything perfect box i don't think we'll get there i still think we can get something that's really full of delight okay off to find delight that's off the rack as they say hello hi how are you what do you think about doing a sort of white-washed ash the up top flip ups could be solid aluminum edge with a white glass panel in it i like the ash with the aluminum i really like the ash i think it's looking very pretty okay and done oh isn't that looking very monochromatic it's starting to get there well we went and tried to find out about the wood one the one that i found the other day it's not in stock okay back ordered but we can get the white glass we can get the white glass i still love the white glass i think it looks great so we'll do it on the uppers and then all the lowers are going to be white i love it yeah and the floor we have this trapdoor that we're having to contend with i don't want to do wood because it's high traffic it doesn't make sense at a back door like why don't we do an old school floor we could go either with this silver shadow or serene gray that's nice i mean doesn't that just say architect to you why don't we make everything in this kitchen gray and white i mean that's where i see you're going with these backsplash samples we could do these countertops which look like concrete we can still put a hit of color on the wall and then we can introduce those accessories which are really going to bring it to life you're going to love it perfect well perfect to us anyway tan can you come here for a second we got a little bit i don't want to say frightened but concerned that we might be leaning too heavily towards just a generic to middle of the road all white kitchen apparently now they want a pop of color you ready for it um they're thinking red they're thinking red for one section then they're thinking wood for another section then they're thinking some white and then they're thinking a wood floor that's enough thinking time for more diplomacy the idea that red totally surprised me okay well what if we did a white an all-white kitchen except that this low and the return up was that shocking thread i normally see pop in a kitchen come from a wall color or great accents or whatever because most people don't want to commit to a color for the long haul i'm not sure i can have all red i think that's a lot i just want to make sure that you're going to like it in the end thinking about using it as a splash i think he's warming up to all white at least now we can finally put our gut job in gear [Music] before the wall between the kitchen and the back room can come down we need support to keep the roof where it belongs that ought to do it six inches there six inches there probably it's easy right with the roof raised and flattened we can add a course of bricks to fill the space [Music] this kitchen is cursed good morning i've got good news for you and bad news the good news is i've heard from matthew and they have decided that they are going to go with the marmoleum floor great so that's the good news and the bad news i got a call from ken about the doors this morning and they swing the wrong way what they're both opening out yeah we got to get this right so the doors swing in and not out we can't install the doors which means we can't install the trim which means we can't do the painting which means we can install i am not installing a floor without doors we're renovating matthew's kitchen i'm mr easy well what he wants is expensive every cheap renault on the back of a house has a slider not mine but the special order doors they're both opening out yeah we got to get this right are wrong the doors swing in and not out the budget is tight but the schedule is tighter hello my friend that's some lovely hand cream you've got that's looking great it's a lot different yeah it's indoor outdoor living it's all open that's what we've decided okay because we don't have a door they cannot help us by rushing a new door through the absolute best they can do is three weeks we were planning on being finished this kitchen end of next week because matthew and frederica and their two young children have been without a kitchen for long enough already snow needs work to be in the kitchen i agree we're not gonna let the wrong doors stop us even though they swing in we've installed them for the time being so we can continue progress in the kitchen starting with a heated floor with the radiators gone it's a perfect solution and it works under our new stylish marmoleum floor [Music] with a kitchen renovation things can't go quick enough having brought all our shelves out from the old kitchen and just putting them in here works pretty well the thing that doesn't work is that we haven't figured out how to make coffee we have a good coffee date every morning so now we end up having a coffee date before work our new swing outdoors have arrived [Music] that's it walk away oh come on our outlook on this renovation is getting brighter all the time holy moly why are cabinets blue we just thought we'd change the color it's just a protective film but i kind of like the blue it looks great yeah brought you fabrics to your instruction site so that's the fabric that you found these are for the cushions and um our bulletin board i got you vinyl in this cherry red color for the stools and the little bench that will go underneath the window and look at these fabulous buttons how about some fun with pink do we do an accent wall in here all right well what are we doing for dining chairs we've taken their chairs and we're spraying them a really great sort of candy cane red we've got cherries jubilee yes big on that wall then we've got bold red chairs we got a lot of color why are we doing an accent wall i'd be happy to keep it just open airy clean white i think it should just be chalky white so what color white do you want to do is the chalky white white no but like white white okay like i think just get it white and not tinted what about the counters this is what i wanted yeah you're not getting that this is this is the kitchen i'm gonna so what am i getting meet misty sarah meet misty christie sarah hi misty nice there you go and the backsplash we're back to white i think the concrete would be better because i think the problem with using all different whites is that it becomes all different ones it's client's choice i really wanted to use one of these they love that idea and they've actually gone and bought a sphere okay that's the exact one i wanted them so there you go suggestion my esp was so dialed in yesterday okay that's great i'm afraid to ask but is there anything else they want to keep the wooden trim come on a white kitchen needs white doors nothing less tim the junction boxes for the pendants look really close together to me oh matthew chose that placement he was can an architect and a designer work together maybe not i'm the nightmare client right from the beginning i'm gonna worry about the inside and you're gonna worry about the outside matthew's kitchen has pushed us to the edge it's not my design ego that's on the table matthew doesn't want out of the box ready to go but um wait for it and we did you're gonna love it perfect they don't like it they're thinking red i'm not sure i can have all red i think that's a lot we're back to white many shades of white and then so the doors swing in and not out what unusable but they're okay now that's it walk away not until the last piece is in place you're near the end and it's a huge relief me i'm anxious the whole way through i'd say that once the counter goes in then yes you sort of have a feeling of okay we're almost there if you think okay we're near the end you can sort of let your guard down i cannot rest easy or not wake up at four o'clock in the morning stressing about these things until it's done [Music] look at missy hello misty look how nice these doors look painted like i'm not floating what we've done in this process is we've brought matthew back to his original vision hundreds of shades of white white white white yeah yep with the last of the installations complete design ink can turn up the heat on matthew's kitchen power delivery [Music] i've got the perfect place for this one [Music] we do lots of dramatic transformations in this business but this is worlds apart from what we started with [Music] it's taken a lot of details that have come together beautifully and i i love this kitchen i would have this kitchen at my house in a heartbeat the key goal for matchman frederica was to get more space so it was a matter of capturing this kind of back enclosed room in order to achieve that it meant that we had to spend a good amount of money on the structure far more than anybody wanted to more than half the budget for this entire project was spent just getting that space it feels light and open and clean and i love it i think that the doors look beautiful now and i'm really happy that matthew got what he wanted those doors will make a huge difference in the way we live in this kitchen i want to put a sliding door i want to save the four thousand dollars who's kidding you this kitchen felt dingy before best way to get a light bright airy fresh kitchen is make it white when i look at it closely i don't see it as an all-white kitchen i see it as a kitchen that has all of the kind of hues and takes the color of the light whether it's artificial light or natural light i think we've got all of the pop all of the wow that we need and it's been achieved strictly through the use of accessories so that they're flexible and you can change them over time the money that we saved in getting a kitchen that came out of a box meant that we were able to invest in some other elements in this project and make it a truly gourmet kitchen and that is the stone countertops the stone backsplash great appliances heated floors the countertops are a man-made material the backsplash is natural stone yet they look like they were made to go together i like the layout i like the all the cupboards i have now to put things in so we're not going to have crap all over the counters i wanted to have a casual bar because i think it's important for kids to be able to be part of the cooking process the seating area that we designed at the back of the kitchen was an effort to create maximum flexibility it can be moved around you come here awesome we worked with their existing chairs looks like it would be hard to touch the great thing about the table is we bought the base then we added our own top to it a butcher block top is very durable those kids can't trash that tabletop we wanted to make sure that every material we selected was the most appropriate for the space so we went with vinyl as the seats on the stools bouncy chair spray them down wipe them clean all of these surfaces are designed for grimy sticky little hands what i love about the bulletin board is that it looks like a piece of art i think it looks graphic and happy would you like a cherry cherry but then this is a place where the kids can put up their artwork there was days when i thought the answer to the question of can an architect and a designer work together the answer is no i think maybe i was a terrible client it was challenging getting here but i think it looks great i can't wait to fire up my espresso maker this kitchen belongs in a magazine and it came out of a box [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Abode
Views: 55,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home and garden, Abode, Abode channel, home renovation, renovation, home and garden channel, home design ideas, design inc full episodes, home improvement, home interior design styles, home makeover, home renovation before and after, interior design trends 2021, luxury home, modern living room design ideas, professional interior design, professional interior design tips, sarah richardson, kitchen bar design ideas, kitchen renovation ideas, sarah richardson design inc
Id: DjzY4aauIY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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