This Kid Thew 21.2 Innings Of No Hit Baseball

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there you go it's pretty gross huh yeah you got a crowd for you even the kbo guys are waiting around to watch I promise we didn't come here to see 88 say [Applause] [Music] that yeah let's go one kind of jumping huh couple options you want to touch the change up now so we can just finish up with slider you want to throw a couple change UPS yeah all right or we's start with a couple fast balls like real fast balls and then we'll go [Music] okay all right not bad for number one [Music] yeah don't get so excited with your front side I know you're trying to gear up here but give it time your least favorite word patience don't be P like be a little bit more patient with it don't get so excited right idea how'd that one feel a little easier okay like two more see what the the stretches like yeah more pressure on the middle finger rip you want to touch a change up real quick we got to give the content team their change up 92 flat yeah he's taking the arm for a walk negative .5 and 18 not bad it's pretty gross huh yeah it's about the exact same all right we good with that pitch okay I try to like do no no more I just the U on the side there you go yeah content team that's a nasty get put that one in the film let's fill the slider out let just go with your normal one real quick just to get a baseline of where we're at and then we'll work from there isn't that disgusting we may not have to touch it Tate maybe a little bit maybe a little bit um let's just see what the video has on it real quick just go see how you're like under it like be a little stronger like preset the wrists okay I don't want to touch the fingers yet cuz I think we might actually be on to something like instead of like getting Scoopy like just preset like a stronger wrist do that make [Music] sense Here We Go There It Is got it stronger wrist stronger wrist ah do be a little like cautious about it like don't try to like shape it like you still need to throw it like it's not like you're not trying to spin it more okay cuz what's going to happen is we still need the V up on it a little bit like we got to be like 77 is do that make sense right idea we're right there that's the queue I don't want to touch your grip like I don't want to touch placement I think we're I think we're good where it's at yeah one more for a strike for a strike outside corner hey yeah set up outside dance there you go how does it feel out of your hand right now Tate does it feel like it's slipping do you feel like if feels more firm okay it feels try something just for one pitch okay we're in a good spot but do try to just split it a little bit like try that two s grip and just split yep and then split it just a hair same idea strong wrist everything just see if we can get a little more tick on it that kind of took off a little bit huh let's see I think you got under it just a hair okay but that's firm I'm going to be honest I like that one better cuz you can throw it harder you like that one better yeah like V like higher V on a breaking pitch is going to correlate to like more swing and Miss at the higher level you go you know what I mean like you can have two like I'm saying you can have both like if you want to like slow it down and have like the Horseshoe one where you're just stiff wrist and if you want like I think this is better like O2 Banger oh yeah you know what I mean rip it yeah um go one more for me it's pretty good yeah yeah okay that's where we looking for yeah so how exactly does remote coaching work you will have unlimited access to text and email your coach hop on weekly FaceTime calls and receive regular mechanical and training updates each day your plan will detail exactly what to do from start to finish with instructional videos for every single throwing drill Mobility routine and lifting exercise nobody's going to do the work for you but we can show you the path to get there it's your career let's get to work uh let's touch a couple fast balls and then we'll touch the cutter a little bit and then we'll mix okay all right let's touch the cutter cutter I like the movement profile I just want it to be a little firmer to be honest with you uh let me see your grip on it just there okay let's try the same same queue we did here just like split it a little bit more so you can get a little bit more of the ball okay yeah ah feel a little deep in your hand huh yeah okay let me ask you this is your thought on the cutter are you thinking breaking ball to make a move or fast ball to make it cut thinking like football like rip it but like football I want you to think forams is an offset for scam okay hey if it cuts this much it's still a cutter yeah okay think more fast ball less breaking ball that was better that's better there we go yep all right I'll that couple more each I guess yeah a couple more each do you want to rock a batter you call it you want the stand in yeah somebody can get in there yeah how gross is the slider when you started throwing it firmer it's good yeah how about the change up change Up's really good too yeah okay not bad okay all right here we go Tater on you righty you call it that's yeah a little elevated right you got it's still it's still hoppy all right slide dog little backup that was like a cutter you're good GL I didn't clck the wrist that's why I stronger wrist it's a little elevator right now still getting the S hey you're all right you know what's going on right yeah like be a little bit more patient be aggressive when the front foot gets down everything leads up to that okay on you whatever you want it's going to be a little weoo there it is that's all that that's we throw in a please one more slatter it's a Slaughter what's the main thing I'm thinking here like I like the split grip with it right there or like right there what whatever's comfortable okay and then stiff wrist and let it fly like this shouldn't like you shouldn't be babying it to shape it in like I want you to think flat out of the hand and like dagger okay hey your stuff's sweeping a lot right where where you starting it um kind of add the hit okay so out to it7 like a really good spot except it's in the left-handed batter's box we're going to go dotted on the corner all right dotted on the corner calling it you good there I'm good with that one you good with that one okay yeah there you go 17 done down let go find the early slider that you had this is like 78 with 19 horizontal what do you know us about your hand um still under it it's more tight well I think when you with it creating the stiff wrist like you're actually like setting up your fingers to leverage the ball where early on you were like under it here like kind of soft wrist and that's why it was like just a little FL like spinner floater CU when I went through the one I self RI it again and I it was TR I think you can do both sliders Tate like I really do cuz like the other one a little bit more depthy maybe okay like slow like for a strike probably better to use that against maybe a lefty you know what I mean bigger one bigger one like the other one's like you're put away like that's your big one you know what I mean like that's like that's the finisher does that make sense like I think you're you have good enough feel where you can like manipulate that you know what I mean so um CH UPS look good I mean yeah we can go look at the change UPS there this one was gross this one was do the batter this was like -4 induced B and then 19 horizontal like big time sideways yeah like that's good enough for usually change UPS like in general are platoon based like right versus left left versus right like yours is good enough to throw against both you know what I mean like you don't have to play the opposite side game with it but um yeah man yeah I mean we accomplish what we wanted to accomplish with yeah yeah well good feel good feel a little like gassed out but I think I'm yeah you're excited there's a lot of people watching you it was fun in game those probably those 92s are probably 93s 94 yeah maybe a 95 in there cuz if you're feeling spicy yeah yeah all right brother
Channel: Tread Athletics
Views: 25,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Increase Velocity, Baseball Training, Baseball Workout, Throwing Drills, pitching velocity, increase velocity, Velocity Program, Weighted Baseballs, Throwing Program, Baseball Training Programs, Throw Harder, Pitching Drills, Pitching Mechanics, Tread Athletics, How to Throw Harder, Velocity Training Program, Increase Throwing Velocity, Baseball Velocity Program, Baseball Coaching, Baseball Workouts
Id: 6HmM2w1VXBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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