This issue is plaguing modern gaming graphics

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video I want to discuss a problem that's been plaguing modern gaming for a while now and as time goes on it just seems to be getting worse and worse so it really needs addressed this problem I'm talking about is something that a lot of you will be familiar with but it's also something that a lot of people know there's an issue but they don't know what the problem is itself they don't know what's causing it and some people will think that their eyesight's just getting worse other people may think that they're going crazy some people may just Gaslight themselves into thinking that games have always looked this way this problem that I'm talking about is called TAA and what it does is cause the image to be blurry now before I go more in depth into TAA and I show you some comparison images I don't want to just spend the remainder of this time demonizing the technology without acknowledging why it was used in the first place and also its strengths I want to be as fair and as objective as possible because I believe doing that is the best way to achieve change while also providing constructive criticism and feedback or how developers can mitigate this problem so TAA which stands for temporal antialising for those who don't know is an anti-aliasing technique that uses pass frame information to anti-alias the image this in some ways is superior to spatial antialising techniques which do not acquire pass frame information for its anti-aliasing process because by using the pass frame information you can better tell what is aliasing and what isn't because you have more data to work with however this process is not without flaws although it may be superior at anti at antialising the image it also comes with blurring and ghosting issues now ta is blurry no no matter what whether you're stationary or in motion however it is even extra blurry in motion and the reason why is because it holding on to that past frame information bleeds into the next frame and I'm going to show you some comparison images first I'm going to start with TAA in stationary versus TA in motion and then I'm going to do TAA off versus TAA so this is Red Dead Redemption 2 this is TAA and stationary kind of blurry but this is it the moment you Pan the camera and this is just a light pan nothing crazy the more you the faster you Pan the worse it'll be that is pretty blurry now I'm obviously recording a compressed YouTube video and I'm not sure how well this will come across but the more I zoom in the worse this effect will get remember I'm only zooming in to try to counteract YouTube's compression I can see this perfectly fine without having to zoom in and I'm also doing it for people watching this on smaller displays like phones I'm on a monitor right now so that is TAA stationary versus motion here is another example In Dying Light 2 in motion not in motion both are TAA so this is not ta off versus Ta on this is just plain old TAA already blurry extra blurry now before I even show the other examples many people suggestion for fixing TAA and they call it a fix but I find that to be misleading is they will say well just use sharpness if it's blurry just use sharpness however this is not actually a solution because if that information is gone sharpening does not bring it back sharpening brings back the illusion of detail and I can't lie and say that it doesn't help to any degree however even when it does help it only helps in stationary scenes and it doesn't entirely negate the issue it only helps a little bit and even then it does absolutely nothing to help in motion there's no way you can correct this motion blur because even if you made the sharpness aggressive enough to correct for the motion that would mean that the stationary image would be very very very oversharpened and there's also just too much detail destroyed to get an image that looks anywhere close to Native resolution without TAA so by the time you get to that level of sharpening either way you're going to have sharpening artifacts now let's move on to no AA versus TAA this is Gears 4 this is TAA this is no AA now one thing I want to make clear is that I'm showing TAA versus no anti-aliasing in an ideal scenario I would be comparing TAA to another anti- method that isn't TAA such as SMA but we don't live in a perfect world and this comparison is with no aning at all so you may see some jaggies but this is nothing too severe that a spatial solution could not clear up really temporal Solutions only really shine when the aing is absolutely awful and atrocious because the game was designed with it in mind so please do keep that in mind for the remainder of these comparisons with TAA off but even then you can see how much clearer the image looks with no TAA it is night and day now before I even show the other comparisons I just want to say if you do prefer TAA on there was absolutely nothing wrong with that even if you prefer in every instance even instances where it is incredibly BL blurry or got a pretty bad implementation there is nothing wrong with preferring blur even if it's a lot of blur or even destroy Mo motion resolution if you find the blur to be less distracting than jaggies but just know as I respect your opinion and many others will too that there is also nothing wrong with preferring a clear crisp sharp inconsistent image in stationary or motion over the blur that TAA cause causes now on to Witcher three TA in motion no antialising at all again this is no antialising at all ideally there would be at least some form of antialising but because TAA is so prevalent it's really the only antialising options provided in games these days now let's move on to Doom maternal this is Doom maternal no antialising at all TAA no AA TAA another problem to highlight with antialising is not only does it destroy details but antialising almost completely if not completely removes specular highlights if you look over to the right over here and you see the white and stuff it just removes all that white the which you know is very important for Reflections as you can see the the specular very white details just get completely erased so that can make things that are shiny look less good not to mention the image is just a lot blurrier so there's me zooming in and now let's go to another game this is a game where no NOAA and TAA don't doesn't even really make that much of a difference they both have about the same anti- quality level in fact if I go down here the only reason that this Alis thing is being cleaned up is because it's just outright being blurred to death and destroyed I wouldn't necessarily call that efficient antialising I would just call that putting a blur filter over the game and saying it's a job well done but this is one of the issues with TAA is that is a it is a very dynamic solution that requires a lot of tinkering and experimenting and developers just do not put that time into it so it is very very easy to mess up and anything that's very easy to mess up is not good for being an industry standard considering how often game developers mess things up whether that's due to ignorance or crunch now this is an example where both images are going to look bad this looks pretty bad and this looks pretty bad this looks pretty bad because the GL the grass just looks like a green blob it is very ugly tea probably has some of the worst anti-aliasing that I have ever seen and then here it is without it grass actually looks normal however the developers of this game are under sampling their effects to such an extreme degree that they look dithered because they're not at Native resolution they are sub native and they're using TAA to try to unther them basically to blend them together better so they're not as dithered however that basically destroys all detail and it gets even worse when you're in motion so I can totally understand if you prefer this image but I'm sure most of you can understand if someone prefers this one because this image makes me feel like I have negative -40 myopia so both images do not look good but that's just Halo infinite for you so as I get further to the right I'm showing I'm starting to show uh images where TAA is a Little Bit Stronger like this image for example tea is pretty blurry but I could totally see why you might prefer this whereas with a game like this I don't know I don't see any benefits to having it on and especially this game it's just a blur filter in this game game I mean maybe the hair looks slightly better this game I can see you preferring it it definitely but I wouldn't called the alc in this game so bad that it is distracting or awful but this just destroys a lot of detail that you will never get back not as much as Halo infinite destroyed of course because again tea implementations vary from game to game and again this is with no aing not spatial versus temporal here's control and another example where I could see you preferring TAA so the no ta image looks better in every single way but the hair on temporal aning actually does look better because again they made the hair sub native to increase performance and then you can see those DED effects and you don't see them with Ta on so if you want the overall image to look better just know go no TAA but if you want the hair to look better then go TAA so now I want to go to my notes since tea destroys information but it also increases Edge detail anti- aing that means that 1080p tends to look either like 540p to 720p somewhere within that ballark and the reason why is because it depends on if you're talking about motion or if you're talking about stationary and it also depends on the game's implementation but typically 1080p images will look like a lower resolution this is why 1080p gaming in 2023 is absolutely awful because it's already because 1080p does look fine but it since it's removing information from uh a resolution that's just barely passable that just makes it look even worse however it increases the edge detail so would you rather have a 720p image with 4K anti-nc quality or would you rather have a 1080p image with 1080p anti- sync quality I could see you preferring both either way right and I could also see you preferring one on a game to game basis so I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's preferences here and then for 1440p you can get 1080p to 900p Quality but you get 5K anti- quality so as you can see the higher you go it will still always be destroying detail removing information and making a resolution look lower than it is however gaming at 720p is a lot worse than gaming at 1440p which is why at 4K TAA begins to get less and less bad motion is still a big issue but stationary shots at least with 4K don't look awful some of the time so I can see how you could prefer either one and especially if you're someone that's gaming on a high resolution now let's discuss the problems with TAA in games problem number one games either include TAA or no antialising they do not provide a spatial solution so there's no middle ground problem number two games Force ta a and don't provide an off or non-temporal option at all problem number three games sometimes look very bad with no ta such as visual glitches or a ton of Shimmer these issues can EAS easily be fixed but since developers aren't even attempting to provide a nonta option or an off option for their games they have no reason to fix it because it's unintended problem number four developers aren't optimizing their TAA they just Implement a generic version then tune it to be as aggressive as possible instead of finding a balance between Shimmer and blur this can happen because they're not really aware or they're not very sensitive to Tea's down downsides they'll just hold still in an area and see the the Shimmer the flicker the the jaggies and they'll turn they'll tune it until it's basically gone and they won't bother to pan the camera or move it all to see how it looks in motion this problem to correct requires more education problem number five developers aren't providing TAA based options so users themselves can adjust the strength of the effect and find their own balance of clarity to blur there is a lot of options for TAA such as current frame weight which is not frame rate by the way frame weight as in like pounds kilogram which basically weighs how much the current frame takes priority over the pass frames which will obviously reduce blur but as a result will not be as effective as as anti at antialising the image providing these sort of options and exposing them in the user menu can let users find their imbalance problem number six TAA much like forc motion blur can trigger people with motion sickness causing an ill feeling making your games inaccessible for many people with this disability much like color blind or def settings the def settings excuse me me this is an accessibility feature as much as a graphics option so much like subtitles for example are an accessibility feature for deaf people it's also something that non-deaf people can enjoy so TAA helps both ordinary people and people with disabilities so it is an accessibility option as well and it's very important to um improve it or to provide no ta options as well so solution number one addressing problem three TAA can be used to den noise and upsample effects while not being used on the whole image this in addition to spatial AA for the antialising portion can provide players who dislike TAA with a non-broken image so an unroll engine for example I would adjust the TA to be as least aggressive as possible and it basely would be almost like it's non-existent but the effects wouldn't be broken and then I can just put spatial anti- eling on top of that solution number three addressing problem three again games with broken effects with it disabled if the developer does not want to spend time fixing it can automatically be disabled and grade out upon TAA being disabled if the effect cannot be disabled as it as important to the games rendering you can then provide a warning message saying that this will happen when disabling it doing this will prevent users from encountering broken effects or understanding why some effects are broken in their games solution number two I have these out of order my apologies addressing problem four it's highly recommended that developers provide TAA values in their games to tweak however if having multiple TAA presets with different levels of clarity to Shimmer would also be a welcome Improvement at providing an OP an off option or additional TAA settings in the menu will not be done so since I you know kind of stumbled on my words there I'll explain this a bit better if providing TAA based values and options for the user to tweak is not something the developer is willing to do having multiple presets with different you know balances and Clarity levels for different types of people is also a pretty good option um it's not as good as the other option but anything is better than nothing note nonta antialising may not always be superior but in many instances where it is not it's almost always because the game was built around it and non-temporal options weren't even thought of or optimized for during the process of making the game this cannot be used as evidence that tea is superior and that there's absolutely no reason to not be using tea when the game was built around it this would be like arguing AMD is superior because they have better performance in a game where they are sponsored games that weren't built around tea and had it added later later are the most jarring examples of just how bad the technology can be note number two the quality of TAA and even no TAA will vary from game to game some games will be bad but not too bad While others will be horrendous while some games will look fine with no anti- aing others won't the the second problem is because of the issue stated about above and the former problem is due to the fact hea is too Dynamic and variable for a consistent implementation and developers do not typically take their time to experiment and understand the Technologies they're implementing this is why a lot of the times Technologies like frame generation will get the UI wrong even though you know Nvidia and amd's you know guides and resources will clearly underline how to do it in developers we fumble it um tea it's such a universal thing that there's really is no uh great Universal resource that they can view in the first place but it being highly variable and you know it can change from game to game it can look good in one game awful in the next is something that just causes a lot of headaches for for gamers so the the quality is going to vary which means there may be some games where it's better to leave it off and some games where it's better to leave it on and that goes for both ta haters and ta lovers you know um maybe not for the TA s cuz even if it is really blurry and the alss thing isn't that bad and I'm again I'm not trying to knock anyone's preferences they still tend to still like it but that's perfectly fine in closing all the solutions mentioned here have been done before most of which just weren't on mainstream Triple A Blockbusters despite the com the compartmentalization I hope gaming Studios with bigger budgets more developers and resources can spend a little bit of their time doing at least one of these things even if it's not the one that's the most helpful or goes the most in depth anything is better than nothing and we appreciate it so please even if it's the bare minimum do something to provide an option for users that either dislike TAA or are mean at least most implementation implementations of tea or that suffer from motion sickness now now before I completely end the video I just want to say that I'm sorry if there's anywhere that I've you know stuttered or fumbled my words at all um I have not read over my notes or rehearsed any of this and reading along can uh be difficult sometimes you know I I didn't really have everything I wanted to say written down right in front of me so I was kind of just winging it and I'm also sorry for the length of the video I know most of you probably have not gotten this far if you have I really appreciate it please like this video and comment if you agree with it because this video getting as many views as possible is good for bringing this issue uh to developers attention right because if developers don't see this then it it doesn't matter uh what we say or do right it needs to get to their eyes and the best way to do that is for this video to get popular whether the video whether the developers see the video itself or they just hear people talking about the issue and they are aware that they want a solution so with that all being said thank you so much for watching this video I really do appreciate it and I don't typically ask for likes but if you guys do like the video then then please show some support if if you want a place where you can talk about this issue in in a form where you can find workarounds because some games may have ta forced but there are ways that you can actually um discuss it and find workarounds uh you can go to the subreddit called motion Clarity it's a subreddit that I just created dedicated to motion Clarity which can include TAA but we also include uh blackf frame insertion Technologies and uh sample and whole displays which can also cause blur in games but uh that's a problem that's even more old than uh than TAA and and this not the focus of the video but I'll leave a link to the subreddit in the description thank you for watching peace out
Channel: 𝐇𝐲𝖇𝐫𝖊𝐝 ✪
Views: 643,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Xbox, xbox Series X, xbox series s, playstation, ps5, 4k, resolution, fps, mods, rtx, raytracing, nvidia, amd, realistic, Optimal, Optimized, Optimised, Settings, Ultra, 1440p, 1080p, Epic, Max settings, Modded, taa, temporal anti-aliasing, blur, motion blur, blurry, ghosting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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