This Islamic Propaganda on YouTube is Insane

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you know what I'm about to say it I don't care about D monetization as long as I know I'm promoting freedom and equality for everyone last month they came across a YouTube channel full of Islamic propaganda which encourages the establishment of the Islamic caliphate I responded to one of their videos and thought I'd be done with them but I just found another video of theirs which is just as insane so you know I've gotta weigh in on it this is an older video and judging by the videos rhetoric and its release date the context seems to be that the french magazine known for satirizing religious and political figures of all kinds Charlie Hebdo had just been attacked by Islamic terrorists after publishing another cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed this channel was not happy about the cartoon or those defending the magazine once again we witness another slander against our beloved prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam under the deceptive veil of freedom of speech yet there is another hollow attempt to frame the issue around so-called freedom of speech freedom of the press and fundamental Western values when in reality the issue at hand is rank hatred against Islam and the Muslims so let's get this straight Charlie Hebdo pokes fun at Muhammad in a cartoon Islamic terrorists subsequently killed 12 people in the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris on January 7 2015 people defend Charlie Hebdo by saying they were exercising free speech and then this guy makes a video saying that the real crime here is hatred of Muslims via depictions in cartoons I think being dead is probably worse than being drawn unfavorably it only takes basic human empathy to understand that but apparently those behind this video entirely lack that trait also yes the cartoons are allowed under free speech a right which obviously requires great protection from this guy it is not the right of anyone to insult beloved a beloved figure of another religion it is not the right of anyone to blatantly disregard the sensitivities of billions of people and offend them it is not journalism to print material for the express purpose to offend and create enmity towards a specific group of people actually yes all those things are human rights and they're protected by Constitution such as the French and US Constitution's those who produce this video exercise their right to free speech including their right to offend by creating this video this is either unapologetic hypocrisy or those behind this video are incredibly ignorant if you're wondering why the right to offend is and always should be a right here's a thought experiment imagine that offending someone in your country is a crime one day you happen to meet someone new you get to talking and religion happens to come up they ask you if you're a believer in their religion you're not so you just politely say no they don't like this they think it's offensive that you would imply that their religion is not believable they call the police on you and you are arrested for offending someone after simply stating what you believe there is no objective or universal standard of offensiveness different people get offended at countless mutually contradictory things if offending someone was not a right all of those mutually contradictory things would all become crimes any and all religious practice would become completely impossible if this was not a right I could legally prosecute this host of this video for offending me with his horrendous misuse of logic it is outright discrimination and against Islam and Muslims it is a clear sign of frustration and weakness from those who cannot successfully argue against Islam against the pristine values of Islam I really don't think that satirizing someone in a political cartoon is inherently discriminatory especially when it's done by a magazine that is known for their satire of countless different people in a way which does not incite violence against those people is Charlie Hebdo discriminatory against Christians Jews and French politicians too if so why only bring up anti-muslim bigotry I'm not the mockery type as I don't think mockery is usually effective in convincing many people of anything but in reinforcing previously held beliefs I also don't think that everything that Charlie Hebdo has ever produced has been in good taste one thing consistent mockery especially satire can do though is in courage people to grow a thicker skin and not throw tantrums when they're offended this can i rana CLE lead to more peaceful discourse in society I think this has been one of charlie hebdo's objectives and the fact that they have continued even after being met with violence by criminally thin-skinned terrorists shows their strength not weakness finally on this point I'll concede that besting one's detractors in other ways when you can't successfully argue their points is immature and dishonest no one should be doing that and since this guy seems to agree I'm sure he wouldn't mind me showing this clip of him would he those who chose to leave the folder Islam required vigorous debate and discussion we're rational proofs are presented in the best way if after this they do not repent then they would fall foul of capital punishment as they are attempting to undermine the Islamic ideology my dear brothers and sisters this attack and insult to Islam and the Prophet sallallaahu Salam is nothing new is nothing new the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was insulted by the co father flourish when they fail to ideologically challenged the message of Islam so today we see the same thing the Western ideologies have failed and continue to fail in taking care of the affairs of the people Aslam is rising in the Muslim land and is posing a challenge to the Western ideologies have Western ideas really failed to take care of people in the West how could we measure that are people less happy in the West no they're actually the happiest in the world are we less healthy no are we poor no that's definitely not it either in what demonstrable way our people in the West less taken care of than elsewhere the answer is none this is a common tactic used by people in cults to keep members in the fold they say that the outside world has failed and is dangerous so that people will be afraid to leave the group in another Islamic video I've responded to the host used the same tactic by telling people the lie that women are abused more in the West because they don't cover up if you're a Muslim and have heard statements like this check them with religiously neutral sources reliable statistics will tell you the actual truth hence the continuous attacks on the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam on the muslims and on islam in general are to divert the people's attention away from islam we've already established that what this guy considers an attack is basically any disagreement with him so I guess he'd probably consider my videos about him an attack as one of his supposed attackers then I'll speak on my motivation of speaking against him I don't want to distract from Islam I have multiple videos where I do my best to take contentious subject matter about Islam and turn it into a learning opportunity for everyone I do this because I want to promote tolerance of all peaceful people regardless of religion and scrutinize bad ideas regardless of religion when it comes to peaceful Muslims I want to see that they're treated fairly without bigotry so I draw attention to them when it comes to extremists like this guy though I purposely give them some airtime on my platform so that everyone knows just how hateful and stupid their ideology is I definitely don't want to distract from your points man I want people to see for themselves just how bad they are indeed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is in no need of our praise because a loss of hano to allah has praised the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam and the best manner and defended him in the best way allahu akbar allah subhanaw taala has guaranteed protection dignity nobility praise and mercy upon him salawatu assalam okay if God guarantees all this to Muhammad and Muhammad doesn't need your praise then why are you defending and praising him why even be upset about a cartoon of him this statement contradicts all your past statements a loss of how no tireless silence the slanderous slanders 1400 years ago today and the slanders of the future when Allah sport Allah revealed indeed those who abuse annoy Allah and His Messenger Allah has cursed them and this world and the hereafter and prepared for them a humiliating punishment okay two points here one earlier this guy was morally outraged about people offending religious people and said it's to insult or offend any religious person now he seems to have no problem with telling people who satirize his religion that they deserve to suffer humiliating torture for all eternity his moral standards are sliding all over the place should we all be prudish li hypersensitive to disagreement or should we all just think it's ok to threaten someone with the worst possible fate imaginable - are we really supposed to buy that the most powerful and intelligent being imaginable and his perfect human messenger are so weak and immature that they torture lowly humans who are mean to them if a child insults you an adult do you take offense and think they deserve death of course not that would be unbelievably insecure and petty and yet we're supposed to believe that the creator of the universe is this childish you know this kind of makes this guy's God sound like he was imagined by insecure and petty men indeed it is we are the Muslims who need to stand up for the messenger of allah salallahu alaihe wasalam wait didn't he just say that Muhammad doesn't need their defense and prays because he has God's not only does this contradict his previous statements but it highlights his God's weakness even further why would a god and his messenger need the defense of humans maybe it's because the minds of human beings are the only places they exist it is we who need allah subhanaw taala and his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to tell us what to do to please allah subhanaw taala earn his reward and protect our souls from his displeasure and punishment we need to understand why why the Muslims are 2 billion strong in number yeah we can easily be bullied and tormented we need to know why Muslims inhabit lands such as minerals energy and material resources and strategic of geopolitical locations yet we cannot protect ourselves from brutal aggression and war if a person considers any satirize asian or verbal insults as brutal aggression then they likely have no hope of fully protecting themselves from brutal aggression it's nearly impossible to entirely stop humans from abiding by their nature and ex pressing themselves it would be great if this channel stopped addressing problems they invent and start addressing actual problems which Muslims face I support those who peacefully stand against anti-muslim bigotry I encourage Muslims who speak out against extremists and warn their co-religionists away from hateful ideas and manipulative recruiters like this guy more insults and satirize ation or so-called brutal aggression will take place if radicals like this continue to spread this propaganda those who bear the greatest consequence of this channels rhetoric are Muslims they're abused by recruiters like this they're oppressed by many of these horrible ideas and many peaceful Muslims are hated when they're mistaken for bad people like this guy we need to know why there are 50 Muslim countries and none of them individually nor collectively actively prevent the insults to the prophet salallahu alaihe salam there are several countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran that tried to prevent these insults the problem is that when you oppress people for long enough they almost always find a way to rise up and spit in the face of their oppressors countless activists in and from Muslim countries are heroically doing this as we speak and apparently Allah and his people can't stop them let us understand what the vital issue is for Muslims that is sadly missing brothers and sisters our reaction to this crime should be that we speak about the injustice and as our Prophet SAW salem has ordered us to do to clarify the life of the Prophet SAW solemn so those who are unaware and ultimately to plead allah subhanaw taala don't follow this guy's advice history shows that when regimes rally against and suppress free speech they fail or their empires become some of the worst places on earth to live plus if you really have the truth your ideas will withstand scrutiny the person's willingness to silence their critics is a sure sign that they don't have the truth let's work day and night to bring goodness and justice to humanity by being part of the global movement to establish the Khilafah on the path of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that the Islamic way of life is resumed in the lands to please allah subhanaw taala this is what this video comes down to those behind this channel want power in the form of the Islamic caliphate and they will deceive manipulate silence and destroy others in order to get it luckily they're extremely bad at it the fact that a lowly American kid with a youtube channel can make more sense than the most divine of their ideas shows that their ideology is not from God don't fall prey to these terrible recruiters instead let's use reason and compassion to dissuade young Muslims from being manipulated because remember if you encourage free expression and uphold equality for everyone according to this guy not even God can stop you thanks for watching I've been drew of genetically modified skeptic on Friday February 1st I'm releasing a special video where some guests and I will be tackling some very popular Islamic propaganda so make sure you tune in to my channel then because you won't want to miss it on the specific day that it goes up as always go ahead and subscribe check out my patreon follow me on twitter and facebook @ GM skeptic join my discord and until next time stay skeptical you
Channel: Genetically Modified Skeptic
Views: 274,445
Rating: 4.876884 out of 5
Keywords: atheism, atheist, agnostic, skeptic, skepticism, genetically modified skeptic, gm skeptic, islam, islamism, muslim, human rights, free speech, right to offend, ex-muslim, is islam peaceful, quran, hadith, maajid nawaz, sam harris, christopher hitchens, quilliam international, religious propaganda, islam debunked, rights in islam, charlie hebdo, freedom of speech, is islam a religion of peace, islamic propaganda, cult control tactics, anti-muslim bigotry
Id: YWBKdL0kc68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
Reddit Comments

I love YouTube.

This guy is part of a terrorist organization while spewing subtle death threats but YouTube won't remove or flag his channel.

But anyone who criticizes Islam peacefully is flagged, demonitized and censored.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/MsuProdigy69_ 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think charlie hebdo should have been a wake up call to the world about Muslims and how 99% of them have sided with the killers instead of the victims.

But then people forgot so Muslims then attacked again. And again. And again.

All Muslims use terror as a means to establish their place. Not just 'terrorists'

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/AnkouVitam 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

A minority ruining the lives of most youtubers

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Elias19990 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
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