THIS Is Why Recruits FAIL

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let's go recruit let's go every step no gaps pick it up pick it up pick it up too many new recruits are out of shape and are overly sensitive let's see how vegas handles it i think i may be the happiest guy here uh to see all of you we really need you we're really proud that you're here are you gonna be the one at the babysit webb no sir are you the one i have to guide the weather hand around here webb sir no sir you're not going to amount to jack squad uh incredible instruction by some of the most dedicated members of the fire service i was 37 years old in my academy i was the oldest guy in my academy but that's always at the top because i came into the best shape of my life so many of you have reached out to me saying i think i'm too old i'm 20 i'm 22 i'm 25. this guy went through the academy at 37. this is a tough academy too this isn't just your run-of-the-mill community college uh fire academy this is las vegas fire fire department now the thing that he said there that was important that you should take away from that is he came in in the best shape of his life so that he could be at the top of his class a lot of people think they want to get into this think they want to get into firefighting or whatever else but they don't really prepare properly this guy has the right attitude this guy's an amazing instructor just in a little bit i've seen it from him in this video let's see a little bit more what he has to say training staff our cadre who is here there they volunteered to be here with you how many here are in the best shape of their lives not one of you better raise your second hand not one that's really important for me to share that with you because these folks are here for you they uh are willing to come here and engage fully in making sure that you are prepared to be a las vegas firefighter if i get lost in a fire will you come look for me they'll come in at 6 30 and in that half hour before they actually start they kind of get all their gear ready out on their spots because every morning they have a morning muster and an inspection i don't think any of them fully come prepared so it's another thing i want to talk about i did another video on this i had read an article a while back and it was one of the worst articles i've ever read it was written by apparently a former fire chief saying that we train our firefighters like they're in the military and we shouldn't do this they have them come in a half hour early for a reason when you get on shift when you become a probationary firefighter when you first start they're going to want you to be there early if you've ever heard the expression early is on time on time is late that is the case here they want you ready to go at 7 00 am not thinking about getting your stuff in or rolling in or just getting dressed or getting your stuff laid out they want you moving at 7am this is a para military organization it's that it's like that for a lot of reasons and i'll go into those in some other videos but this this is by design and it should be like this by design because when you're a new firefighter and you're out on a fire ground and you're actually fighting a fire and you're in some difficult situation the people that you work with need to know that they can rely on you 16 tax 002 i think we all think we're prepared um but it's never it's never what you expect welcome to the fire academy gentlemen and lady they don't know what to expect when they get here absolutely we're tough on them and it's going to be intense for a long time because when you're out on the floor and you're going into a fire or an ems situation it's an intense situation and we need to these these kids to start understanding how to function and be able to think clearly under those conditions i am old school what that means is you keep your word when you say you're gonna do something you do it very first day obviously they're stressed they've worked they worked hard you know some of them work five or six years testing trying to just get on this job and they their first day they don't want to mess up woodhouse sir yes sir you are better get your straight quick fast and in a hurry otherwise you will not make it through this academy do you understand sir yes sir you don't really so i've heard from a lot of people over the course of me starting this channel saying it's absolutely unacceptable for a fire instructor to be yelling at somebody i'm an adult i won't let anybody talk to me like that if this is something that you don't think you can handle you're not going to be a good fit i'm just going to tell you right now if you're too sensitive that this is going to get you too offended you're going to get too upset you're going to want to quit you're going to get down on yourself don't bother joining and now there's probably going to be some people that are upset at me saying that but this is this is something that's a problem i think across society but really in the fire service there's been it seems like there's a lack of people that are able to take uh intense instructors like this whether it be the military police fire and use this as a as as fuel for discipline and motivation listen i don't know this man personally whoever this instructor is but i bet you this is a good guy and i bet you this is a guy that's seen a lot of action at las vegas this guy probably knows what he's talking about and he's doing this to instill discipline and motivate these recruits make sure that they're there for the right reasons that they're going to want to do this job and he's going to try and pass on some of the traditions and the things that he's learned from his years in the fire service to these young men and women i look at it as like yelling it's more um discipline and motivation once you are up on the tower you will perform 25 push-ups physically they're gonna they're gonna um run some towers which are our towers five stories high so they're going to run up to the top of the tower when they get to the top they're going to do at least 25 push-ups take them up on your command hi sir move to abreast what does two abreast mean come back here get back here get back here we will try that again what does joe and breast mean class leader two by two sir why were you going one by one no excuse sir maybe because of your old habits that's called failure to follow direction when the cadre or the rtos get in our faces it's you can't take it personally two by two up the tower mo so good for this guy for having the right attitude i think this was the same guy earlier that was saying discipline and motivation when they yell at you you can't take it personally they're doing it for a reason and good for this guy for coming in and having the right attitude this is the type of person that you want at the leader of the class now a lot of people go into this saying i want to be at the top of my class i want to be the leader but one thing they forget is when you're in charge of a group of people whether it's your entire class or maybe just a platoon or or a shift or whatever you're in charge of you need to take responsibility for that so some people are going to see this and see this instructor yelling at this guy because the person leading the other line didn't come with him and run well it's not his fault it's the other guy's fault the other guy should have followed directions no this guy's the class leader and i promise you whoever this guy is now never forgot this lesson and i'm sure there were many more that he learned over the course of the academy this is a good thing this is why we should be training fire cadets and and people going through the different academies in a paramilitary type of way moon what is your problem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing willis [Music] let me ask you guys something this is your attention how long did you know you're covering academy before you got here how long so two years ago how long is there one week sir one week no no one week no way family night's one week family night was monday sorry yes sir recruit academy started when monday right 30 yes that's one week right sorry yes sir they knew ahead of time they were coming in and when they come in in bad shape that tells us that you know maybe they haven't really they don't understand what they're getting into maybe it's not something that they really wanted are you out of shape right now sorry no sir you're in shape and you're getting lightheaded you too yes sir this might not be the job for you guys well do i agree with that if you go into a fire academy or you're thinking you're going to get hired on somewhere and you're too out of shape to just do the basics now granted this is las vegas and las vegas and that whole area is known to go over 100 degrees regularly throughout the summer so there might be some dehydration and some other things going on but there are way too many new young probationary firefighters that are overweight out of shape barely strong enough to lift themself if you go into it like that you're already telling people what they need to know about your your your desire to be there your motivation to be there your motivation to improve and just your general demeanor so if you are getting ready for a fire academy get yourself in shape if you don't know what to do to get in shape if you're thinking about becoming a firefighter check out firefighter furnace he has an awesome program i'll put the link down below check him out do his program he will help get you into shape this class is probably going to be one of our hardest just because it's through the summer and they're going to have to you know stay hydrated and mentally be on their game to pass the academy they have to do a mile and a half run under 12 and a half minutes everybody else everybody ready sir go 40 push-ups in a minute start one two three forty sit-ups in a minute come on come on the whole plank for two minutes and then they have to do 10 pull-ups in a 10-minute period of time no one's guaranteed i think those are good standards i think uh the the fact that they have these standards set up the way that they are and this is something that you need to maintain throughout the entirety of the academy is a good thing i think too many fire academies and too many fire departments honestly should do or i should say too many fire academies don't make it difficult enough physically so that people that are over overweight or out of shape are just kind of getting pushed through i also do think and there's probably going to be a lot of old firefighters that don't like hearing this that there should be at least annual physical fitness tests in place and you need to be able to pass a fitness test even 10 years 15 years 20 years down the road there's gonna be a lot of people that don't like hearing that i think that that's something that is just a basic requisite of the job imagine an accountant that doesn't know how to add or subtract a firefighter that's overweight and out of shape that doesn't make any sense at all i don't really know why a lot of more places don't do that and aren't more strict with their physical standards but you know every department's a little bit different you know we still have to pass our benchmarks and we just go day to day right now sarah garbowsky number eight sir sir allen two sir so that first day is just kind of a base to see where they're at and then probably once a month they'll take them over to the school like and run through that that benchmark just to see who's improved and and to make sure everyone's going to meet that benchmark before the end of the academy thirteenth century in japan garcia sir twelve connect sir i don't have that many years left and so these kids are gonna be the ones taking over when i'm gone and they're gonna be ones coming down here and teaching the new ones and uh i want those guys and girls to understand what it's about [Music] and honestly that's the that's what almost every firefighter and certainly almost every fire instructor i've ever come across is like they're not doing this to be mean they're not doing this to pick on you a lot of times like they said at the beginning they're volunteering their time to come down here they want to pass on the traditions and uphold the standards of the department make sure that it keeps moving in the right direction they're bringing in the best most in shape most capable candidates that they can to be a part of the department that's one of the things i really like about the fire service in general is wanting to uphold the high standards in the tradition that's one of the things i love about this channel there's a lot of senior and retired firefighters that'll jump in and comment if you are a senior or a fire retired firefighter let me know what you have done or things that you do at your department to kind of pass the torch if you will pass on the traditions and the standards of your department to the younger firefighters i think there needs to be more of that before a lot of the really good knowledge and standards that we have currently are lost that's what the core values being you know the ones that the las vegas fire and rescue implement you know with duty and honor you know unity integrity you can't prepare enough that's basically what it comes down to like if you think running a mile every single day or running five miles a week you're highly mistaken or if you can do 30 push-ups in a row that's all nice and dandy but try to do 60 in a row because it's whatever you do it's going to come back even stronger and it's you're going to be tired you're not going to be able to spend time with your family like you want to but after those 18 weeks or 20 weeks and you get you get badged and you know you get your badge and you get to be on the floor and actually go up to that next level uh probationary firefighter it is uh it's gonna be all worth it but whatever you whatever you think you're training for and you're ready for you don't even know it's the greatest job in the world but you have to really want it we cannot teach the willingness that comes from here that comes from the heart we get a hold of you we'll know if you really want it or not class 2016 tax error so i really agree with one of the points that the guy that was the cadet made that if their standard is 30 push-ups don't just do 30 push-ups get to the point where you can do 60. there are so many uh young firefighters aspiring firefighters that are just uh just doing the bare minimum i know in my area there's a there's a standard fitness test in the the over the years it seems as though the passing the score the time that you do on it has gotten longer and longer and longer it's not good if you want to come into this and you want to stand out and you want departments to hire you you need to be setting yourself apart from the rest of the group standing out from everybody else not just in your written tests and not just in your interviews but also in your physical appearance the way you carry yourself and your fitness so as always i hope you found this useful and helpful if you did give this video a thumbs up consider subscribing to the channel and i'll see you guys in the next video [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mike Pertz
Views: 242,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firefighting, Firefighters, First Responders, how to become a firefighter, firefighter fitness, firefighter interview, firefighter testing, study, firefighter nutrition, firefighter reaction, paramedic reaction, firefighter breakdown, paramedic breakdown
Id: zkaY30HH5i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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