This is why Everybody should Own a Kilo Bar of Silver!!!

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there is something magical almost quintessentially romantic about a kilo bullion bar it seems that it is the way that bullion was designed to be enjoyed and on today's video we're going to talk about kilo bars of silver and how good they really are hello everybody backyard bullion here and a warm welcome to all joining us for this week's edition of in focus friday the show where we take a good close look at cool things made of silver or gold and this week we're going to be looking at and talking about the one kilo bar of silver it's just classic made quintessential in its romanticism about bullying and owning bullying having a bar of bullying at one kilo bar of silver that is you know it's incredible it really is i love these and i love the weight and feel of a kilo bar of course a kilo bar of gold is well out of the reach of the vast majority of people in this world but a kilo bar of silver is not out of the realms of possibility for everybody and it's a really satisfying weight size so we've got two different types here we've got the metal one kilos and the yuma core one kilo bars both hailing from europe we've got the yuma cores sort of german based and then of course the metallore which you can see is switzerland-based which adds to the romanticism of course of course there are some sort of dodgy sort of darker parts of swiss metal bullion histories but swiss gold for example swiss banks and bullion depositories are quintessentially what metals are all about and this one kilo metal or bar is an incredibly cool specimen of wonderful silver and of course it's just bullion and i want to address the kind of question in this video about bars versus coins and whether or not bars are better or you know coins have the advantage in terms of taxes and all of that jazz we'll talk about that as we go uh but generally speaking i am a big fan of bars i mean i pour my own silver bars definitely but in terms of bully and weight items i do think that having the you know the bigger the better is often really really handy certainly uh in terms of storage you know these are much easier to store you don't have to worry about milk spotting toning is a thing that you might have to worry about but ultimately it's just bullion weight so even if it's ding dents scratch like you know i'm holding these and just clinking them next to each other it doesn't matter they are bullion pieces now of course there are some varieties of one kilo bars out there in this world which are a lot more collectible and um you know some of the rarer varieties of engel hards for example and things like that they will be a lot more desirable in terms of uh kind of premiums and stuff and those are things you have to look after but generally speaking a bullion bar a bar of bullion is just that it's meant to be just a lump of silver in its raw form that you have and that you enjoy and that you invest in basically and the wonders of silver you can see here that there's two different very different types of shapes of silver bars yet they are the same weight you know one kilo is a kilo uh very interestingly a kilo of 999 silver of course 909 being 99.9 silver one gram of this bar is not silver thereabouts anyway of course 999 is the minimum quality guarantee sometimes when you have things assayed like i have you'll have higher uh results than 909 it could be 996 197 so but generally speaking 99 silver you know there's there's one gram of this stuff in a kilo that is not silver so what is it who knows it's just all the extra elements that are in the general makeup but i think it's really interesting that you know kilo bars get sometimes a little bit of a bad rep as things that are almost like too big to have um i am on the opposite side of things i personally am a fan as i said of larger bars of silver because i think it's much more practical to store to have to hold to enjoy and invest in that said of course there are some downsides for having silver as opposed to smaller denominations uh silver in a kilo form rather than other denominations and that is of course when it comes to the selling of it at the other end to sell a kilo of silver you pretty much have to sell a kilo or silver yes you could chop it up and try and sell the different parts of it but pretty much chopping it up will destroy any potential value that you might get out of it from a bullion dealer and of course if you're going to be selling on the second-hand market nobody wants to buy a chopped up silver bar unless they're paying well under spot price for it so when you are selling it you do have to think about it in terms of you know the future when you need to release the money that's locked up in this bar of course you're gonna have to sell a kilo uh you have to find somebody with the money to buy a kilo you have to find somebody who wants to buy a kilo bar of silver rather than buying just a you know coin or two coins or three coins at a time which is of course a much better budget so there are of course a lot of factors involved in that now for me i have kind of a double way of thinking about it because ultimately if this needs to be melted down in fact tell a true story so these bars all three of these in fact are they're on the melt chopping block so to speak you know i have of course silver casting grain which i use predominantly but the way the world is going right now of course you just don't know where brexit's going to take us in terms of being able to source silver at a decent price anyway and these bars that i've got here do represent melt stock that i could take for the backyard bullion business it would be a real shame though to chop them up and melt them down uh i have to say but ultimately that is one thing that i have in my favor over you know joe blog stacker i can just take this stuff and i can repurpose it if i need to but for people who just are after that romantic notion of holding and owning a kilo bar of silver um or just a generally big bar of bully and a kilo seems to be the kind of quintessential weight and it's funny isn't it because like we all work in ounces and you know coins are all ounces and 10 ounce bars 10 ounce coins things like that but a kilo just seems to be a magical number 32.15 and a few other decimal points for a kilo of 999 pure silver and it is just that kind of it's easy to get your head around a kilo you know 1 000 grams of the shiny stuff and it is really interesting that they are very very popular i like the size as well i mean i talk about size and weight and density a lot here on the channel and how silver is very impractical compared to gold one thing that i think everybody should own is is it something like this and this is an interesting piece here this is tungsten and it's a big tungsten cube and this thing here it's just it feels like the planet is pulling it towards its core it's so heavy it's so dense and the point i'm trying to make here is that this tungsten cube weighs two and a half kilos and of course you look at the difference here i mean it's just it's mind-boggling quite how much more dense this is i don't think it's going to be very easy to replicate on camera just how dense this is and feels but the point here is that silver is very very dense and it feels very heavy but when you put it into perspective of something like gold which is the equivalent density of tungsten you can kind of see that storage definitely becomes an issue and in terms of wealth and value you know you're talking about so we've got three kilos here in fact i've got if i get these two little pieces of tungsten out here as well so these three pieces of tungsten that i've got all combined weigh just over three kilos so you've got three kilos of silver here and you can see the volume that they store and that's going to be of course around gosh i can't remember the the spot prices for kilos at the moment it's about it's about 60 600 pounds a kilo at the moment i think so you're looking at about 1 800 pounds of value of money that's stored there if this was gold if this was a three kilo block of gold that would be of course worth gosh like three hundred thousand pounds maybe more something like that in fact let's just have i'm going to have a quick look at spot price to make sure i've got that right um it you know the mind actually boggles at quite how much extra value so it's four thousand sorry 47 pounds of gram right now so 47 times 3 000 is 100 sorry 141 000 my mental mass doubled it so you can see there the absolute mental difference between the density and value of something like gold now that's going to be you know something that i think maybe only the very few ultra rich stacking saudi princes have to really generally worry about if they're stacking silver and they're stacking one kilo bars if you've got a huge budget yeah it's going to be weighty it's going to be difficult to store it's going to be difficult to manage and handle and move and things like that but for the general lay person for us plebs down here in the silver slum world where we can aspire to having a giant piece of metal silver is most certainly one of the most satisfying things that you can have and hold at this weight category and a kilo is in my opinion the best it's easy to hold you can pick it up you can move it you know you can get bigger bars there are 100 ounce bars there are five kilo 10 kilo even 100 sorry a thousand ounce bars which is about 32 kilos i have never seen one in person but i have seen photos of them they are heavy they are big they are cumbersome they are very impractical they are very easy to hide in plain sight though there was a very good story i heard of a bullion dealer a local coin store that had a 1 000 ounce bar which he painted black and just used as a door stop and just customer after customer walked past it day after day and never realized that they were walking past something quite so valuable so i don't know there's definitely uh schools of thought for both and definitely arguments to be had for both bars and coins and different types of bars and different weights of bars but in terms of the you know general selection there are countless myriad of different styles the metal ones here are slightly different now one thing that you'll have noticed which i've already talked about is the finish on these two bars are slightly different this one i've actually personally sanded down with some very fine sandpaper and polished because i like having things shiny these metal laws have this kind of almost like matte finish to them um so at the moment i haven't decided whether i'm going to clean them up and polish them up and do things with them but um they they certainly are very cool in their own right here but my kind of inner ocd person uh he wants it clean he wants it shiny he wants all of the bar to look like these parts here rather than the matte finish so maybe i'll do that one day and we'll sort of see how it looks but um generally speaking massive fan of big chunky silver pieces one kilo bars are definitely my kind of favorite and it would be kind of cool to have a collection of these kind of cast silver bars over time these are the only two kilo versions that i've got i do have an angle hard 50 ouncer and a bed and co 100 ouncer but kilo wise these are the only two right now but they are very very attractive i have to say so let me know your thoughts on these bars down in the comment section let me know your thoughts on a kilo size bar in the comment section as well it'd be very interesting to get your thoughts on it and see what you think about them otherwise that is it from me today thank you all for watching i hope you have a fantastic weekend ahead and as always please make sure that you like share comment and subscribe for more [Music] you
Channel: Backyard Bullion
Views: 188,152
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Keywords: silver, gold, bullion, silver bullion, gold bullion, buying gold 2020, stacking, stacking silver 2020, stacking silver, silver stacker, coins, silver coin, silver bar, silver investment, gold investment, investing in silver, investing in gold, silver price 2020, gold price 2020, silver price, gold price, backyard bullion, stacker, prepper, buying silver, buying silver UK, buying silver coins, buying silver bars, royal mint, britannia, gold britannia, mint
Id: ixCoKYxTksk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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