This Is What Goes On At Fab Rats Between Big Projects!

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we've we've been all over the place today we did uh all right morning we're in the shop we're gonna get uh get to some projects that we should have done a while ago that we haven't got to yet so got some random stuff today we're gonna put tires on my dump trailer we're gonna fix Hunter's brother's car it's got an exhaust problem and then there was something else oh Transmission in the derby car we're pulling that out so Ben can haul it back and they can get it fixed right this time so so we can put on a show next time instead of just part of a show so we'll get going we'll get this done all right we'll throw some tires on this thing real quick and then we'll get to some real work um there's nothing left on that she's a little yeah we got all the good out of it we'll put some new ones on it not even a really good spirit they're pretty good this one's worse than the other one so it was time those are pretty hefty tires 16 ply [Applause] now rookie what are these bad boys supposed to have in them 120 Cold 40. okay we've greased it all three tires makes it easier for lug nuts we want to keep them there everybody used to use anti-seize they say this is better somebody can tell us and let us know what's better yeah you'd struggle without that thing on these Tire machine's pretty the dad needs to beat the tires for hours trying to change them with a hammer made me want to have a tire machine man I feel like Hunter trying to put his tire he would have had it by now wow we got it tires on she looks good with new tires oh yeah I need that I'm gonna grab that one back there Hunter good to go it rolled towards you I think it sounded like underneath sir all right okay that's that I guess now we go pull some people out of the mud we got a recovery call so we're gonna try that all right this is Hunter's brother's ride here and it's got an exhaust problem and somebody wanted to charge him a ton of money to fix it and it's going to take us not very long so we're gonna do it and help us brother out a little bit it sounds good though right I like it yeah you would like this [Music] she's nice it's pretty good so it's got a head pipe broke off we're just gonna weld it back on no big deal I don't know how to open the hood it's open that's good so let's see if we can show you what's wrong here all right right down in there the catalytic converter is broke off the head pipe so we're gonna try to fish it back up there weld as much of it as we can weld then we'll pull it out and fix it right there you go you can see the that is supposed to be hooked to that jumping much [Music] perfect off the back side of it you got Orton oh look at that you got where it needs to go oh yeah there's the light let me get them all right so they've got her back in place I'm gonna weld that thing in there all right land you spilled that off okay now I can get in there and weld it how you gonna get the back side we're gonna take it off so now it shouldn't fall apart now we can take it off of there we'll weld back up and put it all back together I've never got an in-school suspension before we got a big enough extension oh someone put a bowl in that one oh it's just spinning I can't see the other ones let me get a wrench okay I don't know how to get to those others okay I like a heat oh yeah you can let that heat shield out want to go down some yeah yeah got him oh I'm on it I think it's off all right yep all right we let it down and pull it come out and talk with it I think I probably can pull it out right here wow that'd be too easy get our welder on it welder all right got the exhaust manifold out I'm not the certified welder so we got the certified welder here that would be me Paul Cox over here oh yeah we're gonna weld this up right there nice crack in it this is gonna be so bad but it's for my brother he's fine do we want to put it on the bench for you then I have to bend over let's do it oh that's easy peasy I heard nothing so he burned a hole through it shut up this is thin stuff oh yeah that is thin stuff all right then just like keep going or what yeah should I try it how do you do it so you don't burn through it then turn it down or how do you yeah we can turn it down just a little bit put it down just a tad bit so I can actually get because how did he do it how did he how was he able to get a bead on there magenta straight through pull back into your weld just a little bit he's not coming in here is either hey hey that wasn't bad though right there okay so when you're welding thin stuff on it off it on it off it you can see the you'll see that come up and you'll see it and then when it almost looks like it's gonna melt through let off and then as soon as it looks like it's cool enough hit it again on and off here it's Stitch welding it okay let me get it hotter okay go to this hole fix this hole that'll teach you how to do it start all right start right on the fat part of it right there right off there you go now go back to the big hole [Music] go again you don't pull it away go again run off there you go now you're onto it yeah now you're on to it look at that beat over there okay see so so see how this is penetrated you can't see the corners on it yeah that's hooked in this right here will break we'll break so get that hot and melt that to the sides again and then you got it there you go keep going keep going all around oh yeah you're doing it keep going yeah keep going around it see that that stuff's not hooked in right there it'll break it nicely yep all right there's only one way to get better at welding by doing it so when you're trying to get uh that's that stuff it shouldn't fall apart but when you're doing cracks like that do you go this way or do you go here watch I'll show you how I would do it I would start right here and I would set the gun down on the table so it's rest and solid and I'll go like this so you're just doing the side motion just filling it just side to side that's how I would do it all right let's try it like that what's that that's what it is moving too fast still too fast and too far out okay I need more of a horseshoe move this in a horseshoe up and down it like that instead of side to side yeah yep you're out running the puddle I mean that's terrible it is horrible I think it looks good yeah you're you're turning over what a good helmet back no it's good I'll just finish this we just don't want to take it off again [Music] those are professional we're gonna fix that spot right there too and it's gonna be cut look what Hunter did we'll let that cool off so we can catch it we'll put it back in there gaskets still look decent fair fair enough huh it looks like these were uh yeah that is horrible but Jen left before I'm sure you weren't a man all right I'm no Lizzy or anything but what you're working on trying yeah oh is that your thumb I know I'm just seeing how much I trust you guys at this point I'm trying to be General seeing if I've done anything bad to you in the last little while sorry about that about to get paid back for I think I still owe you one I don't think so I think we're even yeah we're good I'm better at stick welding I actually all right we're gonna do lots of stick well yeah 6013 is my shiz you're that's your jam huh that's the one I like that's the winner well we're getting away with a lot of flats I'm drinking a mellow yellow and reminiscence of Jimmy right now someone brought me some and I like hey that's Jimmy's drink they're pretty good I like them oh he does doesn't he it's all these things Jesse Jimmy started himself a YouTube channel did you guys know that really oh you did if you guys are into some jet skiing and that kind of stuff check out jet ski Jimmy I know this came out you want me get a hammer I might need it in just a minute I can fry that up if you want to fish it in I just need to clearance it drum as it goes right where that bar is yeah see there's the method right there okay hold on see that I was gonna hit it and it was like oh no I'm jumping in you were gonna hit it and I was that's my cell wall get the green hammer kid's back talking to you just hit it hit him hit him hit him Landon what'd you say quack see that see he knows I learned real quick didn't he I'd help you but there's only room for one of us in there well and there's silicone hitting me I don't know who put that on there allergic to silicone sweat starts dripping off of me when I start shoveling and terrible thanks makes you still feel kind of funny yeah yeah you got to sit down get all short of breath and your head gets dizzy and just don't do it because it's allergic yeah I'm allergic to it you did her you dinner where's the bolts where else would they be here right that's right hey you don't lose them that way when you let it down and kick the arms in on both go rolling you're like oh I supposed to put those on something okay it's permanent that's a good weld Hunter thank you I'm impressed with that I am too looks perfect for a camera guy you're pretty good welder all right O2 sensor and then the short pipe and then it's out of here and then we fire it up to see if it's quiet it'll be quiet it'll be whisper quiet do you think your brother's chuckled to a bird out let's try I think we should probably try I mean it's super charge it's super charged you've got to do it no it's your brother's truck you should do a burnout in it I'll do it all right time for the bolts back yeah my hand don't necessarily fit where do you need to go really not very good for my big hands the guy who built this car had small hands evidently so they don't put it on the impact and yep round it up in tighten it hi okay okay okay there all right she's done let's let it down and start it foreign all right we'll throw a tire on it and we're done she's done we'll back this out of here and then we gotta pull the Derby card in and get out today we had a whole bunch of little projects that needed done so that we can work on a big project this is one of them now on to the derby car this is Hunter's Brothers rig I told Hunter he can drive it it's up to him thank you take that up with him Wyatt not us all right so next little project we got we got to pull the out of this car it's like a 20 minute job to get it out of there because it's got to go back to Salt Lake to the Builder because something's not right it only has forward gears reverse work three times and then everything's forward now hopefully I'll get in the shop out perfect so we'll pull this off figure out where the severe leak is it leaks for any food like crazy out of the pump area see Hunter she bent right up here on top it pushed this whole thing see it kinked right here Kink there this side didn't Kink as much did it Bend up here a little bit you can see right there stress on it looks like it really collapsed these just barely that was the game plan we wanted it to bend everywhere a little bit and it did things are still good we'll put a in it we'll pull this back down we'll put some plates on it this car will run again let's see how bad this fluid looks I'll bet there's some cereal oh yeah she's black oh wow there's all your clutch material oh yeah she is toast cooked that does not smell like trash oh that stinks bad it's junk yeah this goes pretty quick I'll get the drive line off foreign broke [Music] [Applause] or something special I found it up and it spun backwards a couple pry bar let's prop that up see if it comes out there you go that I'm trying to get it Loose cry there side let's see if it's outside loose yeah okay so we'll get this one okay I don't know okay that's off now we just got to get this cross member out of here which may be harder than we think Hmm we had a pry and Pull and well we had another inch and a half we could go forward before this car moved all right she's hitting hard right there grab the Sawzall we'll just cut one side off of it and chop it side off pull it out [Music] all right [Applause] foreign all right now we just pull some bell housing bolts and it's out of here and we might can get to one of them pry bar we can get to all of them pry this side up right here right here yeah there you go perfect you guys are too used to working on nice cars yeah okay voila lift this car up [Music] all right let's roll this back let me load it in your truck there's like no fluid in it holy crap and 25 it's like uh the Sills broke down that's where all the fluids good we filled it so awesome holy geez look at this stuff coming out of here it's just straight black that is nasty seven minutes look Too Short see if this one reaches oh hey there we go well that pretty much does it for our quick easy project Oh no I got to pull the dump trailer back in gotta welcome to the tailgate and weld the tongue and then that'll have it for our easy projects for the day so we'll get that done and we'll be done [Applause] okay [Applause] foreign [Music] this is like full circle this morning we were putting tires on this and then we jumped around projects now we got to finish this so this comes down like that this comes in right here and this pin goes through it this will bend your Gates this this other side is bent so we've got uh basically I think we need to put a kink in that I don't know I think that needs to be bent right there I hit it with a big hammer it's my go-to right on it I knew I was gonna hit it yeah bend that back up see if it won't break off [Music] still off which way you go in [Music] here hold up that was in the gate so we couldn't shut it he's got no grease in it that's for sure that needs to come around are they greasable yeah they're graceful hey getting closer we're getting kinda oh I don't know if we're closer all right Hunters come up with his first good idea he wanted to just drill this hole out and I can't see any reason why we can't just drill that hole out [Music] we're so close yeah so far away [Music] you're a genius you got her dump trailer is officially oh no we got a weld back I always gotta lift this up we got a little bit of weld so this trailer was broken in half my buddy Scott with elevated hose and Supply fixed it for me put a new tongue in it did a bunch of stuff but I got I noticed it needs to be welded right in here so I'm going to fix it I need to weld that this side needs to be welded in the outside's all tied in it looks really good I just need to weld that thanks man Safety First all right she's whipped oh [Music] all right I think that concludes our stuff for today we've we've been all over the place today we did uh trailer tires we did fixed the trailer back door we did what else are we doing on what oh on your brother's truck we fix exhaust on his brother's truck maybe it's a professional welding we tore the out of the derby car we've done a whole bunch of stuff and we're done for the day so thanks for watching
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 334,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota offroading, toyota modifications, axle, swap, sas, toyota, solid, 4x4, solid axle swap, off road, pickup, lifted, turbo, trail gear, crawl, rock crawler, custom, flex, crawling, build, toyota pickup build, sas toyota pickup, toyota pickup, toyota build, toyota sas build, sas toyota, toyota pickup sas, fabrats, fab rats, 05 tacoma mods, 05 tacoma, fabrication, diy, grind hard, offroad, tube fenders, off road extreme 4x4, build series, 4 link toyota, 4link, crossmember, custome 4 link
Id: Bx3yUI8ff6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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