This Is What $1,500 Per Month Gets You In San Francisco VS Los Angeles

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so I live in LA and it's really expensive here the average rent in Los Angeles is two thousand five hundred and fifty six dollars for seven hundred ninety one square feet so already way higher rent than most of the country but I keep hearing that San Francisco actually has the most insane rent of anywhere these days the average rent in San Francisco is a whopping at three thousand seven hundred and three dollars for seven hundred and forty seven square feet so over a thousand dollars more for basically the same amount of space even though it's only a five hour drive for six in an electric car this city is totally different than LA it's a lot more compact and feels like a real downtown city and today we're gonna take a look in some real apartments that people are living in and see what you actually get in San Francisco versus Los Angeles so first we're gonna take a look in this really cool Victorian house in Nob Hill welcome to my apartment in San Francisco so this is actually another youtubers apartment if you guys know Cather out she does a lot of videos about San Francisco so if you want to learn more about what it's like to live in the city I'll link them below so the apartment she ended up living in is two bedrooms with a living room converted into another bedroom and they each pay 14:15 in rent so the total is about 4200 but when we're looking at technically a three-bedroom apartment that's actually a really good price for San Francisco or LA let's start with the living room I guess so this is our living room we're on the bottom floor of our apartment so it gets kind of like a modest amount of light but we have this wonderful sectional beautiful carpet and my favorite roommate well Ruby is their long-haired dachshund big selling point of the apartment for me I learned that to make housing more affordable the living room is often converted into another bedroom so it's actually kind of rare for them to have a living room because it's usually just a bedroom and then heat this is my roommates room she faces right onto the street so she gets likes lots of light this room I think looks really cool but it does have a couple downsides yeah complain about the noise or how does she like it she always sleeps with earplugs so because she has sort of like the sitting room living room she has this beautiful fireplace which is not functional we don't do anything with it but it's a really nice centerpiece of the room and then she doesn't have a closet since it's a living room so she just uses this lovely storage system the fortunate thing is that she does have doors on her bedroom that leads to the living room which I'm not super sure what this was originally I think this is probably like a dining room situation and then back down the hallway have our lovely heater don't really need it most of us have fans and space heaters for when it's hot when it's cool so this is our dining room and it's pretty nice because it's a decent sized space we could actually make a dining room out of it and we've put in some storage or all our food because there aren't three people sharing a kitchen meant for maybe one or two okay this apartment is originally one house on three floors so we have this like repurposed window that they just closed up which is really interesting not functional unfortunately and then here's a little kitchen not a ton of counter space like it works we all usually cook at different times and we've kind of divided up all the storage space we don't have a dishwasher but that's okay because honestly my roommates are super clean always really good about doing the dishes so right now we're clean but that's because I did it before you guys came so these are the other two actual bedrooms that we're using as actual bedrooms so this is my roommate Michelle's she has a really really good taste one of the reasons I want to move in here was because they had just really good decorations and style so it's a little bit smaller than my room but she has a walk-in closet which she probably doesn't want broadcasted to widely but it's nice that you're walkin and yeah it fits a queen bed fits a dresser and it's really all you need like it's a pretty moderate size like not huge but there's been some apartment that I've toured with a room big enough for a phone like you literally have note walking rooms so this is my bedroom it's very much still under construction I haven't done a lot of the art on the walls but it's a little bit bigger than Michelle's room and I don't have a walk-in closet so it's just I guess I have to show you well the Koran the pulse of the room is clean but it's a pretty small closet which is why I have a dresser I love my big windows these are like 6-foot windows so I get a good amount of light and have this nice little rustic fire escape ladders I was really impressed with this I think for the price these bedrooms are actually really big but there is one thing that would probably scare some people away from wanting to live here so we have one bathroom for three girls which again a little nervous about it's not too bad the worst-case scenario is like you have to go pee and your roommates showering in which case we just leave it unlocked we're pretty comfortable to each other that way everything you mean little shower full toilet all same probably my favorite thing about this apartment is that they have access to the rooftop rooftop culture is honestly pretty big in SF we have like a couple of different like holidays throughout the year that people go on rooftops get some nice sunset views of the Golden Gate too so it's not fast and I didn't know this was up here until after I signed the lease so I was like okay like put like astroturf no truly I wouldn't be not bad I wonder I just make sure no truly okay jokes aside I think this rooftop really is awesome all-in-all this apartment I think you get a lot for your money here it doesn't feel like an insanely expensive San Francisco apartment getting a bedroom for 1415 in a nice area like this it's pretty similar to what you would pay in LA the main difference being that there's only one bathroom in LA you would definitely get at least two bathrooms now we're gonna take a look at a friend of Mines apartment he lives in Hollywood and pays 1450 for his room so about the same as Katherine so we're gonna see how far this gets you in Hollywood okay I'm here Aaron told me to record my reaction when I go in because people are always like surprised yeah it'd be hard to I can do there we go okay oh wow this is really cool so this is my friend Aaron's two-bedroom two-bathroom apartment hello everyone what's up welcome to my apartment I hope you enjoy that Toller my name is an idol sin I just moved to LA honestly this place is like amazing when I walked in almost like it's huge so starting out there's a kitchen which is a good size for two people I'm sure that they have no problem with this like lots of room and it's cool how it's like kind of opened out to the main like living space everything is updated this place is like an older building that's been renovated so everything feels really new and nice and how it's like you know up to date finishes and it's nice so this is the kitchen and let's take a look at the rest of the apartment this is the living room it's massive it's huge I haven't really seen a living room in LA this big volume-wise like we've got a lot of space in here we got this apartment honestly through through God's Grace's we got really lucky we were looking at a bunch of apartments on Zillow and on like apartment rentals calm and whatever we got to the point where we were literally just driving around West Hollywood in Hollywood calling numbers on signs outside because we were like we need to find a place to love when Hayden and I looked at it it was just being done being renovated and because of that it was not on the market so no one else knew that this property was like available to rent that's kind of how we got it it was honestly just luck and timing and everything is I've never I don't think been in an apartment la quite like this so as you can see it's a loft so it feels huge like this feels like a house there's a big dining area and living room like it just has a lot of space down here if this were the San Francisco apartment this is probably where they would try and fit like a third bedroom they don't really have to do that here because they can already keep the rent pretty low with just two people I say low relatively like 2650 in Texas is not low but for LA 26:54 a two-bedroom this nice like that it's really good really cool how it has this built-in sort of storage a fireplace that's a cool touch these windows are really unique I like the style of them they're kind of like palladium windows it just lets in so much light there's a balcony out here it's actually a pretty long size and they have a view of the Hollywood sign it's a nice walkable area so there's one bedroom on this main floor just right over here this is right off the main living area there's a bathroom over here it's a full bathroom has you know sink toilet shower and a bathtub there isn't a bathroom upstairs so this is my friend Aaron's bathroom this is Aaron's roommates room and it's a really good size probably 12 by 10 maybe 12 by 12 feet so it's pretty big she pays 1200 she's got her own bathroom walk-in closet I don't know what more could you want for 1200 I feel like this is really great this is the bathroom another full bathroom this looks like a quartz countertop so it's definitely like new and renovated yeah its standard full bathroom also the flooring in here you can tell that this is new to this is probably part of the renovation that they did it looks really nice I like how it's kind of that gray color and then right here is the walk-in closet good amount of space definitely say I mean I feel like for 1200 normally you want to get a walk-in closet and also in San Francisco you definitely wouldn't there's also this whole closet space so you can put like towels and stuff lots of built-in storage here actually there's also some over here here the a coat closet that's super nice even over off the kitchen there's like even more storage just like so much storage here it's awesome now let's head upstairs when I first came up here I thought they were using this loft as a bedroom but there's actually a whole other bedroom over here so it's just like Aaron's own space up here like honestly it's amazing so here's Aaron's bedroom again really good size I'd say about the same as the one downstairs maybe a little bigger because it kind of goes out over here so I personally pay 1450 for my share of the apartment but I pay more than my roommate does because I have more space the entire upstairs of the apartment is behind but it's nice and bright it doesn't have a walk-in closet in this one but it has like mirrored closet that's what I have and you can fit a lot in those other really cool thing it actually goes outside onto a rooftop and this is so cool like you guys are ready for this a rooftop hot tub basically my dream I think this is so cool again pretty cool view up here I mean this is so awesome they have direct access the Hudson was kind of unexpected like I just did not think that would be here and I think it's amazing I didn't really show you guys the watch let's take a better look at that but it's kind of like an office up here this is just so cool I mean clearly it fits like a really big desk a couch like a bunch of storage this is like perfect if you're a youtuber which Aaron does have a channel so I mean it's really perfect to be able to make videos here I feel like this would just be unheard of in San Francisco or this apartment would be just really really expensive I mean I would guess it would be like six or seven thousand dollars probably for two-bedroom this big I mean this is some square footage in here like it's it's massive I'm jealous like Aaron can I move in like I'll make this my room so this is a sample of rent in LA versus San Francisco of course every area of each city is gonna have different prices but in general you definitely get more for your money in LA comment below which apartment you guys liked more if you want and I will see you guys in my next video [Music]
Channel: Shelby Church
Views: 1,904,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shelby, church, 1500 per month in san francisco, san francisco apartment tour, los angeles apartment tour, los angeles vs san francisco, what 1500 per month gets you in los angeles, la, what 1500 per months get you in san francisco, apartment, tour, shelby church, la vs sf, los angeles, san francisco
Id: y7HA7p6mPDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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