This is the STRANGEST Caterpillar You've Ever Seen!

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nature can be very unusual here are the top ten strange caterpillars number 10 the spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar the spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar is so strange-looking it actually looks more like a cartoon character than a real caterpillar this is due to the two large black eyes on the top of its head but don't be fooled by these strange-looking eyes the eyes aren't real the large black eyes are actually fake the caterpillar has these fake eyes so that it resembles a snake which is a pretty clever way to trick its predators into thinking it's far more harmful than it actually is the spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar is actually not harmful at all number nine the puss moth caterpillar not only is the puss moth caterpillar strange-looking it's also toxic in fact the puss moth caterpillar is one of the most toxic caterpillars in North America they like to live in the shade and can often be found in the trees and shrubs of parks and backyards also known as askes they have long soak like hair that resembles fur their hair comes in yellow gray and reddish brown when they are touched their toxic hairs get embedded in your skin this can cause a burning sensation with throbbing pain and a rash it can also cause swelling headaches nausea and in rare cases respiratory problems so although it may be tempting to pick up this soft odd-looking caterpillar it's best to just let it be [Music] number eight the our Senora caterpillar this caterpillar is found in tropical places like Mexico Bolivia and Brazil the our Senora caterpillar is actually one of the only caterpillars in the world that displays social behavior in their early stages they hang out in groups and are known for their striped patterns they clustered together on tree trunks gaining strength and number warding off prey by seeming bigger together than they do individually from there they grow into the wildly weird-looking creature with giant tentacle like protrusions growing from their hands [Music] before we move on be sure to subscribe to daily toptenz with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos number seven Hubbard's silk moth caterpillar the Hubbard silk moth caterpillar is one of the most complex ly decorated caterpillars in the world in fact it's so complex ly decorated that it almost appears ornate hubbard's silk moth caterpillar lives in Mexico and the southern United States but it is most commonly found in the Sonoran Desert the caterpillar likes the heat and dry arid temperatures serve at best it grows to be about 2.5 inches long and when people stumble upon it they are fascinated by its colorful body its body is usually green and covered in white dots the caterpillars coloring is actually fluorescent and this caterpillar will glow under the right light the Hubbard silk moth caterpillar is also identified by the violet line that runs all the way down its body [Music] number six dagger moth caterpillar this little bitty bundle of yellow hair doesn't even look like a caterpillar at first glance in fact it's so furry and cute that it almost begs to be held but if you come across this caterpillar you should think twice about picking it up because although the American dagger moth caterpillar looks cuddly it can actually be toxic the toxicity is in the hairs and some people have experienced allergic reactions to this caterpillar including significant hives the hair on the caterpillar is actually called settee and there is usually a few Tufts of black s'ti that appear as black spikes somewhere near its metal the American dagger moth caterpillar is usually around two inches long and can be found in forests and woodlands all over America [Music] number five flannel moth caterpillar this furry little caterpillar looks more like a tiny Persian cat than a caterpillar in fact it doesn't really look like a caterpillar at all the flannel moth caterpillar is covered in luxurious settee giving it a soft and furry appearance it varies in color from dark gray to golden brown to white and although it may be tempting to pick up and pet the fur on this caterpillar is actually embedded with tiny venomous spikes these spikes can be very painful to humans on contact the spikes actually cause a sting and the sting has been likened to the same pain people feel when they break a bone the pain can radiate all the way up a limb and cause nausea headaches and even chest pain the flannel-mouthed caterpillar lives predominantly in the southern United States and throughout Mexico and Central America it likes oak and elm trees but the majority of them are found in plum trees [Music] number four the Hickory Horned devil the Hickory Horned devil has a name that's almost as strange as the caterpillar itself it's named for its strange green horns and oddly enough this caterpillar grows into an equally strange-looking moth called a regal moth or royal walnut moth the caterpillars don't always have their horns though they only get their horn like appearance after the fifth and final stage of their caterpillar life during this stage they become strikingly green and grow these giant horns the horns are easily identifiable as they are black with red tips the Hickory Horned devil can grow quite big it averages five point nine inches long but despite its threatening name and oddly devilish appearance the Hickory Horned devil is actually completely harmless unlike other toxic caterpillars they can be picked up and handled without any threat to humans [Music] number three the Cecropia moth caterpillar the Cecropia caterpillar grows up to be the largest and most common moth in North America as such the caterpillar itself is a bit of a monster when it comes to caterpillar size most caterpillars are quite small but the Cecropia moth caterpillar is unusually large it averages four inches in length but it can grow even larger plus its body is round so this caterpillar is not only long it's also thick adding to its overall size the Cecropia moth caterpillar is green and it's covered in a variety of weird circle like protrusions that vary in color the caterpillar literally spends its life eating preparing for its future life as a giant moth as such it will devour the leaves of almost any tree including maple poplar cherry plum and willow number two the jewel caterpillar scientifically the jewel caterpillar is called dao serra de but they are more commonly known as jewel caterpillars this is because of their gelatinous jewel like exoskeleton jewel caterpillars are pretty small at only around half an inch long but they have captured the wonder and amazement of scientists for years as if their jewel-like exoskeleton weren't wonderous enough jewel caterpillars actually have an odd secret weapon they have tiny spikes under their jewel light covering the bumps and their exoskeleton is easily detached and the tiny spike sits inside when the exoskeleton is detached the jewel like substance takes on a gooey like feel although when it is still attached it doesn't feel wet at all and although the tiny spike is not big enough to harm a human the spike is for its protection when predators like wasps remove the jelly exoskeleton the tiny spike can get caught in their mouths this prevents predators from actually attacking this strange-looking caterpillar jool caterpillars can come in different colors but the majority of them have a body that is translucent and glass-like except for the tips of their protrusions which is usually a deep red they are considered to be one of the most beautiful caterpillars around they are fairly elusive though and not a lot is known about this oddly beautiful caterpillar number one the monkey slug caterpillar the monkey slug caterpillar also known as a hag moth caterpillar is often mistaken for a furry spider and rightfully so one look at its strange body and you can surely see why this caterpillar actually looks more like a flattened spider than a caterpillar it has long curled tentacles and it can be hard to believe that it's even a caterpillar at all furthermore the caterpillar looks like it has a lot of legs the monkey slug caterpillar has 6 pairs of projections and these projections resemble legs three of the projections are longer than the other three and they all protrude from its flattened body but the caterpillar doesn't actually need these legs in fact the legs can be removed without any harm to the caterpillar and sometimes the legs simply fall off on their own the projections are covered in dense hair which resembles the fur of a monkey hence part of its name the hairs will not harm a human but the caterpillar can sting so this caterpillar shouldn't be handled the caterpillar is tiny at about half an inch after metamorphosis this odd caterpillar becomes a hag moth which actually resembles the shape and width of the caterpillar quite well monkey slug caterpillars are found through eastern US and canada and it's often been called one of the weirdest caterpillars on earth which is why it has wiggled its way into the top spot on this list of top ten strange caterpillars check out some of our previous uploads and be sure to subscribe to daily top tens with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos [Music]
Channel: DailyTop20s
Views: 1,244,104
Rating: 4.842011 out of 5
Keywords: Caterpillar, Caterpillars, STRANGEST Caterpillar, creatures, insects, weird bugs, weird creatures
Id: w0JiA-gw_3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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