This Is The MOST USEFUL Obsidian Feature You're Not Using

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I don't want to hype this too much but I am positive that this is the most incredible feature about obsidian that nobody is using the way that we are about to talk about it it's very simple there are lots of videos about it but I've not seen anybody talk about leveraging this one thing that obsidian can do in the way that I've used it and it completely transformed how I relate to the computer as a whole not just how I use obsidian but how I use the entire file system of my computer as it is basically obsidian allows me to work with my files the way that I always thought that computers should let us work with them but doesn't actually do this but obsidian can so this is way more than just an obsidian video This is a complete transformation of how you relate to the most important tool that you've got in your life so if that sounds interesting to you then let's dive in hello and welcome my name is Jonathan Pritchard from I can and this feature I I'm I'm not even going to do a screen share it is that simple but this is all about how to think about using this feature in a way that I've not seen anybody else talk about and it has saved my bacon way more times than I ever thought it should now if you are a fan of obsidian I probably am going to bet that you've got a whole system down pat that you've got your pipelines drives and vaults and your par method and projects and all that kind of stuff you've you've got it laid out but here's the main challenge which is sometimes I'm not all that organized I want to find something that I can't remember the name of it I can't remember where I put it I can barely remember what kind of file type it might be and those are pretty much the only three ways that you can find what it is that you're looking for when you are looking through your file directory and if you don't have any of those on hand but you can remember oh this is the one thing I used for that weird project with Eric well then I think that you should be able to find the file that fits that search term but there's no way to do that except there is and the way that we're going to do this is embedding media that's all this is that's all it is is being able to embed a file in an obsidian note and this can completely transform the way that you keep track of important documents and information and and that kind of stuff so if you get in the habit of embedding documents into a single obsidian note you'll thank me later I I promise you I promise you and here's why now I use a Mac for most of my stuff I I've got a Macbook laptop I have a Windows desktop machine I've installed Linux on a couple of my old MacBooks so I've used all sorts of different operating environments and as I mentioned in the opening basically you have to remember what the file was named where you put it if you want to find it and you might be able to go to a particular area where you think the file might be and then sort by most recently modified or that kind of thing and you can go into more info then more information type in this is from that project with Eric and then Spotlight or finder will be able to find it through that but it is such a clunky way to use your file directory that I don't know anybody who has ever used that feature that's built into this so what you wind up doing is creating a new note for an important thing that you want to keep track of embed that file in that note and then write everything about that file that you could possibly think in that note and this is why all of your tags all of your links all of your properties are now going to be even more powerful because you can dump as many of those onto this file as you can through the wrapper of that obsidian note so now by using obsidian and all of its search and tags and linking capabilities you can now find different ways in to find ing that one file because when you say this is from that project I bet you five bucks you've got a project note in that links to it that I did with Eric now you've got an Eric note in your client's folder and now no matter which way you can think to remember oh it was that thing connected to these other things now you can go through and find what it is that you are looking for now for me this has saved my bacon recently because there's uh I I went with a a local tax preparation and they filed something super Goofy and now it was somebody new going who in the world did your taxes we we need this random file that's that has this information in it and I had no clue what that file name was or the last time I used it or where that document would be because I had access that document to get it to the tax folks but then everything that they sent me put into the tax folder so it wasn't anywhere that I knew to look for it but when I went to obsidian and searched for it the way that I thought it it should be it popped right up because it was linked to a note that came up that was connected to the way that I remembered my way in so that's why I'm saying that embedding media and and using a note so that you've got a place to write everything you can think of in connection with that that document or file is so important it is incredibly powerful and this is the power of metadata this is all the data about the file that normal file systems are not set up to use or let leverage or give you the ability to use on a daily basis so now instead of obsidian just being a place to take notes and Link them and use tags it is now a meta file organizational system that enables you to find what you're looking for from a completely different direction than trying to go through your normal finder or Windows organizer file like whatever you want to call it if you've got the discipline to set up things of oh these are the projects from 2024 and here are the clients and here's the month and then the week and and you've got all that down pat and you are fastidious about that congratulations that's amazing if you are like me though and completely Divergent random thinker then who knows where that stuff's going to be so you don't have to change who you are you don't have to use the file structure the way that it wants you to obsidian gives you the power to think however you want to think put things wherever you want to put them and then find them the way that you think you should find them later so tell me is this something that you've been using already for a long time have you seen other people talk about it have has this saved you in a pinch recently too I would love to hear from you tell me your story there in the comments and if this kind of turned on a light bulb for you let me know hit the like button that'll tell me that you need more interesting cool stuff about obsidian like this and you might be wondering okay so how do I use properties I'm not familiar with front matter or yaml and all that kind of stuff well I made a whole video about that and now you'll be able to see how it will help you even more and be more powerful if and when you get in the habit of embedding important files in their own um in their own note and that kind of thing so that'll be here on the the screen and if you want really cool interesting ideas delivered straight to your inbox sign up for my weekday newsletter and you'll get more interesting ideas like this delivered straight to you but that's it for me again I'm Jonathan Pritchard from I canread and that's why I always like to say if you can change your mind you can change your life
Channel: Jonathan Pritchard
Views: 2,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mentalist, speaker, mc, conference, tradeshow, engagement, vip, business, success, confidence, motivation, inspiration, life hacking, mind hacking, Mentalism, second brain, sales, negotiation, influence, persuasion, life mastery, life mastery business, Zavant, theZAVANT
Id: bHasRx_gBEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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