This Is The Most Frustrated I've Ever Been, And It's only the Beginning

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okay welcome to No Rest For The Wicked Early Access now before I start I've been meeting to play this game on day one but uh I was busy with playing another game when this one came out and now we're here oh and also when I was on my way to buy this game I saw this game has a review mix review score and so far most of the reviews were just about the performance and uh weapon durability what whatever oh and also of course I'm also interested in this game because it's apparently Souls likee so obviously right up my alley so let's see how uh difficult this game is so oh God whoa what the hell holy [ __ ] all right you know what I'm going with a email all right well there we go there's barely any customization in this game so it was pretty quick but let's just get into it oh select their realm name your realm what now whatever I'll just call it first it's my first run welcome over the past 6 years report are oh okay when I was a child um God told me stories God God damn this game looks good love the r Style this is a Fool's errand there's no sum worth bringing the likes of them to shore ooh that me yes it is nice oh this is my Dodge right here nice oh you get Sprint there we go no point in talking to everybody here I won't be sorry to be out of these Waters you off my [ __ ] I was paid to deliver you to Sacura in one piece and I will I get to your quarters and stay out of our way to landfall ooh chest certain objects are breakable attack God damn the camera Shake is intense I was just punching the [ __ ] out of that red he got his meat what do you want me the mushrooms from the shelf and hers from the table I have to keep studing and'll go from bum to acid you can eat a mushroom and a pinch but nothing need a cooked meal here have some for yourself eating food restores Health May provide temporary buff okay maybe I should have I shouldn't eaten that food just yet oh open of course need a key I fixed up your bed myself real nice like okay hold on let me [ __ ] explore the rest of this place all right well there's nothing else around here time to go to the bed what the what just happened getting under attack my first weapon oh okay so there that's my weight limit or whatever at the bottom right there I'm normal oh my God getting [ __ ] hurt okay I just ate all those guys hits a shield perfect I need that can I Parry okay holy oh wo I'm out of stamina [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this stamina stuff I got I got to get get used to that Sprint off Surface and ledge to jump okay oh enemy vulnerability stagger enemy to briefly lower your guard oh there is a Parry let's try it out nice okay so far generous with the per oh okay I can't Parry that small vile of stamina there's the key element of surprise so I can just walk up to it doesn't kill him in one shot oo look at that I to fight like you not what all right not important oh I will fall if I run out of stamina okay yeah I keep seeing those performance hiccups but that only happens when I'm entering a new [Music] area show these mainlanders Sak is our Island damn that animation is really good oh God oh my God how many enemies are coming [ __ ] towards me open the grade this right here what am I doing oh got to save all these [ __ ] dudes so I don't have to be alone fighting these enemies oh damn this dude got a [ __ ] oh my oh God I got to really pay attention to my damn stamina I can't really block that all right he's dead you shouldn't be here Sarah it's too late for fairy tales am I finding her next what's going on it's too late for any of us damn okay the king's dead the king is dead your father's soul is at rest now King Magnus the people look to you for strength great pestilence has returned Lord bis yes I have heard the rumors they're not rumors even now it ravages the island of Sacra just off our own Shores turning their men and women into unspeakable things tomorrow magical Seline and her Inquisition will set sail for Sacra I promise we will cleanse the island of this wickedness our new King's faith in the church is well placed no Sacra will be reborn oh boy God's hands we will reach into every corner of the island screaming into the light oh the horn that that lady was using I lost everything of course over here oh my me just picking up all these ingredients actually you know what [ __ ] it I might as well talk to him should have never Dro you'll never make it to Sacrament from here this Coast is crawling there isn't oh I need a shovel to dig this spot right here where can I find a shovel nice weight class yeah I figured that out oh okay there we goes all the way up there okay I would just wondering if I was going towards the right direction oh his head came off fishing run nice I have a [ __ ] ton of ingredients I wonder when am I going to use them for what is that blue thing there oh there's requirements I need one more extra point into book and bow to [ __ ] use this knif oh nice I can get in here you can rest and record your progress oh oh so these are the bonfires oh there's a [ __ ] great Axe dude right there for the chest I don't have a shield I can block with a sword let see if I can beat this dude or can I sneak up on him oh let me try that first no nope that didn't work holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] upon dying item incurred a durability loss oh okay so once I die I lose durability oh got him I guess I wasn't fast enough oh par the [ __ ] yeah easy a staff can I use magic oh yeah this thing has Fireball let me try this out spells wielding a one or staff allow you to cost power from cast powerful spells oh this is I guess a shortcut need find a way to drop this ladder here oh you [ __ ] oh oh what am I doing come on okay another [ __ ] ladder I can access oh there we go I can cook meals I can only craft mushroom soup better than nothing hopefully this guy doesn't turn oh [ __ ] that's nice oh let me oh [ __ ] level two hey oh oh [ __ ] what do I what should I do yeah I have no idea I'll just hold off until I feel comfortable with what weapons I should use what is this can I break through this oh I can big old chest here ooh okay so I have a shield now but I'm using the staff at the moment ooh oh that's a tool an axe pine wood what's the point of getting these wood o just another meal recover the same amount of health so it doesn't really matter which one I make Mariners keep let's go check out this place take that oh I ran out of focus I can only use two fire spells holy crap I didn't realize my health was so goddamn low magic seems nice but I think I'd just rather to go with strength at least I have a shield with this instantly gain 50 experience H oh kill his own teammate wait I just realized oh I'm heavy I guess if I want to use a shield what's this pickaxe okay yeah if I want to use a shield I got to increase my damn weight this is pretty nice I'm gathering resources like this I need a key for this door okay nice my second whisper oh whoa what the [ __ ] it's a good thing I saw that before [ __ ] hit me oh I'm still taking damage level up again I'll just focus on strength increase my equip load yeah let's just do this I have no idea that is good or not I probably increase my stamina next can I drop down on this guy oh I can oh what the hell there's people here I need a mes hole key to access that spot is that a lever up there oh yeah I guess that'll help me open this Kate right here ooh Mell key might as well head back to save that dude no all right my first crash oh please tell me everything's saved oh perfect oh hopefully I can oh God that didn't help at all oh yeah I have a [ __ ] oh god that hurt I ran out of food already yeah I'm assuming this guy is a black strer there's a reason I'm a blacksmith and not a soldier out here this will open the gate get yourself to Sacrament careful IE out I heard some of these risen speak of a foul presence outside the gate I don't really have that much money on me but I can buy this shovel storage room key well that's not the key I'm looking for but it's something oh God damn it I need a shovel I might as well buy a shovel from the dude right now ooh you know what let me try out the dual daggers oh all right oh man so I can try try get used to that damn Parry L what's that do oh it's the elevator oh boy level four uh [ __ ] dude I don't really know you gu like this be careful Lara someone's coming oh friendly people a serum forgive my father he mistook you for one of the Risen great Beast is loose in these gles they say it used to be a man I wanted to go after it but father says father says the torn are not to be trifled with he's right what the [ __ ] is this dude what the [ __ ] is that holy crap oh my God okay so that thing grabs oh boy what the hell is this what that Roar God damn fighting these guys sucks oh oh my oh I'm alive what did the hell is this I'm in the cave watch way you're walking another traveler blind to the Bounty under their feet inside this cave there is a rare and potent flower find the okay got to find a goddamn [Music] flower wow this just got [ __ ] on by this [ __ ] dude yeah you know what using daggers is just not for me all right let's try this [ __ ] potion dude one more try oh [ __ ] me I F Jesus Christ bro these ax Wheeling dudes are so [ __ ] annoying holy [ __ ] let me holy [ __ ] I just died like that wow I got no [ __ ] food at all I mean at least the enemies don't [ __ ] respawn back Jesus they are you kidding me oh yeah this really is a soul slide game no no oh I just oh I'm alive ah finally they barely got anything good on them I just wasted a [ __ ] ton of food on that can I just drop down there no I feel like I'm going to die with the amount of Health I have nice saving point right here I wish this thing can heal me but [ __ ] doesn't is that the flower that the guyy talking about is there a boss fight going to happen here cuz I don't think I'm ready I literally ran out of all food what's happening am I high A New Path reveals we might climb higher really holy crap oh boy I just died oh oh come on I got to [ __ ] get over there again oh that just shitty right there and yep holy [ __ ] what is going on with my character are you [ __ ] kidding me of course oh my God come on oh of course is a big dude there oh my God all right you know what I'm going to end right here just a short quick review I like the game the game is [ __ ] tough or that I'm just [ __ ] terrible at it at the moment but I like the combat everything else the art style and I can't wait to play more anyways if you guys enjoy the video leave a like subscribe right at it and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Beryle
Views: 588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #No Rest for the Wicked
Id: a82L26GLCEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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