This Is Spiritual Warfare by Pastor Melissa Scott

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the more we open our hearts to God the more we stay in his word the more we strive to get closer to him and he does bless us and he does bless us with spiritual blessings like Ephesians says that opens up the door that those people who God has not taken his hand off of he's let them stray he's let them be a little bit muddy than their ability to see or in the ability to hear but those are the ones that he will draw back and it is it's in this space I mean it happened at other times but I'm just seeing more and more of these and the reason is pretty clear just like the reason why I have so much trouble and trials and I'm constantly under attack it's not about me it's about what this ministry has represented and does represent we have been a people who have not compromised an unwavering focused band of people on God's Word in that that's why I said expect God's blessings expect that you're going to have trouble expect it if I if I could sit here and just tell you what I have been through in nine years you'd shake your head and it's not like this is from news from five six seven or eight or nine years ago we're talking just like in the last year I have a handful of people around me who are aware of what goes on that the dangers to me constantly under attack now just as Paul had some demon that followed him around now people when you get to talking about this w people think wow that's nutty but demons and satanic forces are not like people they do not die they are endless they are without time a demon that was in Paul's day is a demon that still exists today just the container just a new container and when people talk about I've discussed this with a few people saying you know how we have so much oppression people come against and it's persecution of the of the weirdest cruelest and strangest crime which can only come from Satan but the same demons are still alive they don't die they these are eternal beings this is why when we read in the book of Revelation about the lake of fire that is the ultimate fate but until that time these are running loose and have been through the ages they don't go attacking people coming against people major ministries that are prosperous ministries but who do not preach the gospel message it is not front and center merchandising making profit selling books of being up being a persona they're not attacked or if they are it's just barely it's only those people who are still holding up the banner for Christ and that is that starts with the mouthpiece but it trickles all the way down to the followers and once you get that in your head you recognize it's strange it said one side of me says well that's comforting to know I must be doing something right my focus is right but equally disturbing because to the outside world looking in when I say this type of thing is wrong that's kind of nutty that's nutty nutty thinking right there I know who the enemy is when I said to you attacks come and they do it seems like I've been in perpetual attacks and perpetual lawsuits and perpetual tugging 'he's back and forth like satan is determined between health issues that I seem to be plagued with and they they come and they go which is like seasons of things and attacks and they are of the very same nature repeated of the same nature now the ones that out there that God still wants he'll lift the Merc and the mud off of their eyes and their ears and they'll come and they'll recognize they will understand I can't make anybody else understands but I'm telling you we are in serious spiritual warfare it's not like oh this is a battle now this is a battle for the ages I know if I would stop preaching the gospel if I would stop studying I'll tell you Satan Satan did in this last year provide enough distraction for me without divulging too much information to provide it enough distraction to distract my mind through various ways I'm not ignorant of what he does slightly confused for some of the things that were brought into my life I thought they were actually from God but it turns out with this is why we are to try the spirits these things came from the devil to distract to what you if you can just be pushed to the side slightly the devil will get off your back I'm telling you where this is the warfare it's not a warfare like this month like for this month's love gift warfare it's spiritual warfare until these crocks of clay are laid down sometimes I get really tired I have to admit to you I get really really tired because the battle has been non-stop and I prefer to not indulge Satan by divulging exactly what nature these things are except to say they are demonic and I also know that greater is he that is by the Spirit of God by the power of Christ he that is in me then he who occupies with the Prince of the power of the air who occupies the territory unseen and there's just way too many people out in this listening audience who don't they can't connect the fact that it wasn't about dr. Scott and it's not about me it's about what a person stands for and we're not just taking a personal stand it's a stand for Christ it's a stand for the gospel so yes there'll be people that will come back and then they'll come back and they'll say I don't know why didn't come back sooner they recognize the battles to go they were they were lured away by Satan I cannot help but tell the new people that come because the new people that come and they're not ready they're not ready for all the stuff that's going to fall on them it's calling a message you've heard me say this before they call it a message I just started tithing I just lost my job my car just broke down my other half just left me my dog just dies the country-western song gone wrong no it's a country-western song period but that's the way it works then then I could take you right now right to the parable of the sower and show you why some of these people don't they don't last all that I'm saying is biblical they don't last because the route that the seed the word never took root in them just was a surface thing they heard it they were happy when they heard it but when trouble came and when Satan began to trouble and when tribulations do come they're gone you knew people out there I'm telling you as a as a as a caution go back and read the parable of the sower and after you're done reading that recognize you are at danger you are at risk which is why Paul infusion 6 he says put on the whole armour of God the whole equipping the whole outfit the whole artillery everything that you can possibly from head-to-toe cover yourself with because this is a battle for your soul I've taught you this before I'm not worried about what somebody can do to my body the question is always asked why aren't you worried aren't you scared well that's that's part of life that's part of the risk you take but I am very focused on the idea that Satan cannot either by himself or his minions cannot touch that which I have they may try to touch that which I have committed to God and that is my soul this is a battle you know there's multiple places in the Bible that we can look to but normally I would take you to Ephesians six and I'd say I just referenced it but I want you to see I'm using Matthew four and the temptation of Christ just in what is said very briefly when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God command these stones they be made bread jesus answered and said is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word every Rhema that proceedeth out of the mouth of God I am I'm not going to focus on the essence of what we've already understood in the passage I want you to simply put in your brain that Jesus first reply was regarding the Word of God now you can take an approach however you want but I'm convinced of this Satan despises the Word of God the Word of God is Christ and despises the Word of God this is the banner that we lift up and that we keep this banner lifted up the word of God Satan will keep coming back it shouldn't be a surprise new people and listening shouldn't be a surprise do you have a choice to make and this is a choice will it will encounter this in later studies in Hebrews where the writer says you know you should be able to be teachers but you still need to be taught you're still needing milk you're not you you're not even ready for strong food you don't even know what to do with it I think the majority of the church world is locked in the milk mode it all has to do with the Word of God this is what feeds our soul this is also what makes us targets for Satan not us like oh my person is so important or your person is so beautiful or so ugly or so great or so whatever it's not about that I've said many times it is Christ in you it's Christ in me before you were a believer when Christ is formed in your heart by faith before you were believer before you began to faith you weren't under attack you were part of the kingdom of darkness and children of disobedience and so was I unknowingly part of that stream and that flow from which once we emerged and began to hear the message and faith came by the hearing of God's Word and we stepped out of the darkness we became targets just take this one answer that crisis man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceedeth every Rhema that proceedeth out of the mouth of God and think about how we might fight the devil now there's no attacking us if we're not connected to the word and we're not staying in faith to the word that is Christ there's no no more irritating sound in the devil's ear than the Word of God let me tell you something it's the reason why when people say they can't listen to me it's not because they can't listen to me they cannot stand the despise the Word of God and they despise Christ's words in me why do you think I've said to you so many times I love John 15 so much I love that chapter because that chapter every time I read it and I can reread it and reread it and reread it every time I read it I see just like an umbilical cord baby to mother I see the connection that is required I see that if I abide if I remain he is the true vine and if I remain connected and if I abide in his word and his word abide in me and this is what is hated God's Word in me how could you hate someone you don't know or more importantly how could you hate someone who's spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ you must hate the gospel then I've seen preachers that I have to confess do you have to admit well i one of them he truly did have a face for radio I must admit that he's gone on to be with the Lord but he definitely had a just his whole appearance he was not he was not TV quality and he would have it would have been really bad in in HD as well I have to tell you but but he was a great preacher old timey and I could say you know I couldn't because I've seen tapes old tapes my I can really stand to watch him but I could look away listen because I loved what he was saying as long as I didn't have to look at the appearance but I didn't hate him because of his appearance it just was not a pleasing to the eye forgive me for saying that and I don't mean that in a you know not it's not like a lustful thing just like just to look at yours just like ah so what I'm saying to you it's just this one response by Jesus tells me this is enough to make you a target it's also enough for you in pressing close to God to make the devil flee from you now he'll come back he's like you know he's kind of like Arnold I'll be back I'm not sure which is worse I'll hit you later he'll be back just gone long enough for you to drop your guard and think it's all good and status quo but there's one thing you can do I mean Ephesians sixes is the it is the road map but if there's one thing that you can keep in your brain here is this beginning of this word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God not only makes you target but it is also the repellant what is equally repelling is the blood of Christ you know every time I have spoken about the blood of Christ or somebody that's either offended or they just they do to take it back by it then you don't understand Christ's sacrifice and the meaning of his precious shed blood I'm not going to say that everybody who doesn't understand is part of Satan's minions I'm not suggesting that I'm just saying that there are a lot of people there hatred is not to me they just think it is I understand because this is greater than this is greater than the person sitting here this is a battle of the ages what let's see what can we do to her to get her to go what can we possibly do to her or we can try and hurt her we can make her sorry that she stepped up to the plate we can try and shame her we can try and disgrace her we can try and discredit her we can try all these things we can keep trying them in fact we'll just keep going around the circle because eventually one of these things will break her down and the only thing I can say against that is that the word of God is what makes me the target and the word of god is equally what repels these people now when I see this I'm thinking of you now who are also targets just remember it's why I mentioned John 15 while you stay connected you are not only just you're not just a target but you're also connected to that which then when you claim it for yourself for a season Satan will flee well James says it I hate to say that James has it real he says it the best submit to God resist the devil he'll flee from you I've seen too many people give way because it's so easy to listen to that voice that has suggestions and ideas any sympathetic here will do Satan will pick any sympathetic ear you're just willing to listen now this is it's warfare and if you think this passage here is put into the Bible by mere accident I love the fact that it tells us that after after Christ is baptized and after they saw the spirit descending on miss after that fact that Satan comes after he had fasted forty days and forty nights and was hungry he had want and then the tempter came and then you can just see it as plain as day to me I read this and I think to myself now if Jesus was tempted by the devil what makes us think that were immune but it won't happen to us or it happens once or twice and then it won't happen again this is the life of this is the agony of agonizing through the fight of faith unseen foes unseen fighting forces coming against us but we have been given equipment and we have been equipped to fight we're not some you know army that's left without supplies on the frontline somewhere well fend for yourselves folks because we're all out of ammunition we have no food and we have no supplies so fend for yourself it's every man for himself or whatever that means no that's not the God we serve it's given us a pathway beginning in his word you begin to comb through the scriptures yourself and you find enough evidence that these are the things lobbed back at Satan which he hates now for you each person it may be different for me I've told you the thing that drives drives my enemies insane is the fact that I have said publicly had it not been for God in his word by his word showing me about the concept of forgiveness I wouldn't understand why I need my enemies and if I didn't have these enemies I wouldn't understand exactly what it means when Jesus says love your enemies love those who curse you and who despitefully use you what does that mean for me this is my this is my schoolmaster this is what is teaching me just like we read of Jesus when it says though a son he learned obedience through the things he suffered this is how we learn what God desires for us to know about ourselves and about him these forces I'm calling enemies I need them because in the process of them raising their heads and thinking they do me harm all they do is make me press much closer to God and the more that come the closer I clean now I'm not telling you be a stoic and suck it up I'm just telling you God's given us fighting mechanism and the first thing is don't don't flight don't flee don't run off like Jonah pres and cling to God stay close don't listen to what the enemy has to say in your ear because believe me after time that he can't get your ear he'll begin to announce it that's what he does best he likes to announce and if he can't get you that way he gets you with thoughts and things that come into your mind which is why we're supposed to go these are all the concepts that I have I have taken to myself we are supposed to go daily to the Word of God Romans 12 washing our minds cleansing our minds going back to that fountain and cleansing and washing why because jesus said it's through his word you'll make clean through his word your mind has been sprinkled cleansed from an evil conscience from thoughts from ideas the word I have a one-track mind if you want the rest of it you read Ephesians we've started here many many times you put on the whole armor don't forget one piece cover yourself from head to toe in it make it your prayer make it your clothing make it your prayer clothing make it so that when you get up in the morning your thoughts are first God word secondarily he wouldn't walk out of the house not putting your clothes on the same thing as spiritually being clothed with that word that gives you the protection you need against the evil one we are not ignorant of his schemes I hope after all these years and some of you have a long time of being on the battlefield you're getting you're getting to see you cannot make it without putting on the whole armor on a day when you're leaving and running out the door and you think Satan's not going to bother you and everything's great just remember this one thing it was in a moment were called in a moment of unexpected timing that Satan came to tent Jesus it wasn't planned okay like at five o'clock now this is what's gonna happen at five o'clock exactly at five o'clock this is what's going to happen you never see that commercial on TV where guys sitting at the table and somebody hands in the card your heart attack will happen tomorrow oh so you think Satan announces I'm going to attack tomorrow at five o'clock like it's an appointment be there come on meet me in the alley tomorrow five o'clock you in it's when you least expect it and when you're tired when you've just had a great victory how we wrestle not against flesh and blood and the ones that think they're wrestling against flesh and blood are mistaken demons are timeless just think about that where did the demons go when Satan took a third of heaven with him where did they go where have they gone did they do we read that they were they were buried somewhere some people propagate this idea that Satan has has been terminated and there is no devil and there are no demons and there is no satanic force and palm he must have just had a bad hallucination while he was in prison he was writing this letter in all the Sango homeboy like wow I just got a whiff of some of that mold and I think I may have eaten a rat now let me tell you about we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against no they are ever existent and eternal they wear out bodies they inhabit people and some people are so unsaved E and so ignorant that they don't understand that when Satan is done when he's done doing his work through that container he thought you to stay in the container until the container dies or the container is rejected like I've said this before like a towel that you wipe your hands on you throw away this is who we're dealing with this is not to say all right it's no big deal it's it is scary stuff but God's not the author of fear and God is not sending a spirit of fear but a spirit of spirit of faith in a sound mind and understanding towards his word so that's what I'm I'm telling you we are in a battle but it's not hopeless and it's not like oh well what can I do about it begin by claiming the promise when you claim any promise you want for you I said it for me greater is he who has taken up residence in my heart who to whom I say Jesus Lord you are my master greater is he that master that I've just claimed that lives in me and his spirit lives in me then the forces that are around me that I cannot see that come against me but not me they come against Christ and me all day long greater is He that's in me that's for me you claim whatever you want for you but then I say this to you the victory is only claimed by you claiming it with him he's in you you're in him you claim it together and then the scripture says the Lord will do the fighting for you I have to fight the fight of faith he does the fighting of the enemy and the enemy does flee and eventually the enemy will be bound and cast into the lake of fire but until that time you better put on your boots we're at war get on the telephone come to this house
Channel: Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
Views: 57,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Melissa Scott (Person), Call Of Duty (Video Game Series), Bible, Pastor Melissa Scott, Preachers of LA, Gospel, Spiritual Warfare
Id: Pq8W0KpfBkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2014
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