This is One of Best Toyota Engines Ever Made That No One Talks About! And A 4Runner Comparison!

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well hello and welcome to the car care nut shop how you doing guys hope everybody's doing well this is a 1999 toyota 4runner and this is not just a 99 4runner is a gem of a forerunner i have to say that because this is truly a gem right now you look at it it's all covered up we're going to show you the inside and everything else on this truck but let me show you what i'm working on first we got a legend of an engine this engine does not get a lot of press nobody really talks about it the previous version of this engine gave this engine really a bad rep this is the 5vz fe one of potentially toyota's best engines ever made i mean these things just run and run and run they don't really have a lot of common problems worst thing you're going to get with this engine is valve cover gaskets maybe maybe at 400 000 miles a head gasket or two that's really about it other than that they don't really have a lot of issues and we're doing a timing belt for the first time on this car let me show you the timing belt from 1999 here's that belt it doesn't really have any issues doesn't have cracks it does look worn and you can see the ribs on it are starting to come out this side but otherwise it's in great shape this is the surprise and the owner was really curious to see this belt something that you guys are probably familiar seeing how you see this engine is the cover this is how you guys usually see it this is a 3.4 liter engine now the previous version of this engine the 3vz the 3.0 was notorious for head gasket issues so much the toyota actually issued a campaign to fix these not so much with this one super super simple engine to work on i mean once you pull the radiator here it is like nothing it's very simple there is one thing i want to show you about this engine that it has a special tool and that tool is right now deployed if that's the word and that tool would be this one right here i'm going to pull it out so you can see it i haven't used this in a while i haven't done a timing belt on these in a while but what this does it puts pressure on this idler and the water pump it kind of wedges itself to push the tensioner so you can install your pin this pin right here so you can lock your tensioner in place pretty cool setup very simple i mean you could have this timing belt all apart in 10 minutes probably spend another 15 20 minutes cleaning pull the water pump whatnot put it all back together it'll probably take you longer to deal with the three drive belts than to do the whole time about super simple super diy and it's such a pleasure to work on this engine and especially in a car like this now there are a few interesting relics in this car one of them is this sticker from bob dennison toyota in bloomington illinois i don't think his leadership still exists because i am in this illinois area i've never heard this leadership so this is long gone or changed name or sold or whatever the case may be but the warning is warning computerized systems don't risk costly repairs by unqualified technicians call then denison toyota for factory authorized service and parts there is hardly any computers in this that really require anything i mean there is more vacuum hoses here than any than wires really this is a very simple obd2 system super super simple and after we're done with this job we're probably going to cut you in the video and i'll show you when it's done and the car is outside because i can't reopen the doors just scratching it but i'll show you the inside because this thing for lack of a better word looks brand new but what i can show you is underneath it which is truly where the surprise is let's lift it up let's take a look [Music] okay let's take a look inside of this thing not inside did i say inside i did say inside underneath this thing because this ladies and gentlemen is an illinois car this is not some california survivor what not this is an illinois car and we're going to skip all over this and go immediately to the common rust spot on these let's take a look i see nothing nothing not even a bubble not even anything in this area if you come in the back here and look there is nothing here this frame for like a better word looks brand spanking new let's look at the other side of the same spot nothing what a beautiful sight yes you have a little bit of surface corrosion here this is nothing folks and then we come back here where we're actually doing another job on this the parking brake cranks are stuck now the parking brake is on on this because by the way i forgot to tell you this this is a manual transmission so that even makes it more interesting the parking cranks are all seized up i tried i tried to free them up tried everything it's not going to work i feel like we're reaching that point where things are going to start breaking so we actually have brand new cranks and brackets for this that are going to go in as well in addition to the timing belt but one more thing that the owner literally just said let's just do it just because is the coolant line this coolant line right here is notorious to leak on these forerunners and if you look at this one it does look a little crusty but not super bad or it's gotten to a point where it leaks he doesn't want to deal with it he just says go ahead and replace it and i will show you in a little bit these parts but what a beautiful car i mean you don't see these in my area maybe if you're from california someplace that has no salt you just don't see these in this condition and by the way you look everything is shiny looks like it's covered with oil that's actually fluid film the owner that bought this car this is not the original owner we bought it from somebody but somebody had really preserved it but now he's really taking it to the next level it is such a beautiful car underneath and moving on to the front this is what i wanted to show you with this engine it is so simple to work on this engine it is such a beautiful thing add actuator on the four wheel drive right here is vacuum operated notorious to seize on these if you don't use the four wheel drive this one works of course everything is so simple on these cars you're gonna probably go through a few sets of calipers in this car that's just the way they are cv boots also are common they're not leaking on this one shocks are somewhat common as they get older but otherwise this is one survivor car that is in beautiful shape and a little bit in the video we'll show you the inside once i'm actually done with everything and i can pull it off the rack but let me show you the parts collection for this car and this is where things are interesting we have an asin kit for this car it comes with a with the water pump comes with all the idlers and everything and the tensioner i like the asian kits really hard to find these true and original not counterfeit so be careful with those don't buy them from an unknown source make sure it's a good source and the rest of the parts are on the other side of the shop so over here we have actually the radiator as well this radiator belongs to this car and this is that big line that goes across the car where for the rear heater that is notorious to leak this is an updated part it looks like it is stainless steel the new one so toyota did update this part i don't want to open it yet but it does look like it's a stainless steel pipe it's just different material and then we have the collection of parts we're missing drive belts that's why we're actually not working on this right now this car has three drive belts three is better than one but definitely better than two these are all the parts for the parking brake i mean there's pins and there's there are the cranks and these are the brackets there's a lot of parts for this thing and collectively they're not really that expensive but i'm surprised we were able to still get every single part of these that was really a surprise let me show you a few other things that we're working on in the shop before we bring this thing down and kind of look inside of it because it's really beautiful this 2003 or 2004 don't quote me on this this just came in actually died a block from the shop because the alternator went out we've worked on this truck before we've done spark plugs we actually recently did brakes we noticed alternator was whining we wanted to wait to see how long it takes well it didn't take long unfortunately so it died the battery died we're gonna leave it on charger here this is how we drove it in actually just put if your alternator ever dies you need a proper jumper hook it up to the battery tie up your hood and drive it slowly and you'll make it at least to a safe place otherwise other than this project the camry the oil consumption camry still here hasn't picked up yet it's all ready to go and the alabama ls430 is still here video coming up on that depends when this video comes out might be before this but we still are dealing with the power steering situation we'll talk about that in another video so we got this thing running it's all done we had a lot that happened here we'll talk about it a little bit but when you listen to the sweet quiet engine so quiet these engines are however we have actually discovered a small problem so don't you love when we used to be able to rub our engines from underneath the hood but listen to this feather cover already flew out the fan clutch is stuck so toyota fan clutches for those who drive trucks your starting they're gonna flare up you're gonna hear that fan screaming and then as soon as you rev it up or if you leave it running for like up to a minute it'll quiet down you should never do this that uh cloud storm right there should not happen so this clutch is done we're gonna need to talk to the customer see what they want to do with it but let me show you what came out of this car other than this and this is this is where you leave that timing belt in there way too long because this is original on this 99 timing belt is fine but i want to show you what else we extracted out of this car first one is the tensioner idler broken half it was completely and absolutely seized this is the beauty of these this completely broke in half because the bolt was seized and we had to fight it and broke good thing we were replacing it but something else i want you to to hear i'm going to try to hold it somehow this pulley is done and it's completely shot the other one not so bad you can't really hear it so this one is good but you never want just to keep an old one the water pump this is how these water pumps look like you see the leak all over it this is from the cedar believe it or not they used to use former place gasket or from commonly known as fipage in these from the factory and then you had a gasket to replace it pretty cool interesting setup but it's no longer a sealer we had to clean the cedar and put it back together but the biggest one that was the biggest pain was the tensioner look at all this oxidation right here this was basically seized in there i mean i was so nervous pounding at her with a hammer kind of trying to move it back and forth so it come out folks you leave this stuff too long it works but you leave this stuff too long it's just going to start seizing up and that's not good something else that we did to this truck that we talked about these are the parking brake cranks i mean i can't even move this by hand and standing right in front of me can you imagine the parking brake when you pull it all it does is it pulls this arm and this pulls one of the shoes out that's all the parking brake work on these this is called a crank this is a bracket for the crank yes you can perhaps take this apart cut these pins which i try to this one just mushroomed and we're done cut this out try to save this part by the time you spend all this time you're really saving yourself 50 bucks these are not expensive whenever they get seized try to free them up while they're on the car if they don't just replace them they're super simple to replace two bolts just take the drum two bolts comes right out and you replace the whole thing here's the other side that's also seized this is supposed to move back and forth in this bracket well it's not another casualty we had was the tensioner belt tensioner for one of the three belts this car has three drive belts because three is better than one i suppose in 1999 one of them for the ac compressor one for the alternator and one for the power steering this is the tensioner for the alternator so basically this holds on the alternator and you tighten loosen this bolt this pushes the alternator back and forth it broke of course look how rusty it is even though this is not a rusty car this has just been sitting for ages so it's gonna rust that's just how it is this is the exhaust fan at work right here this is what we use to basically this car is running doors are closed ac is going this is what we use to take the exhaust gasses out works really good i'm standing right next to it it's not really that loud it has two this is the adapter for it that it has two for dual exhaust here's the other pipe you just open this flap [Applause] works really good this one i really like it we're actually considering another one possibly this basically just goes out we want to drill holes in the doors and put like a little flap door so we can just put it through the door and i have to crack it open but that's how it is and good news we have a tundra in the shop this is actually the first tundra that goes on the lift very nice tundra this one tastefully modified i like tundras except when you lift them and they're all teeter-tottering on the lift very scary that's why we have the support here to sit underneath the back just in case this tundra and this is the life of an automotive shop we are doing transmission fluid and when it's very hot outside when we came in transmission was like at 160 170 and we're waiting for it to drop down in temperature so we can check the fluid level takes forever that's just how it is and then next to it and this is in case you haven't noticed that we're feeling i posted on instagram that they were actually filming this video this is black car day we have a lot of black cars we actually have another prius outside so the forerunner is done we had another four run in the shop they're the same color same species grandpa and grandson because there's a whole generation in between these two it's the fifth generation this is the third generation let's start by checking this thing out because it is such a preserved car it does need a buff so you might watch it on the video and you see a little bit of hazing the owner doesn't tend to buff this one but let's look at the inside because you know the body can you can always you know do stuff to the paint make it better and all that but the inside is where this is at and what a beautiful beautiful truck this is let's look at this inside very classic these four runners they had very simple interior not really much to it manual transmission beautiful you see the owner put some covers here let's look at this original fabric seat that looks basically new you know the 90s textures of seats and their trims interesting stuff but more importantly than that and this is how you start to see this car look at the areas nobody looks at there's not a single scratch nothing this thing is so clean it's amazing the condition that it's kept in beautiful beautiful truck but having looked at this now that you've you've seen this and of course the differential lock warning labels still there you don't see that one as much and the cool thing about this because it's a manual transmission you got the clutch start cancel button right here that is really cool this was a the toyota security that was actually an add-on that was not always installed in these this was an accessory that you added now that we looked at this let's go directly and compare it to and i had to do this again very mechanical door sound on these what a beautiful sound they make it's like a very mechanical sound they make when you close the doors on these but before we go to the other one kind of give you a quick comparison between how the forerunner evolution is you notice this one is very narrow and the forerunner has been like a better word gaining weight it's a lot wider you could see it when they're parked right next to each other this one has the fake hood scoop this could have the fake hood scoop but this one is an sr5 so it doesn't have the fake hood scoop let's take a look inside of this one this one is actually also here for a job we're going to change the seats you'll see that in a upcoming video but let's let's take a look at the interior this one so you can kind of see how the interiors of the fall runners kind of evolved over the years they still have kind of a simplistic look to them they have the proud screen in the middle of course they've been modernized and all that the materials are for lack of a better word lesser i mean just you come from that car you come into this one this is all plastic everything is still works but you can definitely notice a huge material difference between this interior and then the old forerunner let's look at the old forerunner since they are right next to each other thing cool about this 4runner is even the airbag label is still there usually that's the first thing that gets ripped out when the car is new i mean the condition this thing is in is beautiful by the way folks this has 85 000 miles no rust you saw it all serviced up now however i do have to say one thing this is a survivor car it's a beautiful shape look at it looks gorgeous but there's one thing when we took that timing belt apart i showed you the part that was all rusty we had to break this stuff to get it off age takes a huge toll on cars so even though this is in pristine condition this is newer so be careful with survivor cars you guys have seen a few videos we might make a big grand video on this ls430 that we talked about the owner did a lot because also this is a survivor car that have sat for a long time and a lot of stuff went south because of that same story with this not as bad because this was this has a little bit more miles it is a little bit better preserved didn't sit outside for years and years not driven it was driven but very infrequently but look at her let's look at the compare the backs let me close this door so you can see it isn't that just a beautiful scene right there two forerunners grandpa and grandson they still have that same kind of character the one thing that is cool fifth generation just has normal spoiler super cool is the wiper that is hidden right here but you go look at the third generation i mean this spoiler is super cool it's metal no plastic here they didn't really use a lot of plastic stuff here it's a metal spoiler that just stands there and it has a cutoff for thorough brake light wipers right here same iconic window that comes down same thing on grandson inherited this stuff but this this scene i can see this being new even though it's a little dirty it just came in from the dust this has been in the shop for a few days but just seeing how clean how nice this thing looks really brings the joy to my heart i'm glad to have the privilege of working on it it's been such a pleasure to work on this one and with that folks be careful with survivor cars they could be really good like this one but there will always be things that can go south very quickly let me show you the radiator that came out of that forerunner we actually did replace the radiator look at this radiator and specifically let's look right here this is all oxidized when i pass my hand the whole thing just falls apart i mean i can take a screwdriver and not drop it on the floor of course i can take a screwdriver and just this whole thing is just falling apart this is from age folks yes this radiator is not leaking but when you take it out and it looks like this looks all mushy and oxidized just replace it this section is still better but this one you can see the marks where it's really badly oxidized just replace it this is you don't want to put a radiator like that back in the car that's why we replaced it on this one but be careful of survivor cars sometimes they end up their pills end up getting too much because they're used to sitting not being driven often you start driving them things start to happen folks i hope this video is helpful informative i hope you learned something new if you like it consider giving it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos and until the next video folks may the lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 591,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best toyota engines ever, toyota 4runner, should you buy a toyota 4runner, 4th gen 4runner, 3rd gen 4runner, 5th gen 4runner, 4runner off road, toyota, toyota trucks, best toyota engine, best toyota to buy, toyota frame rust, the car care nut, car care nut, 4runners, toyota truck, 4runner vs tacoma, toyota tacoma, should you buy a toyota, scotty kilmer, toyota maintenance, car wizard, best toyota engines ever built, toyota tacoma mods, toyota sequoia 2023
Id: lDRiMUQdZys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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