This is how you get anything you want in life

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no I actually feel like I haven't filmed in a long time and it's just been a week I've missed you so in today's video I want to talk about a topic that has been really popular these days and that is abundance mindset I want to dive into why it's so important and how you can use it to live a more fulfilling life I'm also going to explain why not only it helps you see more opportunities but also it will help you detach from people from circumstances even jobs and overall help you feel a little bit more self-secure so if you're a person that wants a more fulfilling life this video is for you I'm Maggie I'm excited to take you on this journey with me so let's get started [Music] so what makes this mindset so important well it's kind of like wearing a pair of glasses where you can see opportunities all around you it is not only thinking but it's knowing and absolutely believing in your core that there are endless opportunities waiting for you it is like stepping into a world with Endless Options and possibilities we believe that you're an abundant person you become literally like a magnet and you start attracting Joy you start attracting success you start attracting so much positivity the reason for that is because our thoughts our feelings and our actions amid vibrations and the energy that you radiate attracts similar vibrations and you also might have heard this as the Law of Attraction you see the world is big and there is more than enough of everything for everyone including us a few years ago I used to be so scared of change that I would cling to my comfort zone like a cozy blanket but the beauty of abundance mindset is that it helps you overcome this kind of fear instead of seeing change as something scary you kind of say it as an opportunity for growth abundance mindset is also very reflected in our relationships as they are such a big part of our Lives sometimes we get stuck to relationships that really drain us and that hold us back I think a lot of us can really relate to this because sometimes we get obsessed with someone that has no interest in us and because we feel rejected we kind of like start a healing process until this person decides to say something or do something that gives us just the bare minimum of Hope and we kind of fall back into that Loop into that trap this is something that can really hurt our confidence and that is not a good place to be in I'm actually curious to hear in the comments if you've ever been in this kind of situation it is such an an empowering shift knowing that you know if it didn't work out with this person we're gonna be fine there is so many people in this world it's just gonna work out with a different person if it wasn't this one or if you prefer to stay single you don't need someone else to validate you or acknowledge you because you're self-sufficient you're self-assured knowing that there's other opportunities just makes it so easy to let go and to detach if this person couldn't appreciate you someone else well bonus this kind of behavior is so attractive you're literally going to be irresistible you get to become the architect of your life and you get to make all of the choices that are going to align with the life of your dreams and why not you're abandoned there's so many opportunities out there and it is so important to know what kind of life you want because that way you get to pick the choices that are going to best suit your needs you can discard everything that doesn't align with your goals you can can let go of so many limiting beliefs and if you've ever thought you know what I cannot do this well now you can shift it to why not I can learn I can always improve I'm gonna give you a very very powerful tool for abundant mindset and that is gratitude gratitude is like a magnet for abundance because the more you focus on the positive and the good things in your life the more you're going to attract similar things you can write the things that you're grateful for on your phone or a notebook whatever feels good for you and also write the goals that you have in mind as if you're already experiencing them in present tense these are great methods to help you build a solid foundation for yourself so you can grow kind of like a flower so my darlings I encourage you to embrace the Abundant mindset after all we can only gain from it we can feel confident that no matter what happens we're gonna come out on top we're going to be fine know that there's so much greatness waiting for you if you only wish to open up yourself to it if you enjoyed this video and want more inspiring content like this then hit the Subscribe button give it a thumbs up and share your thoughts in the comments I love hearing from you take care of yourself and I'll see you next time bye bye foreign
Channel: Magic Maggie
Views: 1,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WfAiCamFcyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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