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I'm not going to say anything just listen delicious Hello how are you I hope you are very well today I am going to teach you how to prepare the most delicious pork belly and I am going to give you the trick so that it is very crispy so let 's go with the preparation today we are going to use a kilogram of pork belly called pork belly now we will use a container like this and then we will add a liter of water what we are going to do now is prepare a brine I will tell you what my formulation is after that we have added the water we will use 3 tablespoons of salt we add this quickly believe me that with this trick the salt will be very well distributed throughout the meat so if you like it you already know Give me a like believe me that after preparing this recipe it will return to your favorite after adding the salt we are going to stir this very well Until the salt is perfectly diluted in the Remember that you are in the best Peruvian cooking channel where I show you the s best recipes step by step and if you are not subscribed yet subscribe and activate the bell very well we have finished diluting the salt in the water and now the next step we are going to do is add our pork belly or belly but with the skin down this part is very important friends and another is that the container must be what is necessary so that the water is in this way covering the bacon So we leave this for one night the first thing we will do is preheat our oven to 230 degrees Celsius or 446 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 to 25 minutes very well here we have our pork belly that has been resting overnight in brine and the next thing we are going to do is remove it from the brine to place it in this empty container we do this quickly we remove the brine here and now with the help of an absorbent towel we are going to dry the bacon very well we do this quickly friends but first I want to invite you to subscribe to the Channel and activate the camp anita so you don't miss the next recipes once we have finished drying the bacon very well we are going to proceed to make the cuts in the skin for this it is necessary to have a knife That has a very good edge the bacon that I am using today contains a piece of rib over here So we will make horizontal and vertical cuts Ok you can also make diagonal cuts if you wish but in this case due to the ribs that it contains I am going to do it this way so come on it is important that you know that the cuts are in the skin of the pork belly must be superficial and we must avoid reaching the meat but if you make a deep cut Do not be scared because there is no problem that this recipe will still be very good and very delicious Remember that we are doing here the real crispy pork belly So we continue to make the cuts and now we're going to do the vertical cut OK So let's do this very quickly In the meantime I invite you to s Subscribe and activate the bell and if you like this recipe you already know that you help me a lot by leaving me a like and if there are things that are not understood or you need more explanation let me know in the comments ok very well we have finished making the cuts in the skin of the pork belly and as you can see I have a couple of deep cuts here but there is no problem we continue with the recipe now we are going to use a container and we are going to quickly add half a tablespoon of salt ready we are also going to use the garlic paste or ground garlic and the amount that we are going to use is half a tablespoon then we are also going to use the cumin and we are going to add a quarter of a tablespoon ready we will also use the black pepper and we are going to use the same amount as the cumin which is a quarter of a tablespoon Remember that I am giving you the quantities for a kilogram of pork belly, what I have here is thyme, this ingredient is very strong, so we are going to use just a pinch which would be half the amount of pepper that we have added So we will add just a little and that 's it now we are going to use red vinegar in this case I am using this vinegar but if you had white vinegar there is no problem you can also use initially we will add a tablespoon and a half we do this quickly and we will stir and mix all these ingredients the objective is to obtain a pasty mixture So we are going to add half a tablespoon more then we will begin to stir and here I am going to show you how this should be mixture which will give a delicious flavor to our bacon very good friends here we have our pork belly that is already cut the skin we turn it over and now the next thing we are going to do and it is very important is to give it incones and for that we will use a knife in this case that it has this type of tip and we are going to make incones in all the meat of the bacon these incones should not be very and deep so as not to hurt the skin that we have already cut Ok we do this very quickly friends In the meantime I invite you to subscribe to the Channel and activate the bell Remember that we have already passed 100,000 subscribers and a super special is coming ok very well friends we have finished make the corners in the meat part of the bacon and now we are going to use the mixture that we have made previously and we are going to place it in this way using the palm of our hand Remember that the hands must be very clean and disinfected we do this quickly friends Remember that we are only going to do this for the meat part of the pork belly without a doubt that this recipe will become your favorite since it is going to be very delicious very well here we have now we are going to place the belly in this pyrex in this container with which I am going to take it to the oven So we are going to place it this way Remember that this bacon contains part of the ribs that is why I did not stay very firm very well once we have accommodated the next thing we are going to do is dry all the skin of the bacon very well friends this part is very important Remember that I am explaining the recipe step by step so that it is very delicious at home put to the test that you are really going to surprise all your relatives, friends or loved ones ready friends we are going to do this very quickly as you can see it is very easy to do once we have dried the skin of the bacon now we are going to use the vinegar in this case is red vinegar and I'm going to add a spoonful and I'm going to place it in the palm of my hand and now we're going to pass it over the skin we do this in this way once we've finished placing the vinegar in the skin we are going to use half a tablespoon of salt and we are going to take it with our hands in the same way and we are going to pass it only through the skin Ok This is the secret so that the pork belly is very crispy very crispy I would like to know what country are you watching us from so we can greet you in the next video in the first comment I will be leaving you the trick the secret to making very crispy stuffed potatoes without passing it through egg or flour or dirtying the oil when frying So after watching this video You will quickly see the first comment, very good friends, that way our pork belly would be left ready to take in the oven very well. Now we will leave our pork belly in the oven for a time of 45 minutes at 230 degrees Celsius . 45 minutes and we remove our pork belly and as you can see a liquid has sprouted this would be the butter of the belly So we are going to sprinkle it with the help of a spoon all over the skin in this way This is going to help it take the crispiness OK So we do this quickly And we go back to the oven and we are going to leave it for 45 more minutes we are going to quickly prepare mashed sweet potatoes which is a perfect companion So we are going to cut two sweet potatoes in this way and place in a pot add half a liter of water three cloves two cinnamon sticks half a tablespoon of brown sugar cover and take to the kitchen once in the kitchen we are going to wait for it to boil once it is boiling close and we control 15 minutes after the time as you can see it is already well cooked There it is to check now we remove the water once we have removed the water we are going to do this quickly and hot and we are going to do it very carefully I suggest that they be hot since it will be easier to peel the sweet potato Ok we remove the skin and do the same with the others very well once the sweet potatoes are peeled we are going to proceed to press it I am going to use this potato press and we are going to press quickly I suggest that we think two to three times this so that when eating the puree it is very soft in the mouth very good friends we have finished pressing the sweet potato So now we are going to cut two oranges and that's it We are going to remove the juice So we are going to use a container or a strainer and quickly squeeze the oranges ready here we already have the orange juice now we are going to the kitchen now we are going to place 40 grams of butter a little bit of oil so that it does not burn the butter and We hope that it melts in this way now we will add the sweet potato that we have pressed we do this quickly we mix very well with the melted butter then we will add the juice of the two orange units ready we stir very well and now we are going to adjust the thickness with boiled water once we have the thickness we want we are going to adjust it with a little salt ready and there is the texture we want we are going to test how the room is doing it is perfect everything is OK now finally we will use nutmeg and we are going to scratch this we are going to add very little since it is very strong let's stir and look there we would easily be left with this one in case something has not been clear remember You can leave me a comment and I will answer you ready friends Now let's go to the next step friends the 45 minutes have passed and we are going to take our bacon out of the oven and just look at this beauty how beautiful this crispy pork belly has turned out with this recipe without a doubt it will become your favorite Look how pretty it is we are going to put it on this plate and listen to the pendants Wow without a doubt This is very delicious and look at the part of the meat very soft very juicy as you can see it is still very hot So let's go let it cool down for a little while but everything is perfectly crispy as you can see friends ready we are going to proceed now to cut so that you can see this delicacy without a doubt that it has been very very delicious Look at the part of the meat very juicy as you can see Wow and the perfectly crispy part of the skin without a doubt that this is the best recipe for crispy pork belly friends Now we are going to make the last companion of this dish we turn on the kitchen and we place our pan and we are going to wait for it to heat up once it is hot we will add a tablespoon of oil and also We are going to wait for it to be very hot This is the secret to making a very good stir-fry at home Now we are going to add the green beans and carrots that are cut into sticks and I have boiled them for 2 minutes with a little salt So we are also going to add half a unit of red pepper cut into sticks and now we are going to flambé ready friends with that flamed it is enough now let's go to add a little salt just a pinch nothing else we will also add a tablespoon of vinegar If you want it to be a touch more acidic you can add half a tablespoon more there is no problem now we are going to wait for the vinegar to evaporate a little while we sauté these sautéed vegetables will undoubtedly be very delicious once we have finished we reserve and we are going to serve our delicious crispy pork very well friends here we have the puree look how it turned out This is very very good without a doubt that this dish is 10 out of 10 there is the puree now we are going to place our crispy pork belly we place it next to it friends there it is How beautiful this dish has been really that as you can see the recipe is very easy now we are going to serve our sautéed vegetables in this way these really are a good companion if you liked the recipe you know share it with your family friends and help me get more people very good friends Now we are going to try we will start with our sautéed vegetables they are delicious very good now we are going with the puree look at this puree Wow very good let's see excellent friends excellent now finally the protagonist of this recipe we are going to try now the cuerito listen y'all delicious now if not you like pork you can see this chicken wrap recipe that is very good so see you there Thank you for coming this far and don't forget to buy start
Channel: Cocinero DKLLE
Views: 307,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: panceta, pork belly, panceta de cerdo al horno crujiente, panceta de cerdo crujiente, crispy pork belly, crispy pork belly recipe, receta de chancho crujiente, panceta de cerdo crujiente al horno, como hacer panceta de cerdo crocante y pure de comote, panceta de chancho crujiente con pure, crocante panceta de cerdo con pure, cerdo, chancho crocante al horno con pure de comote, panceta de cerdo crocante, panceta crujiente y pure, pure de camote, saltado de verduras, cocinero dklle
Id: 2Msu8jcnXOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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