This is every resellers worst nightmare....

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hey everyone Dave here back in the garage and I'm about to pull my eBay orders but did some things happen something something happened oh my gosh can't believe it happened but it happened where do I even start with this one guys uh I guess I'll have a good thumbnail and title because it seems like some theft has happened to me and yeah so we got eBay orders to pull we're going to talk about this I don't know I'm a little depressed about it to be honest with you but whatever it is what it is it happens what do they call it in business shrinkage or is that George castan in the pool shrink that's uh when stuff goes missing stuff gets stolen uh product gets lost etc etc anyways let's pull our eBay orders and we'll talk about that I should first tell you I sold a bunch of O snaps how many one two four yeah I sold four o snap phone grips uh on eBay for anywhere from 28 to 30 I think dollar I didn't look get the exact I took some best offers on them but happy to have four of them gone one was from a viewer and it was Mimi so thank you Mimi for the order four o snap phone grips going out I think the grand total is like $108 or $110 for the four pieces so last night I tried to do a jewelry auction now a lot of the comments were about my jewelry I did this jewelry buy it was like costume jewelry I did it uh while I was at the flea across Florida sale and I initially thought I had done really good the lady was definitely like an ultimate sales person like she was very good at sales convinced me to pay like $9 a piece which is insane for me to pay $9 a piece on costume jewelry that's unbranded now to be fair she did tell me it was all brand name but it doesn't mean she said it was branded she said it was brand name so she might have bought it at a nice store that can she she considers like brand name costume jewelry like a Macy's or something but that doesn't mean it's a brand name in that it actually has like a brand written on it it be I think what she meant by that now hindsight is 2020 is that it was all you know not Walmart not like real garbage or anything like that I think that's what she meant by that I bought two enormous items at the fare across Florida check this out Mega giraffe giant 4ot plush giraffe and this Mega sea Salty Sea Captain light it's a lamp I can't find a comp on this but it was so cool can't fit it I have to sell it I have no idea how to sell it or what to sell it for what would you list that for I paid $5 for it and it's a working light so and it's like carved wood so it's really it was really a great deal I think it's carved wood it kind of sounded like kind of sounded like ceramic it might be I don't know what it's made out of actually so disregard the wood part it could be glass in which case I will most assuredly break it if I try to ship anyway so I listed a bunch of the jewelry we're going to talk about that in a second I'm not going to string you along the whole episode but I just want to give some backstory on my jewelry while we pull some order so I listed I bought all this jewelry I spent $290 at F across Florida I went and listed the few pieces that actually had like brand names or like were easy to comp cuz I'm not very good at jewelry and I ended up getting like $440 $450 worth of listings out of it which puts me in the profit and I was like all right I don't want to do this anymore cuz I was miserable I really don't like doing jewelry is what I've an important life lesson I've learned so I said I'll sell the rest on whatnot well the one not auction went pretty pretty pretty poorly uh what I've learned is I don't really have like a whatnot following that would allow me to sell jewelry on whatnot and everything was selling for very very cheap which whatever that happens you know with any sort of auction platform form every now and then you're going to have a bad auction I was selling stuff that I paid $9 for for two bucks uh but when I talked to cat the nurse flipper who does a lot of jewelry and I was sending her pictures of these pieces she's like yeah that's a really nice piece especially if it's heavy which it was she's like but with no brand you know you can list it on eBay for 40 50 bucks but it might not sell for 2 years she's like if I was you I'd just put it on whatnot and so that's that's what I decided to do just get it gone move on learn the life lesson someone said in the comments that I paid for an education which is exactly true I forced myself to learn a little a little bit about costume jewelry and now we'll know a little bit more about costume jewelry when I go shopping and there's things I know to look for like I think the biggest takeway from you was Chico the brand uh I think that's kind of common it's not like an expensive brand but a lot of the pieces of Chicos I found fit my listing requirement of $15 and up so if I went to an estate sale or yard sale and they had $1 chos I'd probably buy it now like necklaces like really loud things seem to do well you know aggressive looking jewelry wonder if that hairdresser Guy Hair what's his name bar haror has a a slot open at 4 today anyways uh I I sold this unicorn so let me show you this brass unicorn I picked up at an estate sale recently I paid a doar it was actually fill bag it was fill bag for like a buck or two three bucks this was part of my filla bag uh sold that for $15 over on eBay now this here I just listed actually which I'm shocked at it's what it's worth uh the lady said yeah so I found it and I saw Gucci and I know that's a great brand and I I was like okay so how much is this she's like well as you can see it's missing the watch but it's just like the face plates for the watch a bunch of them here and then a package of them here you know you got the paperwork in the box and I was like well I'd still take it I think she sold it to me for like two or three bucks something super cheap because to her was just garbage at this point I found sold comps for those little replacement Rings cuz they like help you stylize your wrist like an old 1990s wrist watch and she even has her receipt in here and her warranty from 1990 I listed that for 150 bucks I think 150 bucks just for those rings and I think sell based on the soul so that was a random piece of luck okay let's get to I don't want to bury the lead I'm going to pull another order and I'm going to tell you what just happen so part of this someone also ordered a ceramic mushroom planter uh this might have been a viewer Christina if so thank you Christina a lot of times if it's too like kind of random things like this I assume it might be a viewer sale so if so thank you Christina so anyways Tina wakes up at 6:00 a.m. it's kind of depressing H to pack up the order of all the jewelry and you know what the title has probably already spoiled it guys uh someone stole it all of it all of the packages are gone set them out well okay so I set out the packages like kind of right outside my garage door which I normally do it's covered by a camera so like if anyone was to try to steal my packages on a a normal day you know we'd catch them on camera we we'd know who they were it would also alert us that they were there and I'm always right here so I'd just walk out and be like yo why you taking my stuff so in general it's not like really a concern but I I did not set up a pickup uh because I didn't even like it was kind of a popup auction I don't know where in the world I put this it's kind of a popup auction like we weren't really planning on doing it but then we decided to do it of the jewelry and the auction went absolutely horribly like I said I think we sold everything for $72 after fees and it was about $200 worth of the jewelry that I bought so I lost about $110 on the auction cuz I I just bought poorly but whatever take $120 loss for the $100 loss whatever for the exper it's more like 130 for the experience and it's not really a loss cuz the stuff on eBay can make me you know at least get my money back if it ever sells some of the stuff on eBay I made up a price though so I'm not really sure if it'll ever sell we'll see but this time I don't know where this other piece is there's a little mushroom planter I think it might I might have to open my door CU it might be over behind that corner I don't want to do that because then it's going to get hot in here it's hot out today anyways long story short guys this time because I hadn't set up a pickup Tina decided which makes sense you know all all I had done is I put up my little flag and I set him out in my normal spot and I was hoping that they would you know the mailman would see it and come grab it because I had done that much uh but I think Tina didn't really think they would actually see it or get it so she said uh to herself I'm imagining I'm imagining she has an inner monologue uh let me put this down near the mailbox so she put them in a tote right next to the mailx like eight small boxes uh that she put down in a tote next to the mailbox and and you know all of a she tells me at some point maybe like 11:00 this morning she's like oh they took the packages like the mail man took the packages I was like okay cool uh you know I didn't even know she had put it down near the mailbox but I just took her word for it okay they took the the packages but then you know an hour later I hear the mailman and I'm like Tina how do I hear the mailman I thought you said they took the packages she's like I thought they did cuz they're gone and uh She chased down the mailman and asked him she like did you come earlier and take our packages he's like nope so all of that jewelry got stolen from right next in my mailbox we put it next to our mailbox assuming that the mailman would be here in about an hour and it all got taken and stolen and so yeah we are okay so we have a ring doorbell we have two ring doorbells and so we looked at the doorbells and based on the evidence it got taken between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. this sold this is a little like uh you know 101 Dalmations for the Disney catalog apparently sold that for 224 49 I got a bunch of pieces from this series and I think I paid 20 for all maybe 30 for all um and I've already sold I'm already in the profit on it so that's just a little nice little bonus $22 in profit so between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. they disappeared but our ring did not go off to show anything but like at 10:30 we saw the the garbage truck or the recycling truck go by I don't think they would have went to our mailbox and thrown away our our packages that would have been kind of weird I mean I guess that's a possibility but I think someone between 10:30 and 11: stole the packages and so here's the other thing our mailbox is right in front of our neighbor's house who's right across the way and most assuredly at least the recycling truck would have set off his ring and so we're going to ask him he's a big Commonwealth picker fan by the way he doesn't even watch my content but he watches Kevin's he I was wearing Elijah was wearing a commonwealth picker shirt and he's like oh I love him on YouTube so anyways sold this Star Wars uh first edition on ear wired headsets for more than I thought I got that the flea across Florida I paid five and it sold for $45.99 immediately when I listed it so I probably could have listed it for a little higher and that is pre-own not not new so Tina when he finishes work is going to go over there and ask him if he has a recording from between like 10:30 and 11 if someone stealing the packages and if so then I'll include that in the next video um if we can get to the bottom of it but basically now I I will say this it's possible it's possible maybe someone thought it was a curb alert because it was out near the curb and they said oh I'll take these but what like don't you think if you're taking a curer and you see it's all a bunch of packaged label with labels on it you'd be like yeah this isn't a curb alert clearly not a curbal alert same with the garbage men or recycling truck like they would have looked at it and said oh yeah this is clearly not for me it's next to a mailbox with the flag up it's clearly for the mailman right that's what you'd assume would happen so my assumption is that it was stolen all of it was stolen now what do I do I Tina advises me and let me know what you guys advise me to do to wait at least 24 hours cuz maybe someone took it thinking maybe the recycling took it thought it was recycling maybe someone took it think it was a curb alert and then they get it home and they're like oh these are all packaged is maybe they'll drop them off at the post office right maybe or in a post box like that's minor possibility but a possibility if I don't see any movement or any tracking change um by tomorrow I'm going to have to reach out to whatnot and tell them to refund everyone I don't know what else to do just be like hey these all got stolen off my porch we need to refund everyone uh take it out of my funds and we'll just refund them all I think that might be the the conclusion but I will wait cuz what not gives you 3 days to ship I'll wait a day or two and see if the tracking starts moving or if we get some more evidence from the neighbor across the road HS repair manual for a Ford Mustang 94 to 2004 sold that over on eBay Nice condition on that one for $349 I paid a quarter for that so quick easy money I had it listed for 15 took a best offer so I don't know man I just I'm a little down in dumps cuz honestly like you also don't don't even want your neighborhood to be one of those neighborhoods where someone would steal from you but I do put stuff out at the dumpster and the curb all the time expecting people to take it and they take it and I don't mind because it's a curb aler like it's yeah take all these golf clubs that are below $15 cuz I don't want them I just did that today I put out like 20 clubs that were under my limit that didn't really ever have any sell through really uh like I could L list them as sets but the sell through was like there was a bunch listed in like two solds and I don't just want to clutter up my garage with stuff that's going to take three years to sell so I had set them out and someone took them within an hour and so I wonder if it's the same person I don't know sold this golf club it's a putter Top Flight I got it cuz it was in Nice condition and it was kind of cool looking well I was just picking and pulling out of a box so or a golf bag they said I could take the ones I wanted and you know I basically made a pile and that was in there I sold that I think tell you how much let me just pick up this mess I just tried sold that for $17.99 uh plus $8 shipping on the golf club so I have been okay so so supposed to be a super positive video about the great success I've had listing these last three days and the crazy profits I'm going to see from the highway sale uh I spent man all day basically well all afternoon Sunday all day Monday and then all morning today listing pretty much everything I got from that Highway sale pretty much everything like I'm pretty except for the clothes which I listed some and then I said I hate this and I put it in a pile for whatnot at a future date like full starter track suits and stuff that I know are valuable but I don't I can't be bothered I hate listing them so much guys and I know that makes you mad I really do um so other than the clothes other than clothes I think I've listed almost everything and I did end up with some items that I decided to put on whatnot that uh you know I could sell on eBay they maybe don't have a high sell through rate things like that whff I'm looking for a Thomas train guy it's weird that I have like three of them not in a box but I think the rest of them art a box did I ever pull oh I did pull the in the last video we had sold longa Burger plush Bears I did find those no problem it just took a matter of like effort Percy Percy sold he's like a take and play brand new in the package got that at the peaches to beaches sale in a bundle for like 15 20 bucks something like that anyways so I decided I wanted to try to list everything from fly across Florida to make sure like the trip was worthwhile and I don't know how many quantity I listed this guy sold for $ 1349 plus sh but I know the dollar amount um as of yesterday before I recorded this I was at $4,670.00 $ now what did I spend in inventory at the peaches or at the fleet across Florida I spent around $900 $290 of that on the stupid costume jewelry which was kind of a bad buy I'll also sell a little on whatnot so basically 600 to more than $6,000 and I'm pretty proud of that that's pretty cool I never like really break it down so it's kind of cool to actually like focus in and just get it all figured out and and see in real time that kind of turned 600 into 55 00 if I take out the stupid jewelry buy uh but you know we'll we'll own it we'll say it was 900 into $66,000 um if it sells for what I listed for obviously there's variations but I was pretty excited about that uh and it made me want to like do more of that where like after a day really just like list it all and see how I did overall for like a a full day of sourcing so anyways that was cool so that was the exciting note that this video was supposed to be on I was supposed to like get all hyped about that and tell you guys about that and instead it starts off with how I lost the $100 or whatever it was I'm going to have to refund around 100 before fees uh on the jewelry so now the jewelry cost me another $100 so basically if everything sells for what I listed it for on eBay I will break even on the jewelry all right regulated 12vt power supply from Radio Shack I've done really well with these I didn't look that one up it was worse than I thought and I only sold it for 15 bucks plus shipping anyways I'm trying not to let it get me down though it is what it is it's like I said it happens part of business sometimes you win sometimes you lose and that was a loss and we learned an expensive life lesson not to put stuff down near the mailbox uh because apparently people will just stink and take it great uh this item I got at the the highway sale the fle across Florida this is like a dog collar e collar something or other let's see it's called offleash K9 training sold that for $100 I was trying to I was with Mike death by pick her when I bought this and neither of us can remember what I paid for this I remember it being like a little expensive but I had already comped it and I knew I'd be able to sell it for like a 100 I think she might have said $15 on that but it sold immediately when I listed it so I probably could have listed it for $129 instead of1 but 15 to 100 in one day is fine with me I can't believe they all got stolen uh did I put this with my Christmas it's not really Christmas it's a beauty and the beast thing was it in a box let me see if it was in a box it looks like it was in a box it looks it actually looks like it was just in styrofoam so might just be I think I might see it actually over here with my glass stuff I still need to find that little mushroom planter someone bought but I'll do it I'll do it later this is probably the thing I sold this is most likely it uh Schmid Beast yeah this is it Beauty and the Beast Schmid Schmid or Schmid how do you say that anyways yeah well so H thoughts Down Below guys $17.99 for the Schmid Beauty and the Beast here's what it looks like if you want to see it it's literally just there's my little AI generated picture very fancy very fancy uh $77.99 plus ship and I got that when I bought all those Spirit Halloween things at kin's yard sale I did sell a canister set that is also over there let me just show it to you this was picked by Dawn lady Arbitrage while she was here and she left it no room to bring it home very cool little canister set sold it for $44.99 plus shipping it's metal so it should be pretty easy to ship and it also like Stacks like a nesting doll so you can kind of consolidate it quite a bit it's over in that back corner again I'm going to have to lift my um my garage door and I don't want to let all the humidity it's just yat today it's very sticky and gross so I'm going to pass on opening it and I'll just show you the picture instead I've been procrastinating on any sort of like editing of footage just cuz I haven't wanted to so I have all this footage I haven't edited uh and that's probably going to be the priority tomorrow starting tomorrow oh look here's more of those like uh that Disney series that I was talking about from their catalog see like this sort of thing that's like a um post- a note holder they're all desk utensils or utilities not utensils uh but this old pen fishing reel I don't buy these anymore I used to buy them all the time when I saw them they just move too slow for me and I don't really I don't really know how to test them properly so I list them and hope they work and every now and then I get someone writing and saying hey it doesn't work I want my money back so I'm not really going to pick them up anymore but I sold this one for $26.99 free shipping on eBay and it took about a year so and it's going to Puerto Rico so shipping might be really expensive we'll see I will say when Tina was talking to the mailman he said that we could reach out to the Sheriff's Office and you know file a complaint or like a police report about the stolen jewelry but I don't I mean what would you do I feel like nothing will happen and it'll just be a waste of my time that's what I feel like is going to happen and it is kind of like I said if I just consider it the cost of doing business I I miss out on that 100 bucks um life goes on and I'll just refund everyone I think there's a very low chance the police are going to find this stuff uh anyways this sold this I got this weekend at the highway sale as well I paid I'm going to pay $5 for this5 or $10 brand new set of Harley speakers and I wasn't sure if it would sell cuz it's not Bluetooth and apparently they have a new model of this that sells for like 300 that is Bluetooth uh but apparently people still want that one and so that sold right away when I listed it for $200 I went a little aggressive on the price like I thought it comp seemed to be like 220 and I was like I'm going to list it at 200 because this isn't Bluetooth and yes the comp was for non- Bluetooth one so I probably should have just done 220 whatever $200 from five in a day again I'm not going to complain that's a great sale oh I sold stuff on whatnot again too guys I literally did I'm selling stuff by it now and whatnot because of cross listing with Vendo shout out vendue uh let me grab this putter which I think might be over near my door and not in my putter area let me look over here Tina said she's going to go find them she she's like going to wash her car she I'm going to find the people who stole the packages she's very upset about it but yeah it's frustrating rasa Rosa Rosa putter very fancy chunky grip on this thing this is tailor it's tailor made rasa had it listed for $ 4949 and I believe I took a best offer for 40 on it but I I will double check here plus ship on that one no free ship on that one JK free ship $40 says shipping is going to cost $61 that's not right hold on 48x 4x4 shipping is going to cost $9 so about 30 bucks and then fees so H 25 bucks that was in a big that big lot I bought where the grips were bad and I've already made like $500 so not a big deal but you know it happens okay so amy5 kids over on whatnot came and bought from my eBay and she bought a Barbie oh I like a little Mickey Mouse Barbie this is C cute I got these recently at the flea market they're cute but the box is in bad the boxes were all in bad shape but happy to see some people picking them up they're pric way lower than their comps because the box is so bad so that's the Disney Barbie kind of vintage one and I think that sold for 16 bucks and if you find that in like mint condition with a nice box you're looking at more like 35 or so hand is stuck jride was telling me that I lower my price I sold that for 18 bucks J no 1619 just kidding thank you Amy jod was telling me I lower my price too much for condition issues especially with golf clubs he says I should leave it price higher turn on best offers uh instead of lowering them he said especially with grips he was telling me he wasn't telling me I was listening to his podcast the island podcast reseller Island something like that uh and he was saying that instead I should just sell it for the same price because people are going to change the grip anyways so what do you guys think about that put it in the comments do you think that with a bad grip you list at the same exact price cuz people are going to swap the grip I I'll listen to your advice if you guys all tell me yeah Dave listed at the same exact price uh people are going to swap the grip then I'll do that from now on but I have been deducting some from the price the value because of the bad grip so maybe I'm throwing money down the toilet this sold this is another Fenton cat hand signed little Fenton Cat by somebody who SED it SED it SED it it's past tense of signed guys uh I didn't put who signed it I can't tell it's s maybe I I know $607 for that cat on eBay okay so Mercury Stern repair manual s a lot of repair manuals this one's for a boat bad condition on this one but it seemed like it had enough value that I should List It Anyways again something I dropped the price because of the condition to 20 bucks uh and I just listed that a few days ago so I did drop it like $10 CU of condition and it did accelerate away because again it's one of those things like okay the back cover is a little torn that's not what you're going to use you're going to use all the pages inside to help repair your boat so why not save 10 bucks and buy my version I think that's the way the the buyers are thinking about it so sold this Darth Vader case don't buy these these aren't as good as I thought and it's going to be hard to ship so sold this for third I actually knew it wasn't a good buy and I even I walked away and the guy's like do it for this much there's a flea market friend and you know sometimes I overspend with a friend 1349 plus ship he charged me 25 for that and C3PO and I think C3PO listed for 25 so I'll probably lose money on that deal I knew it was a bad buy when I was doing it but I was just trying to help him out cuz he was like really desperate for me to buy it actually someone Tia bought three o snaps for $80 so I'll need to pull two more o snaps cuz I only pulled four and I actually sold seven so that's cool train I sold a train oh the Sears one this one's cool got this at the flea market recently paid five bucks for it and it did sell pretty quick uh I wasn't really buying box cars cuz you know I try to buy engines but this one was unique enough that I was like I'm want to grab that that's cool cuz it's Sears remember Sears guys I think they're still open and Kenmore like logos on it I thought the fact that it was branded was kind of unique so I did grab this one for five sold that pretty quick for 30 on eBay I listed that I think I don't know last week sometime before the highway sale but yeah 30 bucks uh anyways so we did sell on whatnot we sold two items on whatnot first off we sold some makeup literally makeup guys sold on whatnot who have think who have thought um uh let's see here crepe erase crepe erase makeup sold over on whatnot for $15.29 plus shipping they paid five bucks in shipping and then along long a burger basket that I was trying to figure out how to do the offer on I figured it out kind of sort of I went over to notifications and there was something I could click in the notifications to actually accept the offer so I was able to accept that offer on the basket all right so this is a long Burger Basket that's sold it's uh 2007 and it's like uh something of hope uh it's it's in honor of breast cancer awareness hearts of hope I believe is what it is it's got the protector in it it's got the fabric it's all ritzy and stuff it's also got like the little pin on the front so hearts of Hope sold that for $32 plus shipping over on whatnot I did sell two items over on Poshmark as well what is this first thing it's a Octonauts thing cross listing guys pays off pays off for sure oh it's these little pod things I think I have these in a bag over here but yeah I sold these there these are these like little pods it's part of like the Octonaut playet and I sold I think it's a lot of four of them that sold one two three have one more might have been a lot of three I'll go take a look here yeah three but also I included characters uh I don't know if I put them inside the pods or if I have to find them separately I have to find them so as a penguin guy it's probably these three characters right here yeah little penguin um peso this guy I know he wasn't part of it but this guy was a little quasy and then the other one is the blue guy with the blue hat I know this exciting content talking about opiz anyways I sold a lot of three pods with three characters just dropping people's inventory now I do have ninja likee skills cuz of hacky sack so I did I hit my foot and I kind of lifted it a little before it landed so it's in mint condition still anyways that whole lot sold for 30 bucks plus shipping on eBay or on Poshmark I'm sorry we have sold another thing on Poshmark and I've been doing cross listing kind of on my own like I haven't had Mikey over in a while cuz he's busy he's trying to finish out his high school and I've just kind of been doing it as I have time on my phone and stuff uh this Le Crusade lid sold so this a while back and the person cancelled on merari but now it sold on Posh and I got $24 for that plus shipping on Poshmark so you know poshmark's still shipping priority they get they sent this email saying we're still shipping priority for flat rate of I think $7 up to 5 lbs I don't know how they're pulling that off seems kind of crazy seems kind of look another return another return on merari why though cuz those were in mint condition the person is returning the brand new Blu-rays I sent to them brand new Blu-rays why would you return those items are not brand new they were brand new when I sent them would like to return and get a refund he says they're not brand new even though they are all right I guess I'm keeping those cuz he's probably going to send them back opened after viewing the films I don't know so yeah this is the merari new return Poli poliy guys it's a thing it's a real thing it's like it's like eBay it's like eBay although I haven't had any eBay returns in a bit it's been a little while since I had an eBay return knock on wood right cuz now it's going to happen all right so another Dawn pickup here uh where is it it's a little lighted picture of Jesus and it does work I tried it ow not something I would have thought to pick up but she did grab it I don't know what Don paid for it she left it at my house she said she couldn't get it home uh and it's like holographic right like you can see the last supper and then Jesus and if you move it changes so that one Dawn picked up and I think we sold it for $1350 over on merari so I don't know if I'd pick that up it's going to be hard to ship I probably would pass on it personally but it was in my house so I figured why not list it and sell it might as well and then we sold a tailor made Golf Club R seven draw right here I believe is this a five iron or five wood five is this a wood five wood I think so either way sold that over on merari as well for 30 golf clubs do kind of well on uh marari actually so I do like kalistos over there when I can yeah so all types of sales from all oh no oh no my golf store just falling apart the clubs are Falling On My Feet hold on why how does that even happen going to pull these ship these got to take C to art class going to drop them just like everything else4 $44 over on merari sold some returns coming in $51 on Poshmark $48 sold on whatnot and $1,050 sold on eBay so eBay is of course still the champion but it is nice that 50 bucks coming in from all these other platforms too that sort of stuff adds up I'm going to end it here I will let you know in the next video if we figure out who stole this stuff when The Neighbor gets home and we get their footage it'll be really interesting to see when those boxes disappeared hopefully their camera was charged thank you guys for watching make sure you subscribe we'll see you next time
Channel: ADHDave
Views: 15,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay seller, whatnot seller, mercari seller
Id: YD4_u6E1yEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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